Research Article
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Year 2015, , 135 - 141, 20.05.2015


Epidemiological evidence suggests the critical role of
vegetable consumption in preventing chronic degener­ative diseases. Considering
that pickle is a widely con­sumption type of vegetable in Turkish diet the
objective of the present study was to assess the total phenol con­tent and
antioxidant capacity of pickled vegetables. For this purpose total antioxidant
capacity of 10 fresh and pickled vegetables was analysed by DPPH (2,20-diphe­nyl-1-picryl
hydrazyl) radical scavenging activity and Trolox equivalent antioxidant
capacity (TEAC) meth­ods and total phenolic content (TPC) using Folin–Cio­calteu
reagent. Following the pickling in 15th day there was a significant
(P<0.05) decrease in TPC of all veg­etables, in contrast this TPC increased
significantly af­ter 30th day. Also at 60th day of
pickling the TEAC val­ues of all vegetables are increased significantly
(P<0.05), but DPPH values of green pepper, cauliflower, cucumber and sneak
melon decreased compared with fresh state. Our findings suggest that, pickling
process is relatively a good method for the preservation of phe­nolic acids in
vegetables, and most of the antioxidant capacities remained after 30th
day of fermentation.


  • Ajila, C.M., Brar, S.K., Verma, M., Tyagi, R.D., Valéro, J.R. (2011): Solid-state fermentation of apple pomace using Phanerocheate chrys¬osporium Liberation and extraction of phe¬nolic antioxidants. Food Chemistry, 126(3): 1071-1080.
  • Choi, I.H., Noh, J.S., Han, J., Kim, H.J. Han, E., Song, Y.O. (2013): Kimchi: A fermented vegetable, improves serum lipid profiles in healthy young adults: Randomized clinical trial. Journal of Medicinal Food, 16(3): 223-229.
  • Demir, N., Bahceci, K.S., Acar, J. (2006): The ef¬fects of different initial Lactobacillus planta-rum concentrations on some properties of fer¬mented carrot juice. Journal of Food Pro-cessing and Preservation, 30(3): 352-363.
  • Di Cagno, R., Coda, R., De Angelis, M., Gobbetti M. (2013): Exploitation of vegetables and fruits through lactic acid fermentation. Food Microbiology, 33(1): 1-10.
  • Hur, S.J., Lee, S.Y., Kim, Y.C., Choi, I., Kim, G.B. (2014): Effect of fermentation on the an-tioxidant activity in plant-based foods. Food Chemistry, 160: 346-356.
  • Isabelle, M., Lee B.L., Lim, M.T., Koh W.P., Huang D., Ong C.N. (2010): Antioxidant ac¬tivity and profiles of common vegetables in Singapore. Food Chemistry, 120: 993-1003.
  • Karoviˇcov´a, J., Drd´ak, M., Greif, G., Hybenov´a, E. (1999): The choice of strains of Lactobacillus species for the lactic acid fermentation of vegetable juices. European Food Research and Technology, 210(1): 53-56.
  • Kaur, C., Kapoor, H.C. (2001): Antioxidants in fruits and vegetables the millennium’s health. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 36(7): 703-725.
  • Kevers, C., Falkowski, M., Tabart, J., Defraigne, J., Dommes, J., Pincemail, J. (2007): Evolu¬tion of antioxidant capacity during storage of selected fruits and vegetables. Journal of Ag-ricultural and Food Chemistr, 55: 8596-8603.
  • Kim, Y., Goodner, K.L., Park, J.D., Choi, J., Tal¬cott, S.T. (2011): Changes in antioxidant phytochemicals and volatile composition of Camellia sinensis by oxidation during tea fer-mentation. Food Chemistry, 129(4): 1331-1342.
  • Lee, H.Y., Park, J.H., Seok, S.H., Baek, M.W., Kim, D.J., Lee, K.E. et. al. (2006): Human originated bacteria, Lactobacillus rhamnosus PL60, produce conjugated linoleic acid and show anti-obesity effects in diet-induced obese mice. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 1761(7): 736-744.
