Research Article
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Year 2015, , 211 - 219, 14.09.2015


The effect of different types
(wheat fiber (WF) and ap­ple fiber (AF)) of fibers and different sizes of wheat
fi­bers (WF 200 and WF 400) on the quality of fish patties during storage was
determined. Chemical quality (pH, TVB-N mg N/100g, TBA mg malonaldehyde/kg) in­strumental
(color, texture parameters and expressible moisture), sensory, and
microbiological analysis (yeast and mold, total aerobic plate count) of fish
patties were done to determine the effects of the fibers. Functional properties
(WRC and FAC) of dietary fibers were also determined. Group control, WF 200 and
WF 400 ex­ceeded the consumption limits at day 3 while group AF 400 exceeded
the consumption limits at day 5.


  • Aleson-Carbonell, L., Fernández-López, J., Pérez-Alvarez, J.A. Kuri, V. (2005): Functional and Sensory Effects of Fibre-rich Ingredients on Breakfast Fresh Sausages Manufacture. Food Science and Technology International, 11: 89-97.
  • Amtliche, Sammlung von Untersuchungsverfah¬ren (ASU) nach § 35 LMBG 1980. Messung des pH- Wertes in Fleisch und Fleischerzeug¬nissen. Untersuchung von Lebensmitteln, L06.00/2.
  • Ang, J.F. (1991): Water retention capacity and vis¬cosity effect of powdered cellulose. Journal of Food Science, 56(6): 1681-1684.
  • Caprez, A., Arrigoni, E., Amodo, R., Neukom, H. (1986): Influence of different type of thermal treatment on the chemical composition and physical properties of wheat bran. Journal of Cereal Science, 233–239.
  • Chen, H., Rubenthaler, G.L., Leung, H.K. Bar¬anowski, J.O. (1988): Chemical, physical and baking properties of apple fiber compared with wheat and oat bran. Cereal Chemistry, 65(3): 224-247.
  • Cho, S.S., Dreher, M.L. (2001). Handbook of die¬tary fiber. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc.
  • Çoban, Ö.E., Özpolat, E. (2013): the effects of dif¬ferent concentrations of rosemary (Rosma-rinus officinalis) extract on the shelf life of hot-smoked and vacuum-packed luciobarbus esocinus fillets. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 37: 269-274
  • Gomez, M., Ronda, F., Blanco, A., Caballero, P.A., Apesteguia, A. (2003): Effect of dietary fiber on dough rheology and bread quality. European Food Research and Technology, 216: 51-56.
  • Gökoğlu, N. (1994): Balık köftesinin Soğukta De¬polanması, Gıda Dergisi, 19(3): 217-220.
  • Guran, H.S., Oksuztepe, G., Coban, Ö.E., İncili, G.K (2015): Influence of Different Essential Oils on Refrigerated Fish Patties Produced from Bonito Fish (Sarda sarda Bloch, 1793). Czech Journal of Food Science, 33 (1): 37–44.
  • Harrigan, W.F. McCance, M.E. (1976): Labora¬tory methods in food and dairy microbiology. London: Academic Press Inc.
  • Jeon, J., Kamil, J.Y.V.A., Shahidi, F. (2002). Chi¬tosan as an edible invisible film for quality preservation of herring and Atlantic cod. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50: 5167–5178
  • Kilinc, B. (2009): Microbiological, sensory and color changes of anchovy (Engraulis encra-sicholus) patties during refrigerated storage. Journal of Muscle Foods, 20: 129–137
  • Sehgal, H.S., Shahi, M., Sehgal, G.K., Thind, S.S. (2011): Nutritional, microbial and organolep¬tic qualities of fish patties prepared from carp (Cyprinus carpio Linn.) of three weight groups. Journal of Food Science and Tech¬nology. 48: 242-245
  • Jonsson, A., Sigurgisladottir, S., Hafsteinsson, H., Kristbergsson, K. (2001) : Textural proper¬ties of raw Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fil¬lets measured by different methods in com¬parison to expressible moisture. Aquaculture Nutrition, 7: 81-89.
  • Kaba, N., Yücel, Ş, Çorapçı, B. Özer, Ö., Eryasar, K. (2012) : Shelf life of anchovy patties stored at 4°C. Akademik Gıda, 10(4): 19-23.
  • Kebede, E., Mannheim, C.H., Miltz, J. (2007): The TBA method as an index of oxidation of thermally preserved turkey meat in plastic trays and cans. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 22(2): 139-153.
  • Ludorff, W., Meyer, V. (1973): Fische und Fisch¬erzeugnisse. Hamburg-Berlin: Paul Parey Verlag.
