Research Article
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Year 2019, , 239 - 252, 01.10.2019


for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) analysis was
firstly applied to rank the most suitable registered chickpea cultivars among
(12×3=36 samples) alternatives based on their functional properties. Chickpeas
were grown in controlled trial fields of state research institutes in Adana (in
2014-2015) and Erzurum (2015) regions which had mild-hot and cold climate
conditions, respectively. Total phenolic (TPC) and
water-soluble protein (WSPC) contents, free
radical scavenging (FRSA) and iron chelating (ICA) activities, and water binding
(WBC) and oil binding (OBC) capacities of extracts were determined. Equal
weights were assigned for the parameters in TOPSIS application and the
distances of each alternative from ideal positive and negative solution points
and closeness coefficients were determined. Considerable variations were
observed for TPC, FRSA and ICA. The average values of determined parameters in
each group (location, year, location and year) were close to each other.
Significant low positive correlations were not determined between TPC, FRSA and
ICA while any significant correlations were determined between the WSPC, OBC,
and WBC (P˂0.05). Aydın cultivar had the highest score for its antioxidant and
technical functions (closeness coefficient was 7.02E-01) and followed by Çakır
(5.59E-01) and Azkan (4.91E-01). This study showed the suitability of TOPSIS
analysis in agriculture and food science area when the sample number was high
and many different properties of samples were considered.

Supporting Institution

Adana Science and Technology University Scientific Research Coordination Unit.

Project Number



  • Ansarifar, E., Shahidi, F., Mohebbi, M., Razavi, S.M., and Ansarifar, J. (2015). A new technique to evaluate the effect of chitosan on properties of deep-fried Kurdish cheese nuggets by TOPSIS. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 62(2),1211-1219.
  • Arab, E.A.A., Helmy, I.M.F., Bareh, G.F. (2010). Nutritional Evaluation and Functional Properties of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Flour and the Improvement of Spaghetti. Journal of American Science, 6(10), 1055-1072.
  • Arcan, I., Yemenicioglu, A. (2007). Antioxidant activity of protein extracts from heat-treated or thermally processed chickpeas and white beans. Food Chemistry, 103(2), 301-312.
  • Arcan, I., Yemenicioglu, A. (2010). Effects of controlled pepsin hydrolysis on antioxidant potential and fractional changes of chickpea proteins. Food Research International, 43(1), 140-147.
  • Atalay, E., Babaoglu, M. (2012). Determination of Genetic Relationship in Turkish Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Genotypes Using Ssr Molecular Markers and Capillary Electrophoresis. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 22(2), 369-375.
  • Aydemir, L.Y., Gökbulut, A.A., Baran, Y., Yemenicioǧlu, A. (2014). Bioactive, functional and edible film-forming properties of isolated hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) meal proteins. Food Hydrocolloids, 36, 130-142.
  • Aydemir, L.Y., Yemenicioglu, A. (2013). Potential of Turkish Kabuli type chickpea and green and red lentil cultivars as source of soy and animal origin functional protein alternatives. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 50(2), 686-694.
  • Balli, S., Korukoglu, S. (2009). Opearating system selection using fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS methods. Mathematical and Computational Applications, 14(2), 119-130.
  • Bibi, N., Khattak, A.B., Khattak, G.S.S., Mehmood, Z., Ihsanullah, I. (2007). Quality and consumers acceptability studies and their inter-relationship of newly evolved desi type chickpea genotypes (Cicer arietinum L.). Quality evolution of new chickpea genotypes. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 42(5), 528-534.
  • Çelik, İ., Işık, F., Yılmaz, Y. (2016). Effect of roasted yellow chickpea (Leblebi) flour addition on chemical, rheological and sensory properties of Boza. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 40(6), 1400-1406.
  • Coşkuner, Y., Karababa, E. (2004). Leblebi: a roasted chickpea product as a traditional Turkish snack food. Food Reviews International, 20(3), 257-274.
  • Dıblan, S., Kadiroğlu, P., Aydemir, L.Y. (2018). FT-IR spectroscopy characterization and chemometric evaluation of legumes extracted with different solvents. Food and Health, 4(2), 80-88.
