Research Article
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Determination of Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Activities of Citrus Peels

Year 2017, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 153 - 167, 31.07.2017


Bioactive compounds
present in fruits and vegetables are receiving increased because they may help
the protect humans against some diseases. These chemicals can reduce the free
radicals damage caused to the cells, as a result of oxidative stress and they
have been linked to reductions in the risk of major chronic diseases such as
cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity and other disease. In the present
study, the bioactive compounds and antioxidant properties of citrus peels were
examined. Fruit peels were obtained from lemon
(Citrus limon)
, orange (Citrus sinensis, mandarin (Citrus
and grapefruit (Citrus paradisi)
Total carotenoid, beta carotene, ascorbic acid, anthocyanin, total
phenolic and flavonoid content were determined using colorimetric methods. The
total antioxidant activities were analysed according to TEAC, FRAP and DPPH
methods. It was found that mandarin and lemon peels were rich in carotenoid
compounds and ascorbic acid, respectively while grapefruit and lemon peels were
rich in phenolic compounds and had higher antioxidant activities than mandarin
and orange peels.


  • AACC, 2004. Aapproved Methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists, 11th Edition.
  • Abozed, S.S., El-kalyoubi, M., Abdelrashid, A., Salama, M.F., 2014. Total phenolic contents and antioxidant activities of various solvent extracts from whole wheat and bran. Annals of Agric Sci., 59(1):63–67.
  • Acquistucci, R., Bucci, R., Magri, A.D., Magri, A.R., 1991. Evaluation of the moisture and ash contents in wheat mills by multistep programmed thermogravimetry. Thermochimica Acta, 188 (1), 51-62.
  • AOAC, 1989. Officials Methods of Analysis, 72 (3), 481-483.
  • Alkaya, E., Ergüder T.H. ve Demirer, G.N., 2010. Effect of operational parameters on anaerobic co-digestion of dairy cattle manure and agricultural residues: A case study for the Kahramanmaraş region in Turkey. Engineering in Life Sciences, Volume 10, Issue 6, pages 552–559.
  • Al-Saadi, N.H.M., Ahmad, N.S., Saeed, S.E., 2009. Determination of some chemical compounds and the effect of oil extract from orange peel on some pathogens. Journal of Kerbala University , Vol. 7 No.2 Scientific .
  • Anonim, 2011. Aile ve tüketici hizmetleri, M.E.B. Çevre hizmetleri Modülü, Ankara. (25.07.2016).
  • Anonim, 2014b. Fruit peel nutrition facts. (19.10.2014).
  • Anonim, 2016. Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri, 2015. (16.08.2016).
  • Ashoush, I.S., Gadallah, M.G.E., 2011. Utilization of Mango Peels and Seed Kernels Powders as Sources of Phytochemicals in Biscuit. World Journal of Dairy & Food Sciences, 6 (1): 35-42.
  • Belitz, H.D., Grosch, W., 1999. Fruits and fruit products. In: Hadziyev D (ed) Food chemistry. Springern Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp 748–799.
  • Benzie, I. F. F. Strain, J. J., 1996. The ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP) as a measure of “antioxidant power”: The FRAP assay. Analytical Biochemistry, 239, 70–76.
  • Brand-Williams, W., Cuvelier, M., Berset, C., 1995. Use of free radical method to evaluate antioxidant activity. Food Science and Technology, 28, 25–30.
  • Bocco, A., Cuvelier, M.E., Richard, H., Berset, C., 1998. Antioxidant Activity and Phenolic Composition of Citrus Peel and Seed Extracts. Agric. Food Chem. 46, 2123–2129.
  • Canan, İ., Gündoğdu, M., Seday, U., Oluk, C.A., Karaşahin, Z., Eroğlu, Ç.E., Yazıcı, E., Ünlü, M., 2016. Determination of antioxidant, total phenolic, total carotenoid, lycopene, ascorbic acid and sugar contents of Citrus species and mandarin hybrids. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 40, doi:10.3906/tar-1606-83.
  • Chang, C. C., Yang M.H., Wen, H.M., Chern, J.C., 2002. Estimation of total flavonoid content in propolis by two complementary colorimetric methods. J. Food Drug Anal., 10, 178-182.
