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Year 2015, , 1 - 11, 01.01.2015


ürünlerinin kalitesinin değerlenmesinde kullanılan geleneksel yöntemler
duyusal, fiziksel, kimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik analizler dizinininden
oluşmaktadır. Koku algılama sensörünün kullanımı bu dizindeki bazı analizlerin
yerini alabilecek ve birçok analizin de ta­mamlayıcısı olabilecek yenilikçi bir
yöntemdir. Bu der­lemede literartürde daha çok elektronik burun (E-bu­run)
ismiyle anılan, gaz ve aroma sensörleri, koku algı­lama veya yapay koklama
sistemleri de denilen sensör­lerin nasıl geliştirildiği ve bu sensörlerden su
ürünleri­nin kalitesini belirlemede nasıl faydanıldığı konusunda bilgi
verilmeye çalışılmıştır. 


  • Amari, A., El Barbri, N., Llobet, E., El Bari, N., Correig, X., Bouchikhi, B. (2006): Monitoring the freshness of Moroccan sardines with a neural-network based electronic nose. Sensors, 6(10): 1209-1223.
  • Chanie, E., Ólafsdóttir, G., Jónsdóttir, R., (2005). IFL Project Report.
  • Chantarachoti, J., Oliveira, A.C.M., Himelbloom, B.H., Crapo, C.A., McLachlan, D.G. (2006): Portable electronic nose for detection of spoiling Alaska pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha). Journal of Food Science, 71(5): S414-S421.
  • Concina, I., Falasconi, M., Gobbi, E., Bianchi, F., Musci, M., Mattarozzi, M., Pardo, M., Mangia, A., Careri M., Sberveglieri, G. (2009): Early detection of microbial contamination in processed tomatoes by electronic nose. Food Control, 20(10): 873-880.
  • Di Natale, C., Olafsdottir, G., Einarsson, S., Martinelli, E., Paolesse, R., D’Amico, A. (2001): Comparison and integration of different electronic noses for freshness evaluation of cod-fish fillets, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 77(1-2): 572-578.
  • Du, W.X., Lin, C.M., Huang, T., Kim, J., Marshall, M, Wei, C.I. (2002): Potential application of the electronic nose for quality assessment of salmon fillets under various storage conditions. Journal of Food Science, 67(1): 307-313.
  • El Barbri, N., Llobet, E., El Bari, N., Correig, X., Bouchikhi, B. (2008): Application of a portable electronic nose system to assess the freshness of Moroccan sardines. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 28(5-6): 666-670.
  • El Barbri, N., Mirhisse, J., Ionescu, R., Bari, N.E., Correig, X., Bouchikhi, B., Llobet, E. (2009): An electronic nose system based on a micro-machined gas sensor array to assess the freshness of sardines. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 141(2): 538-543.
  • Falasconi, M., Gobbi, E., Pardo, M., Della Torre, M., Bresciani, A., Sberveglieri, G. (2005): Detection of toxigenic strains of Fusarium verticillioides in corn by electronic olfactory system. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 108(1-2): 250-257.
  • Guohua, H., Lvye, W., Yanhong, M., Lingxia, Z. (2012): Study of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) quality predictive model based on electronic nose. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 166-167: 301-308.
  • Haugen, J.E., Chanie, E., Westad, F., Jonsdottir, R., Bazzo, S., Labreche, S., Marcq, P., Lundby, F., Olafsdottir, G. (2006): Rapid control of smoked Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) quality by electronic nose: Correlation with classical evaluation methods. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 116(1-2): 72-77.
  • Heising, J.K., Dekker, M., Bartels, P.V., van Boekel, M.A.J.S. (2012): A non-destructive ammonium detection method as indicator for freshness for packed fish: Application on cod. Journal of Food Engineering, 110(2): 254-261.
  • Hu, X., Mallikarjunan, P., Vaughan, D. (2008): Development of non-destructive methods to evaluate oyster quality by electronic nose technology. Sensing and Instrumentation for Food Quality and Safety, 2(1): 51-57.
