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Year 2017, , 36 - 41, 01.01.2017


Laktuloz, laktozun izomerizasyonu sonucu oluşan bir
disakkarit olup,
çok değerli bir
fonksiyonel maddedir. Teknolojik olarak öneminin yanı sıra laktulozun birçok
fonksiyonel özelliği de bulunmaktadır. İnce bağırsak mukozasında herhangi bir
değişikliğe uğramadan kalın bağırsağa geçerek öncelikle bifidobakterler gibi
metabolizma için yararlı olan probiyotik bakteriler tarafından kullanılmakta ve
bu bakterilerin gelişimini teşvik etmektedir. Ayrıca patojen bakterilere karşı
probiyotik bakterilerin etkisinin laktuloz katkısı ile ciddi düzeyde
desteklendiği pek çok araştırmada bildirilmektedir. Bu çalışmada laktulozun
tespiti ve eldesinde kullanılan yöntemler ile çeşitli süt ürünlerinde laktuloz
miktarlarına ilişkin bilgilere yer verilmiştir.


  • Aider, M. & Vidal, M. G. (2012). Lactulose synthesis by electro-isomerization of lactose: Effect of lactose concentration and electric current density. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 16, 163-170.
  • Aissa, A.A. & Aider, M. (2014). Electro-catalytic isomerization of lactose into lactulose: The impact of the electric current, temperature and reactor configuration. International DairyJournal, 34, 213-219.
  • Akalın, S. (2002). Laktuloz üretimi, gıda ve farmakoloji endüstrisinde kullanımı. Gıda, 27(6), 475-478.
  • Akın, P. & Erden, B. (2002). Hepatik Ensefalopati. İ.Ü. Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Sürekli Tıp Eğitimi Etkinlikleri. Hepato-Bilier Sistem ve Pankreas Hastalıkları, Sempozyum Dizisi. 28, 111-120.
  • Amine, A., Moscone, D. & Palleschi, G. (2000). Rapid determination of lactulose in milk using Seliwanoff's reaction. Analytical Letters, 33(1), 125-135.
  • Boitz, L.I. & Mayer, H.K. (2015). Evaluation of furosine, lactulose and acid-soluble β-lactoglobulin as time temperature integrators for whipping cream samples at retail in Austria. International Dairy Journal, 50, 24-31.
  • Corzo-Martínez, M., Copoví, P., Olano, A., Moreno, F.J. & Montilla, A. (2013). Synthesis of prebiotic carbohydrates derived from cheese whey permeate by a combined process of isomerisation and transgalactosylation. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 93(7), 1591-1597.
  • De Rafael, D., Calvo, M. & Olano, A. (1996). Determination of low levels of lactulose in milk. Milchwissenschaft, 51, 552-553.
  • Elliott, A.J., Data, N., Amenu, B. & Deeth, H. C. (2005). Heat-induced and other chemical changes in commercial UHT milks. Journal of Dairy Research, 72, 1-5.
  • Flick, J.A., Schnaar, R.L., & Perman, J.A. (1987). Thin-layer chromatographic determination of urinary excretion of lactulose, simplified and applied to cystic fibrosis patients. Clinical Chemistry, 33(7), 1211-1212.
  • Gonzáles, A.S.P., Naranjo, G.B., Malec, L.S. & Vigo, M.S. (2003). Available lysine, protein digestibility and lactulose in commercial infant formulas. International Dairy Journal, 13, 95-99.
  • Guerrero, C., Vera, C., Araya, E., Conejeros, R. & Illanes, A. (2015). Repeated-batch operation for the synthesis of lactulose with β-galactosidase immobilized by aggregation and crosslinking. Bioresource Technology, 190, 122-131.
  • Kavas, G. & Kavas, N. (2011). Laktulozun sağlık üzerindeki etkileri ve kullanım alanları. Dünya Gıda Dergisi, 11(16), 94-97.
  • Marconi, E., Messia, M.C., Amine, A., Moscone, D., Vernezza, F., Stocchi, F. & Palleschi, G. (2004). Heat-treated milk differentiation by a sensitive lactulose assay. Food Chemistry, 84, 447-450.
