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Year 2015, , 94 - 102, 09.02.2015


Son yıllarda yapılan çalışmalar gıdaların
kalitesinin hayvanlara verilen yemin kalitesi ile yakından ilgili ol­duğunu
ortaya koymuştur. Giderek artan dünya nüfusu ve yaşam standardının yükselmesi
fazla miktarda ve iyi nitelikli hayvansal kaynaklı besinlerin üretilmesini zo­runlu
kılmaktadır. Bunu sağlamak için, hayvanların ba­kım ve beslenmesi ile genetik
yapısının iyileştirilmesi yanında, besi durumu ve verimlerini arttırmak
amacıyla yem katkı maddelerinin kullanılması önemli yer tut­maktadır. Etin
besin değeri genel olarak birçok meta­bolik düzenleyicinin kullanımı ile
gelişmektedir. Lite­ratürde birçok çalışmada metabolik düzenleyicilerin büyüme
oranını arttırdığı, beslemenin etkinliğini geliş­tirdiği, lif oranını
arttırdığı ve yağlılık oranını azalttığı ifade edilmektedir. Metabolik
düzenleyici bileşenler yem katkı maddesi olarak kullanılabilen veya aşı şek­linde
uygulanan bileşiklerdir. Başta hayvansal üretim ve hayvan refahının
iyileştirilmesi, yemin besin değeri­nin arttırılması ve hayvansal üretim
sırasında çevreye verilen zararın azaltılması yem katkılarının ve bu meta­bolik
bileşenlerin etkin ve kontrollü kullanımı ile müm­kün olacağı öngörülmektedir.


  • Aalhus, J.L., Best, D.R., Costello, F., Schaefer, A.L., (1996): The effects of porcine, somatot¬ropin on muscle fibre morphology and meat quality of pigs of known stress susceptibility. Meat Science, 45(3): 283-295.
  • Apple, J.K., Roberts, W.J., Maxwell Jr., C.V., Rakes, L.K., Friesen, K.G., Fakler, T.M. (2007): Influence of dietary inclusion level of manganese on pork quality during retail display. Meat Science, 75: 640-647.
  • Arnold, R.N., Arp, S.C., Scheller, K.K., Williams, S.N., Schaefer, D.M. (1993): Tissue equilibration and subcellular distribution of vitamin E relative to myoglobin and lipid oxidation in displayed beef. Journal of Animal Science, 71: 105-118.
  • Asghar, A., Gray J.I., Booren, A.M., Gomaa, E.A., Abouzied, M.M., Miller, E.R., Buckley, D.J. (1991): Effects of supranutritional dietary vitamin E levels on subcellular deposition of α-tocopherol in the muscle and on pork quality. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 57: 31-41.
  • Avendano-Reyes, L., Torres-Rodriguez, V., Meraz-Murill, F.J., Perez-Linares, C., Figueroa-Saavedra, F., Robinson, P.H. (2006): Effects of two –adrenergic agonists on finishing performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality of feedlot steers. Journal of Animal Science, 84(2): 3259-3265.
  • Boleman, S.L., Boleman, S.J., Bidner, T.D., Southern, L.L., Ward, T.L., Pontif, J.E., Pike, M.M. (1995): Effect of chromium picolinate on growth, body composition, and tissue accretion in pigs. Journal of Animal Science, 73: 2033-2042.
  • Boleman, C.T., McKenna, D.R., Ramsey, W.S., Peel, J.W., Savell, J.W. (2004): Influence of feding vitamin D3 and aging on the tenderness of four lamb muscles. Meat Science, 67: 185-190.
  • Buckley, D.J., Morissey, P.A., Gray, J.I. (1995): Influence of Dietary Vitamin E on the Oxidative Stability and Quality of Pig Meat. Journal of Animal Science, 73: 3122-3130.