  • Jonsdottir, R., Olafsdottir, G., Martinsdottir, E., Stefansson, G. (2004): Flavor characterization of ripened cod roe by gas chromatography, sensory analysis, and electronic nose. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52(20): 6250-6256.
  • Ko, H.J., Park T.H. (2005): Piezoelectric olfactory biosensor: ligand specificity and dose-dependence of an olfactory receptor expressed in a heterologous cell system, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 20(7): 1327-1332.
  • Korel, F., Luzuriaga, D., Balaban, M.Ö. (2001): Objective quality assessment of raw tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fillets using electronic nose and machine vision. Journal of Food Science, 66(7): 1018-1024.
  • Lakard, S., Herlem, G., Valles-Villareal, N., Michel, G., Propper, A., Gharbi, T., Fahys, B. (2005): Culture of neural cells on polymers coated surfaces for biosensor applications, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 20(10): 1946-1954.
  • Lazcka, O., Campo, F., Munoz, F.X. (2007): Pathogen detection: a perspective of traditional methods and biosensors. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 22(7): 1205-1217.
  • Lim, J.H., Park, J., Ahn, J.H., Jin, H.J., Hong, S., Park, T.H. (2013): A peptide-receptor-based bioelectronic nose for the real-time determination of seafood quality. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 39(1): 244-249.
  • Limbo, S., Sinelli, N., Torri, L., Riva, M. (2009): Freshness decay and shelf life predictive modelling of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) applying chemical methods and electronic nose. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 42(5): 977-984.
  • Lorwongtragool, P., Seesaard, T., Tongta, C., Kerdcharoen, T. (2012): Portable e-nose based on polymer/CNT sensor array for protein-based detection, NEMS, Kyoto, Japan, March 5-8.
  • Luzuriaga, D., Korel, F., Balaban, M. (2007): Odor evaluation of shrimp treated with different chemicals using an electronic nose and a sensory panel. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 16(2): 57-75.
  • O’Connell, M., Valdora, G., Peltzer, G., Martı́n Negri, R. (2001): A practical approach for fish freshness determinations using a portable electronic nose. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 80(2): 149-154.
  • Ólafsson, R., Martinsdóttir, E., Ólafsdóttir, G., Sigfússon, T.I., Gardner, J.W. (1992): Monitoring of fish freshness using tin oxide sensors. In: Gardner, J.W., Bartlett, P.N. (Eds.), Sensors and Sensory Systems for an Electronic Nose. Kluwer: Dordrecht, the Netherlands, pp. 257-272.
  • Olafsdottir, G., Lauzon, H.L., Martinsdottir, E., Kristbergsson, K. (2006). Influence of storage temperature on microbial spoilage characteristics of haddock fillets (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) evaluated by multivariate quality prediction. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 111(2): 112-125.
  • Olafsdottir, G., Chanie, E., Westad, F., Jonsdottir, R., Thalmann, C.R., Bazzo, S., Labreche, S., Marcq, P., Lundby, F., Haugen, J.E. (2005): Prediction of microbial and sensory quality of cold smoked Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) by electronic nose. Journal of Food Science, 70(9): S563-S574.
  • Ólafsdóttir, G., Li, X., Lauzon, H.L., Jónsdóttir, R. (2002): Precision and application of electronic nose for freshness monitoring of whole redfish (Sebastes marinus) stored in ice and modified atmosphere bulk storage. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 11(3-4): 229-249.
  • Peris, M., Escuder-Gilabert, L. (2009): A 21st century technique for food control: electronic noses. Analytica Chimica Acta, 638(1): 1-15.
  • Rodríguez-Méndez, M.L., Gay, M., Apetrei, C., De Saja, J.A. (2009): Biogenic amines and fish freshness assessment using a multisensor system based on voltammetric electrodes. Comparison between CPE and screen-printed electrodes. Electrochimica Acta, 54(27): 7033-7041.
  • Sankaran, S., Khot, L.R., Panigrahi, S. (2012): Biology and applications of olfactory sensing system: A review, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 171-172: 1-17.