  • Chaovanalikit, A., Wrolstad, R. E., 2004. Total Anthocyanins and Total Phenolics of Fresh and Processed Cherries and Their Antioxidant Properties. Journal of Food Science, Volume 69, Issue 1P. vi–67, FMS1–FMS37
  • Cheigh, C.I., Chung, E.Y., Chung, M.S., 2012. Enhanced extraction of flavanones hesperidin and narirutin from Citrus unshiu peel using subcritical water. J. Food Eng., 110, 472–477.
  • Damar, İ., 2010. Vişne Suyunun Antosiyanin Profili ve Antioksidan Kapasitesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi.
  • Dent, M., Dragovi, D., Peni, M., Brncic, M., Bosiljkov, T., Levaj, B., 2013. The Effect of Extraction Solvents, Temperature and Time on the Composition and Mass Fraction of Polyphenols in Dalmatian Wild Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) Extracts. Food Technol. Biotechnol. 51 (1) 84–91.
  • Fathordoobady, F., Mirhosseini, H., Selamat, J., Manap, M.Y.A., 2016. Effect of solvent type and ratio on betacyanins and antioxidant activity of extracts from Hylocereus polyrhizus flesh and peel by supercritical fluid extraction and solvent extraction. Food Chemistry, Volume 202, Pages 70–80
  • Fidrianny, I., Harnovi, M., Insanu, M., 2014. Evaluation Of Antioxidant Activities From Various Extracts Of Sweet Orange Peels Using Dpph, Frap Assays And Correlation With Phenolic, Flavonoid, Carotenoid Content. Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 7, Issue 3, 2014, 186-190.
  • Friedman, M., Levin, C., 2009. Analysis and biological activities of potato glycoalkaloids, calystegine alkaloids, phenolic compounds and anthocyanins. In J. Singh, & L. Kaur (Eds.) Advances in Potato Chemistry and Technology, pp. 127-161.
  • Fuleki, T., Francis, F., 1968. Quantitative methods for anthocyanins. J. Food Science, 33, 72-77, 78-83.
  • Garcia, E.M., Barret, D., 2005. Assessing lycopene content in California processing tomatoes. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 30: 56-70.
  • Gao, L., Girard, B., Mazza, G., Reynolds, A.G., 1997. Changes in Anthocyanins and Color Characteristics of Pinot Noir Wines during Different Vinification Process. J. Agric. Food Chem., 45, 2003-2008.
  • Garmusa, T.T., Paviania, L.C., Queirogab, C.L. , Magalhãesb, P.M., Cabral, F.A., 2014. Extraction of phenolic compounds from pitanga (Eugenia uniflora L.)leaves by sequential extraction in fixed bed extractor usingsupercritical CO2, ethanol and water as solvents. J. of Supercritical Fluids 86, 4– 14.
  • Ghasemi, K., Ghasemi, Y., Ebrahimzadeh, M.A., 2009. Antioxidant Activity, Phenol And Flavonoid Contents of 13 Citrus Species Peels And Tissues. Pak. J. Pharm. Sci., 22, 3, 277-281.
  • Gorinstein, S., Zachwieja, Z., Katrich, E., Pawelzik, E., Haruenkit, R., Trakhtenberg, S. ve Martin-Belloso, O., 2004. Comparison of the contents of the main antioxidant compounds and the antioxidant activity of white grapefruit and his new hybrid. LWT – Food Sci. Tech., 37, 337–343.
  • Goulas, V. ve Manganaris, G.A., 2012. Exploring the phytochemical content and the antioxidant potential of Citrus fruits grown in Cyprus. Food Chem., 131, 39–47.
  • Guardia, T., Rotelli, A.E., Juarez, A.O., Pelzer, L.E., 2001. Antiinflamatory properties of plant flavonoids.Effects of rutin, quarcetin and hesperidin on adjuvant arthritis in rat, Il Farmaco, 56(9):683-687.
  • Hışıl, 2004. Enstrümental gıda analizleri-laboratuar deneyleri. Ege Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Ders Kitapları Yayın no:45, Bornova, İzmir.
  • Horowitz, R.M., 1961. The citrus flavonoids, The Orange;Its Biochemistry and Physiology, Sinclair, W.B.(Ed.)