  • Cheah, K.S., Cheah, A.M., Krausgrill, D.I. (1995): Effect of dietary supplementation of vitamin E on pig meat quality. Meat Science, 39: 255-264.
  • Close, W.H. (1999): Organic minerals for pigs: An update. In Lyons, T.P., Jacgues, K.A. (Eds.), Biotechnology in the Feed Industry, Proceedings of the 15th Annual Symposium. Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK, pp. 51-60.
  • Dalke, B.S., Roeder, R.A., Kasser, T.R., Veenhuizen, J.J., Hunt, C.W., Hinman, D.D., Schelling, G.T. (1992): Dose-response effects of recombinant bovine somatotropin implants on feedlot performance in steers. Journal of Animal Science, 70: 2130-2137.
  • Dikeman, M.E. (2003): Metabolic modifiers and genetics: Effects on carcass traits and meat quality. Brazilian Journal of Food Technology (Special issue), 6:1-38.
  • Dikeman, M.E. (2007): Effects of metabolic modifiers on carcass traits and meat quality. Meat Science, 77(1): 121-135.
  • Dikicioğlu, T., Yiğit, A.A., Özdemir, E. (2000): Niasinin yumurta verimi ve kalitesi üzerine etkileri. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Ensitüsü. Dergisi, 40(2): 65-74.
  • Du, M., Ahn, D.U. (2002): Effects of dietary conjugated linoleic acid on the growth rate of live birds and on the abdominal fat content and quality of broiler meat. Poultry Science, 81(3): 428-433.
  • Dunshea, F.R., D’ Souza, D.N., Pethick, D.W., Harper, G.S., Warner, R.D. (2005): Effects of dietary factors and other metabolic modifiers on quality and nutritional value of meat. Meat Science, 71(1): 8-38.
  • Fernandez, C., Lopez-Saez, A., Gallego, L., Fuente, J.M. (2000): Effect of source of betaine on growth performance and carcass traits in lambs. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 86(1-2): 71-82.
  • Fiems, L.O. (1987): Effects of β-adrenergic agonists in animal production and their mode of action. Annales Zootechnie, 36(3): 271-290.
  • Fuh, M., Haung, S., and Lin, T., (2004). Determination of residual anabolic steroid in meat by gas chromatography-ion trap-mass spectrometer. Talanta, 64(2): 408-414.
  • Guidera, J., Kerry, J.P., Buckley, D.C., Lynch, P.B., Morrissey, P.A. (1997): The effect of dietary vitamin E supplementation on the quality of fresh and frozen lamb meat. Meat Science, 45(1): 33-43.
  • Hansen S., Frylinck, L., Strydom, P.E., (2012): The effect of vitamin D3 supplementation on texture and oxidative stability of beef Ioins from steers treated with zilpaterol hydrochloride. Meat Science, 90(1): 145-151.
  • Hernandez-Calva, L.M., Ramirez-Bribiesca, J.E., Guerrero-Legaretta, I., Hernandez-Cruz, L., Avendano-Reyes, L., Dominguez-Vara, I., McDowell, L. (2013): Influence of dietary magnesium and selenium level on growth-performance and carcass-meat quality in finishing diets for feedlot Pelibuey lambs. Archiv Tierzucht, 56(30): 303-314.
  • Hope-Jones, M., Strydom, P.E., Frylinck, L. Webb, E.C. (2010): The efficiency of electrical stimulation to counteract the negative effects of β- agonists on meat tenderness of feedlot cattle. Meat Science, 86(3): 699-705.
  • Johnson, B.J., Reinhardt, C.D. (2009): Growth Promotants for Beef Production: Anabolic Steroids; Performance Responses and Mode of Action. Food Animal Practice, pp. 643-651.
  • Juniper, D.T., Phipps, R.H., Ramos-Morales, E., Bertin, G., (2008). Effect of dietary supplementation with selenium-enriched yeast or sodium selenite on selenium tissue distribution and meat quality in beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 86(11): 3100-3109.
