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Çeşitli elmaların aroma bileşikleri ve kalite özellikleri

Year 2023, , 108 - 116, 01.04.2023


Bu çalışmada; Starking Delicious, Amasya, Granny Smith ve Golden Delicious elma çeşitlerinin kalite özellikleri ve aroma profilleri belirlenmiştir. Titre edilebilir asitliği en yüksek ve pH değeri en düşük olan elma Granny Smith iken kurumadde ve suda çözünür kurumadde (SÇKM) değeri en yüksek olan Amasya elmasıdır. Aroma, elmalar için önemli bir kalite kriteridir ve tüketici beğenisinde büyük rol oynamaktadır. Elmaların aroma bileşimi headspace yöntemi ile gaz kromatografisi-kütle spektrometrisi (GC-MS)’nde belirlenmiştir. Elmalarda 24 ester, 5 yüksek alkol, 1 aldehit, 1 terpen ve 9 tanımlanamayan olmak üzere 40 farklı uçucu bileşik tespit edilmiştir. Starking Delicious’un %80.00’ını, Amasya’nın %76.55’ini, Golden Delicious’un %62.82’sini oluşturan esterler elmalardaki başlıca aroma grubudur ve esterler genellikle tüketicilerin tercih ettiği kokuları vermektedir. Bütil asetat, 2-metil bütil asetat, hekzil asetat, (E,E)-α-farnesen, etanol ve etil 2-metil bütanoat elmalarda en yüksek oranlarda belirlenen aroma bileşikleri olmuştur. Bu bileşikler elmanın aromasına muz, meyvemsi, çilek, tatlı, armut, çimen ve alkol gibi koku katkıları yapmaktadır.


