Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

"Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)" on the publication ethical policy criteria; guides our writers, editors and consultants.

For the year 2020, from the article writers in the articles of entrepreneurial research quality and in the interviews and survey studies; For research that requires data collection by means of scales, questionnaires, interviews, observations, stating and documenting the ethics committee approval (name, decision date and number) of the candidate article and in the method section, Information regarding the signing of the informed consent form. It is requested to include in the article, to present the proofs of the ethical principles in the data collection process (such as obtaining permission for the use of scales, questionnaires, documents from others, and transmitting the permission information to the journal), to indicate that research and publication ethics are followed in the articles. *Ethics committee approval must be obtained separately for research conducted in all branches of science, including social sciences, and for clinical and experimental studies on humans and animals that require an ethics committee decision, this approval should be stated and documented in the article. Information about ethical rules should be given to the editor under separate headings. *A statement about compliance with Research and Publication Ethics should be included in the articles. *In case reports, information about signing the informed consent/consent form should be included in the article. For detailed information: TR Index Criteria

Regarding the published publications whose copyright is given to our journal, the author cannot request the copyright permission from the journal again in order to publish it in another book.

In the article submission process, the article sent by the author to the sample article template format on the home page of our journal must be adapted.

The article must not have been previously published as a journal, book or full-text paper.

Copyright information, in research articles that require ethics committee approval (including retrospective studies); Ethics committee permission information in the material and method section, limitations of the study (if any), supporting institution information (if any), scale permission information (if necessary) should be submitted to our journal as an additional file.

If the ethical permission, institutional permission or consent information is not clearly stated (if necessary, ethical committee and institution permission information can be requested from case reports), the relevant article will not be accepted for the pre-control process if the permission information is not attached as a file in the article file area.

Ethics committee permission information should be compatible with article title and author information.

The plagiarism value of the article sent by the author is checked by us. As a journal publication policy, the plagiarism value of the article should be 20% or less in preflight. (It will be beneficial for the author to check the plagiarism value before submitting the article.) If the plagiarism information is high, the report is presented to the author by the journal.

It is important that the author write a sentence or two stating the original value of the article to the editor in the note field during submission.

If it is thought that there are deficiencies in material, data collection, ethics, institutional permission, statistical steps in the method, the article can be rejected by informing the author during the article evaluation processes.

It is important for the author to make an explanation on the author's information on the first page of the article regarding ethical permission, explanation if it is the thesis topic, oral presentation, poster presentation and/or thesis articles.

Full-text papers with the same material method are not accepted as articles in the journal publication process, the editor may request additional file information from the author for the abstract pages.

In our journal, double-blind refereeing is done for the selection of referees in the referee process.