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Year 2015, , 109 - 123, 02.04.2015


Kurutma, gıdaları
muhafaza etmek için kullanılan en eski me­totlardan birisidir. Çiğ etin raf
ömrünün kısa olması ve soğuk zincirde depolanması zorunluluğu, etin
kurutulmasına yönel­menin temel sebebini oluşturmaktadır. Ayrıca tüketiciler,
lez­zetli, aroması gelişmiş ve uzun ömürlü et ürünlerini üretici­lerden talep
etmektedir. Bu faktörler ile kurutma sürecinin ekonomik avantajları bir arada
değerlendirildiğinde, kurutul­muş et ürünleri hem üretici hem de tüketici için
iyi bir seçenek olabilmektedir. Kurutulmuş et ürünleri, farklı bölgelerde çok
farklı şekillerde üretilmektedir. Etin elde edildiği hayvan, etin kesim metodu,
ete uygulanan ön işlemler (kürleme, tütsüleme vb), kurutma metodu ve ete
eklenen ingrediyenler, kurutul­muş et ürünlerinin farklılığına sebep
olmaktadır. Bu bağ­lamda dünyanın birçok bölgesinde geniş bir ölçekte yer alan
pek çok farklı geleneksel kurutulmuş et ürünü bulunmaktadır. Bu ürünlerin
bazıları tüketime hazır olarak tüketi­lirken, bazı­ları ise çeşitli ön
işlemlere (kızartma, rehidrate etme vb.) tabi tutularak tüketilebilmektedir.
Ayrıca bölgeye has baharatlar kullanılması da farklı ürünlerin elde edilme­sinde
önemli bir anahtar olmaktadır. Bu tip ürünler, yerel halk tarafından doğal
yollarla (güneşte) küçük ölçekli, ev tipi ola­rak veya endüstri­yel tipte
(fırınlar veya kurutma odaları) bü­yük miktarlarda üretilmekte ve bazıları uluslararası
gıda pa­zarında satışa su­nulmaktadır.


  • Ajiboye, E.A., Alhassan, S., Adedayo, R.M., Kolawole, M.O., Oladosu, O.T. (2011): Physicochemical properties and microorganisms isolated from dried meat obtained in Oja- Oba market in Ilorin, Nigeria. Pelagia Research Library, 2(4): 391-400.
  • Akköse, A., & Aktaş, N. (2014): Curing and diffusion coefficient study in pastırma, a Turkish traditional meat product. Meat Science, 96: 311–314.
  • Aksu, M., & Kaya, M. (2002): Effect of Commercial Starter Cultures on the Fatty Acid Composition of Pastirma (Turkish Dry Meat Product). Journal of Food Science, 67(6): 2342-2345.
  • Aktaş, N., & Gürses, A. (2005): Moisture adsorption properties and adsorption isosteric heat of dehydrated slices of Pastirma (Turkish dry meat product). Meat science, 71(3), 571-576.
  • Anonim. (2012): Türk Gıda Kodeksi Et ve Et Ürünleri Tebliği Tebliğ No: 2012/74 Sayı: 28488. Gıda, Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı .
  • Anonymous. (1990): Manual on simple methods of meat preservation. FAO Animal Production and Health Paper 79. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations.
  • Anonymous. (2013, Kasım 10): Carne-de-sol. Mart 2, 2015 tarihinde Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia: adresinden alındı.
  • Bender, A., (1992): Meat and meat products in human nutrition in developing countries. FAO Food Nutr. Pap., 53, Rome. In Temelli, S. (2011): Geleneksel Yöntemlerle Üretilen Kurutulmuş Et Ürünleri. Uludag Univ. J. Fac. Vet. Med, 30(2): 61-66.
  • Bennani, L., Faid, M., & Bouseta, A. (2000): Experimental manufacturing of kaddid, a salted dried meat product: control of the microorganisms. Eur Food Res Technol, 211:153–157.
  • Bennani, L., Zenati, Y., Faid, M., & Ettayebi, M. (1995): Physico-ehemieal and microbiological characteristics of a dried salted meat product (Kaddid) in Morocco. Z Lebensm Unters Forsch, 201: 528-532.
