Year 2019,
Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 160 - 167, 01.07.2019
Zhana Petkova
Magdalena Stoyanova
Stanko Stankov
Hafize Fidan
Mina Dzhivoderova
Aspasia Pahopoulou
Pavel Merdzhanov
Anna Koleva
Sezai Ercisli
Albena Stoyanova
The chemical composition (lipids, fatty acids, proteins, amino acids,
starch, dietary fiber, sterols and tocopherols) of two Emmer wheat [Triticum dicoccum (Schrank) Schübler=Triticum
dicoccon Schrank] cultivars grown
under the same condition in Greece was analyzed. Starch
accounted for the highest percentage of the detected substances (67.1-69.4%),
followed by proteins (16.1-17.5%) and dietary fiber (ADF 2.1-2.5% and αNDF
5.7-12.0%). The main fatty acids in the lipid fractions (1.36-1.62%) were oleic
(35.4-37.0%), palmitic (28.0-31.5%) and linoleic (23.3-28.9%) acids. g-Tocotrienol (46.1-53.2%), a-tocopherol (28.6-34.4%) and β-tocopherol
(15.9-17.8%) predominated in the tocopherol fraction, and b-sitosterol (61.3-67.0%) and campesterol
(31.3-37.3%) in the sterol fraction. Arginine (10.8-13.2 g/100 g protein), proline (8.7-13.0 g/100 g protein)
and tyrosine (8.3-9.2 g/100 g protein) dominated in the amino acids.
- AOAC. (2016). Official Methods of Analysis of Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 15th edn./20th edn., Arlington, VA. 1990/2016. Method 976.06.
- Arzani, A., Muhamad, A. (2017). Cultivated ancient wheats (Triticum spp.) and a Potential source of health-beneficial food products. Food Science and Food Safety, 16, 477-488.
- BIS (Bulgarian Institute for Standardization) 13488. (1974). Grain. Methods for determination of starch content.
- Castagna, R., Minoia, C., Porfiri, O., Roccetti, G. (1996). Nitrogen level and seeding rate effects on the performance of hulled wheats (Triticum monococcum L., Triticum dicoccum Schubler and Triticum spelta L.) evaluated in contrasting agronomic environments. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 176, 173-181.
- CODEX STAN 210 (2001). Codex Standard For Named Vegetable Oils (CX-STAN 210 – 1999). Codex Alimentarius, 8, 11-25.
- Čurná, V., Lacko-Bartošova, M. (2017). Chemical composition and nutritional value of emmer wheat (Triticum diccoccon Schrank): A review. Journal of Central European Agriculture, 18, 117-134.
- FAO/WHO. (1991). Protein quality evaluation in human diets. Repot of a joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation. FAO Food and Nutrition paper 51. Food and Agriculture Organization Rome.
- Fares, C., Codianni, P., Nigro, F., Platani, C., Scazzina, F., Pellegrini, N. (2008). Processing and cooling effects on chemical and functional properties of pasta obtained from selected emmer genotypes. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 88, 2435-2444.
- Giacintucci, V., Guardeňo, L., Puig, A., Hernando, I., Sacchetti, G., Pittia, P. (2014). Composition, protein contents, and microstructural characterisation of grains and flours of Emmer wheats (Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccum) of the Central Italy type. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 32, 115-121.
- Hejtmankova, K., Lachman, J., Hejtmankova, A., Pivec, V., Janovska, D. (2010). Tocols of selected spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), einkorn wheat (Triticum monococcum L.) and wild emmer (Tritucum dicoccum Schuebl [Schrank]) varieties. Food Chemistry, 123, 1267-1274.
- ISO 18609. (2000). Animal and vegetable fat and oils. Determination of unsaponifiable matter. Method using hexane extraction. International Organization for Standardization.
- ISO 12966-2. (2011). Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Gas chromatography of fatty acid methyl esters. Part 2: Preparation of methyl esters of fatty acids. International Organization for Standardization.
- ISO 659. (2014). Oilseeds. Determination of oil content (Reference method). International Organization for Standardization.
- ISO 12966-1. (2014). Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Gas chromatography of fatty acid methyl esters. Part 1: Guidelines on modern gas chromatography of fatty acid methyl esters. International Organization for Standardization.
- ISO 12228-1. (2014). Part 1: Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of individual and total sterols contents. Gas chromatographic method. International Organization for Standardization.
- ISO 9936. (2016). Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of tocopherol and tocotrienol contents by high-performance liquid chromatography. International Organization for Standardization.