  • Janati, S. S. F., Beheshti, H. R., Feizy, J., Fahim, N. K., 2012. Chemical Composition Of Lemon (Citrus Limon) And Peels Its Considerations As Animal Food. Gıda 37 (5): 267-271.
  • Kumar, P.S., Suresh. E., Kalavathy, K., 2013. Review on a potential herb Calotropis gigantea (L.) R. Br., Sch. Acad. J. Pharm., 2013; 2(2):135-143.
  • Larrauri, J. A., Ruperez, P., ve Saura-calixto, F.,1999. New approaches in the preparation of high dietary fibre from fruit by-products. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 29, 729–733.
  • Lee, Y.H., Charles, A.L., Kung, H.F., Ho, H.F., Huang, T.C., 2010. Extraction of nobiletin and tangeretin from Citrus depressa Hayata by supercritical carbon dioxide with ethanol as modifier. Ind. Crops Prod. 2010, 31, 59–64.
  • Li, B. B., Smith, B., Hossain, M., 2006. Extraction of phenolics from citrus peels. I. Solvent extraction method. Sep. Purif. Technol., 48, 182–188.
  • Li, Y., Ma, D., Sun, D., Wang, C., Zhang, J., Xie, Y., Guo, T., 2015. Total phenolic, flavonoid content, and antioxidant activity of flour, noodles, and steamed bread made from different colored wheat grains by three milling methods. The crop journal 3, 328–334.
  • Lim, Y.Y., Lim T.T. ve Tee J.J., 2006. Antioxidant properties of guava fruit: comparison with some local fruits. Sunway Acad. J., 3, 9–20.
  • Londono, J.L., Lima, V.R., Lara, O., Gil, A., Pasa, T.B.C., 2010. Clean recovery of antioxidant flavonoids from citrus peel: Optimizing an aqueous ultrasound-assisted extraction method. Food Chem.i 119: 81–87.
  • Luterotti, S., Kljak, K., 2010. Spectrophotometric Estimation of Total Carotenoids in Cereal Grain Products. Acta Chim. Slov. 781 2010, 57, 781–787.
  • Manthey, J.A., Grohmann, K., 1996. Consantrations of hesperidin and other orange peel flavonoids in citrus processing byproducts, J. Agric. Food Chem., 44:811-814.
  • Moon, J.K., Shibamoto T., 2009. Antioxidant assays for plant and food components. J. Agric. Food Chem., 57:1655–1666.
  • Oboh, G., Ademosun, A.O., 2012. Characterization of the antioxidant properties of phenolic extracts from some citrus peels. J Food Sci Technol 49(6): 729–736.
  • Okan, O.T., Varlıbaş, H., Öz, M., Deniz, İ., 2013. Antioksidan Analiz Yöntemleri ve Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde Antioksidan Kaynağı Olarak Kullanılabilecek Odun Dışı Bazı Bitkisel Ürünler. Kastamonu Üni., Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 13 (1): 48-59.
  • Özyurt, D., 2005. Toplam Flavonoid Miktarının Geliştirilen Spektrofotometrik Yöntem ile Tayini. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi.
  • Paula, J.T., Paviani, L.C., Foglio, M.A., Sousa, I.M.O., Duarte, G.H.B., Jorge, M.P., Eberlin, M.N., Cabral, F.A., 2014. Extraction of anthocyanins and luteolin from Arrabidaea chica by sequential extraction in fixed bed using supercritical CO2, ethanol and water as solvents. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids,Volume 86, Pages 100–107.
  • Prior, R.L., Wu, X., Schaich, K., 2005. Standardized methods for the determination of antioxidant capacity and phenolics in foods and dietary supplements. J. Agric. Food Chem., 53, 4290–4303.
  • Re, R., Pellegrini, N., Proteggente, A., Pannala, A., Yang, M. ve Rice-Evans, C., 1999. Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation decolorization assay. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 26, 1231–1237.
