IJEMAR - PREPRINT is an is an open-access repository of electronic preprints (known as e-prints) approved for posting after moderation, but not full peer review. This archive consists of scientific papers in the many sub-fields of agriculture and biology, which can be accessed online. System allowes scientific papers to be easily transmitted over the internet.

This journal is designed and activated on July 2020 by Dr. Ugur Sevilmis (editor of IJEMAR) in "Eastern Meiterranean Agricultural Research Institute" of Turkey. It is the first preprint open access publishing archive in agriculture and biology fields in Turkey.

This publishing system is not peer reviewed but a moderator will review the submissions generally if they are related to agriculture or biology. A similarity rate will be conducted to keep the article below the upper similarity limit of 25%. The proof or check of concepts, data, methods, results, conclusions or other informations given in the manuscripts will not be evaluated by the moderators, editors or reviewers and will be under responsibility of the auothor/s.

Manuscript style is totally free for preprints. Please use standart submission procedure and mention in "copyright transfer form"
that the related manuscript is a "preprint article".

Last Update Time: 7/10/20, 8:15:21 AM

Manuscript Submission