  • Konyalıoğlu, S. (2001): Et kalitesi üzerine diyetle alınan E vitamininin etkileri. Hayvansal Üretim, 42(2): 25-36.
  • Köknaroğlu, H., (2007). Beslemenin sığır eti konjuge linoleik asit miktarına etkisi. Hayvansal Üretim, 48(1): 1-7.
  • Lawrence, R.W., Doyle, J., Elliott, R., Loxton, I., McMeniman J.P., Norton, B.W., Reid, D.J., Tume, R.W. (2006): The efficacy of a vitamin D3 metabolite for improving the myofibrillar tenderness of meat from Bos indicus cattle. Meat Science, 72(1): 69-78.
  • Lee, C.Y., Lee, H.P., Jeong J.H., Baik, K.H., Jin, S.K., Lee, J.H., Sohnt, S.H. (2002): Effects of restricted feding, low-energy diet and implantation of trenbolone acetate plus estradiol on growth, carcass traits and circulating concentrations of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I and IGF-binding protein-3 in finishing barrows. Journal of Animal Science, 80(1): 84-93.
  • Macit, M., Aksakal, V., Emsen, E., Aksu, M.I., Karaoglu, M., Esenbuga, N. (2003): Effects of vitamin E supplementation on performance and meat quality traits of Morkaraman male lambs. Meat Science, 63(1): 51-55.
  • McKeith, F.K., Lan, Y.H., Beermann, D.H., (1994): Low Fat Meats. In Hafs, H.D., Zimbleman R.G. (Eds.), Sensory characteristics of meat from animals given partitioning agents. Academic Press Inc., San Diego, CA, pp. 233-252.
  • Montgomery, J.L., Carr, M.A., Kerth, C.R., Hilton, G.G., Price, B.P., Galyean, M.L., Horst, R.L., Miller, M.F. (2002): Effect of vitamin D3 suplementation level on the postmortem tenderization of beef from steers. Journal of Animal Science, 80(4): 971-981.
  • Muğlalı, Ö.H., Çetinkaya, N., Güler, A., Göğüş, U., Ulutürk, S. (2002): Koyunlarda E vitamini takviyesinin kan ve süt E vitamini ile süt tiyobarbiturik asit miktarı üzerine etkisi. Turkish Journal of Veterinary&Animal Science, 26: 901-907.
  • Oka, A., Maruo, Y., Miki, Takahiro, Yamasaki, T., Saito, T. (1998): Influence of vitamin A on the quality of beef from the Tajima strain of Japanese Black Cattle. Meat Science, 48, (1-2),159-167.
  • Otten, W., Berrer, A., Hartmann, S., Bergerhoff, T., Eichinger, H.M. (1992): Effects of magnesium fumarate supplementation on meat quality in pigs. In 38th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
  • Owen, K.Q., Weeden, T.L., Nelssen, J.L., Goodband, R.D. (1992): The effect of L-carnitine additions on performance and carcass characteristics of growing-finishing swine. Swine Day (Conference), Manhattan, KS, pp.117-121.
  • Özsan, E. (2005): Diyetsel konjuge linoleik asidin erkek broilerde aşılanma sonrası oluşan katabolik etkilerinin azaltılması ve bazı organ ağırlıkları üzerine etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kahramanmaraş.
  • Preston, R.L. (1999): Hormone containing growth promoting implants in farmed livestock. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 38(2): 123-138.
  • Ripoll, G., Joy, M. Munoz, F. (2011): Use of dietary vitamin E and selenium (Se) to increase the shelf life of modified atmosphere packaged light lamb meat. Meat Science, 87(1): 88-93.
  • Sante, V.S., Lacourt, A. (1994): The effect of dietary α-tocopherol supplementation and antioxidant spraying on colour stability and lipid oxidation of turkey meat. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 65(4):503-507.
