Research Article
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Year 2015, , 199 - 210, 09.09.2015


The aim of this study was to determine quality changes
occurring in refrigerator (3 ±1ºC) of rainbow trout (On­corhynchus mykiss) was injected marinade brine and salt brine.
The trouts were stored into 3 groups as con­trol, marinade (4% acetic acid-8%
salt) injected and brine (20% salt) injected groups. Moisture, crude pro­tein
and crude fat of fresh trout were found 78.04%, 16.83% and 4.18%, respectively.
Total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N) and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) values were
determined below the limit values during the stor­age period. TVB-N and TBA
values of control, mari­nade injected and brine injected groups were found as
20.42 mg/100g, 0.35 mg MA/kg; 21.70 mg/100g, 0.30 mg MA/kg; 17.60 mg/100g, 0.30
mg MA/kg at the end of the storage, respectively. Total mesophilic aerobic
bacteria (TMAB), total psychrophilic aerobic bacteria (TPAB) and total coliform
counts were determined as 4.54 cfu/g, 4.34 cfu/g and 3.07 cfu/g at the end of
the storage, respectively. In terms of sensory, the trouts were evaluated as
raw and cooked, and quality values were determined to below the limit values
for the con­trol group at 11 day, marinade and brine injected groups at 13 day. 


  • Aguilera, J.M., Francke, A., Figueroa, G., Bornhardt, C., Cifuentes A. (1992): Preservation of minced pelagic fish by combined methods. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 27: 171-177.
  • Altug, T., Elmaci, Y. (2005): Sensory evaluation in foods. Meta Press, İzmir.
  • Bao, D.N.H., Arason, S., Porarinsdottir, K.A. (2007): Effects of dry iceand superchilling on quality and shelf life of arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) fillets. International Journal of Food Engineering, 3: 1-27.
  • Baygar, T., Erkan, N., Metin, S., Özden, Ö., Varlik. C. (2002): Utilization manner of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum, 1792) in Türkiye. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 26: 577-580.
  • Bilgin, S., Erdem, M.E., Duyar, H.A. (2006): Chemical quality changes of brown shrimp, Crangon crangon (Linnaeus, 1758), stored at refrigerated temperatures as boiling and raw. Science and Engineering Journal of Firat Universty, 18: 171-179.
  • Bilgin, S., Ertan, O.Ö., Günlü, A. (2007a): The effects on chemical composition of Salmo trutta macrostigma Dumeril, 1858 of different salting techniques. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 24: 225-232.
  • Bilgin, S., Ertan, O.Ö., İzci, L. (2007b): Investigation on changes in the chemical composition of hot smoked Salmo trutta macrostigma, Dumeril 1858, stored different temperatures. Journal of, 1: 68-80.
  • Cakli, S., Kilinc, B., Dincer, T., Tolasa, S. (2006a): Effects of using slurry ice during transportation on the microbilological, chemical, and sensory assessments of aquacultured sea bass (Dicentrarchus Labrax) stored at 4 °C. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 46: 453-458.
  • Cakli, S., Kilinc, B., Dincer, T., Tolasa, S. (2006b): Comparison of the shelf lifes of map and vacuum packaged hot smoked rainbow trout (Oncohryncus mykiss). Eur Food Res Technol, 224: 19–26.
  • Chytiri, S., Chouliara, I., Savvaidis, I.N., Kontominas, M.G. (2004): Microbiological, chemical and sensory assessment of iced whole and fileted aquacultured rainbow trout. Food Microbiology, 21: 157-165.
  • Curran, C.A., Nicoladies, L., Poulter, R.G., Pors, J. (1980): Spoilage of fish from Hong Kong at different storage temperatures, Tropical Science, 22: 367-382.
  • Çaklı, S. (2007): Su Ürünleri İşleme Teknolojisi I. 76th edition, Ege University Press, İzmir.
  • Deniz, E.E. (2009): The effect of marinade solutions injected on different postmortem time on the quality of meat. PhD. thesis. Ege University, Turkey.
  • Duran, A. (2006): The effects of different killing methods on flesh quality of some fish (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum 1792 ve Cyprinus carpio, Linnaeus 1758) which have economical importance. PhD. thesis. İnönü University, Turkey.
