Article and Work Evaluation Process

1. Science Harmony is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year.

2. In the articles to be sent; It is required to have an original article or work that will fill a gap in the field of study or to be an examination evaluating the previously published works and revealing new and remarkable opinions on this subject.

3. The journal uses a double-sided blindness system in which the identities of referees and authors are kept confidential. Therefore, the names of the referees are not published. Authors and referees should strive to keep their identity confidential. For this purpose, people who send files to the system such as authors, editors, referees should pay attention to the following points about the text and files. Authors should delete the names and institutions in the text. Page six notes and so on. including side texts.

Personal information is also written into file information while Microsoft documents are stored. Therefore, either this personal information should be found and deleted from the document properties, or the document should be re-saved in the following order without any personal information.

4.The Editorial Board examines the articles sent to the journal primarily in terms of the publication principles and the scope of the journal, scientific content and form. For the works that have passed the preliminary examination, the Editor is assigned by the Editor. The Section Editor sends the work to at least 2 reviewers for evaluation. In order for the work to be accepted to the journal, both reviewers must receive a positive evaluation. If necessary, the 3rd referee may be asked to contribute to the evaluation process.

5.Articles submitted for publication are also confirmed through a special program for plagiarism detection, which have not previously been published and do not contain plagiarism.

6.The publication process of the accepted work takes 4-6 months from the date of receipt.

Last Update Time: 7/24/19, 11:50:19 PM