Research Article
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Food safety knowledge levels of gastronomy/culinary arts students and food workers in Southern Turkey

Year 2021, , 203 - 215, 01.07.2021


This research was aimed to analyze the food safety knowledge levels between gastronomy and culinary arts students and food workers in the Çukurova Region of Turkey. A total of 155 participants (80 students, 75 food workers) have participated in this cross-sectional study. The overall knowledge scores of food workers and the students were 89.33% and 78.89% respectively, and food workers have more scores in all sections (p<0.001). Hygiene certification, occupation, and working establishments had a significant association with total food safety scores; however, gender, marital status, age, education level, frequency of hygiene education, working experience, monthly income had no significant association with their scores (p>0.05). A positive correlation was found between gender, education status, hygiene certification, and frequency of receiving hygiene education; but no correlation was found between working in any food business, graduated high schools, and age of the students (p>0.05). More knowledge gaps of both groups have been found about time-temperature control, holding/storage temperature, and cross-contamination. Finally, it is important to measure the reflection of the hygiene training on practices and to make it regular in ensuring food safety.


The author is thankful for the catering kitchens and kebap restaurants staffs and gastronomy and culinary arts students who participated in this research.


  • Akoğlu, A., Tuncer, T. (2017). The level of food safety knowledge of gastronomy and culınary arts students in Turkey. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch, 2(6), 2456-8643.
  • Al-Kandari, D., Al-abdeen, J., Sidhu, J. (2019). Food safety knowledge attitudes, and practices of food handlers in restaurants in Kuwait. Food Control, 103, 103-110.
  • Alqurashi, N. A., Priyadarshini, A., Jaiswal, A. K. (2019). Evaluating food safety knowledge, and practices among foodservice staff in Al Madinah hospitals, Saudi Arabia. Safety, 5(1), 9.
  • Al-Shabib, N.A., Mosilhey, S.H., Husain, F.M. (2016). Cross-sectional study on food safety knowledge, attitude, and practices of male food handlers employed in restaurants of King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. Food Control, 59, 212-217.
  • Anonymous (2013). Hygiene Education Regulation: Official Gazette, Number: 28698, History; July 5, Ankara.
  • Baş, M., Ersun, A.Ş., Kıvanç, G. (2006). The evaluation of food hygiene knowledge, attitudes, and practices of food handlers' in food businesses in Turkey. Food Control, 17(4), 317-322.
  • Clayton, D.A., Griffith, C.J., Price, P., Peters, A.C. (2002). Food handlers’ beliefs and self-reported practices. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 12, 25-39. (Ed.), (Rev. 4 ed.).
  • Çakıroğlu, F.P., Uçar, A. (2008). Employees’ perception of hygiene in the catering industry in Ankara (Turkey). Food Control, 19(1), 9-15.
  • Da Cunha, D.T., Stedefeldt, E., de Rosso, V.V. (2014). The role of theoretical food safety training on Brazilian food handlers’ knowledge, attitude and practice. Food Control, 43, 167-174.
  • Darko, S., Mills-Robertson, F.C., Wireko-Manu, F.D. (2015). Evaluation of some hotel kitchen staff on their knowledge on food safety and kitchen hygiene in the Kumasi Metropolis. International Food Research Journal, 22(6), 2664-2669.
  • Draeger, C.L., Akutsu, R.D.C.C.D.A., Zandonadi, R.P., Da Silva, I.C.R., Botelho, R.B.A., Araújo, W.M.C. (2019). Brazilian foodborne disease national survey: Evaluating the landscape after 11 years of implementation to advance research, policy, and practice in public. Nutrients, 11(1), 40.
  • EC (2004). Regulation (EC) No.852/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs. Official Journal of the European Union, L226/3, 25 June.
  • EFSA and ECDC (2015). The European Union summary report on trends and sources of zoonoses, zoonotic agents, and food-borne outbreaks in 2013, European Food Safety Authority and European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. EFSA Journal, 13(1), 1-162.
  • Ertopcu, İ., Avcıkurt, A., Çetinkaya, T. (2019). Aşçılık programı öğrencilerinin hijyen bilgi düzeyleri üzerine bir araştırma (A research on the hygiene knowledge levels of culinary program students). Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 2187, 2203.
  • Giritlioglu, I., Batman, O., Tetik, N. (2011). The knowledge and practice of food safety and hygiene of cookery students in Turkey. Food Control, 22(6), 838-842.
