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Sous vide ve geleneksel pişirme yöntemlerinin kabak ve yeşil fasulyenin renk özellikleri ve antioksidan kapasitesine etkisinin karşılaştırılması

Year 2023, , 37 - 42, 01.01.2023


Pişirme işleminin sebzelerin fiziksel ve kimyasal özelliklerinde değişimlere yol açtığı bilinmektedir. Yeşil fasulye ve kabak Türk mutfağında yaygın bir kullanım alanına sahiptir. Bu çalışmanın amacı Sous vide (SV) ile geleneksel pişirme (haşlama ve buharda) yöntemlerinin yeşil fasulye ve kabağın renk özellikleri ve antioksidan kapasitesine etkilerinin karşılaştırılmasıdır. Taze ve 3 farklı pişirme yöntemi uygulanmış sebze örneklerinin renk özellikleri (L*, a* ve b*), toplam fenolik madde miktarı (TFM), 2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil (DPPH) radikal temizleme aktivitesi ve demir (III) iyonu indirgeme antioksidan gücü belirlenmiştir. Pişirme işlemi sonrası sebzelerin parlaklık değerlerinde azalma ve kırmızılık-yeşillik değerlerinde artışlar gözlenmiştir. Sebzelerin TFM içeriğinin en iyi korunduğu pişirme yönteminin SV yöntemi olduğu belirlenmiştir. Pişirme yöntemlerinin antioksidan kapasiteye etkisinin sebze çeşidine göre farklılıklar gösterdiği de belirlenmiştir. Kabak örnekleri için haşlama yönteminde yeşil fasulye örnekleri için buharda pişirme yönteminde en yüksek antioksidan kapasite değeri elde edilmiştir.

Supporting Institution

Bu çalışma GÜBAP 2907: Lisansüstü Öğrenci Destek Programı tarafından desteklenmiştir.

Project Number



  • Baltalı, B., Akoğlan Kozak, M. (2017). “Sous-Vide” Tekniğinin Pişirme Süreci Kapsamında Değerlendirilmesi Evaluation of “Sous-Vide” Technique in the Scope of Cooking Process. Aydın Gastronomy, 5(1), 13-33.
  • Coşansu, S., Kıymetli, Ö. (2016). Sous Vide Pişirme Yönteminin Sebzelerin Besin Değerleri Üzerine Etkisi. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 4(11), 919.
  • Danesi, F., Bordoni, A. (2008). Effect of home freezing and italian style of cooking on antioxidant activity of edible vegetables. Journal of Food Science, 73(6).
  • dos Reis, L.C.R., de Oliveira, V.R., Hagen, M.E.K., Jablonski, A., FlÔres, S.H., de Oliveira Rios, A. (2015). Carotenoids, flavonoids, chlorophylls, phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity in fresh and cooked broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. Avenger) and cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. Alphina F1). LWT, 63(1), 177-183.
  • Ferracane, R., Pellegrini, N., Visconti, A., Graziani, G., Chiavaro, E., Miglio, C., Fogliano, V. (2008). Effects of different cooking methods on antioxidant profile, antioxidant capacity, and physical characteristics of artichoke. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56(18), 8601-8608.
  • Guillén, S., Mir-Bel, J., Oria, R., Salvador, M. L. (2017). Influence of cooking conditions on organoleptic and health-related properties of artichokes, green beans, broccoli and carrots. Food Chemistry, 217, 209-216.
  • Jiménez-Monreal, A.M., García-Diz, L., Martínez-Tomé, M., Mariscal, M., Murcia, M.A. (2009). Influence of cooking methods on antioxidant activity of vegetables. Journal of Food Science, 74(3).
  • Kaur, C., Kapoor, H.C. (2001). Review Antioxidants in fruits and vegetables ± the millennium’s health. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 36, 703-725. Lafarga, T., Bobo, G., Viñas, I., Zudaire, L., Simó, J., Aguiló-Aguayo, I. (2018). Steaming and sous-vide: Effects on antioxidant activity, vitamin C, and total phenolic content of Brassica vegetables. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 13, 134-139.
  • Lafarga, T., Viñas, I., Bobo, G., Simó, J., Aguiló-Aguayo, I. (2018b). Effect of steaming and sous vide processing on the total phenolic content, vitamin C and antioxidant potential of the genus Brassica. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 47, 412-420.
  • Miglio, C., Chiavaro, E., Visconti, A., Fogliano, V., Pellegrini, N. (2008). Effects of different cooking methods on nutritional and physicochemical characteristics of selected vegetables. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56(1), 139-147.
  • Turkmen, N., Sari, F., Velioglu, Y.S. (2005). The effect of cooking methods on total phenolics and antioxidant activity of selected green vegetables. Food Chemistry, 93(4), 713-718.
  • Wachtel-Galor, S., Wong, K.W., Benzie, I.F.F. (2008). The effect of cooking on Brassica vegetables. Food Chemistry, 110(3), 706-710.

