Research Article
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Year 2019, , 83 - 94, 01.04.2019


Adolescence is a period when the fastest
growing happens in individuals after babyhood.
The study was conducted with a total of 540 students
from the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th
Grade students (284M and 256F) attending secondary school. In the first stage,
540 questionnaires that had 39 questions were applied to the students who were
trained; and the children were given nutrition training; and after 20 days, another
540 questionnaires were applied again. The data of a total of 540 pre-training
and 540 post-training students were recorded in terms of their eating habits,
regular breakfast and healthy food selection before and after the study.
The body parameters
according to gender (height, weight, BMI) show normality with the percentile
values formed in Turkish children. The percentages of the answers given by the
students to the questions before and after the training are given under each
question category. A significant difference was detected between the habits of
not having breakfast according to gender (P=0.021) (P<0.05).  As a conclusion, these data show that food
selection may be developed with training. 


  • Aksoy, A., Selen, H. (2018). The evaluation of body composition and anthropometric measurements of males aged 18-25 years, based on the regularity of physical exercise. Progress in Nutrition, 20(3), 338-343.
  • Aksoy, A., Selen, H., Ozdemir, F.A., Bulut Arıkan, F. (2017). Association of physical activity and obesity status for individuals between the ages of 18-30 via bioelectrical impedance analysis device and metabolic holter measurements. Progress in Nutrition, 19(4), 391-397.
  • Aktas, N. (2011). Besin rehberleri: Beslenme eğitiminde gorsel bir arac. Selcuk Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu Dergisi, 25, 11-16.
  • Aktas, N. (2017). School-based nutrition promotion: nutrition friendly school program in Turkey. Mariateresa Gammone, Mehmet Ali Icbay, Hasan Arslan (Eds.), Recent Developments in Education (p. 479-486). International Association of Social Science Research. (E-book), ISBN 978-83-943963-3-6.
  • Auestad, N., Hurley, J.S., Fulgoni, V.L., Schweitzer, C.M. (2015) Contribution of Food Groups to Energy and Nutrient Intakes in Five Developed Countries. Nutrients, 7, 4593-4618.
  • Battaloglu-Inanc, B. (2014). Okul Çocuklarında Doktor Tanılı Astım ve Allerjik Hastalıklarla Fast-Food Iliskisi. Konuralp Tip Dergisi, 6(2), 19-24.
  • Birer, S. ve Ersoy, G. (1987). Metropoliten bir kentte spor yapan ve yapmayan universiteli kiz ogrencilerin beslenme bilgi ve aliskanliklari. Beslenme ve Diyet Dergisi, 16(2), 153-170.
  • Bundak, R., Furman, A., Gunoz, H., Darendeliler, F., Bas, F., Neyzi, O. (2006). Body mass index references for Turkish children. Acta Paediatrica. 95, 194-198.
  • Cebirbay, M.A., Aktas, N., Calderoni, M. (2011). Determination of breakfast habits and knowledge of foreign undergraduates studying at Selcuk University in Turkey. Progress in Nutrition, 13(4), 276-285.
  • Cooke, L.J., Wardle, J. (2005). Age and gender differences in children’s food preferences. British Journal of Nutrition, 93, 741-6.
  • Demirezen, E., Cosansu, G. (2005). Adolesan cagi ogrencilerde beslenme aliskanliklarinin degerlendirilmesi. Surekli Tip Egitimi Dergisi, 8, 174-178.
  • Deshmukh-Taskar, P.R., Nicklas, T.A., O’Neil, C.E., Keast, D.R., Radcliffe, J.D., Cho, S. (2010). The relationship of breakfast skipping and type of breakfast consumption with nutrient intake and weight status in children and adolescents: the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999-2006. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 110(6), 869-878.
  • Keski-Rahkonen, A., Kaprio, J., Rissanen, A., Virkkunen, M., Rose, R.J. (2003). Breakfast skipping and health-compromising behaviors in adolescents and adults. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 57(7), 842-853.
