Archive policy

Articles published in Selcuk University Journal of Social and Technical Research (e-ISSN: 2146-7226) are digitally archived in LOCKSS. Published articles can be accessed by the author in the institutional archive of the university where he/she works.
Selcuk University Journal of Social and Technical Research uses the LOCKSS system to allow archive creation. The LOCKSS Program is a library-led digital preservation system built on the principle of "securing large numbers of copies".
Selcuk University Journal of Social and Technical Research allows authors to use the final published version (pdf) of an article for self-archiving (author's personal website) and/or archiving in an institutional repository after publication.
Authors can download the output of the article as a PDF document. Authors can send copies of the article to their colleagues without any restrictions.

Version Published in the Journal
Release Type: Open Access
Embargo Period: There is no embargo period.
Open Access License: CC BY-NC 4.0
Copyright Holder: The author(s) protect the copyright.
Archive Location: Institutional Archive, Crossref, Journal Website, Institutional Site, Author's Personal Website, Public and/or Commercial Subject Based Archives.
Policy Conditions: The journal should be cited in accordance with the citation and citation standards. It should be linked to the publisher version with the DOI.

Version Accepted at the End of the Referee Process
Embargo Period: None
Archive Location: Journal Website, Institutional Site, Author's Personal Website, Public and/or Commercial Subject Based Archives.
Copyright Holder: The author(s) protect the copyright.

First Text Submitted to the Journal
Embargo Period: None
Archive Location: Journal Website, Institutional Site, Author's Personal Website, Public and/or Commercial Subject Based Archives.

Permanent Article Identifier: DOI
Selcuk University Journal of Social and Technical Research assigns a DOI number to each article as of June 2023.

Selcuk University Social and Technical Journal requires ORCID IDs to be in article metadata. ORCID ID is an alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies authors.

ROR ID: Selcuk University Social and Technical Research journal assigns a ROR ID number to each article as of June 2023.

Last Update Time: 8/7/23, 3:14:19 PM

Selcuk University Journal of Social and Technical Researches is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).