  • Duyar, H.A., Gargaci, A., Altinelataman, C. (2012): Determination of chemical composition and shelf life of shad (Alosa tanaica Grimm, 1901) in refrigeration conditions. Journal of, 6: 1-8.
  • Erdem, M.E. (2006): A research on the determination of meat quality of wild and cultured brown trout (Salmo trutta forma fario Linnaeus, 1758) in the East Black Sea region. PhD. thesis. Ondokuz Mayıs University, Turkey.
  • Erkan, N., Özden, Ö. (2008): Quality assessment of whole and gutted sardines (Sardina pilchardus) stored in ice. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 43: 1549-1559.
  • Fernandez, K., Aspe, E., Roeckel, M. (2008): Shelf-life extension on fillets of atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) using natural additives, super chilling and modified atmosphere packaging. Food Control, 20: 1036-1042.
  • Fuentes, A., Fernández-Segovıa, I., Barat, J.M., Serra, J.A. (2010): Physicochemical characterization of some smoked and marinated fish products. J. Food Processing and Preservation, 34: 83–103.
  • Fuselli, S.R., Casales, M.R., Fritz, R., Yeannes, M.I. (1994): Microbiology of the marination process used in anchovy (Engraulis anchoita) production. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und-Technologie, 27: 214-218.
  • Gökoğlu, N., Metin, S., Baygar, T., Özden, Ö., Erkan, N. (1999): Determination of the quality changes of squid (Loligo vulgaris, Lamarck) stored at the different temperatures. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 23: 511-514.
  • Gökoğlu, N. (2002): Su Ürünleri İşleme Teknolojisi, Su Vakfı Press, İstanbul.
  • Halkman, A.K. (2005): Mikroorganizma Analiz Yöntemleri. In: Halkman. A. K. (Eds.), Merck Gıda Mikrobiyolojisi Uygulamaları. Başak Press Ltd. Şti., Ankara, pp. 89-124.
  • Hultmann, L., Rustad, T. (2002): Textural changes during iced storage of salmon (Salmo salar) and cod (Gadus morhua). J. Aquatic Food Product Technology, 11: 105-123.
  • Huss, H.H. (1988): Fresh Fish Quality Changes. FAO Fisheries Series, No: 29, Rome: FAO.
  • İnal, T. (1992): Besin Hijyeni. Hayvansal Gıdaların Saglık Kontrolu. 2nd edition, Final Ofset A.Ş., İstanbul.
  • Kaba, N., Erkoyuncu, İ. (2011): Sensory, chemical and microbial quality of mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819) processed with different treatments during cold storage. Academic Food Journal, 9: 29-37.
  • Karl, H. (1994): Überlegungen zur Berechnung der Salz- und Säuregehalte imFischgewebewasser von marinierten Fischereierzeugnissen. Informationen für die Fischwirtschaft aus der Fischereiforschung, 41: 47-50.
  • Kijowski, J., Mast, M.G. (1993): Tenderization of spent fowl drumsticks by marination in weak organic solutions. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 28: 337-342.
  • Kocatepe, D., Taşkaya, G., Turan, H., Kaya, Y. (2010): Icing process in fishes. Turkish Journal of Scientific Reviews, 3: 17-27.
  • Köse, S., Erdem, M.E. (2004). An investigation of quality changes in anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus, L. 1758) stored at different temperatures. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 28: 575-582.
  • Larrazabal, M.L., Escriche, I., Camacho, M.M. (2010): Changes in quality associated with the conditions of marinating of salmon (Salmo salar) and theire volution during storage. CyTA Journal of Food, 8: 39-47.
  • Lyhs, U., Lahtinen, J., Fredriksson-Ahomaa, M., Hyytia-Trees E., Elfing, K., Korkeala, H. (2001): Microbiological quality and shelf-life of vacuum-packaged ‘gravad’ rainbow trout stored at 3 and 8 °C. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 70: 221–230.
  • Metin, S., Varlik, C. (1997): Taze ve soğukta depolanan gökkuşağı alabalığının fiziksel ve kimyasal parametrelerinin incelenmesi. Gıda ve Teknoloji, 1: 5-10.