  • Kutlu, R., Civi, S. (2009). Ozel bir ilkogretim okulu oğrencilerinde beslenme aliskanliklarinin ve beden kitle indekslerinin degerlendirilmesi, Firat Tip Dergisi, 14(1), 18-24.
  • Malik, V.S., Pan, A., Willett, W.C., Hu, F.B. (2013). Sugar-sweetened beverages and weight gain in children and adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Clinical Nutritionü, 98, 1084-1102.
  • Neumark-Sztainer, D., Story, M., Perry, C., Casey, M.A. (1999). Factors influencing food choices of adolescents: findings from focus-group discussions with adolescents. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 99, 929-937.
  • Neyzi, O., Binyildiz, P., Alp, H. (1978). Turk cocuklarinda buyume gelişme normlari. İstanbul Tip Fakultesi Dergisi, 41(Supp 74), 3-22.
  • Neyzi, O., Gunoz, H., Furman, A., Bundak, R., Gokcay, G., Darendeliler, F., Bas, F. (2008). Turk çocuklarinda vucut agirligi, boy uzunlugu, bas cevresi ve vucut kitle indeksi referans degerleri. Cocuk Sagligi ve Hastaliklari Dergisi, 51, 1-14.
  • Orhan, A. Celik, İ. (2014). Ilkogretim okulu ogrencilerinin kahvalti aliskanliklari ve okul kantini ile iliskilerinin belirlenmesi, Akademik Gida, 12(1), 51-56.
  • Rakicioglu, N., Karabudak, E., Kazanc, M., Yucecan, S. (2000). 10-18 Yas grubu cocuklarin besin tuketim duzeyleri ve beslenme aliskanliklarinin saptanmasina yonelik bir calisma. Uluslararasi Beslenme ve Diyetetik Kongre Kitabi, C200, 156-157.
  • Sabbag C., Surucuoglu M.S. (2012). Influence of education on primary school students nutrition in Ankara. HealthMED, 6(2), 616-620.
  • Sabbag, C. (2017). The Evaluation Of Short-Term Nutrition Education On The Nutrition Habits Of University Students. International Journal Of Human Sciences, 14(4), 3634-3644.
  • Sagun, P. (1987). Farkli sosyo-kulturel cevrelerdeki lise son sinif ogrencilerinin beslenme bilgi ve aliskanliklarinin olçulmesi. Bilim Uzmanlığı Tezi. Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara.
  • Spear, B.A. (2002). Adolescent growth and development. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 102, 23-29.
  • Stea, T.H., Overby, N.C., Klepp, K.I., Bere, E. (2012). Changes in beverage consumption in Norwegian children from 2001 to 2008. Public Health Nutrition, 15, 379-385.
  • Steyn, N. (2010). Does dietary knowledge influence the eating behaviour of adolescents?: editorial. The South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 23(2), 62-63.
  • Story, M., Stang, J. (2005). Understanding adolescent eating behaviors. Guidelines for Adolescent Nutrition Services. Minneapolis: Centre for Leadership, Education and Training in Maternal and Child Nutrition Division of Epidemiology and Community Health. School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, p. 9-19.
  • TBSA. (2010). Türkiye Beslenme ve Sağlık Araştırması. Saha Uygulaması El Kitabı. (p,139-144), T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı, Ankara. Code: 7561999 (accessed 25.07.2018) TUBER. (2015). Turkiye Beslenme Rehberi. T.C. Saglik Bakanligi, Halk Sagligi Kurumu, Basim: Kayhan Ajans. Ankara 2016., ISBN : 978-975-590-608-9.
  • Willett W C and McCullough M L. (2008). Dietary pattern analysis for the evaluation of dietary guidelines. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 17(S1), 75-78.
