Writing Rules


Articles must be uploaded to the system from the Dergipark. However, if there is a problem while uploading to the system, articles can also be sent via e-mail to proponticajournal@omu.edu.tr

The article submitted for publication to PROPONTICA journal must not have been published or applied for publication in another journal/book. There is no page limit for the articles to be published in PROPONTICA journal. However, the editorial board of the publication may express an opinion to shorten the work without losing its quality.

The name and surname of the author(s), their academic title, the name of the institution, correspondence and e-mail address and telephone numbers should be stated completely in the application form. It is also mandatory for authors to have their ORCID number in their articles.

The articles submitted for publication to PROPONTICA journal are expected to comply with the writing rules of the journal and the spelling, punctuation, and general rules of the language in which they are written.

Before submitting your article to PROPONTICA journal, please edit your article exactly in accordance with the following writing rules;

Articles should be written in Microsoft Word 2010 and later format. The text of the article should be written in A4 size paper, with 2.5 cm margins on all four sides by using the Times New Roman font with 12-point font size for body text and headers, and 10-point font size for the abstract and footnotes. New Athena Unicode/Minion Pro Display or Athena Ruby font should be used for Greek or other special characters in the article. The New Athena Unicode font style can be downloaded from http://apagreekkeys.org/NAUdownload.html, and the Athena Ruby font style can be downloaded from https://www.doaks.org/resources/athena-ruby.

Only the abbreviation (Fig.) should be used for all visual data such as pictures, drawings, and maps to be used in articles, and it is necessary to pay regard to continuity in the numbering of figures. Therefore, different expressions and abbreviations such as plates, pictures, drawings, figures, and maps should not be used. All figures used in the article must be uploaded to the system, regardless of the text, in the .jpeg or .tiff format, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.

Articles can be written in Turkish and English. An abstract and title in English and Turkish should be included in the article. The abstract of the article should neatly narrate the aim, scope, method, results, highlights, and eigin value of the study and should be between 200-350 words. Furthermore, 5 keywords should be added under the abstracts of the articles. 

The title of the article should reflect the content of the study and should be written in capital letters and a bold using Times New Roman, 12-point font size. The subtitles in the article should be written using lowercase letters and a bold Times New Roman 12-point font size. The article must have a conclusion section.

Footnotes should be given at the bottom of each page with continuous numerical order from the beginning to the end of the article. The references section should be at the end of the article. Footnotes and references should be given in accordance with the references and footnotes display guide below.

AJA Abbreviations should be used for the abbreviations of periodicals (https://www.ajaonline.org/submissions/journals-series). The full name of the periodicals not included in this list should be openly written.


Footnote Display

Book by a single author
Boardman 2001, 25.

Book by two authors
Sagona – Zimansky 2015, 26.

Book by three or more authors
Blegen et. al. 1950, 59.

Citation for an author with more than one cited publication within the same year
Philippson 1910a, 55.
Philippson 1910b, 32.

Ancient Greek and Latin Auhtors and Works
Strabon, XIII. 1, 4.

Epigraphic Corpora
BMC Mysia, 77-126.

Electronic Sources
RPC IX (https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/search/browse?q=parion)

References Display

Book by a single author
Boardman 2001, Boardman, J., Yunan Heykeli Arkaik Dönem, İstanbul.

Book by two authors
Cook - Dupont 1998, Cook, R.M. - Dupont, P., East Greek Pottery, London.

Book by three or more authors
Fol et. al. 1986, Fol, A. - Chichikova, M. - Ivanov, T. – Teofilov, T., The Thracian Tomb near the Village of Sveshtari, Sofia.

Chapter in an edited work
Mackil 2014, Mackil, E., “Ethnos and Koinon”, A Companion to Ethnicity in the Ancient Mediterranean, (ed. J. McInerney), Oxford, 270-284.

Journal article
Hasluck 1909, Hasluck, F.W., “The Marmara Islands”, Journal of Hellenic Studies, 29, 6-18.

Articles by two authors
Akurgal - Budde 1955, Akurgal, E. - Budde, L., “Summary of Archaeological Work in Turkey, 1954”, Anatolian Studies 5, 13-23.

Articles by three or more authors
Hermary et. al. 1986, Hermary, A. - Cassimatis, H. - Vollkommer, R., “Eros”, LIMC III, I, 850-642.

Papers in proceeding books
Keleş 2011, Keleş, V., “Parion History from Coins”, XIV International Numismatic Congress Proceedings, Glasgow 2009, London, 237-245.

Epigraphic Corpora
BMC Mysia, British Museum Catalogues of Greek Coins: Mysia, Bologna.

Thesis-Dissertation (PhD & MA)
Başaran 1987, Başaran, C., Anadolu Mimari Bezemeleri: Roma Çağı Lotus-Palmet Örgesi, (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation), Atatürk University Graduate School of Social Sciences, Erzurum.

Translated Works
Ramsay 1960, Ramsay, W.M., Anadolu’nun Tarihi Coğrafyası, (trans. M. Pektaş), İstanbul.

Ancient Greek and Latin Auhtors and Works
Strabon, Geographika: Antik Anadolu Coğrafyası, Kitap: XII, XIII, XIV (trans. A. Pekman), İstanbul, 2000.

Electronic Sources
RPC, Roman Provincial Coinage, http://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/. Accessed 30 August 2021.

Last Update Time: 3/30/24, 9:04:20 AM


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