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Year 2015, , 142 - 149, 01.07.2015


Fish oils have been essential
for human life develop­ment, growth and they play critical roles in health and
reproduction. Especially of those sources of food which contain adequate levels
of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) is importantly. On the other hand PUFA’s
sources of food which have suitable ratios of the n-3 (18-carbon, α-linolenic
acid, ALA) to n-6 (18-carbon linoleic acid, LA) PUFAs is more importantly. In
recent years, the importance of adequate and well balanced di­ets have
understood and nutritional habits were started to be changing with growing
technology. It’s known that n-3 and n-6 long chain fatty acids source in espe­cially
oily fish had to in our diet in balance. Fish oils play important role
prevention of cardiovascular prob­lems, effective for the visual function,
brain develop­ment and growth. In this review polyunsaturated fatty acids which
have an impact on human health were able to be reviewed for this reasons.


  • Adkins, Y., Kelley, D.S. (2010): Mechanisms un¬derlying the cardioprotective effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 21: 781792.
  • Agence Français de Sécurité Sanitaire des Ali¬ments (AFFSA) (2003): The omega-3 fatty acids and the cardiovascular system: nutritio¬nal benefits and claims;,¬doc/rapportomega3.pdf.
  • Ailhaud, G., Guesnet, P., Cunnane, S.C. (2008). An emerging risk factor for obesity: does di-sequilibrium of polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism contribute to excessive adipose tissue development? British Journal of Nutri¬tion, 100:461-470.
  • Anderson, A.K., McDougald, D.M., Steiner-Asi¬edu, M. (2010). Dietary trans fatty acid intake and maternal and infant adiposity. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 64: 1308-1315.
  • American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Statement (2006): Diet and lifestyle recom-mendations revision: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Nutri¬tion Committee. Circulation, 114: 82-96.
  • Arterburn LM, Hall EB, Oken H. (2006). Distri¬bution, interconversion, and dose response of n-3 fatty acids in humans. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 83: 1467-1476.
  • Biondo, P.D., Brindley, D.N., Sawyer, M.B., Fi¬eld, C.J. (2008): The potential for treatment with dietary long-chain polyunsaturated n-3 fatty acids during chemotherapy. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 19: 787-796.
  • Calder, P.C. (2002): Dietary modification of inflammation with lipids. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 61: 345–358.
  • Cicero, A.F., Ertek, S., Borghi, C. (2009): Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids: their potential role in blood pressure prevention and man¬agement. Current Vascular Pharmacology, 7: 330-337.
  • Colquhoun, D., Ferreira-Jardim, A., Udell, T., Eden, B. (2008): Fish, fish oils, n-3 polyun-saturated fatty acids and cardiovascular health. Review of Evidence. National Heart Foundation of Australia, 1-54.
  • Deckelbaum, R.J., Calder, P.C. (2010): Dietary n-3 and n-6 fatty acids: are there ‘bad’ polyun-saturated fatty acids? Current Opinion in Cli¬nical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, 13: 123-124.
  • Densupsoontorn, N., Carpentier, Y.A., Racine, R., Murray, F.M., Seo, T., Ramakrishnan, R. (2008): CD36 and proteoglycan-mediated pathways for (n-3) fatty acid enriched triglyc-eride-rich particle blood clearance in mouse models in vivo and in peritoneal macro¬phages in vitro. Journal of Nutrition, 138: 257-261.
  • De Roos, B., Mavrommatis, Y., Brouwer, I.A. (2009): Long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids: new insights into mechanisms relating to inflammation and coronary heart disease. British Journal of Pharmacology, 158: 413-428.
  • Dunbar, B.S., Bosire, R.V., Deckelbaum R.J. (2014): Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids in human and animal health: An African per¬spective. Molecular and Cellular Endocri¬nology 398: 69-77
  • Dyerberg, J., Bang, H.O., Hjorne, N. (1975): Fatty acid composition of the plasma lipids in Greenland Eskimos. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 28: 958–966.