  • Mariko, N., Hassimotto, A., Genovese, M.I., La¬jola, F.M. (2005): Antioxidant activity of di¬etary fruits, vegetables and commercial fro¬zen fruit pulps. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistr. 53: 2928-2935.
  • Moktan, B., Saha, J., Sarkar, P. K. (2008): Anti¬oxidant activities of soybean as affected by Bacillus-fermentation to kinema. Food Re¬search International, 41(6): 586-593.
  • Murcia, M.A., Jiménez-Monreal A.M., García-Diz A.M., Carmona A.M., Maggi A.M., Mar¬tínez-Tomé M. (2009): Antioxidant activity of minimally processed (in modified atmos¬pheres), dehydrated and ready-to-eat vegeta¬bles. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 47: 2103–2110.
  • Nurul, S.R., Asmah, R. (2012): Evaluation of an¬tioxidant properties in fresh and pickled pa-payaInternational. Food Research Journal, 19(3): 1117-1124.
  • Othman, N.B., Roblain, D., Chammen, N., Tho¬nart, P., Hamdi, M. (2009): Antioxidant phe¬nolic compounds loss during the fermenta¬tion of Chétoui olives. Food Chemistry, 116(3): 662-669.
  • Pérez-Gregorio, M.R., Regueiro, J., Alonso-Gon¬zález, E., Pastrana-Castro, L.M., Simal-Gándara, J. (2011): Influence of alcoholic fermentation process on antioxidant activity and phenolic levels from mulberries (Morus nigra L.). LWT – Food Science and Technol¬ogy, 44(8): 1793-1801.
  • Re, R., Pellegrini, N., Proteggente, A., Pannala, A., Yang, M., Rice- Evans, C. (1999): Anti-oxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation decolorization assay. Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 26: 1231-1237.
  • Sreeramulu, D., Raghunath, M. (2010): Antioxi¬dant activity and phenolic content of roots, tubers and vegetables commonly consumed in India. Food Research International. 43: 1017-1020.
  • Su, M.S., Chien, P.J. (2007): Antioxidant activity, anthocyanins, and phenolics of rabbiteye blueberry (Vaccinium ashei) fluid products as affected by fermentation. Food Chemistry, 104(1): 182-187.
  • Takebayashi, J., Oki, T., Watanabe J., Yamasaki K., Chen J., Sato-Furukawa M., et al. (2013): Hydrophilic antioxidant capacities of vegeta¬bles and fruits commonly consumed in Japan and estimated average daily intake of hydro¬philic antioxidants from these foods. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 29:25-31.
  • Tsangalis, D., Ashton, J.F., McGill, A.E.J., Shah, N.P. (2002): Enzymic transformation of iso-flavone phytoestrogens in soymilk by b-glu¬cosidaseproducing bifidobacteria. Journal of Food Science, 67(8): 3104-3113.
  • Wojdylo, A., Oszmianski J., Czemerys, R. (2007): Antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds in 32 selected herbs. Food Chemistry, 105: 940-949.
  • Wu, X., Beecher, G.R., Holden, J.M., Haytowitz, D.B., Gebhardt, S.E., Prior, R.L., (2004): Lipophilic and hydrophilic antioxidant ca¬pacities of common foods in the United States. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52: 4026-4037.
  • Yamano, T., Lino, H., Takada, M., Blum, S., Ro¬chat, F., Fukushima, Y. (2006): Improvement of the human intestinal flora by ingestion of the probiotic strain Lactobacillus johnsonii La1. British Journal of Nutrition, 95(2): 303-312.
  • Yu, L., Haley, S., Perret, J., Harris, M., Wison, J., Qian, M. (2002): Free radical scavenging properties of wheat extracts. Journal of Agri¬cultural and Food Chemistry, 50: 1619-1624.
Year 2015, , 135 - 141, 20.05.2015