  • Aaby, K., Haffner, K., Skrede, G. (2011). Aroma quality of Gravenstein apples influenced by regular and controlled atmosphere storage. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und –Technologie, 35, 254-259.
  • Aprea, E., Gika, H., Carlin, S., Theodoridis, G., Vrhovsek, U., Mattivi, F. (2011). Metabolite profiling on apple volatile content based on solid phase microextraction and gas-chromatography time of flight mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1218(28), 4517-4524.
  • Aprea, E., Corollaro, M.L., Betta, E., Endrizzi, I., Dematt`e, M.L., Biasioli, F., Gasperi, F. (2012). Sensory and instrumental profiling of 18 apple cultivars to investigate the relation between perceived quality and odour and flavor. Food Research International, 49, 677-686.
  • Aprea, E., Charles, M., Endrizzi, I., Laura Corollaro, M., Betta, E., Biasioli, F., Gasperi, F. (2017). Sweet taste in apple: the role of sorbitol, individual sugars, organic acids and volatile compounds. Scientific Reports, 7(44950), 1-10.
  • Atlı, Y., Ötleş, S. (1999). Elma kurutma işleminin besin öğeleri üzerine etkisi. Beslenme ve Diyet Dergisi, 28(2), 59-62.
  • Boyer, J., Liu, R.H. (2004). Apple phytochemicals and their health benefits. Nutrition Journal, 3(5), 1-15.
  • Briones-Labarca, V., Venegas-Cubillos, G., Ortiz-Portilla, S., Chacana-Ojeda, M., Maureira, H. (2011). Effects of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) on bioaccessibility, as well as antioxidant activity, mineral and starch contents in Granny Smith apple. Food Chemistry, 128(2), 520-529.
  • Cemeroğlu, B.S. (2013). Gıda analizlerinde genel yöntemler. B.S., Cemeroğlu, (Eds), Gıda Analizleri (s.1-85). Ankara, Bizim Grup Basımevi. ISBN: 978-605-63419-3-9
  • Chen, X., Feng, T., Zhang, Y., He, T., Feng, J., Zhang, C. (2007). Genetic diversity of volatile components in Xinjiang wild apple (Malus sieversii). Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 34(2), 171-179.
  • Cortes-Delgado, A., Sanchez, A.H., De Castro, A., Lopez-Lopez, A., Beato, V.M., Montano, A. (2016). Volatile profile of Spanish-style green table olives prepared from different cultivars grown at different locations. Food Research International, 83, 131-142.
  • Dixon, J., Hewett, E.W. (2000). Factors affecting apple aroma/flavour volatile concentration: a review. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 28, 155-173.
  • Dunemann, F., Ulrich, D., Boudichevskaia, A. (2009). QTL mapping of aroma compounds analysed by headspace solid-phase microextraction gas chromatography in the apple progeny ‘Discovery’ × ‘Prima’. Molecular Breeding, 23, 501-521.
  • Echeverria, G., Graell, J., Lopez, M.L., Lara, I. (2004). Volatile production, quality and aroma-related enzyme activities during maturation of ‘Fuji’ apples. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 31, 217-227.
  • Esmaeili, A., Abednazari, S., Abdollahzade Y. M., Abdollahzadeh, N.M., Mahjoubian, R., Tabatabaei-Anaraki, M. (2012). Peel volatile compounds of apple (Malus domestica) and grapefruit (Citrus paradisi). Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 15(5), 794-799. 0972060X.2012.10644122
  • Espino-Diaz, M., Sepulveda, D.R., Gonzalez-Aguilar, G., Olivas, G.I. (2016). Biochemistry of apple aroma: A review. Food Technology and Biotechnology, 54(4), 375-397. 10.17113/ftb.
  • FAO, 2019. Production, trade and producer price statistics. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. alındı (29.11.2019 tarihinde erişildi).
  • Fellman, J.K., Miller, T.W., Mattinson, D.S. (2000). Factors that influence biosynthesis of volatile flavor compounds in apple fruits. HortScience, 35(6), 1026-1033.
  • Gezer, E. (2012). Golden Delicious ve Starking Delicious elma çeşitlerinden elde edilen şıraların aroma bileşiklerine bazı teknolojik işlemlerin etkisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Erzurum, 83s.