  • Dyerberg, J., Bang, H.O., Stoffersen, E., Moncada, S., Vane, J.R. (1978): Eicosapen¬taenoic acid and prevention of thrombosis and atherosclerosis? Lancet 2: 117–119.
  • EFSA (2005): Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to nu¬trition claims concerning omega-3 fatty ac¬ids, monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat and unsaturated fat. European Food Safety Authority Journal, 253: 1–29. opin¬ions/catindex en.html.
  • EFSA (2009): Opinion of the scientific panel on dietetic products, nutrition and allergies on a request from the Commission related to label¬ling reference intake values for n−3 and n−6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. European Food Safety Authority Journal, 1176: 1-11.
  • Francois, C.A., Connor, S.L., Bolewicz, L.C., Connor, W.E. (2003): Supplementing lactat¬ing women with flaxseed oil does not in¬crease docosahexaenoic acid in their milk. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 77: 226-33.
  • Freeman, M.P. (2006): Omega-3 fatty acids and perinatal depression: A review of the litera¬ture and recommendations for future research Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 75: 291-297.
  • Goyens, P.L., Spilker, M.E., Zock, P.L., Katan, M.B., Mensink, R.P. (2005): Compartmental modeling to quantify alpha-linolenic acid conversion after longer term intake of multi¬ple tracer boluses. Journal of Lipid Research, 46: 1474-1483.
  • Holub, D. J., Holub, B.J. (2004): Omega3 fatty ac¬ids from fish oils and cardiovascular disease. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 263: 217-225.
  • Kris-Etherton, P.M., Harris, W.S., Appel, L.J. (2002): American Heart Association, Nutri¬tion Committee. Fish consumption, fish oil, omega-3 fatty acids, and cardiovascular dis¬ease. Circulation, 106: 2747-2757.
  • Kris-Etherton, P.M. (1999): Monounsaturated fatty acids and risk of cardiovascular disease. Circulation, 100: 1253-1258.
  • Kris-Etherton, P.M., Harris, W.S., Appel, L.J., AHA Nutrition Committee, American Heart Association. (2003): Omega-3 fatty acids and cardiovascular disease: new recommenda¬tions from the American Heart Association. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 23: 151-152.
  • Makhoul, Z., Kristal, A.R., Gulati, R., Luick, B., Bersamin, A., O’Brien, D., et al. (2011): As-sociations of obesity with triglycerides and C-reactive protein are attenuated in adults with high red blood cell eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 65: 808-817.
  • Marangell, L.B., Martinez, J.M., Zboyan, H.A. Chong, H., Puryear, L.J. (2004): Omega-3 fatty acids for the prevention of postpartum depression: negative data from a preliminary, open-label pilot study, Depress Anxiety 19(1): 20-23.
  • Massiera, F., Saint-Marc, P., Seydoux, J., Murata, T., Kobayashi, T., Narumiya, S., et al. (2003): Arachidonic acid and prostacyclin signaling promote adipose tissue development: a hu¬man health concern? Journal of Lipid Re¬search, 44: 271-279.
  • McGregor, J.A., Allen, K.G.D., Mary, A.H., Reece, M., Wheeler, M., French, J.I., Morri¬son, J. (2001): The omega-3 story: nutritional prevention of preterm birth and other adverse pregnancy outcomes. Obstetrical & Gyneco¬logical Survey, 56: 1-13.
  • Mozaffarian, D., Ascherio, A., Hu, F. B., Stampfer, M. J., Willett, W. C., Siscovick, D. S. (2005): Interplay between different poly¬unsaturated fatty acids and risk of coronary heart disease in men. Circulation, 111: 157–164.
  • Muhlhausler, B.S., Ailhaud, G.P. (2013): Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and the early origins of obesity. Current Opinion in Endoc¬rinology, Diabetes and Obesity, 20: 56-61.
  • Murray-Taylor, F.M., Ho, Y.Y., Densupsoontorn, N., Chang, C.L., Deckelbaum, R.J., Seo, T. (2010): n-3, but not n-6 lipid particle uptake requires cell surface anchoring. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 392: 135-139.