  • Morkore, T., Mazo, P.I.T., Tahirovic, V., Einen, O. (2008): Impact of starvation and handling stress on rigor developmentand quality of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L). Aquaculture, 277: 231-238.
  • Norwitz, W. (1970): Drained weight determination of frozen glazed fish and other marine products. Methods of analysis of the AOAC, pp. 339.
  • Oğuzhan, P., Angiş, S. (2012). Effect of salting and packaging treatments on fresh rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillets during storage at refrigerator temperatures. The Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Kafkas, 18: 443-448.
  • Oreskovich, D.C., Bechtel, P.J., Mckeith, F.K., Novakofski, J., Basgall, E.J. (1992): Marinade pH affects textural properties of beef. Journal of Food Science, 57: 305-311.
  • Öksüztepe, G., Güran, Ş.H., Çoban, E.Ö. (2011): Microbiological and chemical quality of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W.) marketed in Elazıg. e-Journal of New World Sciences Acedemy, 6: 1-9.
  • Özden, Ö., Erkan, N. (2006): Effect of different packing methods on the shelf life of marinated rainbow trout. Archiv für Lebensmittelhygiene, 57: 69–75.
  • Patir, B., İnanli, G.A. (2005): Microbiological quality and TMA-N levels of fresh horse mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus, S. 1868) marketed in Elazığ. International Journal of Science and Technology, 17: 360-369.
  • Rezaei, M., Hosseini, S.F., Langrudi, H.E., Safari, R., Hosseini, S.V. (2008): Effect of delayed icing on quality changes of iced rainbow trout (Onchorynchus mykiss). Food Chemistry, 106: 1161-1165.
  • Seuss, I., Martin, M. (1993):The influence of marinating with food acids on the composition and sensory properties of beef. Fleischwirtschaft, 73: 292-295.
  • Sümbüloğlu, K., Sümbüloğlu, V. (2000): Biyoistatistik, 9th edition, Hatiboğlu Press: 53, Ankara.
  • Tarladgis, B.G., Watts, B.M., Yonathan, M. (1960): A distillation method for the quantitative determination of malonaldehyde in rancid foods. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 37: 44-48.
  • Tömek, S.O., Yapar, A. (1990): Tuzlu alabalık üretiminde kaliteyi koruyucu bazı katkıların etkisi. Ege Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, 8: 59-68.
  • TUIK (2013): Fisheries statistics. Turkish Statistical Institute, Printing Division, Ankara.
  • Varlık, C., Erkan, N., Özden, Ö., Mol, S., Baygar, T. (2011): Su ürünleri işleme teknolojisi. In: Candan Varlık (Eds.). 2nd edition, İstanbul University Press; 5027, Fisheries Faculty Press. İstanbul.
Year 2015, , 199 - 210, 09.09.2015



  • Aguilera, J.M., Francke, A., Figueroa, G., Bornhardt, C., Cifuentes A. (1992): Preservation of minced pelagic fish by combined methods. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 27: 171-177.
  • Altug, T., Elmaci, Y. (2005): Sensory evaluation in foods. Meta Press, İzmir.
  • Bao, D.N.H., Arason, S., Porarinsdottir, K.A. (2007): Effects of dry iceand superchilling on quality and shelf life of arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) fillets. International Journal of Food Engineering, 3: 1-27.
  • Baygar, T., Erkan, N., Metin, S., Özden, Ö., Varlik. C. (2002): Utilization manner of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum, 1792) in Türkiye. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 26: 577-580.
  • Bilgin, S., Erdem, M.E., Duyar, H.A. (2006): Chemical quality changes of brown shrimp, Crangon crangon (Linnaeus, 1758), stored at refrigerated temperatures as boiling and raw. Science and Engineering Journal of Firat Universty, 18: 171-179.
  • Bilgin, S., Ertan, O.Ö., Günlü, A. (2007a): The effects on chemical composition of Salmo trutta macrostigma Dumeril, 1858 of different salting techniques. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 24: 225-232.
  • Bilgin, S., Ertan, O.Ö., İzci, L. (2007b): Investigation on changes in the chemical composition of hot smoked Salmo trutta macrostigma, Dumeril 1858, stored different temperatures. Journal of, 1: 68-80.