- Konopka, I., Tańska, M., Faron, A., Stępień, A., Wojtkowiak, K. (2012). Comparison of the phenolic compounds, carotenoids and tocochromanols content in wheat grain under organic and mineral fertilization regimes, Molecules, 17, 12341-12356.
- Konvalina, P., Jr. Moudrý, J., Stehno, Z., Moudrý, J. (2008). Amino acid composition of emmer landraces grain. Lucrări Ştiinţifice, 51, 241-249.
- Konvalina, P., Capauchova, I., Stenho, Z., Moudry, J. (2012). Differences in yield parameters of emmer in comparison with old and new varieties of bread wheat. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 7, 986-992.
- Koutis, K. (2015). Selection and evaluation of emmer, einkorn and spelta germplasm in Greece for organic farming adaptability and bakery-nutritional quality. Acta Fytotechnn. Zootechn, 18, 81-82.
- Lachman, J., Miholova, D., Pivec, V., Jiri, K., Janovska, D. (2011). Content of phenolic antioxidants and selenium in grain of einkorn (Triticum monococcum), emmer (Triticum diccoccum) and spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) varieties. Plant, Soil and Environment, 57, 235-243.
- Lacko-Bartošova, M., Čurná, V., Lacko-Bartošova, L. (2015). Emmer-ancient wheat suitable for ecological farming. Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 47, 3-10.
- Lacko - Bartošová, M., Čurná, V. (2015). Nutritional characteristics of emmer wheat varieties. Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology and Food Science, 4, 95-98.
- Nair, B.M., Oste, R., Asp, NG.., Dahlgvist, A. (1976). Enzymatic hydrolysis of food protein for amino acid analysis. I. Solubilization of the protein. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 24, 386-389.
- Nosenko, T. (2017). Comparison of biological value and technological properties of oil seed proteins. Ukrainian Food Journal, 6, 226-238.
- O'Brien, R., Farr, W., Wan, P. (2004). Introduction to fats and oils technology (2nd Edition). AOCS Press Champaign IL. ISBN 978-1893997134
- Popov, A., Ilinov, P. (1986). Chemistry of lipids. “Nauka i Izkustvo”, Sofia, Bulgaria.
- Russian Pharmacopoeia (1990). (11th Edition). Moscow, Russia.
- Serpen, A., Gökmen, V., Karagöz, A., Köksel, H. (2008). Phytochemical quantification and total antioxidant capacities of emmer (Tritucum dicoccon Schrank) and einkorn (Tritucum monococcum L.) wheat landraces. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 56, 7285-7292.
- Suchowilska, E., Wiwart, M., Kandler, W. Krska, R. (2012). A comparison of macro- and microelement concentrations in the whole grain of four Triticum species. Plant, Soil and Environment, 58, 141-147.
- Undersander, D., Mertens, D., Thiex, N. (1993). Forage analyses procedures. Omaha USA National Forage Testing Association P.O. Box 371115 Omaha, NE 68137 (402) 333-7485.
Year 2019,
Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 160 - 167, 01.07.2019
Zhana Petkova
Magdalena Stoyanova
Stanko Stankov
Hafize Fidan
Mina Dzhivoderova
Aspasia Pahopoulou
Pavel Merdzhanov
Anna Koleva
Sezai Ercisli
Albena Stoyanova
- AOAC. (2016). Official Methods of Analysis of Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 15th edn./20th edn., Arlington, VA. 1990/2016. Method 976.06.
- Arzani, A., Muhamad, A. (2017). Cultivated ancient wheats (Triticum spp.) and a Potential source of health-beneficial food products. Food Science and Food Safety, 16, 477-488.
- BIS (Bulgarian Institute for Standardization) 13488. (1974). Grain. Methods for determination of starch content.
- Castagna, R., Minoia, C., Porfiri, O., Roccetti, G. (1996). Nitrogen level and seeding rate effects on the performance of hulled wheats (Triticum monococcum L., Triticum dicoccum Schubler and Triticum spelta L.) evaluated in contrasting agronomic environments. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 176, 173-181.
- CODEX STAN 210 (2001). Codex Standard For Named Vegetable Oils (CX-STAN 210 – 1999). Codex Alimentarius, 8, 11-25.
- Čurná, V., Lacko-Bartošova, M. (2017). Chemical composition and nutritional value of emmer wheat (Triticum diccoccon Schrank): A review. Journal of Central European Agriculture, 18, 117-134.
- FAO/WHO. (1991). Protein quality evaluation in human diets. Repot of a joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation. FAO Food and Nutrition paper 51. Food and Agriculture Organization Rome.