  • Nikolakopoulou, Z., Nteliopoulos, G., Michael-Titus, A.T., Parkinson, E.K. (2013): Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids selectively in¬hibit growth in neoplastic oral keratinocytes by differentially activating ERK1/2. Carcin¬ogenesis, 34: 2716-2725.
  • Rubio-Rodríguez, N., Beltrán, S., Jaime, I., de Di¬ego, M.S., Sanz, T.M., Carballido, J.R. (2010): Production of omega-3 polyunsatu¬rated fatty acid concentrates: A review, Inno¬vative Food Science and Emerging Technol¬ogies 11: 1-12.
  • Rix, T.A., Christensen, J.H., Schmidt, E.B. (2013): Omega-3 fatty acids and cardiac ar¬rhythmias. Current Opinion in Clinical Nut¬rition and Metabolic Care, 16: 168-173.
  • Simopoulos, A.P. (2002): Omega-3 fatty acids and cardiovascular disease: The epidemiological evidence. Environmental Health and Preven¬tive Medicine, 6: 203-209.
  • Simopoulos, A.P. (2006): Evolutionary aspects of diet, the omega-6/omega-3 ratio and genetic variation: nutritional implications for chronic diseases. Biomedicine and Pharmacother¬apy, 60: 502-507.
  • Su, K.P., Shih-Yi, H., Chi-Chiang, C., Winston, W.S. (2003): Omega-3 fatty acids in major depressive disorder. A preliminary double-blind, placebo controlled trial. European Ne-uropsychopharmacology, 13(4): 267-271.
  • Su, KP. (2009): Biological mechanism of antide¬pressant effect of omega-3 fatty acids: How does fish oil act as a ‘mind-body interface’?, Neurosignals, 17: 144-52.
  • Sontrop, Jessica, Campbell, M. Karen. (2006): ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and depression: A review of the evidence and a methodologi¬cal critique, Preventive Medicine, 42: 4-13.
  • The World Health Organisation (2003): Diet nu¬trition and the prevention of chronic diseases. Report of the WHO/FAO Joint Expert Con¬sultation, WHO, Technical Report Series 916.
  • Tousoulis, D., Plastiras, A., Siasos, G., Oikonomou, E., Verveniotis, A., Kokkou, E. (2014): Omega-3 PUFAs improved endothe¬lial function and arterial stiffness with a par¬allel antiinflammatory effect in adults with metabolic syndrome. Atherosclerosis, 232: 10-16.
  • Turan, H., Erkoyuncu, İ., Kocatepe, D. (2013): Omega-3, Omega-6 Yağ Asitleri ve Balık. Yunus Araştırma Bülteni, 2:41-46.
  • Yaqoob, P., Shaikh, S.R. (2010): The nutritional and clinical significance of lipid rafts. Cur¬rent Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Meta¬bolic Care, 13: 156-166.
  • Vessby, B., Unsitupa, M., Hermansen, K., Ric¬cardi, G., Rivellese, A. A., Tapsell, L. C. (2001): Substituting dietary saturated for monounsaturated fat impairs insülin sensitiv¬ity in healthy men and women: the KANWU Study. Diabetologia, 44:312–319.
  • Visentainer, J.V., Noffs, M. D’A., Carvalho, P. O., de Almeida, V.V., de Oliveira, C.C., de Souza, N.E. (2007): Lipid content and fatty acid composition of 15 marine fish species from the south coast of Brazil. Journal of American Oil Chemist’s Society, 84: 543-547.
  • Wang, C., Chung, M., Lichtenstein, A. (2004): Ef¬fects of omega-3 fatty acids on cardiovascu¬lar disease. Evidence report/technology as¬sessment no. 94 (prepared by Tufts-New England Medical Center Evidencebased Practice Center, under contract no. 290-02-0022). AHRQ Publication No. 04-E009-2. 94. Rockville, MD, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
  • Wisner, K.L., Perel, J.M., Peindl, K.S., Hanusa, B.H., Findling, R.L., Rapport, D. (2001): Pre-vention of recurrent postpartum depression: a randomized clinical trial, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 62(2):82-86.