  • Burfoot, D., Everis, L., Mulvey, L., Wood, A., & Betts, R. (2010): Literature Review on Microbiological Hazards Associated With Biltong and Similar Dried Meat Products . London: Food Standards Agency (Project Officer: Nicholas Laverty).
  • Chabbouh, M., Ahmed, S. B., Farhat, A., Sahli, A., & Bellagha, S. (2012): Studies on the Salting Step of Tunisian Kaddid Meat: Experimental Kinetics, Modeling and Quality. Food Bioprocess Technol, 5:1882–1895.
  • Chabbouh, M., Hajji, W., Ahmed, S. B., Farhat, A., Bellagha, S., & Sahli, A. (2011): Combined Effects of Osmotic Dehydration and Convective Air Drying on Kaddid Meats: Kinetics and Quality. Drying Technology, 29: 1571–1579.
  • Chabbouh, M., Sahlia, A., & Bellagha, S. (2013): Does the spicing step affect the quality and drying behaviour of traditional kaddid, a Tunisian cured meat? J Sci Food Agric, 93: 3634–3641.
  • Chenoll, C., Heredia, A., Segui, L., & Fito, P. (2007): Application of the systematic approach to food engineering systems (SAFES) methodology to the salting and drying of a meat product: Tasajo. Journal of Food Engineering, 83: 258–266.
  • Egbunike, G., & Okubanjo, A. (1999): Effects of processing upon the quality of Nigerian meat products. Livestock Production Science, 59: 155–163.
  • Engez, S. T., & Ergönül, B. (2009): Kurutulmuş Et Üretiminde HACCP Sisteminin Uygulanması. Gıda Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, 4(3): 12-19.
  • Fakolade, P. O. (2012): Proximate composition of ‘Kundi’, a nigeria meat product from camel meat compared with ‘Kundi’, made from 3 breeds of cattle. International Journal of AgriScience, 2(10): 923-927.
  • Feiner, G. (2006): Meat Products Handbook Practical Science and Technology. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing Limited.
  • Gök, V., Obuz, E., & Akkaya, L. (2008): Effects of packaging method and storage time on the chemical, microbiological, and sensory properties of Turkish pastirma – A dry cured beef product. Meat Science, 80: 335–344.
  • Greensmith, M. (1998): Practical Dehydration. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing Limited.
  • Heinz, G., & Hautzinger, P. (2007): Meat Processing Technology for Small-To Medium-Scale Producers. Bangkok: Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations.
  • Jega, I. S., Magawata, I., Ipinjolu, J. K., & Jibir, M. (2013): Evaluation of Slurry Formulations for Kilishi Processing of African Lungfish (Protopterus Annectens, Owen). Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 12(7): 673-677.
  • Jones, M. J., Tanya, V. N., Mbofung, C. M., Fonkem, D. N., & Silverside, D. E. (2001): A Microbiological and Nutritional Evaluation of the West African Dried Meat Product, Kilishi. The Journal of Food Technology in Africa, 6(4): 126-129.
  • Karabacak, M. S., Esin, A., & Cekmecelioglu, D. (2014): Drying Behavior of Meat Samples at Various Fiber Directions and Air Conditions. Drying Technology, 32: 695–707.
  • Kilic, B. (2009): Current trends in traditional Turkish meat products and cuisine. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 42: 1581–1589.
  • Konieczny, P., Stangierski, J., & Kijowski, J. (2007): Physical and chemical characteristics and acceptability of home style beef jerky. Meat science, 76(2), 253-257.
  • Lewicki, P., Arboix, J. A., Botó, P. G., Beringues, J. C., & Moreno, I. M. (2014): Drying. M. Dikeman, & C. Devine içinde, Encyclopedia of Meat Science (Second Edition) (s. 471-479). London: Elsevier Ltd.
  • Lewis, H. E., Masterton, J. P., & Ward, P. G. (1957): The food value of biltong (South African dried meat) and its use on expeditions. British Journal of Nutrition, 11(01): 5-12.
  • Little, C., H.A. Monsey, G. N., & Louvois, J. D. (1998): The microbiological quality of ready-to-eat dried and fermented meat and meat products. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 8: 277-284.