  • Dogan, M., Aslan, D., Aktar, T., Goksel Sarac, M. (2016). A methodology to evaluate the sensory properties of instant hot chocolate beverage with different fat contents: multi-criteria decision-making techniques approach. European Food Research and Technology, 242(6), 953-966.
  • Dogan, M., Aslan, D., Ozgur, A. (2018). Bioactive and sensorial characteristics of the milk based herbal (Rumex crispus L.) tea: multi-criteria decision making approach. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 12(1), 535-544.
  • Durante, M., Lenucci, M.S., Mita, G. (2014). Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of carotenoids from pumpkin (Cucurbita spp.): A review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 15(4), 6725-6740. PMid:24756094 PMCid:PMC4013658
  • Escarpa, A., Gonzalez, M.C. (2001). Total extractable phenolic chromatographic index: an overview of the phenolic class contents from different sources of foods. European Food Research and Technology, 212, 439-444.
  • FAO (2012). World Lentil Production. (accessed 16.07.2019)
  • Gul, O., Dervisoglu, M. (2017). Application of multicriteria decision technique to determine optimum sodium alginate concentration for microencapsulation of Lactobacillus casei Shirota by extrusion and emulsification. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 40(3), e12481.
  • Gurmeric, V.E., Dogan, M., Toker, O.S., Senyigit, E., Ersoz, N.B. (2013). Application of different multi-criteria decision techniques to determine optimum flavour of prebiotic pudding based on sensory analyses. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 6(10), 2844-2859.
  • Hou, F., Su, D., Xu, J., Gong, Y., Zhang, R., Wei, Z., Chi, J., Zhang, M. (2016). Enhanced extraction of phenolics and antioxidant capacity from Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) shell using ultrasonic-assisted ethanol-water binary solvent. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 40(6), 1171-1179.
  • Jogihalli, P., Singh, L., Sharanagat, V.S. (2017). Effect of microwave roasting parameters on functional and antioxidant properties of chickpea (Cicer arietinum). LWT-Food Science and Technology, 79, 223-233.
  • Joshi, A.U., Liu, C., Sathe, S.K., Jogihalli, P., Singh, L., Kumar, K., Sharanagat, V.S., Xu, B.J., Yuan, S.H., Chang, S.K.C., Withana-Gamage, T.S., Wanasundara, J.P., Pietrasik, Z., Shand, P.J., Alvarez, M.D., Herranz, B., Fuentes, R., Cuesta, F.J., Canet, W., Maninder, K., Sandhu, K.S., Singh, N. (2007). Functional properties of select seed flours. Food Chemistry, 60(1), 325-331.
  • Kaur, M., Singh, N. (2005). Studies on functional, thermal and pasting properties of flours from different chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars. Food Chemistry, 91(3), 403-411.
  • Kou, X., Chen, Q., Li, X., Li, M., Kan, C., Chen, B., Zhang, Y., Xue, Z. (2015). Quantitative assessment of bioactive compounds and the antioxidant activity of 15 jujube cultivars. Food Chemistry, 173, 1037-1044. PMid:25466122
  • Kou, X., Gao, J., Zhang, Z., Wang, H., Wang, X. (2013). Purification and identification of antioxidant peptides from chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) albumin hydrolysates. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 50(2), 591-598.
  • Lin, M.C., Wang, C.C., Chen, M.S., Chang, C.A. (2008). Using AHP and TOPSIS approaches in customer-driven product design process. Computers in Industry, 59(1), 17-31.
  • Lowry, O.H., Rosebrough, N.J., Farr, A.L., Randall, R.J. (1951). Protein measurement with the folin phenol reagent. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 193(1), 265-275.
  • Mafakheri, A., Siosemardeh, A., Bahramnejad, B., Struik, P. C., Sohrabi, Y. (2011). Effect of drought stress and subsequent recovery on protein, carbohydrate contents, catalase and peroxidase activities in three chickpea (cicer arietinum) cultivars. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 5(10), 1255-1260.
  • Mokni Ghribi, A., Maklouf Gafsi, I., Sila, A., Blecker, C., Danthine, S., Attia, H., Bougatef, A., Besbes, S. (2015). Effects of enzymatic hydrolysis on conformational and functional properties of chickpea protein isolate. Food Chemistry, 187, 322-330. PMid:25977033
  • Neugschwandtner, R.W., Wagentristl, H., Kaul, H.P. (2015). Nitrogen yield and nitrogen use of chickpea compared to pea, barley and oat in Central europe. International Journal of Plant Production, 9(2), 291-303.