  • Cakli, S., Kilinc, B., Dincer, T., Tolasa, S. (2006a): Effects of using slurry ice during transportation on the microbilological, chemical, and sensory assessments of aquacultured sea bass (Dicentrarchus Labrax) stored at 4 °C. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 46: 453-458.
  • Cakli, S., Kilinc, B., Dincer, T., Tolasa, S. (2006b): Comparison of the shelf lifes of map and vacuum packaged hot smoked rainbow trout (Oncohryncus mykiss). Eur Food Res Technol, 224: 19–26.
  • Chytiri, S., Chouliara, I., Savvaidis, I.N., Kontominas, M.G. (2004): Microbiological, chemical and sensory assessment of iced whole and fileted aquacultured rainbow trout. Food Microbiology, 21: 157-165.
  • Curran, C.A., Nicoladies, L., Poulter, R.G., Pors, J. (1980): Spoilage of fish from Hong Kong at different storage temperatures, Tropical Science, 22: 367-382.
  • Çaklı, S. (2007): Su Ürünleri İşleme Teknolojisi I. 76th edition, Ege University Press, İzmir.
  • Deniz, E.E. (2009): The effect of marinade solutions injected on different postmortem time on the quality of meat. PhD. thesis. Ege University, Turkey.
  • Duran, A. (2006): The effects of different killing methods on flesh quality of some fish (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum 1792 ve Cyprinus carpio, Linnaeus 1758) which have economical importance. PhD. thesis. İnönü University, Turkey.
  • Duyar, H.A., Gargaci, A., Altinelataman, C. (2012): Determination of chemical composition and shelf life of shad (Alosa tanaica Grimm, 1901) in refrigeration conditions. Journal of, 6: 1-8.
  • Erdem, M.E. (2006): A research on the determination of meat quality of wild and cultured brown trout (Salmo trutta forma fario Linnaeus, 1758) in the East Black Sea region. PhD. thesis. Ondokuz Mayıs University, Turkey.
  • Erkan, N., Özden, Ö. (2008): Quality assessment of whole and gutted sardines (Sardina pilchardus) stored in ice. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 43: 1549-1559.
  • Fernandez, K., Aspe, E., Roeckel, M. (2008): Shelf-life extension on fillets of atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) using natural additives, super chilling and modified atmosphere packaging. Food Control, 20: 1036-1042.
  • Fuentes, A., Fernández-Segovıa, I., Barat, J.M., Serra, J.A. (2010): Physicochemical characterization of some smoked and marinated fish products. J. Food Processing and Preservation, 34: 83–103.
  • Fuselli, S.R., Casales, M.R., Fritz, R., Yeannes, M.I. (1994): Microbiology of the marination process used in anchovy (Engraulis anchoita) production. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und-Technologie, 27: 214-218.
  • Gökoğlu, N., Metin, S., Baygar, T., Özden, Ö., Erkan, N. (1999): Determination of the quality changes of squid (Loligo vulgaris, Lamarck) stored at the different temperatures. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 23: 511-514.
  • Gökoğlu, N. (2002): Su Ürünleri İşleme Teknolojisi, Su Vakfı Press, İstanbul.
  • Halkman, A.K. (2005): Mikroorganizma Analiz Yöntemleri. In: Halkman. A. K. (Eds.), Merck Gıda Mikrobiyolojisi Uygulamaları. Başak Press Ltd. Şti., Ankara, pp. 89-124.
  • Hultmann, L., Rustad, T. (2002): Textural changes during iced storage of salmon (Salmo salar) and cod (Gadus morhua). J. Aquatic Food Product Technology, 11: 105-123.
  • Huss, H.H. (1988): Fresh Fish Quality Changes. FAO Fisheries Series, No: 29, Rome: FAO.
  • İnal, T. (1992): Besin Hijyeni. Hayvansal Gıdaların Saglık Kontrolu. 2nd edition, Final Ofset A.Ş., İstanbul.
  • Kaba, N., Erkoyuncu, İ. (2011): Sensory, chemical and microbial quality of mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819) processed with different treatments during cold storage. Academic Food Journal, 9: 29-37.
  • Karl, H. (1994): Überlegungen zur Berechnung der Salz- und Säuregehalte imFischgewebewasser von marinierten Fischereierzeugnissen. Informationen für die Fischwirtschaft aus der Fischereiforschung, 41: 47-50.