- Fares, C., Codianni, P., Nigro, F., Platani, C., Scazzina, F., Pellegrini, N. (2008). Processing and cooling effects on chemical and functional properties of pasta obtained from selected emmer genotypes. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 88, 2435-2444.
- Giacintucci, V., Guardeňo, L., Puig, A., Hernando, I., Sacchetti, G., Pittia, P. (2014). Composition, protein contents, and microstructural characterisation of grains and flours of Emmer wheats (Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccum) of the Central Italy type. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 32, 115-121.
- Hejtmankova, K., Lachman, J., Hejtmankova, A., Pivec, V., Janovska, D. (2010). Tocols of selected spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), einkorn wheat (Triticum monococcum L.) and wild emmer (Tritucum dicoccum Schuebl [Schrank]) varieties. Food Chemistry, 123, 1267-1274.
- ISO 18609. (2000). Animal and vegetable fat and oils. Determination of unsaponifiable matter. Method using hexane extraction. International Organization for Standardization.
- ISO 12966-2. (2011). Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Gas chromatography of fatty acid methyl esters. Part 2: Preparation of methyl esters of fatty acids. International Organization for Standardization.
- ISO 659. (2014). Oilseeds. Determination of oil content (Reference method). International Organization for Standardization.
- ISO 12966-1. (2014). Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Gas chromatography of fatty acid methyl esters. Part 1: Guidelines on modern gas chromatography of fatty acid methyl esters. International Organization for Standardization.
- ISO 12228-1. (2014). Part 1: Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of individual and total sterols contents. Gas chromatographic method. International Organization for Standardization.
- ISO 9936. (2016). Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of tocopherol and tocotrienol contents by high-performance liquid chromatography. International Organization for Standardization.
- Konopka, I., Tańska, M., Faron, A., Stępień, A., Wojtkowiak, K. (2012). Comparison of the phenolic compounds, carotenoids and tocochromanols content in wheat grain under organic and mineral fertilization regimes, Molecules, 17, 12341-12356.
- Konvalina, P., Jr. Moudrý, J., Stehno, Z., Moudrý, J. (2008). Amino acid composition of emmer landraces grain. Lucrări Ştiinţifice, 51, 241-249.
- Konvalina, P., Capauchova, I., Stenho, Z., Moudry, J. (2012). Differences in yield parameters of emmer in comparison with old and new varieties of bread wheat. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 7, 986-992.
- Koutis, K. (2015). Selection and evaluation of emmer, einkorn and spelta germplasm in Greece for organic farming adaptability and bakery-nutritional quality. Acta Fytotechnn. Zootechn, 18, 81-82.
- Lachman, J., Miholova, D., Pivec, V., Jiri, K., Janovska, D. (2011). Content of phenolic antioxidants and selenium in grain of einkorn (Triticum monococcum), emmer (Triticum diccoccum) and spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) varieties. Plant, Soil and Environment, 57, 235-243.
- Lacko-Bartošova, M., Čurná, V., Lacko-Bartošova, L. (2015). Emmer-ancient wheat suitable for ecological farming. Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 47, 3-10.
- Lacko - Bartošová, M., Čurná, V. (2015). Nutritional characteristics of emmer wheat varieties. Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology and Food Science, 4, 95-98.
- Nair, B.M., Oste, R., Asp, NG.., Dahlgvist, A. (1976). Enzymatic hydrolysis of food protein for amino acid analysis. I. Solubilization of the protein. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 24, 386-389.
- Nosenko, T. (2017). Comparison of biological value and technological properties of oil seed proteins. Ukrainian Food Journal, 6, 226-238.
- O'Brien, R., Farr, W., Wan, P. (2004). Introduction to fats and oils technology (2nd Edition). AOCS Press Champaign IL. ISBN 978-1893997134
- Popov, A., Ilinov, P. (1986). Chemistry of lipids. “Nauka i Izkustvo”, Sofia, Bulgaria.
- Russian Pharmacopoeia (1990). (11th Edition). Moscow, Russia.
- Serpen, A., Gökmen, V., Karagöz, A., Köksel, H. (2008). Phytochemical quantification and total antioxidant capacities of emmer (Tritucum dicoccon Schrank) and einkorn (Tritucum monococcum L.) wheat landraces. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 56, 7285-7292.
- Suchowilska, E., Wiwart, M., Kandler, W. Krska, R. (2012). A comparison of macro- and microelement concentrations in the whole grain of four Triticum species. Plant, Soil and Environment, 58, 141-147.
- Undersander, D., Mertens, D., Thiex, N. (1993). Forage analyses procedures. Omaha USA National Forage Testing Association P.O. Box 371115 Omaha, NE 68137 (402) 333-7485.