  • Lorenzo, J. M. (2014): Changes on physico-chemical, textural, lipolysis and volatile compounds during the manufacture of dry-cured foal “cecina”. Meat Science, 96: 256–263.
  • Lorenzo, J. M., Fonseca, S., Gomez, M., & Domínguez, R. (2015): Influence of the salting time on physico-chemical parameters, lipolysis and proteolysis of dry-cured foal “cecina”. LWT - Food Science and Technology , 60: 332-338.
  • Ludemann, V., Pose, G., Pollio, M. L., & Segura, J. (2004): Determination of growth characteristics and lipolytic and proteolytic activities of Penicillium strains isolated from Argentinean salami. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 96: 13– 18.
  • Mhlambi, S., Naidoo, K., & Lindsay, D. (2010): Enterotoxin-Producing Staphylococcus Strains Associated With South African Biltong at Point of Sale. Journal of Food Safety, 30: 307–317.
  • Nizamlıoğlu, M., Doğruer, Y., Gürbüz, Ü., & Kayaardı, S. (1998): Çeşitli Çemen Karışımlarının Pastırma Kalitesine Etkisi I: Kimyasal Ve Duyusal Nitelikler. Tr. J. of Veterinary and Animal Sicences, 22: 299–308.
  • Ogunsola, O. O., & Omojola, A. B. (2008): Qualitative evaluation of Kilishi prepared from beef and pork. African Journal of Biotechnology, 7 (11): 1753-1758.
  • Olusola, O. O., Okubanjo, A. O., & Omojola, A. B. (2012): Nutritive and Organoleptic Characteristics of Kilishi as Affected by Meat Type and Ingredient Formulation. Journal of Animal Production Advances, 2(5), 221-232.
  • Öztan, A. (1999): Et Bilimi ve Teknolojisi. Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Yayınları, 19.
  • Petit, T., Caro, Y., Petit, A.-S., Santchurn, S. J., & Collignan, A. (2014): Physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of biltong, a traditional salted dried meat of South Africa. Meat Science, 96: 1313–1317.
  • Pinto, M., Ponsano, E., Franco, B., & Shimokomaki, M. (2002): Charqui meats as fermented meat products: role of bacteria for some sensorial properties development. Meat Science, 61: 187–191.
  • Prabhakaran, P. P., & Mendiratta, S. K. (2013): Development and Quality Evaluation of a Ready to Eat Meat Snack-Chevon Kilishi. Progressive Research, 8(2): 305-308.
  • Saldamlı, İ., & Saldamlı, E. (2000): Gıda Endsütrisi Makinaları. Ankara: Savaş Yayınevi.
  • Salvá, B. K., Fernández-Diez, A., Ramos, D. D., Caro, I., & Mateo, J. (2012): Chemical composition of alpaca (Vicugna pacos) charqui. Food Chemistry, 130: 329–334.
  • Sarıçoban, C., & Aybek, T. (2009): Geleneksel Orta Rutubetli Et Ürünlerinden Endonezya Dendeng. II. Geleneksel Gıdalar Sempoz¬yumu, (s. 754-757). Van.
  • Toldra, F. (1998): Proteolysis and Lipolysis in Flavour Development of Dry-cured Meat Products. Meat Science, 49(1): 101-110.
  • Toldra, F., & Hui, Y. (2015): Dry-Fermented Sausages and Ripened Meats: An Overview. F. Toldrá, Y. H. Hui, I. Astiasarán, J. G. Sebranek, & R. Talon içinde, Handbook of Fermented Meat and Poultry (s. 3-6). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Yang, H. S., Hwang, Y. H., Joo, S. T., & Park, G. B. (2009): The physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of pork jerky in comparison to beef jerky. Meat science, 82(3), 289-294.
  • Youssef, E. Y., Garcia, C. E. R., & Shimokomaki, M. (2003): Effect of salt on color and warmed over flavor in charqui meat processing. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 46(4), 595-600.
  • Youssef, E. Y., Garcia, C. E., Yamashita, F., & Shimokomaki, M. (2007): Chemical Basis for Beef Charqui Meat Texture. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology An International Journal, 50(4): 719-724.