  • Wood, K.E., Lau, A., Mantzioris, E., Gibson, R.A., Ramsden, C.E., Muhlhausler, B.S. (2014): A low omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid (n-6 PUFA) diet increases omega-3 (n-3) long chain PUFA status in plasma phos¬pholipids in humans. Prostaglandins Leukot. Essential Fatty Acids, 90: 133-138.
Year 2015, , 142 - 149, 01.07.2015



  • Adkins, Y., Kelley, D.S. (2010): Mechanisms un¬derlying the cardioprotective effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 21: 781792.
  • Agence Français de Sécurité Sanitaire des Ali¬ments (AFFSA) (2003): The omega-3 fatty acids and the cardiovascular system: nutritio¬nal benefits and claims;,¬doc/rapportomega3.pdf.
  • Ailhaud, G., Guesnet, P., Cunnane, S.C. (2008). An emerging risk factor for obesity: does di-sequilibrium of polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism contribute to excessive adipose tissue development? British Journal of Nutri¬tion, 100:461-470.
  • Anderson, A.K., McDougald, D.M., Steiner-Asi¬edu, M. (2010). Dietary trans fatty acid intake and maternal and infant adiposity. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 64: 1308-1315.
  • American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Statement (2006): Diet and lifestyle recom-mendations revision: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Nutri¬tion Committee. Circulation, 114: 82-96.
  • Arterburn LM, Hall EB, Oken H. (2006). Distri¬bution, interconversion, and dose response of n-3 fatty acids in humans. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 83: 1467-1476.
  • Biondo, P.D., Brindley, D.N., Sawyer, M.B., Fi¬eld, C.J. (2008): The potential for treatment with dietary long-chain polyunsaturated n-3 fatty acids during chemotherapy. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 19: 787-796.
  • Calder, P.C. (2002): Dietary modification of inflammation with lipids. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 61: 345–358.
  • Cicero, A.F., Ertek, S., Borghi, C. (2009): Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids: their potential role in blood pressure prevention and man¬agement. Current Vascular Pharmacology, 7: 330-337.
  • Colquhoun, D., Ferreira-Jardim, A., Udell, T., Eden, B. (2008): Fish, fish oils, n-3 polyun-saturated fatty acids and cardiovascular health. Review of Evidence. National Heart Foundation of Australia, 1-54.
  • Deckelbaum, R.J., Calder, P.C. (2010): Dietary n-3 and n-6 fatty acids: are there ‘bad’ polyun-saturated fatty acids? Current Opinion in Cli¬nical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, 13: 123-124.
  • Densupsoontorn, N., Carpentier, Y.A., Racine, R., Murray, F.M., Seo, T., Ramakrishnan, R. (2008): CD36 and proteoglycan-mediated pathways for (n-3) fatty acid enriched triglyc-eride-rich particle blood clearance in mouse models in vivo and in peritoneal macro¬phages in vitro. Journal of Nutrition, 138: 257-261.
  • De Roos, B., Mavrommatis, Y., Brouwer, I.A. (2009): Long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids: new insights into mechanisms relating to inflammation and coronary heart disease. British Journal of Pharmacology, 158: 413-428.
  • Dunbar, B.S., Bosire, R.V., Deckelbaum R.J. (2014): Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids in human and animal health: An African per¬spective. Molecular and Cellular Endocri¬nology 398: 69-77
  • Dyerberg, J., Bang, H.O., Hjorne, N. (1975): Fatty acid composition of the plasma lipids in Greenland Eskimos. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 28: 958–966.
  • Dyerberg, J., Bang, H.O., Stoffersen, E., Moncada, S., Vane, J.R. (1978): Eicosapen¬taenoic acid and prevention of thrombosis and atherosclerosis? Lancet 2: 117–119.
  • EFSA (2005): Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to nu¬trition claims concerning omega-3 fatty ac¬ids, monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat and unsaturated fat. European Food Safety Authority Journal, 253: 1–29. opin¬ions/catindex en.html.
  • EFSA (2009): Opinion of the scientific panel on dietetic products, nutrition and allergies on a request from the Commission related to label¬ling reference intake values for n−3 and n−6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. European Food Safety Authority Journal, 1176: 1-11.