  • Schaefer, A.L., Murray, A.C., Tong, A.K.W., Jones, S.D.M., Sather, A.P. (1993): The effect of antemortem electrolyte therapy on animal physiology and meat quality in pigs segregating at the halothane gene. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 73(2): 231-240.
  • Strydom, P.E., Frylinck, L., Montgomery, J.L. Smith, M.F. (2009): The comparison of three β-agonists for growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality of feedlot cattle. Meat Science, 81(3): 557-564.
  • Tipton, N.C., King, D.A., Paschal, J.C., Hale, D.S. and Savell, J.W. (2007): Effects of oral vitamin D3 suplemantation and suplement withdrawal on the accumulation of magnesium, calcium and vitamin D in the serum, liver, and muscle tissue and subsequent carcass and meat quality of Bos indicus influenced cattle. Meat Science, 75(1): 150-158.
  • Türkmen, İ.İ., Biricik, H., Deniz, G., Gezen, Ş., Tuncer, Ş.D., Çolpan, İ., Küçükersan, K., Küçükersan, S., Yalçın, S., Şehu, A., Saçaklı, P., Ergün, A., Yıldız, G. (2011): Temel Yem Bilgisi ve Hayvan Besleme. Anadolu Üniversitesi Web-ofset Tesisleri, Eskişehir.
  • Wang, W.J., Wang, S.P., Gong, Y.S., Wang, J.Q., Tan, Z.L. (2007): Effects of vitamin A supplementation on growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality in Limosin×Luxi crossbreed steers fed a wheat straw-based diet. Meat Science, 77(4): 450-458.
  • Wolfrom, G.W., Ivy, R.E., Baldwin, C.D. (1985): Effects of growth hormone alone and in combination with Ralgro (Zeranol) in lambs. Journal of Animal Science, 61(1): 249.
  • Yıldırım, M. (2011): Etlik piliç yemlerine farklı oranlarda ilave edilen konjuge linoleik asitin (KLA) piliç etindeki KLA miktarına ve et kalitesi üzerine etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Celal Bayar Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Manisa.
  • Zhang, W., Xiao, S., Samaraweera, H., Lee, E.J., Ahn, D.U. (2010): Improving functional value of meat products. Meat Science, 86(1): 15-31.


Year 2015, , 94 - 102, 09.02.2015


In recent years, studies have revealed
that the quality of foods is closely related to the quality of feed given to
animals. An increasing world population and the living standard have required
the production of excess and good quality foods of animal origin. To achieve
this, besides the animal care and nutrition and the improve­ment of their
genetic structure, using of feed additives is important in order to increase
nutrient availability and efficiency. The nutritional value of meat has gene­rally
improved with the use of many metabolic modifi­ers. Many studies in literature have
showed that meta­bolic modifiers increase growth performance, improve feed
efficiency, increase fibre ratio and decrease fat ra­tio. Metabolic modifiers
are compounds that are either used as feed additive or implemented as vaccine.
It has been predicted that the improvement of animal produc­tion and animal
welfare, increasing of the nutritional value of feed and reducing damage to the
environment will be possible with the effective and controlled use of these
metabolic components.


  • Aalhus, J.L., Best, D.R., Costello, F., Schaefer, A.L., (1996): The effects of porcine, somatot¬ropin on muscle fibre morphology and meat quality of pigs of known stress susceptibility. Meat Science, 45(3): 283-295.
  • Apple, J.K., Roberts, W.J., Maxwell Jr., C.V., Rakes, L.K., Friesen, K.G., Fakler, T.M. (2007): Influence of dietary inclusion level of manganese on pork quality during retail display. Meat Science, 75: 640-647.
  • Arnold, R.N., Arp, S.C., Scheller, K.K., Williams, S.N., Schaefer, D.M. (1993): Tissue equilibration and subcellular distribution of vitamin E relative to myoglobin and lipid oxidation in displayed beef. Journal of Animal Science, 71: 105-118.