  • Ajila, C.M., Brar, S.K., Verma, M., Tyagi, R.D., Valéro, J.R. (2011): Solid-state fermentation of apple pomace using Phanerocheate chrys¬osporium Liberation and extraction of phe¬nolic antioxidants. Food Chemistry, 126(3): 1071-1080.
  • Choi, I.H., Noh, J.S., Han, J., Kim, H.J. Han, E., Song, Y.O. (2013): Kimchi: A fermented vegetable, improves serum lipid profiles in healthy young adults: Randomized clinical trial. Journal of Medicinal Food, 16(3): 223-229.
  • Demir, N., Bahceci, K.S., Acar, J. (2006): The ef¬fects of different initial Lactobacillus planta-rum concentrations on some properties of fer¬mented carrot juice. Journal of Food Pro-cessing and Preservation, 30(3): 352-363.
  • Di Cagno, R., Coda, R., De Angelis, M., Gobbetti M. (2013): Exploitation of vegetables and fruits through lactic acid fermentation. Food Microbiology, 33(1): 1-10.
  • Hur, S.J., Lee, S.Y., Kim, Y.C., Choi, I., Kim, G.B. (2014): Effect of fermentation on the an-tioxidant activity in plant-based foods. Food Chemistry, 160: 346-356.
  • Isabelle, M., Lee B.L., Lim, M.T., Koh W.P., Huang D., Ong C.N. (2010): Antioxidant ac¬tivity and profiles of common vegetables in Singapore. Food Chemistry, 120: 993-1003.
  • Karoviˇcov´a, J., Drd´ak, M., Greif, G., Hybenov´a, E. (1999): The choice of strains of Lactobacillus species for the lactic acid fermentation of vegetable juices. European Food Research and Technology, 210(1): 53-56.
  • Kaur, C., Kapoor, H.C. (2001): Antioxidants in fruits and vegetables the millennium’s health. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 36(7): 703-725.
  • Kevers, C., Falkowski, M., Tabart, J., Defraigne, J., Dommes, J., Pincemail, J. (2007): Evolu¬tion of antioxidant capacity during storage of selected fruits and vegetables. Journal of Ag-ricultural and Food Chemistr, 55: 8596-8603.
  • Kim, Y., Goodner, K.L., Park, J.D., Choi, J., Tal¬cott, S.T. (2011): Changes in antioxidant phytochemicals and volatile composition of Camellia sinensis by oxidation during tea fer-mentation. Food Chemistry, 129(4): 1331-1342.
  • Lee, H.Y., Park, J.H., Seok, S.H., Baek, M.W., Kim, D.J., Lee, K.E. et. al. (2006): Human originated bacteria, Lactobacillus rhamnosus PL60, produce conjugated linoleic acid and show anti-obesity effects in diet-induced obese mice. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 1761(7): 736-744.
  • Mariko, N., Hassimotto, A., Genovese, M.I., La¬jola, F.M. (2005): Antioxidant activity of di¬etary fruits, vegetables and commercial fro¬zen fruit pulps. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistr. 53: 2928-2935.
  • Moktan, B., Saha, J., Sarkar, P. K. (2008): Anti¬oxidant activities of soybean as affected by Bacillus-fermentation to kinema. Food Re¬search International, 41(6): 586-593.
  • Murcia, M.A., Jiménez-Monreal A.M., García-Diz A.M., Carmona A.M., Maggi A.M., Mar¬tínez-Tomé M. (2009): Antioxidant activity of minimally processed (in modified atmos¬pheres), dehydrated and ready-to-eat vegeta¬bles. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 47: 2103–2110.
  • Nurul, S.R., Asmah, R. (2012): Evaluation of an¬tioxidant properties in fresh and pickled pa-payaInternational. Food Research Journal, 19(3): 1117-1124.
  • Othman, N.B., Roblain, D., Chammen, N., Tho¬nart, P., Hamdi, M. (2009): Antioxidant phe¬nolic compounds loss during the fermenta¬tion of Chétoui olives. Food Chemistry, 116(3): 662-669.
  • Pérez-Gregorio, M.R., Regueiro, J., Alonso-Gon¬zález, E., Pastrana-Castro, L.M., Simal-Gándara, J. (2011): Influence of alcoholic fermentation process on antioxidant activity and phenolic levels from mulberries (Morus nigra L.). LWT – Food Science and Technol¬ogy, 44(8): 1793-1801.
  • Re, R., Pellegrini, N., Proteggente, A., Pannala, A., Yang, M., Rice- Evans, C. (1999): Anti-oxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation decolorization assay. Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 26: 1231-1237.
  • Sreeramulu, D., Raghunath, M. (2010): Antioxi¬dant activity and phenolic content of roots, tubers and vegetables commonly consumed in India. Food Research International. 43: 1017-1020.
  • Su, M.S., Chien, P.J. (2007): Antioxidant activity, anthocyanins, and phenolics of rabbiteye blueberry (Vaccinium ashei) fluid products as affected by fermentation. Food Chemistry, 104(1): 182-187.
  • Takebayashi, J., Oki, T., Watanabe J., Yamasaki K., Chen J., Sato-Furukawa M., et al. (2013): Hydrophilic antioxidant capacities of vegeta¬bles and fruits commonly consumed in Japan and estimated average daily intake of hydro¬philic antioxidants from these foods. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 29:25-31.
  • Tsangalis, D., Ashton, J.F., McGill, A.E.J., Shah, N.P. (2002): Enzymic transformation of iso-flavone phytoestrogens in soymilk by b-glu¬cosidaseproducing bifidobacteria. Journal of Food Science, 67(8): 3104-3113.
  • Wojdylo, A., Oszmianski J., Czemerys, R. (2007): Antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds in 32 selected herbs. Food Chemistry, 105: 940-949.
  • Wu, X., Beecher, G.R., Holden, J.M., Haytowitz, D.B., Gebhardt, S.E., Prior, R.L., (2004): Lipophilic and hydrophilic antioxidant ca¬pacities of common foods in the United States. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52: 4026-4037.
  • Yamano, T., Lino, H., Takada, M., Blum, S., Ro¬chat, F., Fukushima, Y. (2006): Improvement of the human intestinal flora by ingestion of the probiotic strain Lactobacillus johnsonii La1. British Journal of Nutrition, 95(2): 303-312.
  • Yu, L., Haley, S., Perret, J., Harris, M., Wison, J., Qian, M. (2002): Free radical scavenging properties of wheat extracts. Journal of Agri¬cultural and Food Chemistry, 50: 1619-1624.
There are 26 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

F. Kübra Sayın

S. Burçin Alkan

Publication Date May 20, 2015
Submission Date March 28, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015




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