  • Gomes-Neves, E., Antunes, P., Manageiro, V., Gärtner, F., Caniça, M., da Costa, J.M.C., Peixe, L. (2014). Clinically relevant multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica in swine and meat handlers at the abattoir. Veterinary Microbiology, 168(1), 229-233.
  • Gong, S., Wang, X., Yang, Y., Bai, L. (2016). Knowledge of food safety, and handling in households: A survey of food handlers in Mainland China. Food Control, 64, 45-53.
  • Griffith, C.J., Livesey, K.M., Clayton, D. (2010). The assessment of food safety culture. British Food Journal, 112(4), 439-456.
  • Güven, E. (2010). A study on the determination of nutrition habits and food safety knowledge of individuals from different education and income levels living in Yalova province. Tekirdağ, Turkey: Namık Kemal University, Institute of Science, MSc. thesis. Accessed from higher education institution national thesis center database (283196).
  • Lund, B.M. (2015). Microbiological food safety for vulnerable people. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12(8), 10117-10132.
  • Marriott, N.G., Gravani, R.B. (2006). Foodservice sanitation. Principles of Food Sanitation, 371-391. Springer, food Science Text Series, Book Series, 1995-2021.
  • Mehta, S. (2020). Nutritional status and COVID-19: an opportunity for lasting change? Clinical Medicine. 20(3), 270-273.
  • Ncube, F., Kanda, A., Chijokwe, M., Mabaya, G., Nyamugure, T. (2020). Food safety knowledge, attitudes and practices of restaurant food handlers in a lower‐middle‐income country. Food Science & Nutrition, 8(3), 1677-1687.
  • Osaili, T.M., Obeidat, B.A., Jamous, D.O.A., Bawadi, H.A. (2011). Food safety knowledge, and practices among college female students in north of Jordan. Food Control, 22, 269-276.
  • Osaili, T.M., Obeidat, B.A., Hajeer, W.A., Al-Nabulsi, A.A. (2017). Food safety knowledge among food service staff in hospitals in Jordan. Food Control, 78, 279-285.
  • Osaili, T.M., Al-Nabulsi, A.A., Krasneh, H.D.A. (2018). Food safety knowledge among food service staff at the universities in Jordan. Food Control, 89, 167-176.
  • Palulu S. (2014). Knowledge level of employees about food hygiene in the workplace relating to food production and sale in the center of Edirne. Trakya University, Institute of Health Sciences, MSc thesis. Accessed from higher education institution national thesis center database (359301).
  • Pichler, J., Ziegler, J., Aldrian, U., Allerberger, F. (2014). Evaluating levels of knowledge on food safety among food handlers from restaurants and various catering businesses in Vienna, Austria 2011/2012. Food Control, 35, 33-40.
  • Rebouças, L.T., Santiago, L.B., Martins, L.S., Menezes, A.C.R., Araújo, M.D.P.N., de Castro Almeida, R.C. (2017). Food safety knowledge and practices of food handlers, head chefs and managers in hotels' restaurants of Salvador, Brazil. Food Control, 73, 372-381.
  • Sani, N.A., Siow, O.N. (2014). Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of food handlers on food safety in food service operations at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Food Control, 37, 210-217.
  • Smigic, N., Djekic, I., Martins, M.L., Rocha, A., Sidiropoulou, N., Kalogianni, E.P. (2016). The level of food safety knowledge in food establishments in three European countries. Food Control, 63, 187-194.
  • Sun, H., Wan, Y., Du, P., Bai, L. (2020). The epidemiology of monophasic Salmonella Typhimurium. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, 17(2), 87-97.
  • Taha, S., Osaili, T.M., Saddal, N.K., Al-Nabulsi, A.A., Ayyash, M.M., Obaid, R.S. (2020). Food safety knowledge among food handlers in food service establishments in United Arab Emirates. Food Control, 110, 106968.
  • Taylor, J., Garat, J.P., Simreen, S., Sarieddine, G. (2015). An industry perspective: A new model of food safety culture excellence and the impact of audit on food safety standards. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 7, 78-89.
  • Tokuc, B., Ekuklu, G., Berberoğlu, U., Bilge, E., Dedeler, H. (2009). Knowledge, attitudes and self-reported practices of food service staff regarding food hygiene in Edirne, Turkey. Food Control, 20(1), 565-568.
  • Tuncer, T., Akoğlu, A. (2020). Food safety knowledge of food handlers working in hotel kitchens in Turkey. Food and Health, 6(2), 67-89.
  • USDA. (2013). United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service, (accessed date; 16 May 2021)"
  • USFDA Food and Drug Administration Food Code (2017). (accessed date: 16 May 2021)
Year 2021, , 203 - 215, 01.07.2021