  • Güleryüz, M., Ercişli, S., Erkan, E. (2001). Erzincan ovasında yetiştirilen bazı elma çeşitlerinin meyve gelişimi dönemlerinde meydana gelen fiziksel ve kimyasal değişimler ile bunlar arasındaki ilişkiler. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 32(1), 51-59.
  • Kalkisim, O., Ozdes, D., Okcu, Z., Karabulut, B., Senturk, H.B. (2016). Determination of pomological and morphological characteristics and chemical compositions of local apple varieties grown in Gumushane, Turkey. Erwerbs-Obstbau, 58, 41-48. 10.1007/s10341-015-0256-4
  • Kato, T., Shimoda, M., Suzuki, J., Kawaraya, A., Igura, N., Hayakawa, I. (2003). Changes in the odors of squeezed apple juice during thermal processing. Food Research International, 36, 777-785.
  • Komthong, P., Hayakawa, S., Katoh, T., Igura, N., Shimoda, M. (2006). Determination of potent odorants in apple by headspace gas dilution analysis. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft & Technologie, 39, 472-478.
  • Lumpkin, C., Fellman, J.K., Rudell, D.R., Mattheis, J.P. (2015). “Fuji” apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) volatile production during high pCO2 controlled atmosphere storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 100, 234-243.
  • Malheiro, R., De Pinho, PG., Casal, S., Bento, A., Pereira, JA. (2010). Determination of the volatile profile of stoned table olives from different varieties by using HS-SPME and GC/IT-MS. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 91, 1693-1701.
  • Rizzolo, A., Grassi, M., Eccher Zerbini, P. (2006). Influence of post-harvest ripening on changes in quality and volatile compounds of ‘Golden Orange’ and ‘Golden Lasa’ scab-resistant apple cultivars. Journal of Food Quality, 29(4), 353–373.
  • Rizzolo, A., Grassi, M., Eccher Zerbini, P. (2006). Influence of harvest date on ripening and volatile compounds in the scab-resistant apple cultivar ‘Golden Orange’, The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 81(4), 681-690.
  • Sabatini, N., Mucciarella, M.R., Marsilio, V. (2008). Volatile compounds in uninoculated and inoculated table olives with Lactobacillus plantarum (Olea Europaea L., cv. Moresca and Kalamata). Food Science Technology, 41, 2017-2022.
  • Sharma, P., Dhami, P., Pandey, P. (2014). Flavours of apple and pineapple fruits. Journal of Nutritional Ecology and Food Research, 2, 1-6.
  • TÜİK, (2022a). Meyve ürünleri içecek ve baharat bitkileri üretim miktarları. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, Ankara. alındı (19.02.2022 tarihinde erişildi).
  • TÜİK, (2022b). Türkiye’de üretilen elma çeşitlerinin miktarları. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, Ankara. alındı (19.02.2022 tarihinde erişildi).
  • Uylaşer, V., Şahin, İ. (2004). Salamura siyah zeytin üretiminde geleneksel gemlik yönteminin günümüz koşullarına uyarlanması. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(1), 105-113.
  • Ünüvar, G. (2014). Karaman ekolojik şartlarında M9 anacına aşılı bazı elma çeşitlerinin fenolojik ve pomolojik özelliklerinin ve antioksidan aktivitelerinin tespiti. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Konya, 68s.
  • van der Sluis, A.A. (2005). A chain analysis of the production of ‘healthy’ apple juice. Wageningen University, PhD Thesis, The Netherlands, p184.
  • Villatoro, C., Altisent, R., Echeverria, G., Graell, J., Lopez, M.L., Lara, I. (2008). Changes in biosynthesis of aroma volatile compounds during on-tree maturation of ‘Pink Lady’ apples. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 47, 286-295. Vrhovsek, U., Lotti, C., Masuero, D., Carlin, S., Weingart, G., Mattivi, F. (2014). Quantitative metabolic profiling of grape, apple and raspberry volatile compounds (VOCs) using a GC/MS/MS method. Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 966, 132-139.
  • Yang, S., Hao, N., Meng, Z., Li, Y., Zhao, Z. (2021). Identification, comparison and classification of volatile compounds in peels of 40 apple cultivars by HS–SPME with GC–MS. Foods, 10(5), 1051.