  • Schaller, E., Bosset, J.O., Escher, F. (1998): Electronic noses’ and their application to food. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 31(4): 305-316.
  • Schweizer-Berberich, P.M., Vaihinger, S., Gopel, W. (1994): Characterization of fish freshness with sensor arrays. Sensors and Actuators B Chemical, 18(1-3): 282-290.
  • Şahin, M., Saraoğlu, H. (2010): Investigation of Escherichia coli bacteria growth process
  • using electronic nose. In: Biomedical Engineering Meeting (BIYOMUT), 2010 15th National, 1-4. IEEE.
  • Tian, X.Y., Cai, Q., Zhang, Y.M. (2012): Rapid classification of hairtail fish and pork freshness using an electronic nose based on the PCA method. Sensors (Basel), 12(1): 260-77.
  • Tokuşoğlu, O., Balaban, M.O. (2004): Correlation of odor and color profiles of oysters (Crassostrea virginica) with electronic nose and color machine vision. Journal of Shellfish Research, 23: 143-148.
  • Vazquez, M., Lorenzo, R., Cela, R. (2003): The use of an ‘electronic nose’device to monitor the ripening process of anchovies. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 38(3): 273-284.
  • Wang, P., Xu, G., Qin, L., Xu, Y., Li, Y., Li, R. (2005): Cell-based biosensors and its application in biomedicine. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 108(1-2): 576-584.
  • Winquist, F., Sundgren, H., Lundstrom, I. (1995): A practical use of electronic noses: quality estimation of cod fillet bought over the counter. In: Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, 1995 and Eurosensors IX.. Transducers' 95. The 8th International Conference on, 695-698. IEEE.
  • Wu, T.Z., Lo, Y.R. (2000): Synthetic peptide mimicking of binding sites on olfactory receptor protein for use in ‘electronic nose. Journal of Biotechnology, 80(1): 63-73.
  • Zhang, S., Xie, C., Bai, Z., Hu, M., Li, H., Zeng, D. (2009): Spoiling and formaldehyde-containing detections in octopus with an E-nose. Food Chemistry, 113(4): 1346-1350.


Year 2015, , 1 - 11, 01.01.2015


methods used for evaluating the quality of seafood are consist of the directory
of sensory, physi­cal, chemical and microbiological analysis. The use of the
olfactory sensors that can replace some of the analy­sis in this directory and
is an innovative method that could complement the many analyzes. In this review
is aimed to give information about development of sen­sors, called more
electronic nose (E-nose), gas and aroma sensor, olfaction or artificial
olfactory systems in the literature, and how to determine the quality of
fishery products from these sensors.     


  • Amari, A., El Barbri, N., Llobet, E., El Bari, N., Correig, X., Bouchikhi, B. (2006): Monitoring the freshness of Moroccan sardines with a neural-network based electronic nose. Sensors, 6(10): 1209-1223.
  • Chanie, E., Ólafsdóttir, G., Jónsdóttir, R., (2005). IFL Project Report.
  • Chantarachoti, J., Oliveira, A.C.M., Himelbloom, B.H., Crapo, C.A., McLachlan, D.G. (2006): Portable electronic nose for detection of spoiling Alaska pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha). Journal of Food Science, 71(5): S414-S421.
  • Concina, I., Falasconi, M., Gobbi, E., Bianchi, F., Musci, M., Mattarozzi, M., Pardo, M., Mangia, A., Careri M., Sberveglieri, G. (2009): Early detection of microbial contamination in processed tomatoes by electronic nose. Food Control, 20(10): 873-880.
  • Di Natale, C., Olafsdottir, G., Einarsson, S., Martinelli, E., Paolesse, R., D’Amico, A. (2001): Comparison and integration of different electronic noses for freshness evaluation of cod-fish fillets, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 77(1-2): 572-578.
  • Du, W.X., Lin, C.M., Huang, T., Kim, J., Marshall, M, Wei, C.I. (2002): Potential application of the electronic nose for quality assessment of salmon fillets under various storage conditions. Journal of Food Science, 67(1): 307-313.