  • Kijowski, J., Mast, M.G. (1993): Tenderization of spent fowl drumsticks by marination in weak organic solutions. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 28: 337-342.
  • Kocatepe, D., Taşkaya, G., Turan, H., Kaya, Y. (2010): Icing process in fishes. Turkish Journal of Scientific Reviews, 3: 17-27.
  • Köse, S., Erdem, M.E. (2004). An investigation of quality changes in anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus, L. 1758) stored at different temperatures. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 28: 575-582.
  • Larrazabal, M.L., Escriche, I., Camacho, M.M. (2010): Changes in quality associated with the conditions of marinating of salmon (Salmo salar) and theire volution during storage. CyTA Journal of Food, 8: 39-47.
  • Lyhs, U., Lahtinen, J., Fredriksson-Ahomaa, M., Hyytia-Trees E., Elfing, K., Korkeala, H. (2001): Microbiological quality and shelf-life of vacuum-packaged ‘gravad’ rainbow trout stored at 3 and 8 °C. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 70: 221–230.
  • Metin, S., Varlik, C. (1997): Taze ve soğukta depolanan gökkuşağı alabalığının fiziksel ve kimyasal parametrelerinin incelenmesi. Gıda ve Teknoloji, 1: 5-10.
  • Morkore, T., Mazo, P.I.T., Tahirovic, V., Einen, O. (2008): Impact of starvation and handling stress on rigor developmentand quality of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L). Aquaculture, 277: 231-238.
  • Norwitz, W. (1970): Drained weight determination of frozen glazed fish and other marine products. Methods of analysis of the AOAC, pp. 339.
  • Oğuzhan, P., Angiş, S. (2012). Effect of salting and packaging treatments on fresh rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillets during storage at refrigerator temperatures. The Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Kafkas, 18: 443-448.
  • Oreskovich, D.C., Bechtel, P.J., Mckeith, F.K., Novakofski, J., Basgall, E.J. (1992): Marinade pH affects textural properties of beef. Journal of Food Science, 57: 305-311.
  • Öksüztepe, G., Güran, Ş.H., Çoban, E.Ö. (2011): Microbiological and chemical quality of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W.) marketed in Elazıg. e-Journal of New World Sciences Acedemy, 6: 1-9.
  • Özden, Ö., Erkan, N. (2006): Effect of different packing methods on the shelf life of marinated rainbow trout. Archiv für Lebensmittelhygiene, 57: 69–75.
  • Patir, B., İnanli, G.A. (2005): Microbiological quality and TMA-N levels of fresh horse mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus, S. 1868) marketed in Elazığ. International Journal of Science and Technology, 17: 360-369.
  • Rezaei, M., Hosseini, S.F., Langrudi, H.E., Safari, R., Hosseini, S.V. (2008): Effect of delayed icing on quality changes of iced rainbow trout (Onchorynchus mykiss). Food Chemistry, 106: 1161-1165.
  • Seuss, I., Martin, M. (1993):The influence of marinating with food acids on the composition and sensory properties of beef. Fleischwirtschaft, 73: 292-295.
  • Sümbüloğlu, K., Sümbüloğlu, V. (2000): Biyoistatistik, 9th edition, Hatiboğlu Press: 53, Ankara.
  • Tarladgis, B.G., Watts, B.M., Yonathan, M. (1960): A distillation method for the quantitative determination of malonaldehyde in rancid foods. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 37: 44-48.
  • Tömek, S.O., Yapar, A. (1990): Tuzlu alabalık üretiminde kaliteyi koruyucu bazı katkıların etkisi. Ege Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, 8: 59-68.
  • TUIK (2013): Fisheries statistics. Turkish Statistical Institute, Printing Division, Ankara.
  • Varlık, C., Erkan, N., Özden, Ö., Mol, S., Baygar, T. (2011): Su ürünleri işleme teknolojisi. In: Candan Varlık (Eds.). 2nd edition, İstanbul University Press; 5027, Fisheries Faculty Press. İstanbul.
There are 48 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Emre Çağlak

Barış Karslı

Publication Date September 9, 2015
Submission Date April 14, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015




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