  • Oweis, T., Hachum, A., Pala, M. (2004). Water use efficiency of winter-sown chickpea under supplemental irrigation in a mediterranean environment. Agricultural Water Management, 66(2), 163-179.
  • Özcan, T., Elebi, N., and Esnaf, A. (2011). Comparative analysis of multi-criteria decision making methodologies and implementation of a warehouse location selection problem. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(8), 9773-9779.
  • Özer, S., Karaköy, T., Toklu, F., Baloch, F.S., Kilian, B., Özkan, H. (2010). Nutritional and physicochemical variation in Turkish kabuli chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) landraces. Euphytica, 175(2), 237-249.
  • Ozkilinc, H., Frenkel, O., Shtienberg, D., Abbo, S., Sherman, A., Kahraman, A., Can, C. (2011). Aggressiveness of eight Didymella rabiei isolates from domesticated and wild chickpea native to Turkey and Israel, a case study. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 131(3), 529-537.
  • Ozturk, G., Dogan, M., and Said Toker, O. (2014). Physicochemical, functional and sensory properties of mellorine enriched with different vegetable juices and TOPSIS approach to determine optimum juice concentration. Food Bioscience, 7, 45-55.
  • Re, R., Pellegrini, N., Proteggente, A., Pannala, A., Yang, M., Rice-Evans, C. (1999). Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation decolorization assay. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 26(9-10), 1231-1237.
  • Rocchetti, G., Chiodelli, G., Giuberti, G., Masoero, F., Trevisan, M., Lucini, L. (2017). Evaluation of phenolic profile and antioxidant capacity in gluten-free flours. Food Chemistry, 228, 367-373. PMid:28317736
  • Sadras, V., Dreccer, M.F. (2015). Adaptation of wheat, barley, canola, field pea and chickpea to the thermal environments of Australia. Crop and Pasture Science, 66(11), 1137-1150.
  • Siddique, K.H.M., Johansen, C., Turner, N.C., Jeuffroy, M.H., Hashem, A., Sakar, D., Gan, Y., Alghamdi, S.S. (2012). Innovations in agronomy for food legumes. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 32(1), 45-64.
  • Sreerama, Y.N., Sashikala, V.B., Pratape, V.M. (2012). Phenolic compounds in cowpea and horse gram flours in comparison to chickpea flour: Evaluation of their antioxidant and enzyme inhibitory properties associated with hyperglycemia and hypertension. Food Chemistry, 133(1), 156-162.
  • Sun, Y.F., Liang, Z.S., Shan, C.J., Viernstein, H., Unger, F. (2011). Comprehensive evaluation of natural antioxidants and antioxidant potentials in Ziziphus jujuba Mill. var. spinosa (Bunge) Hu ex H. F. Chou fruits based on geographical origin by TOPSIS method. Food Chemistry, 124(4), 1612-1619.
  • Torres-Fuentes, C., Contreras, M.D.M., Recio, I., Alaiz, M., Vioque, J. (2015). Identification and characterization of antioxidant peptides from chickpea protein hydrolysates. Food Chemistry, 180, 194-202. PMid:25766818
  • Torutaeva, E., Asanaliev, A., Prieto-Linde, M.L., Zborowska, A., Ortiz, R., Bryngelsson, T., Garkava-Gustavsson, L. (2014). Evaluation of microsatellite-based genetic diversity, protein and mineral content in chickpea accessions grown in Kyrgyzstan. Hereditas, 151(4-5), 81-90. PMid:25363275
  • Xu, Y., Obielodan, M., Sismour, E., Arnett, A., Alzahrani, S., Zhang, B. (2017). Physicochemical, functional, thermal and structural properties of isolated Kabuli chickpea proteins as affected by processing approaches. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52(5), 1147-1154.
  • Xu, Y., Thomas, M., Bhardwaj, H.L. (2014). Chemical composition, functional properties and microstructural char acteristics of three kabuli chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) as affected by different cooking methods. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 49(4), 1215-1223.