  • Martinez, M.C., Montilla, A., Perez, R.M., Olano, A., Moreno, F.J. & Villamiel, M. (2014). Impact of high-intensity ultrasound on the formation of lactulose and Maillard reaction glycoconjugates. Food Chemistry, 157, 186-192.
  • Montilla, A., Moreno, F.J. & Olano, A. (2005a). A reliable gas capillary chromatographic determination of lactulose in dairy samples. Chromatographia, 62, 311-314.
  • Montilla, A., Del Castillo, M.D., Sanz, M.L. & Olano, A. (2005b). Eggshell as catalyst of lactose isomerisation to lactulose. Food Chemistry, 90(4), 883-890.
  • Nahla, T.K. & Musa, T.N. (2015). Chemical isomerization of whey lactose to lactulose by using batch reaction. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 14(5), 255-258.
  • Nath, A., Verasztó, B., Basak, S., Koris, A., Kovács, Z. & Vatai, G. (2016). Synthesis of lactose-derived nutraceuticals from dairy waste whey-a Review. Food Bioprocess Technology, 9, 16-48.
  • Nooshkam, M. & Madadlou, A. (2016a). Maillard conjugation of lactulose with potentially bioactive peptides. Food Chemistry, 192, 831-836.
  • Nooshkam, M. & Madadlou, A. (2016b). Microwave-assisted isomerisation of lactose to lactulose and Maillard conjugation of lactulose and lactose with whey proteins and peptides. Food Chemistry, 200, 1-9.
  • Özden, A. (2005). Laktuloz-Prebiyotik. Güncel Gastroenteroloji, 9(4), 209-222.
  • Padilla, B., Frau, F., Ruiz-Matute, A.I., Montilla, A., Belloch, C., Manzanares, P. & Corzo, N. (2015). Production of lactulose oligosaccharides by isomerisation of transgalactosylated cheese whey permeate obtained by β-galactosidases from dairy Kluyveromyces. Journal of Dairy Research, 82, 356-364.
  • Panesar, P.S. & Kumari, S. (2011). Lactulose: Production, purification and potential applications. Biotechnology Advances, 29, 940-948.
  • Pappas, C.S., Sakkas, L., Moschopoulou, E. & Moatsou, G. (2015). Direct determination of lactulose in heat-treated milk using diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy and partial least squares regression. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 68(3), 448-453.
  • Sakkas, L., Moutafi, A., Moschopoulou, E. & Moatsou, G. (2014). Assessment of heat treatment of various types of milk. Food Chemistry, 159, 293-301.
  • Silveira, M.F., Masson, L.M.P., Martins, J.F.P., Álvares, T.S., Paschoalin, V.M.F., Lázaro de la Torre, C. & Conte-Junior, C.A. (2015). Simultaneous determination of lactulose and lactose in conserved milk by HPLC-RID. Journal of Chemistry, 2015, 1-6.
  • Sitanggang, A.B., Drews, A. & Kraume, M. (2015). Influences of operating conditions on continuous lactulose synthesis in an enzymatic membrane reactor system: A basis prior to long-term operation. Journal of Biotechnology, 203, 89-96.
  • Seo, Y.H., Sung, M. & Han J.I. (2016). Lactulose production from cheese whey using recyclable catalyst ammonium carbonate. Food Chemistry, 197, 664-669.
  • Song, Y.S., Lee, H.U., Park, C. & Kim, S.W. (2013a). Batch and continuous synthesis of lactulose from whey lactose by immobilized β-galactosidase. Food Chemistry, 136, 689-694.
  • Song, Y.S., Lee, H.U., Park, C. & Kim, S.W. (2013b). Optimization of lactulose synthesis from whey lactose by immobilized β-galactosidase and glucoseisomerase. Carbohydrate Research, 369, 1-5.
  • Wang, M., Yang, R., Hua, X., Shen, Q., Zhang, W. & Zhao, W. (2015). Lactulose production from lactose by recombinant cellobiose 2-epimerase in permeabilised Escherichia coli cells. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 50, 1625-1631.