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Turunçgil Kabuklarının Biyoaktif Bileşenleri ve Antioksidan Aktivitelerinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2017, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 153 - 167, 31.07.2017


Meyve ve sebzelerde bulunan
biyoaktif bileşenlere karşı ilgi, bu maddelerin insanları bazı hastalıklara
karşı korumaya yardımcı olabilmesinden dolayı giderek artmaktadır. Bu
kimyasalların, oksidatif stres sonucunda hücrelerde meydana gelen serbest
radikal zararını azaltabildiği ve kanser, kardiyovasküler hastalık, obezite ve
diğer hastalıklar gibi büyük kronik tabloların risklerini azaltması ile
bağlantılı olduğu belirtilmektedir. Bu çalışmada turunçgil kabuklarının
biyoaktif bileşenleri ve antioksidan özellikleri incelendi. Turunçgil kabukları
limon (Citrus limon), portakal
(Citrus sinensis), mandalina (Citrus
reticulata) ve greyfurt (Citrus paradisi) meyvelerinden elde edildi. Toplam
karotenoid, beta karoten, askorbik asit, antosiyanin, toplam fenolik ve
flavonoid içerikleri ve toplam antioksidan aktiviteleri TEAC, FRAP ve DPPH
metotlarına göre kolorimetrik yöntemler kullanılarak belirlendi. Mandalina
kabuklarının karotenoid bileşikler, limon kabuklarının askorbik asit, greyfurt
ve limon kabuklarının fenolik bileşikler açısından zengin olduğu ve mandalina
ile portakal kabuklarına göre daha yüksek antioksidan aktiviteye sahip olduğu


  • AACC, 2004. Aapproved Methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists, 11th Edition.
  • Abozed, S.S., El-kalyoubi, M., Abdelrashid, A., Salama, M.F., 2014. Total phenolic contents and antioxidant activities of various solvent extracts from whole wheat and bran. Annals of Agric Sci., 59(1):63–67.
  • Acquistucci, R., Bucci, R., Magri, A.D., Magri, A.R., 1991. Evaluation of the moisture and ash contents in wheat mills by multistep programmed thermogravimetry. Thermochimica Acta, 188 (1), 51-62.
  • AOAC, 1989. Officials Methods of Analysis, 72 (3), 481-483.
  • Alkaya, E., Ergüder T.H. ve Demirer, G.N., 2010. Effect of operational parameters on anaerobic co-digestion of dairy cattle manure and agricultural residues: A case study for the Kahramanmaraş region in Turkey. Engineering in Life Sciences, Volume 10, Issue 6, pages 552–559.
  • Al-Saadi, N.H.M., Ahmad, N.S., Saeed, S.E., 2009. Determination of some chemical compounds and the effect of oil extract from orange peel on some pathogens. Journal of Kerbala University , Vol. 7 No.2 Scientific .
  • Anonim, 2011. Aile ve tüketici hizmetleri, M.E.B. Çevre hizmetleri Modülü, Ankara. (25.07.2016).
  • Anonim, 2014b. Fruit peel nutrition facts. (19.10.2014).
  • Anonim, 2016. Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri, 2015. (16.08.2016).
  • Ashoush, I.S., Gadallah, M.G.E., 2011. Utilization of Mango Peels and Seed Kernels Powders as Sources of Phytochemicals in Biscuit. World Journal of Dairy & Food Sciences, 6 (1): 35-42.
  • Belitz, H.D., Grosch, W., 1999. Fruits and fruit products. In: Hadziyev D (ed) Food chemistry. Springern Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp 748–799.
  • Benzie, I. F. F. Strain, J. J., 1996. The ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP) as a measure of “antioxidant power”: The FRAP assay. Analytical Biochemistry, 239, 70–76.
  • Brand-Williams, W., Cuvelier, M., Berset, C., 1995. Use of free radical method to evaluate antioxidant activity. Food Science and Technology, 28, 25–30.
  • Bocco, A., Cuvelier, M.E., Richard, H., Berset, C., 1998. Antioxidant Activity and Phenolic Composition of Citrus Peel and Seed Extracts. Agric. Food Chem. 46, 2123–2129.
  • Canan, İ., Gündoğdu, M., Seday, U., Oluk, C.A., Karaşahin, Z., Eroğlu, Ç.E., Yazıcı, E., Ünlü, M., 2016. Determination of antioxidant, total phenolic, total carotenoid, lycopene, ascorbic acid and sugar contents of Citrus species and mandarin hybrids. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 40, doi:10.3906/tar-1606-83.