  • Asghar, A., Gray J.I., Booren, A.M., Gomaa, E.A., Abouzied, M.M., Miller, E.R., Buckley, D.J. (1991): Effects of supranutritional dietary vitamin E levels on subcellular deposition of α-tocopherol in the muscle and on pork quality. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 57: 31-41.
  • Avendano-Reyes, L., Torres-Rodriguez, V., Meraz-Murill, F.J., Perez-Linares, C., Figueroa-Saavedra, F., Robinson, P.H. (2006): Effects of two –adrenergic agonists on finishing performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality of feedlot steers. Journal of Animal Science, 84(2): 3259-3265.
  • Boleman, S.L., Boleman, S.J., Bidner, T.D., Southern, L.L., Ward, T.L., Pontif, J.E., Pike, M.M. (1995): Effect of chromium picolinate on growth, body composition, and tissue accretion in pigs. Journal of Animal Science, 73: 2033-2042.
  • Boleman, C.T., McKenna, D.R., Ramsey, W.S., Peel, J.W., Savell, J.W. (2004): Influence of feding vitamin D3 and aging on the tenderness of four lamb muscles. Meat Science, 67: 185-190.
  • Buckley, D.J., Morissey, P.A., Gray, J.I. (1995): Influence of Dietary Vitamin E on the Oxidative Stability and Quality of Pig Meat. Journal of Animal Science, 73: 3122-3130.
  • Cheah, K.S., Cheah, A.M., Krausgrill, D.I. (1995): Effect of dietary supplementation of vitamin E on pig meat quality. Meat Science, 39: 255-264.
  • Close, W.H. (1999): Organic minerals for pigs: An update. In Lyons, T.P., Jacgues, K.A. (Eds.), Biotechnology in the Feed Industry, Proceedings of the 15th Annual Symposium. Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK, pp. 51-60.
  • Dalke, B.S., Roeder, R.A., Kasser, T.R., Veenhuizen, J.J., Hunt, C.W., Hinman, D.D., Schelling, G.T. (1992): Dose-response effects of recombinant bovine somatotropin implants on feedlot performance in steers. Journal of Animal Science, 70: 2130-2137.
  • Dikeman, M.E. (2003): Metabolic modifiers and genetics: Effects on carcass traits and meat quality. Brazilian Journal of Food Technology (Special issue), 6:1-38.
  • Dikeman, M.E. (2007): Effects of metabolic modifiers on carcass traits and meat quality. Meat Science, 77(1): 121-135.
  • Dikicioğlu, T., Yiğit, A.A., Özdemir, E. (2000): Niasinin yumurta verimi ve kalitesi üzerine etkileri. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Ensitüsü. Dergisi, 40(2): 65-74.
  • Du, M., Ahn, D.U. (2002): Effects of dietary conjugated linoleic acid on the growth rate of live birds and on the abdominal fat content and quality of broiler meat. Poultry Science, 81(3): 428-433.
  • Dunshea, F.R., D’ Souza, D.N., Pethick, D.W., Harper, G.S., Warner, R.D. (2005): Effects of dietary factors and other metabolic modifiers on quality and nutritional value of meat. Meat Science, 71(1): 8-38.
  • Fernandez, C., Lopez-Saez, A., Gallego, L., Fuente, J.M. (2000): Effect of source of betaine on growth performance and carcass traits in lambs. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 86(1-2): 71-82.
  • Fiems, L.O. (1987): Effects of β-adrenergic agonists in animal production and their mode of action. Annales Zootechnie, 36(3): 271-290.
  • Fuh, M., Haung, S., and Lin, T., (2004). Determination of residual anabolic steroid in meat by gas chromatography-ion trap-mass spectrometer. Talanta, 64(2): 408-414.
  • Guidera, J., Kerry, J.P., Buckley, D.C., Lynch, P.B., Morrissey, P.A. (1997): The effect of dietary vitamin E supplementation on the quality of fresh and frozen lamb meat. Meat Science, 45(1): 33-43.
