Writing Rules

In the article, whether there is a direct-indirect commercial link or an institution that provides financial support for the study should be stated by filling in the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) conflict of interest form and uploading it to the system. You can download the conflict of interest declaration form here. Copyright transfer form and author contribution forms should also be uploaded to the system for all articles, including single-author articles. Here is a Word template for authors.

1) Articles will be sent as written in Word.

2) The title of the article should be at least 3 and at most 15 words.
3) In research articles, there should be Abstract, Keywords, Öz (in the orginal language of the article). Anahtar Kelimeler (in the orginal language of the article) Introduction, 2. Material and Methods, 2.1. Type of Research, 2.2. Place and Time of Research, 2.3. Population, Sample and Sampling Method of Research, 2.4. Data Collection Tools, 2.5. Data Collection, 2.6. Ethical Considerations, 2.7. Statistical Analysis, 3. Results, 4. Discussion, 5. Conclusion and Sugestions, References sections. In review articles there should be Abstract, Keywords, Öz (in the orginal language of the article). Anahtar Kelimeler (in the orginal language of the article) Introduction, 2. Literature Review, 3. Conclusion and Sugestions, References sections. In case reports also there should be Abstract, Keywords, Öz (in the orginal language of the article), Anahtar Kelimeler (in the orginal language of the article), 1. Introduction, 2. The Case, 3. Conlusioın and Sugestions, References sections.

4) The sections abovementioned should be written with 11pt and bold.
5) There should be a space after the dot of Abstract, 1. Introduction, 2. Material and Methods, 2.1. Type of Research,2.2. Place and Time of Research,  Conclusion and Sugestions titles.
6) The titles under the main titles should follow the main heading number. (For example, titles to be placed under the title of 2. Materials and Methods should continue with only the first letter capitalized, 2.1. The first subtitle of the second title, 2.2. ...., 2.3. .... etc.)

7) In the abstract, there should be introduction, aim, material and methods, results, conclusion and sugestions, higlights sections no more than 250 words for research articles, 200 words for reviews and 150 words 
8) For the articles it should be used at most the second level subtitle.
9) According to the content of the article, "Research Article", "Review Article" or "Case Report" etc. headings will be placed on the first line of the article in 11pt, right aligned.
10) The body text of the entire article will be justified, 11pt, single line spacing, only "10pt added after paragraphs".
11) Author / s names will be written in capital letters and surnames in capital letters. Semicolons should be used between multiple authors. (For example; Name SURNAME. Or Name SURNAME1; Name SURNAME2.) If there is a title in front of the names, Dr. can be written. Titles other than this are not included.