  • Wordll, D., Daratha, K., Mandal, B., Bindler, R., Butkus, S.N. (2012). Changes in a middle school food environment affect food behavior and food choices. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 112, 137-41.
  • Wouters, E.J., Larsen, J.K., Kremers, S.P., Dagnelie, P.C., Geenen, R. (2010). Peer influence on snacking behavior in adolescence. Appetite, 55, 11-17.
Year 2019, , 83 - 94, 01.04.2019



  • Aksoy, A., Selen, H. (2018). The evaluation of body composition and anthropometric measurements of males aged 18-25 years, based on the regularity of physical exercise. Progress in Nutrition, 20(3), 338-343.
  • Aksoy, A., Selen, H., Ozdemir, F.A., Bulut Arıkan, F. (2017). Association of physical activity and obesity status for individuals between the ages of 18-30 via bioelectrical impedance analysis device and metabolic holter measurements. Progress in Nutrition, 19(4), 391-397.
  • Aktas, N. (2011). Besin rehberleri: Beslenme eğitiminde gorsel bir arac. Selcuk Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu Dergisi, 25, 11-16.
  • Aktas, N. (2017). School-based nutrition promotion: nutrition friendly school program in Turkey. Mariateresa Gammone, Mehmet Ali Icbay, Hasan Arslan (Eds.), Recent Developments in Education (p. 479-486). International Association of Social Science Research. (E-book), ISBN 978-83-943963-3-6.
  • Auestad, N., Hurley, J.S., Fulgoni, V.L., Schweitzer, C.M. (2015) Contribution of Food Groups to Energy and Nutrient Intakes in Five Developed Countries. Nutrients, 7, 4593-4618.
  • Battaloglu-Inanc, B. (2014). Okul Çocuklarında Doktor Tanılı Astım ve Allerjik Hastalıklarla Fast-Food Iliskisi. Konuralp Tip Dergisi, 6(2), 19-24.
  • Birer, S. ve Ersoy, G. (1987). Metropoliten bir kentte spor yapan ve yapmayan universiteli kiz ogrencilerin beslenme bilgi ve aliskanliklari. Beslenme ve Diyet Dergisi, 16(2), 153-170.
  • Bundak, R., Furman, A., Gunoz, H., Darendeliler, F., Bas, F., Neyzi, O. (2006). Body mass index references for Turkish children. Acta Paediatrica. 95, 194-198.
  • Cebirbay, M.A., Aktas, N., Calderoni, M. (2011). Determination of breakfast habits and knowledge of foreign undergraduates studying at Selcuk University in Turkey. Progress in Nutrition, 13(4), 276-285.
  • Cooke, L.J., Wardle, J. (2005). Age and gender differences in children’s food preferences. British Journal of Nutrition, 93, 741-6.
  • Demirezen, E., Cosansu, G. (2005). Adolesan cagi ogrencilerde beslenme aliskanliklarinin degerlendirilmesi. Surekli Tip Egitimi Dergisi, 8, 174-178.
  • Deshmukh-Taskar, P.R., Nicklas, T.A., O’Neil, C.E., Keast, D.R., Radcliffe, J.D., Cho, S. (2010). The relationship of breakfast skipping and type of breakfast consumption with nutrient intake and weight status in children and adolescents: the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999-2006. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 110(6), 869-878.
  • Keski-Rahkonen, A., Kaprio, J., Rissanen, A., Virkkunen, M., Rose, R.J. (2003). Breakfast skipping and health-compromising behaviors in adolescents and adults. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 57(7), 842-853.
  • Kutlu, R., Civi, S. (2009). Ozel bir ilkogretim okulu oğrencilerinde beslenme aliskanliklarinin ve beden kitle indekslerinin degerlendirilmesi, Firat Tip Dergisi, 14(1), 18-24.
  • Malik, V.S., Pan, A., Willett, W.C., Hu, F.B. (2013). Sugar-sweetened beverages and weight gain in children and adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Clinical Nutritionü, 98, 1084-1102.