  • Hansen S., Frylinck, L., Strydom, P.E., (2012): The effect of vitamin D3 supplementation on texture and oxidative stability of beef Ioins from steers treated with zilpaterol hydrochloride. Meat Science, 90(1): 145-151.
  • Hernandez-Calva, L.M., Ramirez-Bribiesca, J.E., Guerrero-Legaretta, I., Hernandez-Cruz, L., Avendano-Reyes, L., Dominguez-Vara, I., McDowell, L. (2013): Influence of dietary magnesium and selenium level on growth-performance and carcass-meat quality in finishing diets for feedlot Pelibuey lambs. Archiv Tierzucht, 56(30): 303-314.
  • Hope-Jones, M., Strydom, P.E., Frylinck, L. Webb, E.C. (2010): The efficiency of electrical stimulation to counteract the negative effects of β- agonists on meat tenderness of feedlot cattle. Meat Science, 86(3): 699-705.
  • Johnson, B.J., Reinhardt, C.D. (2009): Growth Promotants for Beef Production: Anabolic Steroids; Performance Responses and Mode of Action. Food Animal Practice, pp. 643-651.
  • Juniper, D.T., Phipps, R.H., Ramos-Morales, E., Bertin, G., (2008). Effect of dietary supplementation with selenium-enriched yeast or sodium selenite on selenium tissue distribution and meat quality in beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 86(11): 3100-3109.
  • Konyalıoğlu, S. (2001): Et kalitesi üzerine diyetle alınan E vitamininin etkileri. Hayvansal Üretim, 42(2): 25-36.
  • Köknaroğlu, H., (2007). Beslemenin sığır eti konjuge linoleik asit miktarına etkisi. Hayvansal Üretim, 48(1): 1-7.
  • Lawrence, R.W., Doyle, J., Elliott, R., Loxton, I., McMeniman J.P., Norton, B.W., Reid, D.J., Tume, R.W. (2006): The efficacy of a vitamin D3 metabolite for improving the myofibrillar tenderness of meat from Bos indicus cattle. Meat Science, 72(1): 69-78.
  • Lee, C.Y., Lee, H.P., Jeong J.H., Baik, K.H., Jin, S.K., Lee, J.H., Sohnt, S.H. (2002): Effects of restricted feding, low-energy diet and implantation of trenbolone acetate plus estradiol on growth, carcass traits and circulating concentrations of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I and IGF-binding protein-3 in finishing barrows. Journal of Animal Science, 80(1): 84-93.
  • Macit, M., Aksakal, V., Emsen, E., Aksu, M.I., Karaoglu, M., Esenbuga, N. (2003): Effects of vitamin E supplementation on performance and meat quality traits of Morkaraman male lambs. Meat Science, 63(1): 51-55.
  • McKeith, F.K., Lan, Y.H., Beermann, D.H., (1994): Low Fat Meats. In Hafs, H.D., Zimbleman R.G. (Eds.), Sensory characteristics of meat from animals given partitioning agents. Academic Press Inc., San Diego, CA, pp. 233-252.
  • Montgomery, J.L., Carr, M.A., Kerth, C.R., Hilton, G.G., Price, B.P., Galyean, M.L., Horst, R.L., Miller, M.F. (2002): Effect of vitamin D3 suplementation level on the postmortem tenderization of beef from steers. Journal of Animal Science, 80(4): 971-981.
  • Muğlalı, Ö.H., Çetinkaya, N., Güler, A., Göğüş, U., Ulutürk, S. (2002): Koyunlarda E vitamini takviyesinin kan ve süt E vitamini ile süt tiyobarbiturik asit miktarı üzerine etkisi. Turkish Journal of Veterinary&Animal Science, 26: 901-907.
  • Oka, A., Maruo, Y., Miki, Takahiro, Yamasaki, T., Saito, T. (1998): Influence of vitamin A on the quality of beef from the Tajima strain of Japanese Black Cattle. Meat Science, 48, (1-2),159-167.