  • Akoğlu, A., Tuncer, T. (2017). The level of food safety knowledge of gastronomy and culınary arts students in Turkey. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch, 2(6), 2456-8643.
  • Al-Kandari, D., Al-abdeen, J., Sidhu, J. (2019). Food safety knowledge attitudes, and practices of food handlers in restaurants in Kuwait. Food Control, 103, 103-110.
  • Alqurashi, N. A., Priyadarshini, A., Jaiswal, A. K. (2019). Evaluating food safety knowledge, and practices among foodservice staff in Al Madinah hospitals, Saudi Arabia. Safety, 5(1), 9.
  • Al-Shabib, N.A., Mosilhey, S.H., Husain, F.M. (2016). Cross-sectional study on food safety knowledge, attitude, and practices of male food handlers employed in restaurants of King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. Food Control, 59, 212-217.
  • Anonymous (2013). Hygiene Education Regulation: Official Gazette, Number: 28698, History; July 5, Ankara.
  • Baş, M., Ersun, A.Ş., Kıvanç, G. (2006). The evaluation of food hygiene knowledge, attitudes, and practices of food handlers' in food businesses in Turkey. Food Control, 17(4), 317-322.
  • Clayton, D.A., Griffith, C.J., Price, P., Peters, A.C. (2002). Food handlers’ beliefs and self-reported practices. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 12, 25-39. (Ed.), (Rev. 4 ed.).
  • Çakıroğlu, F.P., Uçar, A. (2008). Employees’ perception of hygiene in the catering industry in Ankara (Turkey). Food Control, 19(1), 9-15.
  • Da Cunha, D.T., Stedefeldt, E., de Rosso, V.V. (2014). The role of theoretical food safety training on Brazilian food handlers’ knowledge, attitude and practice. Food Control, 43, 167-174.
  • Darko, S., Mills-Robertson, F.C., Wireko-Manu, F.D. (2015). Evaluation of some hotel kitchen staff on their knowledge on food safety and kitchen hygiene in the Kumasi Metropolis. International Food Research Journal, 22(6), 2664-2669.
  • Draeger, C.L., Akutsu, R.D.C.C.D.A., Zandonadi, R.P., Da Silva, I.C.R., Botelho, R.B.A., Araújo, W.M.C. (2019). Brazilian foodborne disease national survey: Evaluating the landscape after 11 years of implementation to advance research, policy, and practice in public. Nutrients, 11(1), 40.
  • EC (2004). Regulation (EC) No.852/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs. Official Journal of the European Union, L226/3, 25 June.
  • EFSA and ECDC (2015). The European Union summary report on trends and sources of zoonoses, zoonotic agents, and food-borne outbreaks in 2013, European Food Safety Authority and European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. EFSA Journal, 13(1), 1-162.
  • Ertopcu, İ., Avcıkurt, A., Çetinkaya, T. (2019). Aşçılık programı öğrencilerinin hijyen bilgi düzeyleri üzerine bir araştırma (A research on the hygiene knowledge levels of culinary program students). Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 2187, 2203.
  • Giritlioglu, I., Batman, O., Tetik, N. (2011). The knowledge and practice of food safety and hygiene of cookery students in Turkey. Food Control, 22(6), 838-842.
  • Gomes-Neves, E., Antunes, P., Manageiro, V., Gärtner, F., Caniça, M., da Costa, J.M.C., Peixe, L. (2014). Clinically relevant multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica in swine and meat handlers at the abattoir. Veterinary Microbiology, 168(1), 229-233.
  • Gong, S., Wang, X., Yang, Y., Bai, L. (2016). Knowledge of food safety, and handling in households: A survey of food handlers in Mainland China. Food Control, 64, 45-53.
  • Griffith, C.J., Livesey, K.M., Clayton, D. (2010). The assessment of food safety culture. British Food Journal, 112(4), 439-456.
  • Güven, E. (2010). A study on the determination of nutrition habits and food safety knowledge of individuals from different education and income levels living in Yalova province. Tekirdağ, Turkey: Namık Kemal University, Institute of Science, MSc. thesis. Accessed from higher education institution national thesis center database (283196).