Year 2017, , 36 - 41, 01.01.2017


is a disaccharide, which is occurred as a result of isomerization of lactose
and a very valuable functional subtance. There are also several functional
properties of lactulose as well as technological importance. It goes through
the colon without any changes in the intestinal mucosa and used by probiotic
bacteria such as bifidobacteria which are useful for metabolism. Also it
encourages of these bacteria. In addition, it has been reported in many studies
that lactulose has significant support effect on probiotics against pathogen
bacteria. In this study, some informations are given about obtaining and
determining methods of lactulose and also the amount of lactulose in various
dairy products. 


  • Aider, M. & Vidal, M. G. (2012). Lactulose synthesis by electro-isomerization of lactose: Effect of lactose concentration and electric current density. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 16, 163-170.
  • Aissa, A.A. & Aider, M. (2014). Electro-catalytic isomerization of lactose into lactulose: The impact of the electric current, temperature and reactor configuration. International DairyJournal, 34, 213-219.
  • Akalın, S. (2002). Laktuloz üretimi, gıda ve farmakoloji endüstrisinde kullanımı. Gıda, 27(6), 475-478.
  • Akın, P. & Erden, B. (2002). Hepatik Ensefalopati. İ.Ü. Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Sürekli Tıp Eğitimi Etkinlikleri. Hepato-Bilier Sistem ve Pankreas Hastalıkları, Sempozyum Dizisi. 28, 111-120.
  • Amine, A., Moscone, D. & Palleschi, G. (2000). Rapid determination of lactulose in milk using Seliwanoff's reaction. Analytical Letters, 33(1), 125-135.
  • Boitz, L.I. & Mayer, H.K. (2015). Evaluation of furosine, lactulose and acid-soluble β-lactoglobulin as time temperature integrators for whipping cream samples at retail in Austria. International Dairy Journal, 50, 24-31.
  • Corzo-Martínez, M., Copoví, P., Olano, A., Moreno, F.J. & Montilla, A. (2013). Synthesis of prebiotic carbohydrates derived from cheese whey permeate by a combined process of isomerisation and transgalactosylation. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 93(7), 1591-1597.
  • De Rafael, D., Calvo, M. & Olano, A. (1996). Determination of low levels of lactulose in milk. Milchwissenschaft, 51, 552-553.
  • Elliott, A.J., Data, N., Amenu, B. & Deeth, H. C. (2005). Heat-induced and other chemical changes in commercial UHT milks. Journal of Dairy Research, 72, 1-5.
  • Flick, J.A., Schnaar, R.L., & Perman, J.A. (1987). Thin-layer chromatographic determination of urinary excretion of lactulose, simplified and applied to cystic fibrosis patients. Clinical Chemistry, 33(7), 1211-1212.
  • Gonzáles, A.S.P., Naranjo, G.B., Malec, L.S. & Vigo, M.S. (2003). Available lysine, protein digestibility and lactulose in commercial infant formulas. International Dairy Journal, 13, 95-99.
  • Guerrero, C., Vera, C., Araya, E., Conejeros, R. & Illanes, A. (2015). Repeated-batch operation for the synthesis of lactulose with β-galactosidase immobilized by aggregation and crosslinking. Bioresource Technology, 190, 122-131.
  • Kavas, G. & Kavas, N. (2011). Laktulozun sağlık üzerindeki etkileri ve kullanım alanları. Dünya Gıda Dergisi, 11(16), 94-97.
  • Marconi, E., Messia, M.C., Amine, A., Moscone, D., Vernezza, F., Stocchi, F. & Palleschi, G. (2004). Heat-treated milk differentiation by a sensitive lactulose assay. Food Chemistry, 84, 447-450.
  • Martinez, M.C., Montilla, A., Perez, R.M., Olano, A., Moreno, F.J. & Villamiel, M. (2014). Impact of high-intensity ultrasound on the formation of lactulose and Maillard reaction glycoconjugates. Food Chemistry, 157, 186-192.
