Review Article
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Year 2021, , 138 - 149, 21.03.2021



  • Adikaram, N.K.B., Ewing, D.F., Karunaratne, A.M., & Wijeratne, E.M. (1992). Antifungal compounds from immature avocado fruit peel. Phytochemistry, 31(1), 93-96.
  • Ahangarpour, A., Sayahi, M., Sayahi, M. (2019). The antidiabetic and antioxidant properties of some phenolic phytochemicals: A review study. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews, 13(1), 854-857.
  • Álvarez, S.P., Quezada, G. Á., Arbelo, O.C. (2015). Avocado (Persea americana Mill). Cultivos Tropicales, 36(2), 111-123.
  • Antasionasti, I., Riyanto, S., Rohman, A. (2017). Antioxidant activities and phenolics contents of avocado (Persea americana Mill.) peel in vitro. Research Journal of Medicinal Plant, 11(2), 55-61.
  • Araújo, R.G., Rodriguez-Jasso, R.M., Ruiz, H.A., Pintado, M.M.E., Aguliar, C.N. (2018). Avocado by-products: Nutritional and functional properties. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 80, 51-60.
  • Bayram, S. (2005). Bazı avocado çeşitlerinde hasat zamanını belirlemek için fizyolojik parametrelerin kullanılması (Using of physiological parameters in some avocado cultivars to determinate harvest date). Süleyman Demirel University, Master Thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, 53 p.
  • Bowen, J., Billing, D., Connolly, P., Smith, W., Cooney, J., Burdon, J. (2018). Maturity, storage and ripening effects on anti-fungal compounds in the skin of 'Hass' avocado fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 146, 43-50.
  • Calderón-Oliver, M., Escalona-Buendía, H.B., Medina-Campos, O.N., Pedraza-Chaverri, J., Pedroza-Islas, R., & Ponce-Alquicira, E. (2016). Optimization of the antioxidant and antimicrobial response of the combined effect of nisin and avocado byproducts. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 65, 46-52.
  • Colombo, R., Papetti, A. (2019). Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) by-products and their impact: from bioactive compounds to biomass energy and sorbent material for removing contaminants. A review. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 54(4), 943-951.
  • Coman, V., Teleky, B., Mitrea, L., Martău, G.A., Szabo, K., Călinoiu, L., Vodnar, D.C. (2020). Bioactive potential of fruit and vegetable wastes. Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, 91, 157-225.
  • Devi, R., Singh, V., Kumar, A. (2008). COD and BOD reduction from coffee processing wastewater using Avacado peel carbon. Bioresource Technology, 99, 1853-1860.
  • FAOSTAT (2017). FAO statistical database (FAOSTAT). Retrieved 2020 May 15, 2020.
  • FAOSTAT (2018). FAO statistical database (FAOSTAT). Retrieved 2020 July 17, 2020.
  • Figueroa, J.G., Borrás-Linares, I., Lozano-Sánchez, J., Segura-Carretero, A. (2018). Comprehensive identification of bioactive compounds of avocado peel by liquid chromatography coupled to ultra-high-definition accurate-mass Q-TOF. Food Chemistry, 245, 707-716.
  • Golukcu, M., Ozdemir, F. (2010). Changes in phenolic composition of avocado cultivars during harvesting time. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 46(1), 112-115.
  • Hurtado-Fernández, E., Fernández-Gutiérrez, A., Carrasco-Pancorbo, A. (2018). Avocado fruit-Persea americana. In: Rodrigues, S., Silva, Ede S. Brito, E.Sde. (Eds.). Exotic Fruits Reference Guide. Elsevier-Academic Press, London.
  • Karasawa, M.M.G., Mohan, C. (2018). Fruits as prospective reserves of bioactive compounds: A review. Natural Products and Bioprospecting, 8, 335-346.
  • Kosińska, A., Karamać, M., Estrella, I., Hernández, T., Bartolomé, B., Dykes, G.A. (2012). Phenolic compound profiles and antioxidant capacity of Persea americana Mill. peels and seeds of two varieties. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 60(18), 4613-4619.