  • Zaier, A., Essid, I., Chabbouh, M., Bellagha, S., & Sahli, A. (2011): Physico-Chemical and Microbial Caracteristics of Traditional and Industrial Kaddid. European Drying Conference. Palma. Balearic Island, Spain.


Year 2015, , 109 - 123, 02.04.2015


Drying is one of the oldest methods used to preserve food. The main
reasons of dried meat trends are short shelf life of raw meat and its storage
requirements in the cold chain. In addition, consumers demand meat products
that delicious, ar­omatic and shelf stable from the manufacturer. When these
factors and economic advantages of drying process are con­sidered together,
dried meat products can be a good option for parties (producers and consumers).
Dried meat products are produced in many different ways in different regions.
Diver­sity of dried meat products is affected by several factors such as
animal, meat cutting method, pre-treatments applied to meat (curing, smoking,
etc.), drying method and ingredients added to meat. In this context, there are
many different tradi­tional dried meat products located on a large scale in
many parts of the World. Some of these products are beaten directly because of
they are ready for consumption, while others can be consumed with various
pre-treatment (roast or to rehydrate etc.). Furthermore, the use of unique
spices is an important key to obtain different products.
These products are produced by the local people in small-scale (as household) and with a natural way (in the sun) or they
are produced with industrial type (ovens or drying chambers) in large quantities.
And some of them are offered for sale in the global world food market.  


  • Ajiboye, E.A., Alhassan, S., Adedayo, R.M., Kolawole, M.O., Oladosu, O.T. (2011): Physicochemical properties and microorganisms isolated from dried meat obtained in Oja- Oba market in Ilorin, Nigeria. Pelagia Research Library, 2(4): 391-400.
  • Akköse, A., & Aktaş, N. (2014): Curing and diffusion coefficient study in pastırma, a Turkish traditional meat product. Meat Science, 96: 311–314.
  • Aksu, M., & Kaya, M. (2002): Effect of Commercial Starter Cultures on the Fatty Acid Composition of Pastirma (Turkish Dry Meat Product). Journal of Food Science, 67(6): 2342-2345.
  • Aktaş, N., & Gürses, A. (2005): Moisture adsorption properties and adsorption isosteric heat of dehydrated slices of Pastirma (Turkish dry meat product). Meat science, 71(3), 571-576.
  • Anonim. (2012): Türk Gıda Kodeksi Et ve Et Ürünleri Tebliği Tebliğ No: 2012/74 Sayı: 28488. Gıda, Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı .
  • Anonymous. (1990): Manual on simple methods of meat preservation. FAO Animal Production and Health Paper 79. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations.
  • Anonymous. (2013, Kasım 10): Carne-de-sol. Mart 2, 2015 tarihinde Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia: adresinden alındı.
  • Bender, A., (1992): Meat and meat products in human nutrition in developing countries. FAO Food Nutr. Pap., 53, Rome. In Temelli, S. (2011): Geleneksel Yöntemlerle Üretilen Kurutulmuş Et Ürünleri. Uludag Univ. J. Fac. Vet. Med, 30(2): 61-66.
  • Bennani, L., Faid, M., & Bouseta, A. (2000): Experimental manufacturing of kaddid, a salted dried meat product: control of the microorganisms. Eur Food Res Technol, 211:153–157.
  • Bennani, L., Zenati, Y., Faid, M., & Ettayebi, M. (1995): Physico-ehemieal and microbiological characteristics of a dried salted meat product (Kaddid) in Morocco. Z Lebensm Unters Forsch, 201: 528-532.
  • Burfoot, D., Everis, L., Mulvey, L., Wood, A., & Betts, R. (2010): Literature Review on Microbiological Hazards Associated With Biltong and Similar Dried Meat Products . London: Food Standards Agency (Project Officer: Nicholas Laverty).
  • Chabbouh, M., Ahmed, S. B., Farhat, A., Sahli, A., & Bellagha, S. (2012): Studies on the Salting Step of Tunisian Kaddid Meat: Experimental Kinetics, Modeling and Quality. Food Bioprocess Technol, 5:1882–1895.