Comparision of the effect of sous vide with traditional cooking methods on color properties and antioxidant capacity of zucchini and green bean

Year 2023, , 37 - 42, 01.01.2023


Cooking process is known to cause changes in the physical and chemical properties of vegetables. Green beans and zucchini are widely used in Turkish cuisine. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of Sous vide (SV) with traditional cooking (boiling and steaming) methods on the color properties and antioxidant capacity of green beans and zucchini. Color characteristics (L*, a* and b*), total phenolics content (TPC), 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazil (DPPH) radical scavenging activity and iron (III) ion reduction antioxidant power of fresh and cooked vegetables by 3 different cooking methods were determined. After the cooking process, a decrease in the lightness values and an increase in the redness-greenness values were observed. It was determined that the TPC of the vegetables was best preserved in the SV method. The effects of cooking methods on the antioxidant capacity were determined to differ according to the vegetable variety. The highest antioxidant capacity value was obtained for the zucchini samples in the boiling method and for the green bean samples in the steaming method.

Project Number



  • Baltalı, B., Akoğlan Kozak, M. (2017). “Sous-Vide” Tekniğinin Pişirme Süreci Kapsamında Değerlendirilmesi Evaluation of “Sous-Vide” Technique in the Scope of Cooking Process. Aydın Gastronomy, 5(1), 13-33.
  • Coşansu, S., Kıymetli, Ö. (2016). Sous Vide Pişirme Yönteminin Sebzelerin Besin Değerleri Üzerine Etkisi. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 4(11), 919.
  • Danesi, F., Bordoni, A. (2008). Effect of home freezing and italian style of cooking on antioxidant activity of edible vegetables. Journal of Food Science, 73(6).
  • dos Reis, L.C.R., de Oliveira, V.R., Hagen, M.E.K., Jablonski, A., FlÔres, S.H., de Oliveira Rios, A. (2015). Carotenoids, flavonoids, chlorophylls, phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity in fresh and cooked broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. Avenger) and cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. Alphina F1). LWT, 63(1), 177-183.
  • Ferracane, R., Pellegrini, N., Visconti, A., Graziani, G., Chiavaro, E., Miglio, C., Fogliano, V. (2008). Effects of different cooking methods on antioxidant profile, antioxidant capacity, and physical characteristics of artichoke. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56(18), 8601-8608.
  • Guillén, S., Mir-Bel, J., Oria, R., Salvador, M. L. (2017). Influence of cooking conditions on organoleptic and health-related properties of artichokes, green beans, broccoli and carrots. Food Chemistry, 217, 209-216.
  • Jiménez-Monreal, A.M., García-Diz, L., Martínez-Tomé, M., Mariscal, M., Murcia, M.A. (2009). Influence of cooking methods on antioxidant activity of vegetables. Journal of Food Science, 74(3).
  • Kaur, C., Kapoor, H.C. (2001). Review Antioxidants in fruits and vegetables ± the millennium’s health. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 36, 703-725. Lafarga, T., Bobo, G., Viñas, I., Zudaire, L., Simó, J., Aguiló-Aguayo, I. (2018). Steaming and sous-vide: Effects on antioxidant activity, vitamin C, and total phenolic content of Brassica vegetables. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 13, 134-139.
  • Lafarga, T., Viñas, I., Bobo, G., Simó, J., Aguiló-Aguayo, I. (2018b). Effect of steaming and sous vide processing on the total phenolic content, vitamin C and antioxidant potential of the genus Brassica. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 47, 412-420.
  • Miglio, C., Chiavaro, E., Visconti, A., Fogliano, V., Pellegrini, N. (2008). Effects of different cooking methods on nutritional and physicochemical characteristics of selected vegetables. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56(1), 139-147.
  • Turkmen, N., Sari, F., Velioglu, Y.S. (2005). The effect of cooking methods on total phenolics and antioxidant activity of selected green vegetables. Food Chemistry, 93(4), 713-718.
  • Wachtel-Galor, S., Wong, K.W., Benzie, I.F.F. (2008). The effect of cooking on Brassica vegetables. Food Chemistry, 110(3), 706-710.
There are 12 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Sena Nur Yılmaz 0000-0001-7044-7412

Huri İlyasoğlu 0000-0001-5710-2954

Project Number 20E3107.07.01
Publication Date January 1, 2023
Submission Date September 12, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Yılmaz, S. N., & İlyasoğlu, H. (2023). Sous vide ve geleneksel pişirme yöntemlerinin kabak ve yeşil fasulyenin renk özellikleri ve antioksidan kapasitesine etkisinin karşılaştırılması. Food and Health, 9(1), 37-42.


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