  • Yust, M. del M., Pedroche, J., Millán-Linares, M. del C., Alcaide-Hidalgo, J.M., Millán, F. (2010). Improvement of functional properties of chickpea proteins by hydrolysis with immobilised Alcalase. Food Chemistry, 122(4), 1212-1217.
  • Zhao, Y., Du, S., Wang, H., Cai, M. (2014). In vitro antioxidant activity of extracts from common legumes. Food Chemistry, 152, 462-466. PMid:24444962 .
Year 2019, , 239 - 252, 01.10.2019


Project Number



  • Ansarifar, E., Shahidi, F., Mohebbi, M., Razavi, S.M., and Ansarifar, J. (2015). A new technique to evaluate the effect of chitosan on properties of deep-fried Kurdish cheese nuggets by TOPSIS. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 62(2),1211-1219.
  • Arab, E.A.A., Helmy, I.M.F., Bareh, G.F. (2010). Nutritional Evaluation and Functional Properties of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Flour and the Improvement of Spaghetti. Journal of American Science, 6(10), 1055-1072.
  • Arcan, I., Yemenicioglu, A. (2007). Antioxidant activity of protein extracts from heat-treated or thermally processed chickpeas and white beans. Food Chemistry, 103(2), 301-312.
  • Arcan, I., Yemenicioglu, A. (2010). Effects of controlled pepsin hydrolysis on antioxidant potential and fractional changes of chickpea proteins. Food Research International, 43(1), 140-147.
  • Atalay, E., Babaoglu, M. (2012). Determination of Genetic Relationship in Turkish Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Genotypes Using Ssr Molecular Markers and Capillary Electrophoresis. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 22(2), 369-375.
  • Aydemir, L.Y., Gökbulut, A.A., Baran, Y., Yemenicioǧlu, A. (2014). Bioactive, functional and edible film-forming properties of isolated hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) meal proteins. Food Hydrocolloids, 36, 130-142.
  • Aydemir, L.Y., Yemenicioglu, A. (2013). Potential of Turkish Kabuli type chickpea and green and red lentil cultivars as source of soy and animal origin functional protein alternatives. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 50(2), 686-694.
  • Balli, S., Korukoglu, S. (2009). Opearating system selection using fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS methods. Mathematical and Computational Applications, 14(2), 119-130.
  • Bibi, N., Khattak, A.B., Khattak, G.S.S., Mehmood, Z., Ihsanullah, I. (2007). Quality and consumers acceptability studies and their inter-relationship of newly evolved desi type chickpea genotypes (Cicer arietinum L.). Quality evolution of new chickpea genotypes. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 42(5), 528-534.
  • Çelik, İ., Işık, F., Yılmaz, Y. (2016). Effect of roasted yellow chickpea (Leblebi) flour addition on chemical, rheological and sensory properties of Boza. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 40(6), 1400-1406.
  • Coşkuner, Y., Karababa, E. (2004). Leblebi: a roasted chickpea product as a traditional Turkish snack food. Food Reviews International, 20(3), 257-274.
  • Dıblan, S., Kadiroğlu, P., Aydemir, L.Y. (2018). FT-IR spectroscopy characterization and chemometric evaluation of legumes extracted with different solvents. Food and Health, 4(2), 80-88.
  • Dogan, M., Aslan, D., Aktar, T., Goksel Sarac, M. (2016). A methodology to evaluate the sensory properties of instant hot chocolate beverage with different fat contents: multi-criteria decision-making techniques approach. European Food Research and Technology, 242(6), 953-966.
  • Dogan, M., Aslan, D., Ozgur, A. (2018). Bioactive and sensorial characteristics of the milk based herbal (Rumex crispus L.) tea: multi-criteria decision making approach. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 12(1), 535-544.
  • Durante, M., Lenucci, M.S., Mita, G. (2014). Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of carotenoids from pumpkin (Cucurbita spp.): A review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 15(4), 6725-6740. PMid:24756094 PMCid:PMC4013658
  • Escarpa, A., Gonzalez, M.C. (2001). Total extractable phenolic chromatographic index: an overview of the phenolic class contents from different sources of foods. European Food Research and Technology, 212, 439-444.