  • Chang, C. C., Yang M.H., Wen, H.M., Chern, J.C., 2002. Estimation of total flavonoid content in propolis by two complementary colorimetric methods. J. Food Drug Anal., 10, 178-182.
  • Chaovanalikit, A., Wrolstad, R. E., 2004. Total Anthocyanins and Total Phenolics of Fresh and Processed Cherries and Their Antioxidant Properties. Journal of Food Science, Volume 69, Issue 1P. vi–67, FMS1–FMS37
  • Cheigh, C.I., Chung, E.Y., Chung, M.S., 2012. Enhanced extraction of flavanones hesperidin and narirutin from Citrus unshiu peel using subcritical water. J. Food Eng., 110, 472–477.
  • Damar, İ., 2010. Vişne Suyunun Antosiyanin Profili ve Antioksidan Kapasitesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi.
  • Dent, M., Dragovi, D., Peni, M., Brncic, M., Bosiljkov, T., Levaj, B., 2013. The Effect of Extraction Solvents, Temperature and Time on the Composition and Mass Fraction of Polyphenols in Dalmatian Wild Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) Extracts. Food Technol. Biotechnol. 51 (1) 84–91.
  • Fathordoobady, F., Mirhosseini, H., Selamat, J., Manap, M.Y.A., 2016. Effect of solvent type and ratio on betacyanins and antioxidant activity of extracts from Hylocereus polyrhizus flesh and peel by supercritical fluid extraction and solvent extraction. Food Chemistry, Volume 202, Pages 70–80
  • Fidrianny, I., Harnovi, M., Insanu, M., 2014. Evaluation Of Antioxidant Activities From Various Extracts Of Sweet Orange Peels Using Dpph, Frap Assays And Correlation With Phenolic, Flavonoid, Carotenoid Content. Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 7, Issue 3, 2014, 186-190.
  • Friedman, M., Levin, C., 2009. Analysis and biological activities of potato glycoalkaloids, calystegine alkaloids, phenolic compounds and anthocyanins. In J. Singh, & L. Kaur (Eds.) Advances in Potato Chemistry and Technology, pp. 127-161.
  • Fuleki, T., Francis, F., 1968. Quantitative methods for anthocyanins. J. Food Science, 33, 72-77, 78-83.
  • Garcia, E.M., Barret, D., 2005. Assessing lycopene content in California processing tomatoes. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 30: 56-70.
  • Gao, L., Girard, B., Mazza, G., Reynolds, A.G., 1997. Changes in Anthocyanins and Color Characteristics of Pinot Noir Wines during Different Vinification Process. J. Agric. Food Chem., 45, 2003-2008.
  • Garmusa, T.T., Paviania, L.C., Queirogab, C.L. , Magalhãesb, P.M., Cabral, F.A., 2014. Extraction of phenolic compounds from pitanga (Eugenia uniflora L.)leaves by sequential extraction in fixed bed extractor usingsupercritical CO2, ethanol and water as solvents. J. of Supercritical Fluids 86, 4– 14.
  • Ghasemi, K., Ghasemi, Y., Ebrahimzadeh, M.A., 2009. Antioxidant Activity, Phenol And Flavonoid Contents of 13 Citrus Species Peels And Tissues. Pak. J. Pharm. Sci., 22, 3, 277-281.
  • Gorinstein, S., Zachwieja, Z., Katrich, E., Pawelzik, E., Haruenkit, R., Trakhtenberg, S. ve Martin-Belloso, O., 2004. Comparison of the contents of the main antioxidant compounds and the antioxidant activity of white grapefruit and his new hybrid. LWT – Food Sci. Tech., 37, 337–343.
  • Goulas, V. ve Manganaris, G.A., 2012. Exploring the phytochemical content and the antioxidant potential of Citrus fruits grown in Cyprus. Food Chem., 131, 39–47.
  • Guardia, T., Rotelli, A.E., Juarez, A.O., Pelzer, L.E., 2001. Antiinflamatory properties of plant flavonoids.Effects of rutin, quarcetin and hesperidin on adjuvant arthritis in rat, Il Farmaco, 56(9):683-687.
  • Hışıl, 2004. Enstrümental gıda analizleri-laboratuar deneyleri. Ege Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Ders Kitapları Yayın no:45, Bornova, İzmir.