  • Lin, D., Xiao, M., Zhao, J., Li, Z., Xing, B., Li, X., Kong, M., Li, L., Zhang, Q., Liu, Y., Chen, H., Qin, W., Wu, H., & Chen, S. (2016). An overview of plant phenolic compounds and their importance in human nutrition and management of type 2 diabetes. Molecules, 21(10), 1374.
  • López-Cobo, A., Gómez-Caravaca, A.M., Pasini, F., Caboni, M.F., Segura-Carretero, A., Fernández-Gutiérrez, A. (2016). HPLC-DAD-ESI-QTOF-MS and HPLC-FLD-MS as valuable tools for the determination of phenolic and other polar compounds in the edible part and by-products of avocado. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 73, 505-513.
  • Lu, Q., Arteaga, J.R., Zhang, Q., Huerta, S., Go, V.L.W., Heber, D. (2005). Inhibition of prostate cancer cell growth by an avocado extract: role of lipid-soluble bioactive substances. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 16(1), 23-30.
  • Mardigan, L.P., Santos, V.J.dos., Silva, P.T.da., Visentainer, J.V., Gomes, S.T.M., Matsushita, M. (2018). Investigation of bioactive compounds from various avocado varieties (Persea americana Miller). Food Science and Technology, 39(1), 1-7.
  • Mark, R., Lyu, X., Lee, J.J.L., Parra-Saldívar, R., & Chen, W.N. (2019). Sustainable production of natural phenolics for functional food applications. Journal of Functional Foods, 57, 233-254.
  • Melgar, B., Dias, M.I., Ciric, A., Sokovic, M., Garcia-Castello, E.M., Rodrigues-Lopez, A.D., Barros, L., Ferreira, I.C.R.F. (2018). Bioactive characterization of Persea americana Mill. by-products: A rich source of inherent antioxidants. Industrial Crops and Products, 111, 212-218.
  • Migliore, G., Farina, V., Dara Guccione, G., Schifani, G. (2018). Quality determinants of avocado fruit consumption in Italy. Implications for small farms. Food Safety Management, 19(163), 148-153.
  • Morais, D.R., Rotta, E.M., Sargi, S.C., Schmidt, E.M., Bonafe, E.G., Eberlin, M.N., Sawaya, A.C.H.F., & Visentainer, J.V. (2015). Antioxidant activity, phenolics and UPLC-ESI(-)-MS of extracts from different tropical fruits parts and processed peels. Food Research International, 77, 392-399.
  • Ortiz-Viedma, J., Rodriguez, A., Vega, C., Osorio, F., Defillipi, B., Ferraira, R., Saavedra, J. (2018). Textural, flow and viscoelastic properties of Hass avocado (Persea americana Mill.) during ripening under refrigeration conditions. Journal of Food Engineering, 219, 62-70.
  • Ozdemir, F., Topuz, A. (2004). Changes in dry matter, oil content and fatty acids composition of avocado during harvesting time and post-harvesting ripening period. Food Chemistry, 86(1), 79-83.
  • Palma, C., Lloret, L., Puen, A., Tobar, M., Contreras, E. (2016). Production of carbonaceous material from avocado peel for its application as alternative adsorbent for dyes removal. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 24(4), 521-528.
  • Permal, R., Chang, W.L., Seale, B., Hamid, N., & Kam, R. (2020). Converting industrial organic waste from the cold-pressed avocado oil production line into a potential food preservative. Food Chemistry, 306, 125635.
  • Rodríguez-Carpena, J.G., Morcuende, D., Estévez, M. (2011). Avocado by-products as inhibitors of colour deterioration and lipid and protein oxidation in raw porcine patties subjected to chilled storage. Meat Science, 89(2), 166-173.
  • Rotta, E.M., Morais,, Biondo, P.B.F., Santos, V.J.dos., Matsushita, M., Visentainer, J.V. (2016). Use of avocado peel (Persea americana) in tea formulation: a functional product containing phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity. Acta Scientiarum-Technology, 38(1), 23-29.
  • Saavedra, J., Córdova, A., Navarro, R., Díaz-Calderón, P., Fuentealba, C., Astudillo-Castro, C.Toledo, L., Enrione, J., & Galvez, L. (2017). Industrial avocado waste: Functional compounds preservation by convective drying process. Journal of Food Engineering, 198, 81-90.