  • FAO (2012). World Lentil Production. (accessed 16.07.2019)
  • Gul, O., Dervisoglu, M. (2017). Application of multicriteria decision technique to determine optimum sodium alginate concentration for microencapsulation of Lactobacillus casei Shirota by extrusion and emulsification. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 40(3), e12481.
  • Gurmeric, V.E., Dogan, M., Toker, O.S., Senyigit, E., Ersoz, N.B. (2013). Application of different multi-criteria decision techniques to determine optimum flavour of prebiotic pudding based on sensory analyses. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 6(10), 2844-2859.
  • Hou, F., Su, D., Xu, J., Gong, Y., Zhang, R., Wei, Z., Chi, J., Zhang, M. (2016). Enhanced extraction of phenolics and antioxidant capacity from Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) shell using ultrasonic-assisted ethanol-water binary solvent. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 40(6), 1171-1179.
  • Jogihalli, P., Singh, L., Sharanagat, V.S. (2017). Effect of microwave roasting parameters on functional and antioxidant properties of chickpea (Cicer arietinum). LWT-Food Science and Technology, 79, 223-233.
  • Joshi, A.U., Liu, C., Sathe, S.K., Jogihalli, P., Singh, L., Kumar, K., Sharanagat, V.S., Xu, B.J., Yuan, S.H., Chang, S.K.C., Withana-Gamage, T.S., Wanasundara, J.P., Pietrasik, Z., Shand, P.J., Alvarez, M.D., Herranz, B., Fuentes, R., Cuesta, F.J., Canet, W., Maninder, K., Sandhu, K.S., Singh, N. (2007). Functional properties of select seed flours. Food Chemistry, 60(1), 325-331.
  • Kaur, M., Singh, N. (2005). Studies on functional, thermal and pasting properties of flours from different chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars. Food Chemistry, 91(3), 403-411.
  • Kou, X., Chen, Q., Li, X., Li, M., Kan, C., Chen, B., Zhang, Y., Xue, Z. (2015). Quantitative assessment of bioactive compounds and the antioxidant activity of 15 jujube cultivars. Food Chemistry, 173, 1037-1044. PMid:25466122
  • Kou, X., Gao, J., Zhang, Z., Wang, H., Wang, X. (2013). Purification and identification of antioxidant peptides from chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) albumin hydrolysates. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 50(2), 591-598.
  • Lin, M.C., Wang, C.C., Chen, M.S., Chang, C.A. (2008). Using AHP and TOPSIS approaches in customer-driven product design process. Computers in Industry, 59(1), 17-31.
  • Lowry, O.H., Rosebrough, N.J., Farr, A.L., Randall, R.J. (1951). Protein measurement with the folin phenol reagent. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 193(1), 265-275.
  • Mafakheri, A., Siosemardeh, A., Bahramnejad, B., Struik, P. C., Sohrabi, Y. (2011). Effect of drought stress and subsequent recovery on protein, carbohydrate contents, catalase and peroxidase activities in three chickpea (cicer arietinum) cultivars. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 5(10), 1255-1260.
  • Mokni Ghribi, A., Maklouf Gafsi, I., Sila, A., Blecker, C., Danthine, S., Attia, H., Bougatef, A., Besbes, S. (2015). Effects of enzymatic hydrolysis on conformational and functional properties of chickpea protein isolate. Food Chemistry, 187, 322-330. PMid:25977033
  • Neugschwandtner, R.W., Wagentristl, H., Kaul, H.P. (2015). Nitrogen yield and nitrogen use of chickpea compared to pea, barley and oat in Central europe. International Journal of Plant Production, 9(2), 291-303.
  • Oweis, T., Hachum, A., Pala, M. (2004). Water use efficiency of winter-sown chickpea under supplemental irrigation in a mediterranean environment. Agricultural Water Management, 66(2), 163-179.
  • Özcan, T., Elebi, N., and Esnaf, A. (2011). Comparative analysis of multi-criteria decision making methodologies and implementation of a warehouse location selection problem. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(8), 9773-9779.
  • Özer, S., Karaköy, T., Toklu, F., Baloch, F.S., Kilian, B., Özkan, H. (2010). Nutritional and physicochemical variation in Turkish kabuli chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) landraces. Euphytica, 175(2), 237-249.