  • Montilla, A., Moreno, F.J. & Olano, A. (2005a). A reliable gas capillary chromatographic determination of lactulose in dairy samples. Chromatographia, 62, 311-314.
  • Montilla, A., Del Castillo, M.D., Sanz, M.L. & Olano, A. (2005b). Eggshell as catalyst of lactose isomerisation to lactulose. Food Chemistry, 90(4), 883-890.
  • Nahla, T.K. & Musa, T.N. (2015). Chemical isomerization of whey lactose to lactulose by using batch reaction. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 14(5), 255-258.
  • Nath, A., Verasztó, B., Basak, S., Koris, A., Kovács, Z. & Vatai, G. (2016). Synthesis of lactose-derived nutraceuticals from dairy waste whey-a Review. Food Bioprocess Technology, 9, 16-48.
  • Nooshkam, M. & Madadlou, A. (2016a). Maillard conjugation of lactulose with potentially bioactive peptides. Food Chemistry, 192, 831-836.
  • Nooshkam, M. & Madadlou, A. (2016b). Microwave-assisted isomerisation of lactose to lactulose and Maillard conjugation of lactulose and lactose with whey proteins and peptides. Food Chemistry, 200, 1-9.
  • Özden, A. (2005). Laktuloz-Prebiyotik. Güncel Gastroenteroloji, 9(4), 209-222.
  • Padilla, B., Frau, F., Ruiz-Matute, A.I., Montilla, A., Belloch, C., Manzanares, P. & Corzo, N. (2015). Production of lactulose oligosaccharides by isomerisation of transgalactosylated cheese whey permeate obtained by β-galactosidases from dairy Kluyveromyces. Journal of Dairy Research, 82, 356-364.
  • Panesar, P.S. & Kumari, S. (2011). Lactulose: Production, purification and potential applications. Biotechnology Advances, 29, 940-948.
  • Pappas, C.S., Sakkas, L., Moschopoulou, E. & Moatsou, G. (2015). Direct determination of lactulose in heat-treated milk using diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy and partial least squares regression. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 68(3), 448-453.
  • Sakkas, L., Moutafi, A., Moschopoulou, E. & Moatsou, G. (2014). Assessment of heat treatment of various types of milk. Food Chemistry, 159, 293-301.
  • Silveira, M.F., Masson, L.M.P., Martins, J.F.P., Álvares, T.S., Paschoalin, V.M.F., Lázaro de la Torre, C. & Conte-Junior, C.A. (2015). Simultaneous determination of lactulose and lactose in conserved milk by HPLC-RID. Journal of Chemistry, 2015, 1-6.
  • Sitanggang, A.B., Drews, A. & Kraume, M. (2015). Influences of operating conditions on continuous lactulose synthesis in an enzymatic membrane reactor system: A basis prior to long-term operation. Journal of Biotechnology, 203, 89-96.
  • Seo, Y.H., Sung, M. & Han J.I. (2016). Lactulose production from cheese whey using recyclable catalyst ammonium carbonate. Food Chemistry, 197, 664-669.
  • Song, Y.S., Lee, H.U., Park, C. & Kim, S.W. (2013a). Batch and continuous synthesis of lactulose from whey lactose by immobilized β-galactosidase. Food Chemistry, 136, 689-694.
  • Song, Y.S., Lee, H.U., Park, C. & Kim, S.W. (2013b). Optimization of lactulose synthesis from whey lactose by immobilized β-galactosidase and glucoseisomerase. Carbohydrate Research, 369, 1-5.
  • Wang, M., Yang, R., Hua, X., Shen, Q., Zhang, W. & Zhao, W. (2015). Lactulose production from lactose by recombinant cellobiose 2-epimerase in permeabilised Escherichia coli cells. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 50, 1625-1631.
There are 32 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Hatice Şanlıdere Aloğlu

Harun Uran

Publication Date January 1, 2017
Submission Date October 28, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Şanlıdere Aloğlu, H., & Uran, H. (2017). PRODUCTION OF LACTULOSE AND METHODS USED TO DETERMINATION. Food and Health, 3(1), 36-41.


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