  • Otten, W., Berrer, A., Hartmann, S., Bergerhoff, T., Eichinger, H.M. (1992): Effects of magnesium fumarate supplementation on meat quality in pigs. In 38th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
  • Owen, K.Q., Weeden, T.L., Nelssen, J.L., Goodband, R.D. (1992): The effect of L-carnitine additions on performance and carcass characteristics of growing-finishing swine. Swine Day (Conference), Manhattan, KS, pp.117-121.
  • Özsan, E. (2005): Diyetsel konjuge linoleik asidin erkek broilerde aşılanma sonrası oluşan katabolik etkilerinin azaltılması ve bazı organ ağırlıkları üzerine etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kahramanmaraş.
  • Preston, R.L. (1999): Hormone containing growth promoting implants in farmed livestock. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 38(2): 123-138.
  • Ripoll, G., Joy, M. Munoz, F. (2011): Use of dietary vitamin E and selenium (Se) to increase the shelf life of modified atmosphere packaged light lamb meat. Meat Science, 87(1): 88-93.
  • Sante, V.S., Lacourt, A. (1994): The effect of dietary α-tocopherol supplementation and antioxidant spraying on colour stability and lipid oxidation of turkey meat. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 65(4):503-507.
  • Schaefer, A.L., Murray, A.C., Tong, A.K.W., Jones, S.D.M., Sather, A.P. (1993): The effect of antemortem electrolyte therapy on animal physiology and meat quality in pigs segregating at the halothane gene. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 73(2): 231-240.
  • Strydom, P.E., Frylinck, L., Montgomery, J.L. Smith, M.F. (2009): The comparison of three β-agonists for growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality of feedlot cattle. Meat Science, 81(3): 557-564.
  • Tipton, N.C., King, D.A., Paschal, J.C., Hale, D.S. and Savell, J.W. (2007): Effects of oral vitamin D3 suplemantation and suplement withdrawal on the accumulation of magnesium, calcium and vitamin D in the serum, liver, and muscle tissue and subsequent carcass and meat quality of Bos indicus influenced cattle. Meat Science, 75(1): 150-158.
  • Türkmen, İ.İ., Biricik, H., Deniz, G., Gezen, Ş., Tuncer, Ş.D., Çolpan, İ., Küçükersan, K., Küçükersan, S., Yalçın, S., Şehu, A., Saçaklı, P., Ergün, A., Yıldız, G. (2011): Temel Yem Bilgisi ve Hayvan Besleme. Anadolu Üniversitesi Web-ofset Tesisleri, Eskişehir.
  • Wang, W.J., Wang, S.P., Gong, Y.S., Wang, J.Q., Tan, Z.L. (2007): Effects of vitamin A supplementation on growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality in Limosin×Luxi crossbreed steers fed a wheat straw-based diet. Meat Science, 77(4): 450-458.
  • Wolfrom, G.W., Ivy, R.E., Baldwin, C.D. (1985): Effects of growth hormone alone and in combination with Ralgro (Zeranol) in lambs. Journal of Animal Science, 61(1): 249.
  • Yıldırım, M. (2011): Etlik piliç yemlerine farklı oranlarda ilave edilen konjuge linoleik asitin (KLA) piliç etindeki KLA miktarına ve et kalitesi üzerine etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Celal Bayar Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Manisa.
  • Zhang, W., Xiao, S., Samaraweera, H., Lee, E.J., Ahn, D.U. (2010): Improving functional value of meat products. Meat Science, 86(1): 15-31.
There are 48 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Müge Akkara

Neriman Bağdatlıoğlu

Publication Date February 9, 2015
Submission Date February 9, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015




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This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

Archiving Policy:


Archiving is done according to ULAKBİM "DergiPark" publication policy (LOCKSS).