  • Ozkilinc, H., Frenkel, O., Shtienberg, D., Abbo, S., Sherman, A., Kahraman, A., Can, C. (2011). Aggressiveness of eight Didymella rabiei isolates from domesticated and wild chickpea native to Turkey and Israel, a case study. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 131(3), 529-537.
  • Ozturk, G., Dogan, M., and Said Toker, O. (2014). Physicochemical, functional and sensory properties of mellorine enriched with different vegetable juices and TOPSIS approach to determine optimum juice concentration. Food Bioscience, 7, 45-55.
  • Re, R., Pellegrini, N., Proteggente, A., Pannala, A., Yang, M., Rice-Evans, C. (1999). Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation decolorization assay. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 26(9-10), 1231-1237.
  • Rocchetti, G., Chiodelli, G., Giuberti, G., Masoero, F., Trevisan, M., Lucini, L. (2017). Evaluation of phenolic profile and antioxidant capacity in gluten-free flours. Food Chemistry, 228, 367-373. PMid:28317736
  • Sadras, V., Dreccer, M.F. (2015). Adaptation of wheat, barley, canola, field pea and chickpea to the thermal environments of Australia. Crop and Pasture Science, 66(11), 1137-1150.
  • Siddique, K.H.M., Johansen, C., Turner, N.C., Jeuffroy, M.H., Hashem, A., Sakar, D., Gan, Y., Alghamdi, S.S. (2012). Innovations in agronomy for food legumes. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 32(1), 45-64.
  • Sreerama, Y.N., Sashikala, V.B., Pratape, V.M. (2012). Phenolic compounds in cowpea and horse gram flours in comparison to chickpea flour: Evaluation of their antioxidant and enzyme inhibitory properties associated with hyperglycemia and hypertension. Food Chemistry, 133(1), 156-162.
  • Sun, Y.F., Liang, Z.S., Shan, C.J., Viernstein, H., Unger, F. (2011). Comprehensive evaluation of natural antioxidants and antioxidant potentials in Ziziphus jujuba Mill. var. spinosa (Bunge) Hu ex H. F. Chou fruits based on geographical origin by TOPSIS method. Food Chemistry, 124(4), 1612-1619.
  • Torres-Fuentes, C., Contreras, M.D.M., Recio, I., Alaiz, M., Vioque, J. (2015). Identification and characterization of antioxidant peptides from chickpea protein hydrolysates. Food Chemistry, 180, 194-202. PMid:25766818
  • Torutaeva, E., Asanaliev, A., Prieto-Linde, M.L., Zborowska, A., Ortiz, R., Bryngelsson, T., Garkava-Gustavsson, L. (2014). Evaluation of microsatellite-based genetic diversity, protein and mineral content in chickpea accessions grown in Kyrgyzstan. Hereditas, 151(4-5), 81-90. PMid:25363275
  • Xu, Y., Obielodan, M., Sismour, E., Arnett, A., Alzahrani, S., Zhang, B. (2017). Physicochemical, functional, thermal and structural properties of isolated Kabuli chickpea proteins as affected by processing approaches. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52(5), 1147-1154.
  • Xu, Y., Thomas, M., Bhardwaj, H.L. (2014). Chemical composition, functional properties and microstructural char acteristics of three kabuli chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) as affected by different cooking methods. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 49(4), 1215-1223.
  • Yust, M. del M., Pedroche, J., Millán-Linares, M. del C., Alcaide-Hidalgo, J.M., Millán, F. (2010). Improvement of functional properties of chickpea proteins by hydrolysis with immobilised Alcalase. Food Chemistry, 122(4), 1212-1217.
  • Zhao, Y., Du, S., Wang, H., Cai, M. (2014). In vitro antioxidant activity of extracts from common legumes. Food Chemistry, 152, 462-466. PMid:24444962 .
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Levent Yurdaer Aydemir 0000-0003-0372-1172

Fatma Gizem Akçakaya 0000-0002-9866-0159

Project Number MÜHDBF.GIDA.2015-14
Publication Date October 1, 2019
Submission Date April 2, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Aydemir, L. Y., & Akçakaya, F. G. (2019). DETERMINATION OF THE BEST FUNCTIONAL CHICKPEA CULTIVARS BY TOPSIS TECHNIQUE. Food and Health, 5(4), 239-252.


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