  • Massiot, P., Renard, CMGC. (1997): Composi¬tion, Physico-chemical Properties and Enzy¬matic Degradation of Fibres Prepared from Different Tissues of Apple. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft & Technologie, 30: 800–806.
  • Masoodi, F.A., Chauhan, G.S. (1998): Use of ap¬ple pomace as a source of dietary fiber in wheat bread. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 22: 255-263.
  • Masoodi, F.A., Sharma, B., Chauhan G.S. (2002): Use of apple pomace as a source of dieatary fiber in cakes. Plant Foods for Human Nutri¬tion, 57: 121-128.
  • Nyman, M., Palsson, K.E., Asp, N-G. (1987): Ef¬fects of processing on dietary fibre in vegeta-bles. Lebensmittel Wiss Technology, 20: 29-36.
  • Oehlenschlager, J. (1997): Volatile amines as freshness/spoilage indicators, a literature re¬view, In J. B. Luten, T. Borresen, J. Oehlen¬schlager (Eds.). Seafood from producer to consumer, integrated approach to quality: 25th WEFTA International Seafood Confer¬ence. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science B.V. 38: 571–586.
  • Sanchez- Alanso, I., Haji- Maleki R., Borderias, A.J. (2006): Effect of wheat fibre in frozen stored fish muscular gels. European Food Research Technology, 223: 571-576.
  • Sanchez- Alanso, I., Haji- Maleki, R., Borderias, A.J. (2007a): Wheat fiber as a functional in-gredient in restructured fish products. Food Chemistry, 100: 1037-1043.
  • Sanchez- Alonso, I., Solas M.T., Borderias, A.J. (2007b): Technological implications of addi-tion of wheat dietary fibre to giant squid (Do¬sidicus gigas) surimi gels. Journal of Food Engineering, 81: 404-411.
  • Saura-Calixto, F. (1998): Antioxidant Dietary Fi¬ber Product: A New Concept and a Potential Food Ingredient. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 46: 4303-4306.
  • Selgas, M.D., Caceres, E., Garcia, M.L. (2005): Long-chain Soluble Dietary Fibre as Func¬tional Ingredient in Cooked Meat Sausages. Food Science and Technology International, 11: 41-47
  • Schormüller, J. (1968): Handbuch der lebensmit¬tekhemie (Band HI/2). Berlin: Springer.
  • Schormüller, J. (1969): Handbuch der lebensmit¬telchemie (Band IV). Berlin: Springer.
  • Schubring, R., Oehlenschlager, J. (1997): Com¬parison of the ripening process in salted Bal¬tic and North Sea herring as measured by in¬strumental and sensory methods. Zeitschrift für Le0bensmittel-Untersuchung und –For¬schung, 205: 89-92.
  • Schubring, R. (2001): Double freezing of saithe fillets. Influence on sensory and physical at-tributes. Nahrung/Food, 45: 280-285
  • Schubring, R., Meyer, C., Schlüter, C., Bo¬guslawski, S., Knorr, D. (2003): Impact of high pressure assisted thawing on the quality of fillets from various fish species. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 4:257-267.
  • Sudha, M.L., Baskaran, V., Leelavathi, K. (2007): Apple pomace as a source of dietary fiber and polyphenols and its effect on the rheological characteristics and cake making. Food Chem¬istry, 104: 686-692.
  • Tarladgis, B.G., Watts, B.M., Younathan, M.S., Dugan, L.Jr. (1960): A distillation method for the quantitative determination of malo¬naldehyde in rancid foods. Journal of Ameri¬can Oil Chemists Society, 37: 44-48.
  • Thebaudin, J.Y., Lefebvre, A.C., Harrington, M., Bourgeois, C.M. (1997): Dietary fibers: Nu-tritional and Tecnological Interest. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 8: 41-47.
  • Ulrike, L, Janne, L., Maria, F.A., Eija, H.T, Kai, E., Haana, K. (2000): Microbiological qualityand shelf-life of vacuum-packaged gravid rainbow trout stored at 3 and 8°C. Interna¬tional Journal of Food Microbiology, 70: 221-230.
  • Vyncke, W. (1996): Comparison of the official EC method for determination of total volatile ba¬ses in fish with routine methods. Archiv für Lebensmittelhygiene 47:110-112.
  • Yanar, Y. Fenercioglu, H. (1999): The utilization of carp flesh as fish ball. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science. 23: 361-365.
  • Yerlikaya, P., Gökoğlu, N., Uran, H. (2005): Quality changes of fish patties produced from anchovy during refrigerated storage, Euro¬pean Food Research and Technology, 220: 287-291.
Year 2015, , 211 - 219, 14.09.2015