  • Sagar, N.A., Pareek, S., Sharma, S., Yahia, E.M., & Lobo, M.G. (2018). Fruit and vegetable waste: bioactive compounds, their extraction, and possible utilization. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 17(3), 512-531. Shodehinde, S.A., Oboh, G. (2013). Antioxidant properties of aqueous extracts of unripe Musa paradisiaca on sodium nitroprusside induced lipid peroxidation in rat pancreas in vitro. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 3(6), 449-457.
  • Tremocoldi, M.A., Rosalen, P.L., Franchin, M., Massarioli, A.P., Denny, C., Daiuto, É.R., J.A.R., Melo, P.S., & de Alencar, S.M. (2018). Exploration of avocado by-products as natural sources of bioactive compounds. PLoS One, 13(2), e0192577. Vinha, A.F., Moreira, J., Barreira, S.V.P. (2013). Physicochemical parameters, phytochemical composition and antioxidant activity of the Algarvian avocado (Persea americana Mill.). Journal of Agricultural Science, 5(12), 100-109.
  • Wang, W., Bostic, T.R., Gu, L. (2010). Antioxidant capacities, procyanidins and pigments in avocados of different strains and cultivars. Food Chemistry, 122(4), 1193-1198.
  • Yahia, E.M., Woolf, A.B. (2011). Avocado (Persea americana Mill.). In: Postharvest Biology and Technology of Tropical and Subtropical Fruits. Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge.

Phytochemicals in avocado peel and their potential uses

Year 2021, , 138 - 149, 21.03.2021


A large amount of avocado is produced every year, and processing of avocado results in the production of large quantities of peel, which is usually disposed as waste without any further application. Avocado peel is a rich source of diverse phytochemicals known as health-promoting compounds, and these compounds can be used to produce high economic value products. However, the amount and composition of phenolic compounds vary regarding different factors, such as level of ripening and maturation, growing conditions and the country of origin. Phenolics within avocado peel have been reported to exhibit antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, and associated with extensive health benefits. Thus, it is of great importance to recover these compounds from the peel for usage in food and health industries. This review focuses on the phytochemical compounds together with main factors influencing their types and amounts in avocado peel, and the possible utilisation of this by-product in the food, pharmaceutical and some other industries.


  • Adikaram, N.K.B., Ewing, D.F., Karunaratne, A.M., & Wijeratne, E.M. (1992). Antifungal compounds from immature avocado fruit peel. Phytochemistry, 31(1), 93-96.
  • Ahangarpour, A., Sayahi, M., Sayahi, M. (2019). The antidiabetic and antioxidant properties of some phenolic phytochemicals: A review study. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews, 13(1), 854-857.
  • Álvarez, S.P., Quezada, G. Á., Arbelo, O.C. (2015). Avocado (Persea americana Mill). Cultivos Tropicales, 36(2), 111-123.
  • Antasionasti, I., Riyanto, S., Rohman, A. (2017). Antioxidant activities and phenolics contents of avocado (Persea americana Mill.) peel in vitro. Research Journal of Medicinal Plant, 11(2), 55-61.
  • Araújo, R.G., Rodriguez-Jasso, R.M., Ruiz, H.A., Pintado, M.M.E., Aguliar, C.N. (2018). Avocado by-products: Nutritional and functional properties. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 80, 51-60.
  • Bayram, S. (2005). Bazı avocado çeşitlerinde hasat zamanını belirlemek için fizyolojik parametrelerin kullanılması (Using of physiological parameters in some avocado cultivars to determinate harvest date). Süleyman Demirel University, Master Thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, 53 p.
  • Bowen, J., Billing, D., Connolly, P., Smith, W., Cooney, J., Burdon, J. (2018). Maturity, storage and ripening effects on anti-fungal compounds in the skin of 'Hass' avocado fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 146, 43-50.