  • Lund, B.M. (2015). Microbiological food safety for vulnerable people. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12(8), 10117-10132.
  • Marriott, N.G., Gravani, R.B. (2006). Foodservice sanitation. Principles of Food Sanitation, 371-391. Springer, food Science Text Series, Book Series, 1995-2021.
  • Mehta, S. (2020). Nutritional status and COVID-19: an opportunity for lasting change? Clinical Medicine. 20(3), 270-273.
  • Ncube, F., Kanda, A., Chijokwe, M., Mabaya, G., Nyamugure, T. (2020). Food safety knowledge, attitudes and practices of restaurant food handlers in a lower‐middle‐income country. Food Science & Nutrition, 8(3), 1677-1687.
  • Osaili, T.M., Obeidat, B.A., Jamous, D.O.A., Bawadi, H.A. (2011). Food safety knowledge, and practices among college female students in north of Jordan. Food Control, 22, 269-276.
  • Osaili, T.M., Obeidat, B.A., Hajeer, W.A., Al-Nabulsi, A.A. (2017). Food safety knowledge among food service staff in hospitals in Jordan. Food Control, 78, 279-285.
  • Osaili, T.M., Al-Nabulsi, A.A., Krasneh, H.D.A. (2018). Food safety knowledge among food service staff at the universities in Jordan. Food Control, 89, 167-176.
  • Palulu S. (2014). Knowledge level of employees about food hygiene in the workplace relating to food production and sale in the center of Edirne. Trakya University, Institute of Health Sciences, MSc thesis. Accessed from higher education institution national thesis center database (359301).
  • Pichler, J., Ziegler, J., Aldrian, U., Allerberger, F. (2014). Evaluating levels of knowledge on food safety among food handlers from restaurants and various catering businesses in Vienna, Austria 2011/2012. Food Control, 35, 33-40.
  • Rebouças, L.T., Santiago, L.B., Martins, L.S., Menezes, A.C.R., Araújo, M.D.P.N., de Castro Almeida, R.C. (2017). Food safety knowledge and practices of food handlers, head chefs and managers in hotels' restaurants of Salvador, Brazil. Food Control, 73, 372-381.
  • Sani, N.A., Siow, O.N. (2014). Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of food handlers on food safety in food service operations at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Food Control, 37, 210-217.
  • Smigic, N., Djekic, I., Martins, M.L., Rocha, A., Sidiropoulou, N., Kalogianni, E.P. (2016). The level of food safety knowledge in food establishments in three European countries. Food Control, 63, 187-194.
  • Sun, H., Wan, Y., Du, P., Bai, L. (2020). The epidemiology of monophasic Salmonella Typhimurium. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, 17(2), 87-97.
  • Taha, S., Osaili, T.M., Saddal, N.K., Al-Nabulsi, A.A., Ayyash, M.M., Obaid, R.S. (2020). Food safety knowledge among food handlers in food service establishments in United Arab Emirates. Food Control, 110, 106968.
  • Taylor, J., Garat, J.P., Simreen, S., Sarieddine, G. (2015). An industry perspective: A new model of food safety culture excellence and the impact of audit on food safety standards. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 7, 78-89.
  • Tokuc, B., Ekuklu, G., Berberoğlu, U., Bilge, E., Dedeler, H. (2009). Knowledge, attitudes and self-reported practices of food service staff regarding food hygiene in Edirne, Turkey. Food Control, 20(1), 565-568.
  • Tuncer, T., Akoğlu, A. (2020). Food safety knowledge of food handlers working in hotel kitchens in Turkey. Food and Health, 6(2), 67-89.
  • USDA. (2013). United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service, (accessed date; 16 May 2021)"
  • USFDA Food and Drug Administration Food Code (2017). (accessed date: 16 May 2021)
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Mevhibe Terkuran 0000-0002-3150-459X

Publication Date July 1, 2021
Submission Date December 25, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Terkuran, M. (2021). Food safety knowledge levels of gastronomy/culinary arts students and food workers in Southern Turkey. Food and Health, 7(3), 203-215.


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