Writing Rules

For the works to be sent to the Mavi Atlas, it must be logged in via DergiPark and uploaded from the system.
The manuscripts sent to the Journal fundamentally have to be related with the field of social sciences/humanities and they are categorized into two main groups. First group includes “Research Papers”. The manuscripts in second group consist of “Translation”, “Book Review”, “Discussion”, “Conversation” and “Conference and Seminar Texts” suitable for the aim of Journal and “News” about academic events related with the field primarily in Gümüşhane University.
Papers written in Turkish should be in accordance with “Spelling Dictionary “of “Turkish Language Association”.
Paper Framework
General page structure is prepared in A4 format with 2.5 cm from right and left margin 3 cm from top and bottom margin.
First page
“Author information” should be aligned to right margin and follow this order one under the other, Name and Surname, Title, Institution, E-Mail.
“Title” should be written in the centre, the first letter of the words should be written in capital and bold style, Garamond 12 type size.
“Subtitles” second level titles should be written in bold, lowercase letters, 12 type size and the initial letters of the words of the titles must be uppercase. Also should be at paragraph level
Note: The spaces before the titles should be 6 pt and then (as in the text) 3 pt line spacing.
“Abstract” Turkish abstract should be between 200 and 300 words and briefly present the topic. The English abstract (according to the English language grammer) should be between 200-400 words. format should be as unindent paragraph, Garamond 10 type 3 pt size, one line space and text justified between margins. The abstract should not contain abbreviations or references, chart or figures etc.
“Key Words” should be under the abstract and include at least 3 and most 5 words. Page format should be as unindent paragraph, Garamond 10 type size, one line space and text justified between margins.
“Text” should be prepared in MS Word programme with Garamond 12 type size, first line indented, one line spacing and 3 pt space after each paragraph and it should be justified between margins.
Reference citations in text should be italic or double quoted (one of the options should be used.) References more than 44 words should be block quotations. Blockquotes should be indented 1.25 cm from the left and right margin. The font should be set as "Garamond" and the font size should be set as"11 points". 'Single line spacing' should be used as line spacing. 6 nk (inches) should be left from above and below.
Footnotes should be 10 points, justified, single spaced and should be written in Garamond font.
Figures and Tables
Table and figure captions should be numbered above the tables and figures and written with “Garamond” 11 point font. Table and figure numbers should be placed above the table in plain text and bold font, and no dots should be placed. Tables and figures should be numbered according to the order they appear in the text. Each table and figure should have a short and descriptive title. Table and figure title should be placed just below the table number, double-spaced. Table and figure titles should be written in italics and the first letters in capital letters. If possible, there should be no vertical lines in the table. Notes on the table and figure should be added only when needed. These notes should be placed at the bottom of the table. The font for the table should be "Garamond", 11 points. In mandatory cases, it can be reduced to 8 points.
Prepared tables and figures should be placed neatly in the section where they will be in the text, without exceeding the specified page dimensions. When necessary, tables and figures can be placed in the text before the references by creating an appendix section. Where necessary, explanatory footnotes or abbreviations should be placed just below the figures and tables, and their sources, if any, should be included in accordance with the in-text citation rules. For other needed information about the table and figure, see. https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/tables-figures/sample-tables#qualitative
Photos in publication should be professional and in JPEG format. Also rules for tables and figures should be obeyed.
As of October 2021, bibliography and citations will be based on APA 7 spelling rules. You can visit https://apastyle.apa.org/.

Last Update Time: 5/1/24, 4:55:59 AM

e-ISSN: 2148-5232