  • Calderón-Oliver, M., Escalona-Buendía, H.B., Medina-Campos, O.N., Pedraza-Chaverri, J., Pedroza-Islas, R., & Ponce-Alquicira, E. (2016). Optimization of the antioxidant and antimicrobial response of the combined effect of nisin and avocado byproducts. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 65, 46-52.
  • Colombo, R., Papetti, A. (2019). Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) by-products and their impact: from bioactive compounds to biomass energy and sorbent material for removing contaminants. A review. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 54(4), 943-951.
  • Coman, V., Teleky, B., Mitrea, L., Martău, G.A., Szabo, K., Călinoiu, L., Vodnar, D.C. (2020). Bioactive potential of fruit and vegetable wastes. Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, 91, 157-225.
  • Devi, R., Singh, V., Kumar, A. (2008). COD and BOD reduction from coffee processing wastewater using Avacado peel carbon. Bioresource Technology, 99, 1853-1860.
  • FAOSTAT (2017). FAO statistical database (FAOSTAT). Retrieved 2020 May 15, 2020.
  • FAOSTAT (2018). FAO statistical database (FAOSTAT). Retrieved 2020 July 17, 2020.
  • Figueroa, J.G., Borrás-Linares, I., Lozano-Sánchez, J., Segura-Carretero, A. (2018). Comprehensive identification of bioactive compounds of avocado peel by liquid chromatography coupled to ultra-high-definition accurate-mass Q-TOF. Food Chemistry, 245, 707-716.
  • Golukcu, M., Ozdemir, F. (2010). Changes in phenolic composition of avocado cultivars during harvesting time. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 46(1), 112-115.
  • Hurtado-Fernández, E., Fernández-Gutiérrez, A., Carrasco-Pancorbo, A. (2018). Avocado fruit-Persea americana. In: Rodrigues, S., Silva, Ede S. Brito, E.Sde. (Eds.). Exotic Fruits Reference Guide. Elsevier-Academic Press, London.
  • Karasawa, M.M.G., Mohan, C. (2018). Fruits as prospective reserves of bioactive compounds: A review. Natural Products and Bioprospecting, 8, 335-346.
  • Kosińska, A., Karamać, M., Estrella, I., Hernández, T., Bartolomé, B., Dykes, G.A. (2012). Phenolic compound profiles and antioxidant capacity of Persea americana Mill. peels and seeds of two varieties. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 60(18), 4613-4619.
  • Lin, D., Xiao, M., Zhao, J., Li, Z., Xing, B., Li, X., Kong, M., Li, L., Zhang, Q., Liu, Y., Chen, H., Qin, W., Wu, H., & Chen, S. (2016). An overview of plant phenolic compounds and their importance in human nutrition and management of type 2 diabetes. Molecules, 21(10), 1374.
  • López-Cobo, A., Gómez-Caravaca, A.M., Pasini, F., Caboni, M.F., Segura-Carretero, A., Fernández-Gutiérrez, A. (2016). HPLC-DAD-ESI-QTOF-MS and HPLC-FLD-MS as valuable tools for the determination of phenolic and other polar compounds in the edible part and by-products of avocado. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 73, 505-513.
  • Lu, Q., Arteaga, J.R., Zhang, Q., Huerta, S., Go, V.L.W., Heber, D. (2005). Inhibition of prostate cancer cell growth by an avocado extract: role of lipid-soluble bioactive substances. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 16(1), 23-30.
  • Mardigan, L.P., Santos, V.J.dos., Silva, P.T.da., Visentainer, J.V., Gomes, S.T.M., Matsushita, M. (2018). Investigation of bioactive compounds from various avocado varieties (Persea americana Miller). Food Science and Technology, 39(1), 1-7.
  • Mark, R., Lyu, X., Lee, J.J.L., Parra-Saldívar, R., & Chen, W.N. (2019). Sustainable production of natural phenolics for functional food applications. Journal of Functional Foods, 57, 233-254.
  • Melgar, B., Dias, M.I., Ciric, A., Sokovic, M., Garcia-Castello, E.M., Rodrigues-Lopez, A.D., Barros, L., Ferreira, I.C.R.F. (2018). Bioactive characterization of Persea americana Mill. by-products: A rich source of inherent antioxidants. Industrial Crops and Products, 111, 212-218.