  • Francois, C.A., Connor, S.L., Bolewicz, L.C., Connor, W.E. (2003): Supplementing lactat¬ing women with flaxseed oil does not in¬crease docosahexaenoic acid in their milk. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 77: 226-33.
  • Freeman, M.P. (2006): Omega-3 fatty acids and perinatal depression: A review of the litera¬ture and recommendations for future research Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 75: 291-297.
  • Goyens, P.L., Spilker, M.E., Zock, P.L., Katan, M.B., Mensink, R.P. (2005): Compartmental modeling to quantify alpha-linolenic acid conversion after longer term intake of multi¬ple tracer boluses. Journal of Lipid Research, 46: 1474-1483.
  • Holub, D. J., Holub, B.J. (2004): Omega3 fatty ac¬ids from fish oils and cardiovascular disease. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 263: 217-225.
  • Kris-Etherton, P.M., Harris, W.S., Appel, L.J. (2002): American Heart Association, Nutri¬tion Committee. Fish consumption, fish oil, omega-3 fatty acids, and cardiovascular dis¬ease. Circulation, 106: 2747-2757.
  • Kris-Etherton, P.M. (1999): Monounsaturated fatty acids and risk of cardiovascular disease. Circulation, 100: 1253-1258.
  • Kris-Etherton, P.M., Harris, W.S., Appel, L.J., AHA Nutrition Committee, American Heart Association. (2003): Omega-3 fatty acids and cardiovascular disease: new recommenda¬tions from the American Heart Association. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 23: 151-152.
  • Makhoul, Z., Kristal, A.R., Gulati, R., Luick, B., Bersamin, A., O’Brien, D., et al. (2011): As-sociations of obesity with triglycerides and C-reactive protein are attenuated in adults with high red blood cell eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 65: 808-817.
  • Marangell, L.B., Martinez, J.M., Zboyan, H.A. Chong, H., Puryear, L.J. (2004): Omega-3 fatty acids for the prevention of postpartum depression: negative data from a preliminary, open-label pilot study, Depress Anxiety 19(1): 20-23.
  • Massiera, F., Saint-Marc, P., Seydoux, J., Murata, T., Kobayashi, T., Narumiya, S., et al. (2003): Arachidonic acid and prostacyclin signaling promote adipose tissue development: a hu¬man health concern? Journal of Lipid Re¬search, 44: 271-279.
  • McGregor, J.A., Allen, K.G.D., Mary, A.H., Reece, M., Wheeler, M., French, J.I., Morri¬son, J. (2001): The omega-3 story: nutritional prevention of preterm birth and other adverse pregnancy outcomes. Obstetrical & Gyneco¬logical Survey, 56: 1-13.
  • Mozaffarian, D., Ascherio, A., Hu, F. B., Stampfer, M. J., Willett, W. C., Siscovick, D. S. (2005): Interplay between different poly¬unsaturated fatty acids and risk of coronary heart disease in men. Circulation, 111: 157–164.
  • Muhlhausler, B.S., Ailhaud, G.P. (2013): Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and the early origins of obesity. Current Opinion in Endoc¬rinology, Diabetes and Obesity, 20: 56-61.
  • Murray-Taylor, F.M., Ho, Y.Y., Densupsoontorn, N., Chang, C.L., Deckelbaum, R.J., Seo, T. (2010): n-3, but not n-6 lipid particle uptake requires cell surface anchoring. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 392: 135-139.
  • Nikolakopoulou, Z., Nteliopoulos, G., Michael-Titus, A.T., Parkinson, E.K. (2013): Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids selectively in¬hibit growth in neoplastic oral keratinocytes by differentially activating ERK1/2. Carcin¬ogenesis, 34: 2716-2725.
  • Rubio-Rodríguez, N., Beltrán, S., Jaime, I., de Di¬ego, M.S., Sanz, T.M., Carballido, J.R. (2010): Production of omega-3 polyunsatu¬rated fatty acid concentrates: A review, Inno¬vative Food Science and Emerging Technol¬ogies 11: 1-12.