  • El Barbri, N., Llobet, E., El Bari, N., Correig, X., Bouchikhi, B. (2008): Application of a portable electronic nose system to assess the freshness of Moroccan sardines. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 28(5-6): 666-670.
  • El Barbri, N., Mirhisse, J., Ionescu, R., Bari, N.E., Correig, X., Bouchikhi, B., Llobet, E. (2009): An electronic nose system based on a micro-machined gas sensor array to assess the freshness of sardines. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 141(2): 538-543.
  • Falasconi, M., Gobbi, E., Pardo, M., Della Torre, M., Bresciani, A., Sberveglieri, G. (2005): Detection of toxigenic strains of Fusarium verticillioides in corn by electronic olfactory system. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 108(1-2): 250-257.
  • Guohua, H., Lvye, W., Yanhong, M., Lingxia, Z. (2012): Study of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) quality predictive model based on electronic nose. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 166-167: 301-308.
  • Haugen, J.E., Chanie, E., Westad, F., Jonsdottir, R., Bazzo, S., Labreche, S., Marcq, P., Lundby, F., Olafsdottir, G. (2006): Rapid control of smoked Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) quality by electronic nose: Correlation with classical evaluation methods. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 116(1-2): 72-77.
  • Heising, J.K., Dekker, M., Bartels, P.V., van Boekel, M.A.J.S. (2012): A non-destructive ammonium detection method as indicator for freshness for packed fish: Application on cod. Journal of Food Engineering, 110(2): 254-261.
  • Hu, X., Mallikarjunan, P., Vaughan, D. (2008): Development of non-destructive methods to evaluate oyster quality by electronic nose technology. Sensing and Instrumentation for Food Quality and Safety, 2(1): 51-57.
  • Jonsdottir, R., Olafsdottir, G., Martinsdottir, E., Stefansson, G. (2004): Flavor characterization of ripened cod roe by gas chromatography, sensory analysis, and electronic nose. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52(20): 6250-6256.
  • Ko, H.J., Park T.H. (2005): Piezoelectric olfactory biosensor: ligand specificity and dose-dependence of an olfactory receptor expressed in a heterologous cell system, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 20(7): 1327-1332.
  • Korel, F., Luzuriaga, D., Balaban, M.Ö. (2001): Objective quality assessment of raw tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fillets using electronic nose and machine vision. Journal of Food Science, 66(7): 1018-1024.
  • Lakard, S., Herlem, G., Valles-Villareal, N., Michel, G., Propper, A., Gharbi, T., Fahys, B. (2005): Culture of neural cells on polymers coated surfaces for biosensor applications, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 20(10): 1946-1954.
  • Lazcka, O., Campo, F., Munoz, F.X. (2007): Pathogen detection: a perspective of traditional methods and biosensors. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 22(7): 1205-1217.
  • Lim, J.H., Park, J., Ahn, J.H., Jin, H.J., Hong, S., Park, T.H. (2013): A peptide-receptor-based bioelectronic nose for the real-time determination of seafood quality. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 39(1): 244-249.
  • Limbo, S., Sinelli, N., Torri, L., Riva, M. (2009): Freshness decay and shelf life predictive modelling of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) applying chemical methods and electronic nose. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 42(5): 977-984.
  • Lorwongtragool, P., Seesaard, T., Tongta, C., Kerdcharoen, T. (2012): Portable e-nose based on polymer/CNT sensor array for protein-based detection, NEMS, Kyoto, Japan, March 5-8.
  • Luzuriaga, D., Korel, F., Balaban, M. (2007): Odor evaluation of shrimp treated with different chemicals using an electronic nose and a sensory panel. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 16(2): 57-75.
  • O’Connell, M., Valdora, G., Peltzer, G., Martı́n Negri, R. (2001): A practical approach for fish freshness determinations using a portable electronic nose. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 80(2): 149-154.