  • Chabbouh, M., Hajji, W., Ahmed, S. B., Farhat, A., Bellagha, S., & Sahli, A. (2011): Combined Effects of Osmotic Dehydration and Convective Air Drying on Kaddid Meats: Kinetics and Quality. Drying Technology, 29: 1571–1579.
  • Chabbouh, M., Sahlia, A., & Bellagha, S. (2013): Does the spicing step affect the quality and drying behaviour of traditional kaddid, a Tunisian cured meat? J Sci Food Agric, 93: 3634–3641.
  • Chenoll, C., Heredia, A., Segui, L., & Fito, P. (2007): Application of the systematic approach to food engineering systems (SAFES) methodology to the salting and drying of a meat product: Tasajo. Journal of Food Engineering, 83: 258–266.
  • Egbunike, G., & Okubanjo, A. (1999): Effects of processing upon the quality of Nigerian meat products. Livestock Production Science, 59: 155–163.
  • Engez, S. T., & Ergönül, B. (2009): Kurutulmuş Et Üretiminde HACCP Sisteminin Uygulanması. Gıda Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, 4(3): 12-19.
  • Fakolade, P. O. (2012): Proximate composition of ‘Kundi’, a nigeria meat product from camel meat compared with ‘Kundi’, made from 3 breeds of cattle. International Journal of AgriScience, 2(10): 923-927.
  • Feiner, G. (2006): Meat Products Handbook Practical Science and Technology. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing Limited.
  • Gök, V., Obuz, E., & Akkaya, L. (2008): Effects of packaging method and storage time on the chemical, microbiological, and sensory properties of Turkish pastirma – A dry cured beef product. Meat Science, 80: 335–344.
  • Greensmith, M. (1998): Practical Dehydration. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing Limited.
  • Heinz, G., & Hautzinger, P. (2007): Meat Processing Technology for Small-To Medium-Scale Producers. Bangkok: Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations.
  • Jega, I. S., Magawata, I., Ipinjolu, J. K., & Jibir, M. (2013): Evaluation of Slurry Formulations for Kilishi Processing of African Lungfish (Protopterus Annectens, Owen). Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 12(7): 673-677.
  • Jones, M. J., Tanya, V. N., Mbofung, C. M., Fonkem, D. N., & Silverside, D. E. (2001): A Microbiological and Nutritional Evaluation of the West African Dried Meat Product, Kilishi. The Journal of Food Technology in Africa, 6(4): 126-129.
  • Karabacak, M. S., Esin, A., & Cekmecelioglu, D. (2014): Drying Behavior of Meat Samples at Various Fiber Directions and Air Conditions. Drying Technology, 32: 695–707.
  • Kilic, B. (2009): Current trends in traditional Turkish meat products and cuisine. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 42: 1581–1589.
  • Konieczny, P., Stangierski, J., & Kijowski, J. (2007): Physical and chemical characteristics and acceptability of home style beef jerky. Meat science, 76(2), 253-257.
  • Lewicki, P., Arboix, J. A., Botó, P. G., Beringues, J. C., & Moreno, I. M. (2014): Drying. M. Dikeman, & C. Devine içinde, Encyclopedia of Meat Science (Second Edition) (s. 471-479). London: Elsevier Ltd.
  • Lewis, H. E., Masterton, J. P., & Ward, P. G. (1957): The food value of biltong (South African dried meat) and its use on expeditions. British Journal of Nutrition, 11(01): 5-12.
  • Little, C., H.A. Monsey, G. N., & Louvois, J. D. (1998): The microbiological quality of ready-to-eat dried and fermented meat and meat products. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 8: 277-284.
  • Lorenzo, J. M. (2014): Changes on physico-chemical, textural, lipolysis and volatile compounds during the manufacture of dry-cured foal “cecina”. Meat Science, 96: 256–263.
  • Lorenzo, J. M., Fonseca, S., Gomez, M., & Domínguez, R. (2015): Influence of the salting time on physico-chemical parameters, lipolysis and proteolysis of dry-cured foal “cecina”. LWT - Food Science and Technology , 60: 332-338.
  • Ludemann, V., Pose, G., Pollio, M. L., & Segura, J. (2004): Determination of growth characteristics and lipolytic and proteolytic activities of Penicillium strains isolated from Argentinean salami. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 96: 13– 18.