  • Aleson-Carbonell, L., Fernández-López, J., Pérez-Alvarez, J.A. Kuri, V. (2005): Functional and Sensory Effects of Fibre-rich Ingredients on Breakfast Fresh Sausages Manufacture. Food Science and Technology International, 11: 89-97.
  • Amtliche, Sammlung von Untersuchungsverfah¬ren (ASU) nach § 35 LMBG 1980. Messung des pH- Wertes in Fleisch und Fleischerzeug¬nissen. Untersuchung von Lebensmitteln, L06.00/2.
  • Ang, J.F. (1991): Water retention capacity and vis¬cosity effect of powdered cellulose. Journal of Food Science, 56(6): 1681-1684.
  • Caprez, A., Arrigoni, E., Amodo, R., Neukom, H. (1986): Influence of different type of thermal treatment on the chemical composition and physical properties of wheat bran. Journal of Cereal Science, 233–239.
  • Chen, H., Rubenthaler, G.L., Leung, H.K. Bar¬anowski, J.O. (1988): Chemical, physical and baking properties of apple fiber compared with wheat and oat bran. Cereal Chemistry, 65(3): 224-247.
  • Cho, S.S., Dreher, M.L. (2001). Handbook of die¬tary fiber. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc.
  • Çoban, Ö.E., Özpolat, E. (2013): the effects of dif¬ferent concentrations of rosemary (Rosma-rinus officinalis) extract on the shelf life of hot-smoked and vacuum-packed luciobarbus esocinus fillets. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 37: 269-274
  • Gomez, M., Ronda, F., Blanco, A., Caballero, P.A., Apesteguia, A. (2003): Effect of dietary fiber on dough rheology and bread quality. European Food Research and Technology, 216: 51-56.
  • Gökoğlu, N. (1994): Balık köftesinin Soğukta De¬polanması, Gıda Dergisi, 19(3): 217-220.
  • Guran, H.S., Oksuztepe, G., Coban, Ö.E., İncili, G.K (2015): Influence of Different Essential Oils on Refrigerated Fish Patties Produced from Bonito Fish (Sarda sarda Bloch, 1793). Czech Journal of Food Science, 33 (1): 37–44.
  • Harrigan, W.F. McCance, M.E. (1976): Labora¬tory methods in food and dairy microbiology. London: Academic Press Inc.
  • Jeon, J., Kamil, J.Y.V.A., Shahidi, F. (2002). Chi¬tosan as an edible invisible film for quality preservation of herring and Atlantic cod. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50: 5167–5178
  • Kilinc, B. (2009): Microbiological, sensory and color changes of anchovy (Engraulis encra-sicholus) patties during refrigerated storage. Journal of Muscle Foods, 20: 129–137
  • Sehgal, H.S., Shahi, M., Sehgal, G.K., Thind, S.S. (2011): Nutritional, microbial and organolep¬tic qualities of fish patties prepared from carp (Cyprinus carpio Linn.) of three weight groups. Journal of Food Science and Tech¬nology. 48: 242-245
  • Jonsson, A., Sigurgisladottir, S., Hafsteinsson, H., Kristbergsson, K. (2001) : Textural proper¬ties of raw Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fil¬lets measured by different methods in com¬parison to expressible moisture. Aquaculture Nutrition, 7: 81-89.
  • Kaba, N., Yücel, Ş, Çorapçı, B. Özer, Ö., Eryasar, K. (2012) : Shelf life of anchovy patties stored at 4°C. Akademik Gıda, 10(4): 19-23.
  • Kebede, E., Mannheim, C.H., Miltz, J. (2007): The TBA method as an index of oxidation of thermally preserved turkey meat in plastic trays and cans. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 22(2): 139-153.
  • Ludorff, W., Meyer, V. (1973): Fische und Fisch¬erzeugnisse. Hamburg-Berlin: Paul Parey Verlag.
  • Massiot, P., Renard, CMGC. (1997): Composi¬tion, Physico-chemical Properties and Enzy¬matic Degradation of Fibres Prepared from Different Tissues of Apple. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft & Technologie, 30: 800–806.
  • Masoodi, F.A., Chauhan, G.S. (1998): Use of ap¬ple pomace as a source of dietary fiber in wheat bread. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 22: 255-263.
  • Masoodi, F.A., Sharma, B., Chauhan G.S. (2002): Use of apple pomace as a source of dieatary fiber in cakes. Plant Foods for Human Nutri¬tion, 57: 121-128.