  • Neumark-Sztainer, D., Story, M., Perry, C., Casey, M.A. (1999). Factors influencing food choices of adolescents: findings from focus-group discussions with adolescents. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 99, 929-937.
  • Neyzi, O., Binyildiz, P., Alp, H. (1978). Turk cocuklarinda buyume gelişme normlari. İstanbul Tip Fakultesi Dergisi, 41(Supp 74), 3-22.
  • Neyzi, O., Gunoz, H., Furman, A., Bundak, R., Gokcay, G., Darendeliler, F., Bas, F. (2008). Turk çocuklarinda vucut agirligi, boy uzunlugu, bas cevresi ve vucut kitle indeksi referans degerleri. Cocuk Sagligi ve Hastaliklari Dergisi, 51, 1-14.
  • Orhan, A. Celik, İ. (2014). Ilkogretim okulu ogrencilerinin kahvalti aliskanliklari ve okul kantini ile iliskilerinin belirlenmesi, Akademik Gida, 12(1), 51-56.
  • Rakicioglu, N., Karabudak, E., Kazanc, M., Yucecan, S. (2000). 10-18 Yas grubu cocuklarin besin tuketim duzeyleri ve beslenme aliskanliklarinin saptanmasina yonelik bir calisma. Uluslararasi Beslenme ve Diyetetik Kongre Kitabi, C200, 156-157.
  • Sabbag C., Surucuoglu M.S. (2012). Influence of education on primary school students nutrition in Ankara. HealthMED, 6(2), 616-620.
  • Sabbag, C. (2017). The Evaluation Of Short-Term Nutrition Education On The Nutrition Habits Of University Students. International Journal Of Human Sciences, 14(4), 3634-3644.
  • Sagun, P. (1987). Farkli sosyo-kulturel cevrelerdeki lise son sinif ogrencilerinin beslenme bilgi ve aliskanliklarinin olçulmesi. Bilim Uzmanlığı Tezi. Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara.
  • Spear, B.A. (2002). Adolescent growth and development. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 102, 23-29.
  • Stea, T.H., Overby, N.C., Klepp, K.I., Bere, E. (2012). Changes in beverage consumption in Norwegian children from 2001 to 2008. Public Health Nutrition, 15, 379-385.
  • Steyn, N. (2010). Does dietary knowledge influence the eating behaviour of adolescents?: editorial. The South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 23(2), 62-63.
  • Story, M., Stang, J. (2005). Understanding adolescent eating behaviors. Guidelines for Adolescent Nutrition Services. Minneapolis: Centre for Leadership, Education and Training in Maternal and Child Nutrition Division of Epidemiology and Community Health. School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, p. 9-19.
  • TBSA. (2010). Türkiye Beslenme ve Sağlık Araştırması. Saha Uygulaması El Kitabı. (p,139-144), T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı, Ankara. Code: 7561999 (accessed 25.07.2018) TUBER. (2015). Turkiye Beslenme Rehberi. T.C. Saglik Bakanligi, Halk Sagligi Kurumu, Basim: Kayhan Ajans. Ankara 2016., ISBN : 978-975-590-608-9.
  • Willett W C and McCullough M L. (2008). Dietary pattern analysis for the evaluation of dietary guidelines. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 17(S1), 75-78.
  • Wordll, D., Daratha, K., Mandal, B., Bindler, R., Butkus, S.N. (2012). Changes in a middle school food environment affect food behavior and food choices. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 112, 137-41.
  • Wouters, E.J., Larsen, J.K., Kremers, S.P., Dagnelie, P.C., Geenen, R. (2010). Peer influence on snacking behavior in adolescence. Appetite, 55, 11-17.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Aziz Aksoy 0000-0002-9683-6691

Gözde Ulaş 0000-0001-7221-513X

Publication Date April 1, 2019
Submission Date July 27, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019




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