  • Ólafsson, R., Martinsdóttir, E., Ólafsdóttir, G., Sigfússon, T.I., Gardner, J.W. (1992): Monitoring of fish freshness using tin oxide sensors. In: Gardner, J.W., Bartlett, P.N. (Eds.), Sensors and Sensory Systems for an Electronic Nose. Kluwer: Dordrecht, the Netherlands, pp. 257-272.
  • Olafsdottir, G., Lauzon, H.L., Martinsdottir, E., Kristbergsson, K. (2006). Influence of storage temperature on microbial spoilage characteristics of haddock fillets (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) evaluated by multivariate quality prediction. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 111(2): 112-125.
  • Olafsdottir, G., Chanie, E., Westad, F., Jonsdottir, R., Thalmann, C.R., Bazzo, S., Labreche, S., Marcq, P., Lundby, F., Haugen, J.E. (2005): Prediction of microbial and sensory quality of cold smoked Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) by electronic nose. Journal of Food Science, 70(9): S563-S574.
  • Ólafsdóttir, G., Li, X., Lauzon, H.L., Jónsdóttir, R. (2002): Precision and application of electronic nose for freshness monitoring of whole redfish (Sebastes marinus) stored in ice and modified atmosphere bulk storage. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 11(3-4): 229-249.
  • Peris, M., Escuder-Gilabert, L. (2009): A 21st century technique for food control: electronic noses. Analytica Chimica Acta, 638(1): 1-15.
  • Rodríguez-Méndez, M.L., Gay, M., Apetrei, C., De Saja, J.A. (2009): Biogenic amines and fish freshness assessment using a multisensor system based on voltammetric electrodes. Comparison between CPE and screen-printed electrodes. Electrochimica Acta, 54(27): 7033-7041.
  • Sankaran, S., Khot, L.R., Panigrahi, S. (2012): Biology and applications of olfactory sensing system: A review, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 171-172: 1-17.
  • Schaller, E., Bosset, J.O., Escher, F. (1998): Electronic noses’ and their application to food. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 31(4): 305-316.
  • Schweizer-Berberich, P.M., Vaihinger, S., Gopel, W. (1994): Characterization of fish freshness with sensor arrays. Sensors and Actuators B Chemical, 18(1-3): 282-290.
  • Şahin, M., Saraoğlu, H. (2010): Investigation of Escherichia coli bacteria growth process
  • using electronic nose. In: Biomedical Engineering Meeting (BIYOMUT), 2010 15th National, 1-4. IEEE.
  • Tian, X.Y., Cai, Q., Zhang, Y.M. (2012): Rapid classification of hairtail fish and pork freshness using an electronic nose based on the PCA method. Sensors (Basel), 12(1): 260-77.
  • Tokuşoğlu, O., Balaban, M.O. (2004): Correlation of odor and color profiles of oysters (Crassostrea virginica) with electronic nose and color machine vision. Journal of Shellfish Research, 23: 143-148.
  • Vazquez, M., Lorenzo, R., Cela, R. (2003): The use of an ‘electronic nose’device to monitor the ripening process of anchovies. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 38(3): 273-284.
  • Wang, P., Xu, G., Qin, L., Xu, Y., Li, Y., Li, R. (2005): Cell-based biosensors and its application in biomedicine. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 108(1-2): 576-584.
  • Winquist, F., Sundgren, H., Lundstrom, I. (1995): A practical use of electronic noses: quality estimation of cod fillet bought over the counter. In: Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, 1995 and Eurosensors IX.. Transducers' 95. The 8th International Conference on, 695-698. IEEE.
  • Wu, T.Z., Lo, Y.R. (2000): Synthetic peptide mimicking of binding sites on olfactory receptor protein for use in ‘electronic nose. Journal of Biotechnology, 80(1): 63-73.
  • Zhang, S., Xie, C., Bai, Z., Hu, M., Li, H., Zeng, D. (2009): Spoiling and formaldehyde-containing detections in octopus with an E-nose. Food Chemistry, 113(4): 1346-1350.
There are 41 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Seda Oğur

Publication Date January 1, 2015
Submission Date February 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2015




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