12) At the end of each author's name, numbers should be given in accordance with the author's order and these numbers should be marked as superscript. (For example; Name SURNAME1. Or Name SURNAME1; Name SURNAME2.)
13) The title in the language of the article should be written in 11pt bold, then the spelling in the other language in which the title is presented should be separated with an apostrophe (/) normal and italic. (For example; Article Title / Makale Başlığı)
14) Under the title, the institution and e-mail addresses of the authors and the orcid numbers should be given, separated by 9 pt and comma respectively. (For example; 1. Qwerty University, abcd@efgh.edu.tr,orcid no: 0000-0000-0002-1234)
15) Received xx.xx.20xx, Accepted: xx.xx.20xx, Date of Issue: xx.xx.20xx, DOI: 10.25279 / sak.xxxxxx. information should be written at the bottom line of the contact information with 9pt. It is the author's responsibility to indicate the date of submission and deliver the article on the relevant date.
16) Below the information above, "Atıf / Reference:" information should be written in 9pt, but the journal volume, number and page number information should be left as xx. (For example; Reference: "SURNAME, A; SECOND AUTHOR, B. (2019). Title of the Article. Health Academy Kastamonu (SAK), x (x), sx-x." The journal name should be written as Health Academy Kastamonu (HAK).
17) Fields left blank as "x" in article submission should be highlighted in yellow text.
18) Keywords should be written with a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 words, with the first letters capitalized and separated by commas.
19) The abstract prepared in structured format includes 250 words; The entire article should not exceed 8000 words, excluding references, tables and abstract. 
20) The names of the tables to be used should be written on the table in the form of "Table 1. Name of the Table Used", with the first letters capital, bold and 11pt. It is the responsibility of the author to present the table with 11pt in a comprehensible manner that will not overflow from the writing area, that words will not be divided. Attention should be paid to the table references in the text, if necessary, the table should be divided in accordance with the flow of the text. During the typesetting stage, design editors can make the location of the table suitable for publication, but do not make any corrections.
21) The abbreviations in the table are given as 9pt under the table. The order of *, **, ***… is followed in the explanation of more than one abbreviation.
22) Shapes are all graphics, drawings, visuals, etc. In short, it covers all auxiliary uses outside the table.
23) The names of the figures should be written in the form of "Figure 1. Name of the Figure" with capital letters, bold letters and 11pt below the figure.
24) Attention should be paid to the APA 6th format in the citations to be made in the article, and care should be taken to indicate the page number of the cited source.
25) At the end of the article, under the title of declarations, it should be explained with a sentence starting with the symbol * whether the article was previously presented, derived from the thesis, partially published or not, whether it is part of another study or financially supported by any institution or organization. If the article is produced from a thesis, identification ( title, institute, place, year, author) should be given. These informations should be given in 9pt, italic and justified. In addition, it should be declared whether there is a study requiring ethics committee approval, if any, the institution, date and number of the ethics committee should be specified. Information on ethics committee approval should be highlighted in the text in yellow. (For example; The study was carried out with the permission of the ethics committee given by Qwerty University's letter dated 10.11.2019, numbered 2019 / 2456.2665.) It is the author's responsibility to upload and send a copy of the ethics committee permission to the system.
26) After references are written in 11pt, the relevant sources should be written in APA6th format and in alphabetical order (for more information see: https://apastyle.apa.org/learn/tutorials/basics-tutorial, for examples https://libguides.library.usyd.edu.au/c.php?g=508212&p=3476096). References should be written as 11pt, justified, single line spacing, with 10pt attached after the paragraph, as in the body text.
27) At the end of the article, under the heading of Declarations, whether the article was produced from the thesis, whether it was presented as an oral / poster presentation at any meeting, the full text and / or abstract was printed in the proceedings booklets, and any support was received from any institution / organization / person, if support was received. The type of support received and the protocol number, whether there is a conflict of interest between the authors, and author contributions should be explained. If it is not produced from the thesis study, it should be written "not produced from the thesis study". If there is no conflict of interest, the phrase "the authors have not declared any conflict of interest" should be included.
28) At the end of the article, after the Statement title, under the title of Ethical Explanations, the information given under the title of ethical dimension of the research should be given again. If the ethics committee approval has been obtained in both titles, the name of the institution that gave the permission, the date of the permission and the protocol number should be written. If the approval of the ethics committee is not obtained, the reason should be explained in line with scientific principles. In addition, it should be stated whether informed consent was obtained from the participants, whether participation in the study was voluntary and whether the Helsinki declaration was followed throughout the study.
In the article, whether there is a direct-indirect commercial link or an institution that provides financial support for the study should be stated by filling in the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) conflict of interest form and uploading it to the system. Conflict of interest declaration form can be found here (https://dergipark.org.tr/download/journal-
file/9008). Conflict of Interest Notification Form (COI form) can be opened with Acrobat Reader Pro and filled in electronically. Click here (https://acrobat.adobe.com/tr/tr/free-trial-download.html) to download the trial version of the relevant program.

29. In the articles for which correction is requested, the corrected part should be highlighted by coloring.

Health Academy Kastamonu is included in the class of 1-b journals (journals scanned in international indexes other than SCI, SSCI, SCI-expanded, ESCI) according to UAK associate professorship criteria. HEALTH ACADEMY KASTAMONU Journal cover is registered by the Turkish Patent Institute.