Volatile compounds and quality parameters of various apples

Year 2023, , 108 - 116, 01.04.2023


In this study; quality characteristics and volatile compounds of Starking Delicious, Amasya, Granny Smith, and Golden Delicious apple cultivars were determined. Granny Smith has the highest titratable acidity and the lowest pH value, while the Amasya apple has the highest dry matter and water-soluble solids. Aroma is an important quality criterion for apples and its has a big role in consumer taste. The aroma composition of apples was determined in gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) using the headspace method. Forty different volatile compounds, including 24 esters, 5 higher alcohols, 1 aldehyde, 1 terpene and 9 unidentified volatile compounds, were detected in apples. Esters, which make up 80.00% of Starking Delicious, 76.55% of Amasya and 62.82% of Golden Delicious are the main flavor group in apples and esters generally impart aroma compounds preferred by consumers. Butyl acetate, 2-methyl butyl acetate, hexyl acetate, (E,E)-α-farnecene, ethanol and ethyl 2-methyl butyrate were the aroma components determined at the highest rates in apples. These compounds contribute to the aroma of apples such as banana, fruity, strawberry, sweet, pear, grass and alcohol.


  • Aaby, K., Haffner, K., Skrede, G. (2011). Aroma quality of Gravenstein apples influenced by regular and controlled atmosphere storage. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und –Technologie, 35, 254-259.
  • Aprea, E., Gika, H., Carlin, S., Theodoridis, G., Vrhovsek, U., Mattivi, F. (2011). Metabolite profiling on apple volatile content based on solid phase microextraction and gas-chromatography time of flight mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1218(28), 4517-4524.
  • Aprea, E., Corollaro, M.L., Betta, E., Endrizzi, I., Dematt`e, M.L., Biasioli, F., Gasperi, F. (2012). Sensory and instrumental profiling of 18 apple cultivars to investigate the relation between perceived quality and odour and flavor. Food Research International, 49, 677-686.
  • Aprea, E., Charles, M., Endrizzi, I., Laura Corollaro, M., Betta, E., Biasioli, F., Gasperi, F. (2017). Sweet taste in apple: the role of sorbitol, individual sugars, organic acids and volatile compounds. Scientific Reports, 7(44950), 1-10.
  • Atlı, Y., Ötleş, S. (1999). Elma kurutma işleminin besin öğeleri üzerine etkisi. Beslenme ve Diyet Dergisi, 28(2), 59-62.
  • Boyer, J., Liu, R.H. (2004). Apple phytochemicals and their health benefits. Nutrition Journal, 3(5), 1-15.
  • Briones-Labarca, V., Venegas-Cubillos, G., Ortiz-Portilla, S., Chacana-Ojeda, M., Maureira, H. (2011). Effects of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) on bioaccessibility, as well as antioxidant activity, mineral and starch contents in Granny Smith apple. Food Chemistry, 128(2), 520-529.
  • Cemeroğlu, B.S. (2013). Gıda analizlerinde genel yöntemler. B.S., Cemeroğlu, (Eds), Gıda Analizleri (s.1-85). Ankara, Bizim Grup Basımevi. ISBN: 978-605-63419-3-9
  • Chen, X., Feng, T., Zhang, Y., He, T., Feng, J., Zhang, C. (2007). Genetic diversity of volatile components in Xinjiang wild apple (Malus sieversii). Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 34(2), 171-179.
  • Cortes-Delgado, A., Sanchez, A.H., De Castro, A., Lopez-Lopez, A., Beato, V.M., Montano, A. (2016). Volatile profile of Spanish-style green table olives prepared from different cultivars grown at different locations. Food Research International, 83, 131-142.
  • Dixon, J., Hewett, E.W. (2000). Factors affecting apple aroma/flavour volatile concentration: a review. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 28, 155-173.
  • Dunemann, F., Ulrich, D., Boudichevskaia, A. (2009). QTL mapping of aroma compounds analysed by headspace solid-phase microextraction gas chromatography in the apple progeny ‘Discovery’ × ‘Prima’. Molecular Breeding, 23, 501-521.
  • Echeverria, G., Graell, J., Lopez, M.L., Lara, I. (2004). Volatile production, quality and aroma-related enzyme activities during maturation of ‘Fuji’ apples. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 31, 217-227.
  • Esmaeili, A., Abednazari, S., Abdollahzade Y. M., Abdollahzadeh, N.M., Mahjoubian, R., Tabatabaei-Anaraki, M. (2012). Peel volatile compounds of apple (Malus domestica) and grapefruit (Citrus paradisi). Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 15(5), 794-799. 0972060X.2012.10644122
  • Espino-Diaz, M., Sepulveda, D.R., Gonzalez-Aguilar, G., Olivas, G.I. (2016). Biochemistry of apple aroma: A review. Food Technology and Biotechnology, 54(4), 375-397. 10.17113/ftb.
  • FAO, 2019. Production, trade and producer price statistics. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. alındı (29.11.2019 tarihinde erişildi).