  • Rix, T.A., Christensen, J.H., Schmidt, E.B. (2013): Omega-3 fatty acids and cardiac ar¬rhythmias. Current Opinion in Clinical Nut¬rition and Metabolic Care, 16: 168-173.
  • Simopoulos, A.P. (2002): Omega-3 fatty acids and cardiovascular disease: The epidemiological evidence. Environmental Health and Preven¬tive Medicine, 6: 203-209.
  • Simopoulos, A.P. (2006): Evolutionary aspects of diet, the omega-6/omega-3 ratio and genetic variation: nutritional implications for chronic diseases. Biomedicine and Pharmacother¬apy, 60: 502-507.
  • Su, K.P., Shih-Yi, H., Chi-Chiang, C., Winston, W.S. (2003): Omega-3 fatty acids in major depressive disorder. A preliminary double-blind, placebo controlled trial. European Ne-uropsychopharmacology, 13(4): 267-271.
  • Su, KP. (2009): Biological mechanism of antide¬pressant effect of omega-3 fatty acids: How does fish oil act as a ‘mind-body interface’?, Neurosignals, 17: 144-52.
  • Sontrop, Jessica, Campbell, M. Karen. (2006): ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and depression: A review of the evidence and a methodologi¬cal critique, Preventive Medicine, 42: 4-13.
  • The World Health Organisation (2003): Diet nu¬trition and the prevention of chronic diseases. Report of the WHO/FAO Joint Expert Con¬sultation, WHO, Technical Report Series 916.
  • Tousoulis, D., Plastiras, A., Siasos, G., Oikonomou, E., Verveniotis, A., Kokkou, E. (2014): Omega-3 PUFAs improved endothe¬lial function and arterial stiffness with a par¬allel antiinflammatory effect in adults with metabolic syndrome. Atherosclerosis, 232: 10-16.
  • Turan, H., Erkoyuncu, İ., Kocatepe, D. (2013): Omega-3, Omega-6 Yağ Asitleri ve Balık. Yunus Araştırma Bülteni, 2:41-46.
  • Yaqoob, P., Shaikh, S.R. (2010): The nutritional and clinical significance of lipid rafts. Cur¬rent Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Meta¬bolic Care, 13: 156-166.
  • Vessby, B., Unsitupa, M., Hermansen, K., Ric¬cardi, G., Rivellese, A. A., Tapsell, L. C. (2001): Substituting dietary saturated for monounsaturated fat impairs insülin sensitiv¬ity in healthy men and women: the KANWU Study. Diabetologia, 44:312–319.
  • Visentainer, J.V., Noffs, M. D’A., Carvalho, P. O., de Almeida, V.V., de Oliveira, C.C., de Souza, N.E. (2007): Lipid content and fatty acid composition of 15 marine fish species from the south coast of Brazil. Journal of American Oil Chemist’s Society, 84: 543-547.
  • Wang, C., Chung, M., Lichtenstein, A. (2004): Ef¬fects of omega-3 fatty acids on cardiovascu¬lar disease. Evidence report/technology as¬sessment no. 94 (prepared by Tufts-New England Medical Center Evidencebased Practice Center, under contract no. 290-02-0022). AHRQ Publication No. 04-E009-2. 94. Rockville, MD, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
  • Wisner, K.L., Perel, J.M., Peindl, K.S., Hanusa, B.H., Findling, R.L., Rapport, D. (2001): Pre-vention of recurrent postpartum depression: a randomized clinical trial, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 62(2):82-86.
  • Wood, K.E., Lau, A., Mantzioris, E., Gibson, R.A., Ramsden, C.E., Muhlhausler, B.S. (2014): A low omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid (n-6 PUFA) diet increases omega-3 (n-3) long chain PUFA status in plasma phos¬pholipids in humans. Prostaglandins Leukot. Essential Fatty Acids, 90: 133-138.
There are 49 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Eda Özer Andız

Mustafa Ünlüsayın

Publication Date July 1, 2015
Submission Date April 14, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


APA Özer Andız, E., & Ünlüsayın, M. (2015). FISH OILS AND HUMAN HEALTH. Food and Health, 1(3), 142-149.


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