  • Nyman, M., Palsson, K.E., Asp, N-G. (1987): Ef¬fects of processing on dietary fibre in vegeta-bles. Lebensmittel Wiss Technology, 20: 29-36.
  • Oehlenschlager, J. (1997): Volatile amines as freshness/spoilage indicators, a literature re¬view, In J. B. Luten, T. Borresen, J. Oehlen¬schlager (Eds.). Seafood from producer to consumer, integrated approach to quality: 25th WEFTA International Seafood Confer¬ence. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science B.V. 38: 571–586.
  • Sanchez- Alanso, I., Haji- Maleki R., Borderias, A.J. (2006): Effect of wheat fibre in frozen stored fish muscular gels. European Food Research Technology, 223: 571-576.
  • Sanchez- Alanso, I., Haji- Maleki, R., Borderias, A.J. (2007a): Wheat fiber as a functional in-gredient in restructured fish products. Food Chemistry, 100: 1037-1043.
  • Sanchez- Alonso, I., Solas M.T., Borderias, A.J. (2007b): Technological implications of addi-tion of wheat dietary fibre to giant squid (Do¬sidicus gigas) surimi gels. Journal of Food Engineering, 81: 404-411.
  • Saura-Calixto, F. (1998): Antioxidant Dietary Fi¬ber Product: A New Concept and a Potential Food Ingredient. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 46: 4303-4306.
  • Selgas, M.D., Caceres, E., Garcia, M.L. (2005): Long-chain Soluble Dietary Fibre as Func¬tional Ingredient in Cooked Meat Sausages. Food Science and Technology International, 11: 41-47
  • Schormüller, J. (1968): Handbuch der lebensmit¬tekhemie (Band HI/2). Berlin: Springer.
  • Schormüller, J. (1969): Handbuch der lebensmit¬telchemie (Band IV). Berlin: Springer.
  • Schubring, R., Oehlenschlager, J. (1997): Com¬parison of the ripening process in salted Bal¬tic and North Sea herring as measured by in¬strumental and sensory methods. Zeitschrift für Le0bensmittel-Untersuchung und –For¬schung, 205: 89-92.
  • Schubring, R. (2001): Double freezing of saithe fillets. Influence on sensory and physical at-tributes. Nahrung/Food, 45: 280-285
  • Schubring, R., Meyer, C., Schlüter, C., Bo¬guslawski, S., Knorr, D. (2003): Impact of high pressure assisted thawing on the quality of fillets from various fish species. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 4:257-267.
  • Sudha, M.L., Baskaran, V., Leelavathi, K. (2007): Apple pomace as a source of dietary fiber and polyphenols and its effect on the rheological characteristics and cake making. Food Chem¬istry, 104: 686-692.
  • Tarladgis, B.G., Watts, B.M., Younathan, M.S., Dugan, L.Jr. (1960): A distillation method for the quantitative determination of malo¬naldehyde in rancid foods. Journal of Ameri¬can Oil Chemists Society, 37: 44-48.
  • Thebaudin, J.Y., Lefebvre, A.C., Harrington, M., Bourgeois, C.M. (1997): Dietary fibers: Nu-tritional and Tecnological Interest. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 8: 41-47.
  • Ulrike, L, Janne, L., Maria, F.A., Eija, H.T, Kai, E., Haana, K. (2000): Microbiological qualityand shelf-life of vacuum-packaged gravid rainbow trout stored at 3 and 8°C. Interna¬tional Journal of Food Microbiology, 70: 221-230.
  • Vyncke, W. (1996): Comparison of the official EC method for determination of total volatile ba¬ses in fish with routine methods. Archiv für Lebensmittelhygiene 47:110-112.
  • Yanar, Y. Fenercioglu, H. (1999): The utilization of carp flesh as fish ball. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science. 23: 361-365.
  • Yerlikaya, P., Gökoğlu, N., Uran, H. (2005): Quality changes of fish patties produced from anchovy during refrigerated storage, Euro¬pean Food Research and Technology, 220: 287-291.
There are 40 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Aslı Cadun

Şükran Çaklı

Duygu Kışla

Tolga Dinçer

Ömer Alper Erdem

Publication Date September 14, 2015
Submission Date July 13, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


APA Cadun, A., Çaklı, Ş., Kışla, D., Dinçer, T., et al. (2015). EFFECTS OF FIBERS ON THE QUALITY OF FISH PATTIES STORED AT (0-4ºC). Food and Health, 1(4), 211-219.


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