  • Fellman, J.K., Miller, T.W., Mattinson, D.S. (2000). Factors that influence biosynthesis of volatile flavor compounds in apple fruits. HortScience, 35(6), 1026-1033.
  • Gezer, E. (2012). Golden Delicious ve Starking Delicious elma çeşitlerinden elde edilen şıraların aroma bileşiklerine bazı teknolojik işlemlerin etkisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Erzurum, 83s.
  • Güleryüz, M., Ercişli, S., Erkan, E. (2001). Erzincan ovasında yetiştirilen bazı elma çeşitlerinin meyve gelişimi dönemlerinde meydana gelen fiziksel ve kimyasal değişimler ile bunlar arasındaki ilişkiler. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 32(1), 51-59.
  • Kalkisim, O., Ozdes, D., Okcu, Z., Karabulut, B., Senturk, H.B. (2016). Determination of pomological and morphological characteristics and chemical compositions of local apple varieties grown in Gumushane, Turkey. Erwerbs-Obstbau, 58, 41-48. 10.1007/s10341-015-0256-4
  • Kato, T., Shimoda, M., Suzuki, J., Kawaraya, A., Igura, N., Hayakawa, I. (2003). Changes in the odors of squeezed apple juice during thermal processing. Food Research International, 36, 777-785.
  • Komthong, P., Hayakawa, S., Katoh, T., Igura, N., Shimoda, M. (2006). Determination of potent odorants in apple by headspace gas dilution analysis. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft & Technologie, 39, 472-478.
  • Lumpkin, C., Fellman, J.K., Rudell, D.R., Mattheis, J.P. (2015). “Fuji” apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) volatile production during high pCO2 controlled atmosphere storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 100, 234-243.
  • Malheiro, R., De Pinho, PG., Casal, S., Bento, A., Pereira, JA. (2010). Determination of the volatile profile of stoned table olives from different varieties by using HS-SPME and GC/IT-MS. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 91, 1693-1701.
  • Rizzolo, A., Grassi, M., Eccher Zerbini, P. (2006). Influence of post-harvest ripening on changes in quality and volatile compounds of ‘Golden Orange’ and ‘Golden Lasa’ scab-resistant apple cultivars. Journal of Food Quality, 29(4), 353–373.
  • Rizzolo, A., Grassi, M., Eccher Zerbini, P. (2006). Influence of harvest date on ripening and volatile compounds in the scab-resistant apple cultivar ‘Golden Orange’, The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 81(4), 681-690.
  • Sabatini, N., Mucciarella, M.R., Marsilio, V. (2008). Volatile compounds in uninoculated and inoculated table olives with Lactobacillus plantarum (Olea Europaea L., cv. Moresca and Kalamata). Food Science Technology, 41, 2017-2022.
  • Sharma, P., Dhami, P., Pandey, P. (2014). Flavours of apple and pineapple fruits. Journal of Nutritional Ecology and Food Research, 2, 1-6.
  • TÜİK, (2022a). Meyve ürünleri içecek ve baharat bitkileri üretim miktarları. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, Ankara. alındı (19.02.2022 tarihinde erişildi).
  • TÜİK, (2022b). Türkiye’de üretilen elma çeşitlerinin miktarları. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, Ankara. alındı (19.02.2022 tarihinde erişildi).
  • Uylaşer, V., Şahin, İ. (2004). Salamura siyah zeytin üretiminde geleneksel gemlik yönteminin günümüz koşullarına uyarlanması. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(1), 105-113.
  • Ünüvar, G. (2014). Karaman ekolojik şartlarında M9 anacına aşılı bazı elma çeşitlerinin fenolojik ve pomolojik özelliklerinin ve antioksidan aktivitelerinin tespiti. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Konya, 68s.
  • van der Sluis, A.A. (2005). A chain analysis of the production of ‘healthy’ apple juice. Wageningen University, PhD Thesis, The Netherlands, p184.
  • Villatoro, C., Altisent, R., Echeverria, G., Graell, J., Lopez, M.L., Lara, I. (2008). Changes in biosynthesis of aroma volatile compounds during on-tree maturation of ‘Pink Lady’ apples. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 47, 286-295. Vrhovsek, U., Lotti, C., Masuero, D., Carlin, S., Weingart, G., Mattivi, F. (2014). Quantitative metabolic profiling of grape, apple and raspberry volatile compounds (VOCs) using a GC/MS/MS method. Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 966, 132-139.
  • Yang, S., Hao, N., Meng, Z., Li, Y., Zhao, Z. (2021). Identification, comparison and classification of volatile compounds in peels of 40 apple cultivars by HS–SPME with GC–MS. Foods, 10(5), 1051.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Gülcan Koyuncu 0000-0001-7406-5331

Tuğba Kılıç 0000-0002-2573-6220

Publication Date April 1, 2023
Submission Date September 7, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Koyuncu, G., & Kılıç, T. (2023). Çeşitli elmaların aroma bileşikleri ve kalite özellikleri. Food and Health, 9(2), 108-116.


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