  • Mhlambi, S., Naidoo, K., & Lindsay, D. (2010): Enterotoxin-Producing Staphylococcus Strains Associated With South African Biltong at Point of Sale. Journal of Food Safety, 30: 307–317.
  • Nizamlıoğlu, M., Doğruer, Y., Gürbüz, Ü., & Kayaardı, S. (1998): Çeşitli Çemen Karışımlarının Pastırma Kalitesine Etkisi I: Kimyasal Ve Duyusal Nitelikler. Tr. J. of Veterinary and Animal Sicences, 22: 299–308.
  • Ogunsola, O. O., & Omojola, A. B. (2008): Qualitative evaluation of Kilishi prepared from beef and pork. African Journal of Biotechnology, 7 (11): 1753-1758.
  • Olusola, O. O., Okubanjo, A. O., & Omojola, A. B. (2012): Nutritive and Organoleptic Characteristics of Kilishi as Affected by Meat Type and Ingredient Formulation. Journal of Animal Production Advances, 2(5), 221-232.
  • Öztan, A. (1999): Et Bilimi ve Teknolojisi. Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Yayınları, 19.
  • Petit, T., Caro, Y., Petit, A.-S., Santchurn, S. J., & Collignan, A. (2014): Physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of biltong, a traditional salted dried meat of South Africa. Meat Science, 96: 1313–1317.
  • Pinto, M., Ponsano, E., Franco, B., & Shimokomaki, M. (2002): Charqui meats as fermented meat products: role of bacteria for some sensorial properties development. Meat Science, 61: 187–191.
  • Prabhakaran, P. P., & Mendiratta, S. K. (2013): Development and Quality Evaluation of a Ready to Eat Meat Snack-Chevon Kilishi. Progressive Research, 8(2): 305-308.
  • Saldamlı, İ., & Saldamlı, E. (2000): Gıda Endsütrisi Makinaları. Ankara: Savaş Yayınevi.
  • Salvá, B. K., Fernández-Diez, A., Ramos, D. D., Caro, I., & Mateo, J. (2012): Chemical composition of alpaca (Vicugna pacos) charqui. Food Chemistry, 130: 329–334.
  • Sarıçoban, C., & Aybek, T. (2009): Geleneksel Orta Rutubetli Et Ürünlerinden Endonezya Dendeng. II. Geleneksel Gıdalar Sempoz¬yumu, (s. 754-757). Van.
  • Toldra, F. (1998): Proteolysis and Lipolysis in Flavour Development of Dry-cured Meat Products. Meat Science, 49(1): 101-110.
  • Toldra, F., & Hui, Y. (2015): Dry-Fermented Sausages and Ripened Meats: An Overview. F. Toldrá, Y. H. Hui, I. Astiasarán, J. G. Sebranek, & R. Talon içinde, Handbook of Fermented Meat and Poultry (s. 3-6). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Yang, H. S., Hwang, Y. H., Joo, S. T., & Park, G. B. (2009): The physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of pork jerky in comparison to beef jerky. Meat science, 82(3), 289-294.
  • Youssef, E. Y., Garcia, C. E. R., & Shimokomaki, M. (2003): Effect of salt on color and warmed over flavor in charqui meat processing. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 46(4), 595-600.
  • Youssef, E. Y., Garcia, C. E., Yamashita, F., & Shimokomaki, M. (2007): Chemical Basis for Beef Charqui Meat Texture. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology An International Journal, 50(4): 719-724.
  • Zaier, A., Essid, I., Chabbouh, M., Bellagha, S., & Sahli, A. (2011): Physico-Chemical and Microbial Caracteristics of Traditional and Industrial Kaddid. European Drying Conference. Palma. Balearic Island, Spain.
There are 50 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Sena Özbay Doğu

Cemalettin Sarıçoban

Publication Date April 2, 2015
Submission Date March 10, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


APA Özbay Doğu, S., & Sarıçoban, C. (2015). MEAT DRYING TECHNOLOGY AND SOME DRIED MEAT PRODUCTS CONSUMED IN THE WORLD. Food and Health, 1(3), 109-123.


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