  • Horowitz, R.M., 1961. The citrus flavonoids, The Orange;Its Biochemistry and Physiology, Sinclair, W.B.(Ed.)
  • Janati, S. S. F., Beheshti, H. R., Feizy, J., Fahim, N. K., 2012. Chemical Composition Of Lemon (Citrus Limon) And Peels Its Considerations As Animal Food. Gıda 37 (5): 267-271.
  • Kumar, P.S., Suresh. E., Kalavathy, K., 2013. Review on a potential herb Calotropis gigantea (L.) R. Br., Sch. Acad. J. Pharm., 2013; 2(2):135-143.
  • Larrauri, J. A., Ruperez, P., ve Saura-calixto, F.,1999. New approaches in the preparation of high dietary fibre from fruit by-products. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 29, 729–733.
  • Lee, Y.H., Charles, A.L., Kung, H.F., Ho, H.F., Huang, T.C., 2010. Extraction of nobiletin and tangeretin from Citrus depressa Hayata by supercritical carbon dioxide with ethanol as modifier. Ind. Crops Prod. 2010, 31, 59–64.
  • Li, B. B., Smith, B., Hossain, M., 2006. Extraction of phenolics from citrus peels. I. Solvent extraction method. Sep. Purif. Technol., 48, 182–188.
  • Li, Y., Ma, D., Sun, D., Wang, C., Zhang, J., Xie, Y., Guo, T., 2015. Total phenolic, flavonoid content, and antioxidant activity of flour, noodles, and steamed bread made from different colored wheat grains by three milling methods. The crop journal 3, 328–334.
  • Lim, Y.Y., Lim T.T. ve Tee J.J., 2006. Antioxidant properties of guava fruit: comparison with some local fruits. Sunway Acad. J., 3, 9–20.
  • Londono, J.L., Lima, V.R., Lara, O., Gil, A., Pasa, T.B.C., 2010. Clean recovery of antioxidant flavonoids from citrus peel: Optimizing an aqueous ultrasound-assisted extraction method. Food Chem.i 119: 81–87.
  • Luterotti, S., Kljak, K., 2010. Spectrophotometric Estimation of Total Carotenoids in Cereal Grain Products. Acta Chim. Slov. 781 2010, 57, 781–787.
  • Manthey, J.A., Grohmann, K., 1996. Consantrations of hesperidin and other orange peel flavonoids in citrus processing byproducts, J. Agric. Food Chem., 44:811-814.
  • Moon, J.K., Shibamoto T., 2009. Antioxidant assays for plant and food components. J. Agric. Food Chem., 57:1655–1666.
  • Oboh, G., Ademosun, A.O., 2012. Characterization of the antioxidant properties of phenolic extracts from some citrus peels. J Food Sci Technol 49(6): 729–736.
  • Okan, O.T., Varlıbaş, H., Öz, M., Deniz, İ., 2013. Antioksidan Analiz Yöntemleri ve Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde Antioksidan Kaynağı Olarak Kullanılabilecek Odun Dışı Bazı Bitkisel Ürünler. Kastamonu Üni., Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 13 (1): 48-59.
  • Özyurt, D., 2005. Toplam Flavonoid Miktarının Geliştirilen Spektrofotometrik Yöntem ile Tayini. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi.
  • Paula, J.T., Paviani, L.C., Foglio, M.A., Sousa, I.M.O., Duarte, G.H.B., Jorge, M.P., Eberlin, M.N., Cabral, F.A., 2014. Extraction of anthocyanins and luteolin from Arrabidaea chica by sequential extraction in fixed bed using supercritical CO2, ethanol and water as solvents. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids,Volume 86, Pages 100–107.
  • Prior, R.L., Wu, X., Schaich, K., 2005. Standardized methods for the determination of antioxidant capacity and phenolics in foods and dietary supplements. J. Agric. Food Chem., 53, 4290–4303.
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There are 64 citations in total.


Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Melih Güzel

Özlem Akpınar

Publication Date July 31, 2017
Submission Date December 15, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Güzel, M., & Akpınar, Ö. (2017). Turunçgil Kabuklarının Biyoaktif Bileşenleri ve Antioksidan Aktivitelerinin Belirlenmesi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(2), 153-167.