  • Migliore, G., Farina, V., Dara Guccione, G., Schifani, G. (2018). Quality determinants of avocado fruit consumption in Italy. Implications for small farms. Food Safety Management, 19(163), 148-153.
  • Morais, D.R., Rotta, E.M., Sargi, S.C., Schmidt, E.M., Bonafe, E.G., Eberlin, M.N., Sawaya, A.C.H.F., & Visentainer, J.V. (2015). Antioxidant activity, phenolics and UPLC-ESI(-)-MS of extracts from different tropical fruits parts and processed peels. Food Research International, 77, 392-399.
  • Ortiz-Viedma, J., Rodriguez, A., Vega, C., Osorio, F., Defillipi, B., Ferraira, R., Saavedra, J. (2018). Textural, flow and viscoelastic properties of Hass avocado (Persea americana Mill.) during ripening under refrigeration conditions. Journal of Food Engineering, 219, 62-70.
  • Ozdemir, F., Topuz, A. (2004). Changes in dry matter, oil content and fatty acids composition of avocado during harvesting time and post-harvesting ripening period. Food Chemistry, 86(1), 79-83.
  • Palma, C., Lloret, L., Puen, A., Tobar, M., Contreras, E. (2016). Production of carbonaceous material from avocado peel for its application as alternative adsorbent for dyes removal. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 24(4), 521-528.
  • Permal, R., Chang, W.L., Seale, B., Hamid, N., & Kam, R. (2020). Converting industrial organic waste from the cold-pressed avocado oil production line into a potential food preservative. Food Chemistry, 306, 125635.
  • Rodríguez-Carpena, J.G., Morcuende, D., Estévez, M. (2011). Avocado by-products as inhibitors of colour deterioration and lipid and protein oxidation in raw porcine patties subjected to chilled storage. Meat Science, 89(2), 166-173.
  • Rotta, E.M., Morais,, Biondo, P.B.F., Santos, V.J.dos., Matsushita, M., Visentainer, J.V. (2016). Use of avocado peel (Persea americana) in tea formulation: a functional product containing phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity. Acta Scientiarum-Technology, 38(1), 23-29.
  • Saavedra, J., Córdova, A., Navarro, R., Díaz-Calderón, P., Fuentealba, C., Astudillo-Castro, C.Toledo, L., Enrione, J., & Galvez, L. (2017). Industrial avocado waste: Functional compounds preservation by convective drying process. Journal of Food Engineering, 198, 81-90.
  • Sagar, N.A., Pareek, S., Sharma, S., Yahia, E.M., & Lobo, M.G. (2018). Fruit and vegetable waste: bioactive compounds, their extraction, and possible utilization. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 17(3), 512-531. Shodehinde, S.A., Oboh, G. (2013). Antioxidant properties of aqueous extracts of unripe Musa paradisiaca on sodium nitroprusside induced lipid peroxidation in rat pancreas in vitro. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 3(6), 449-457.
  • Tremocoldi, M.A., Rosalen, P.L., Franchin, M., Massarioli, A.P., Denny, C., Daiuto, É.R., J.A.R., Melo, P.S., & de Alencar, S.M. (2018). Exploration of avocado by-products as natural sources of bioactive compounds. PLoS One, 13(2), e0192577. Vinha, A.F., Moreira, J., Barreira, S.V.P. (2013). Physicochemical parameters, phytochemical composition and antioxidant activity of the Algarvian avocado (Persea americana Mill.). Journal of Agricultural Science, 5(12), 100-109.
  • Wang, W., Bostic, T.R., Gu, L. (2010). Antioxidant capacities, procyanidins and pigments in avocados of different strains and cultivars. Food Chemistry, 122(4), 1193-1198.
  • Yahia, E.M., Woolf, A.B. (2011). Avocado (Persea americana Mill.). In: Postharvest Biology and Technology of Tropical and Subtropical Fruits. Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Review Articles

Sadiye Akan 0000-0002-5508-5262

Publication Date March 21, 2021
Submission Date August 18, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Akan, S. (2021). Phytochemicals in avocado peel and their potential uses. Food and Health, 7(2), 138-149.


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