Writing Rules

Journal of Aegean Agricultural Research Institute
 (ISSN 1300-0225 / E-ISSN 2667-6087)

      1. ANADOLU, Journal of Aegean Agricultural Research Institute (AARI) is publishing original research articles in the fields of agricultural science.

2. ANADOLU, Journal of AARI is an international, double-blind peer reviewed, open-access journal, publishes twice a year.

3. Manuscripts should not exceed 20 pages, must be typed double-spaced, all pages numbered starting from the title page and written in Turkish or English.

4. ANADOLU encourages authors to prepare their articles according to publication policy of ANADOLU. Manuscript prepared by using MS Word must be submitted to the AARI directorate as e-mail attachment at etae@tarimorman.gov.tr, anadoludergisi@tarimorman.gov.tr or anadolu.etae@gmail.com is strongly encouraged.

5. Authors should declare that the manuscript is original research and no similar paper has been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The cover letter should provide complete contact information (full address, telephone numbers, e-mail address and ORCID) of corresponding and co-authors. The manuscripts are not sent back to the author if it is not published.

6. Manuscripts should be arranged as follows:

The manuscript should consist of the parts of Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion (if necessary), Acknowledgement (if necessary) and References. All these headings should be written as bold capital letters.

TITLE: Should be clear, concise but informative containing key words that reflect all important aspects of the article. The title should be followed by the author (s) name (s), and address (es).
ABSTRACT: Should be complete in itself and informative without reference to text or figures, including keywords, and not exceeding 200 words. Following the abstract, about 3 to 10 keywords should be listed.
CONCLUSIONS (If necessary)

7. The manuscript should be written in Times New Roman font. All headings should be written without indendation except heading of abstract that should be written with 1.25 cm indent. Size of headings and their styles should be written as follows: Title of manuscript should be bold and 14 size; Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion (if necessary), Acknowledgement (if necessary) and their headings 11 size; Abstract, Keywords, Tables, Graphics, Figures, Legends, Footnotes and References 9 size.

8. The title page should include the authors' full names. Following the title and one space line, authors’ names should be written with 11 sizes and bold. First name of the authors are written miniscule and the last name capital letters.

9. Present addresses, ORC-ID of authors’ and e-mail of corresponding author should be written under author names.

10. The page size and margins of manuscript are as follows: A4; top: 4.0 cm, bottom: 3.35 cm, right: 2.25 cm, left: 2.25 cm, header: 2.55 cm, footer: 2.35 cm. Each paragraph should start without indentation, and be aligned to both side.

11. Species, genus, and Latin names should be written in italic.

12. References should be arranged alphabetically at the end of the paper. The author-year notation system is required; do not use numbered notation. All single-author entries precede multiple-author entries for the same first author. Use chronological order only within entries with identical authorship (alphabetizing by title for same-author, same-year entries). Add a lowercase letter a, b, c, etc. to the year to identify same-year entries for text citation. Do this also for any multiple-author entries. When there are more than two authors, only the first author’s name should be mentioned, followed by “et al” and “year”. In the References each book should be listed by their publisher name, publication number (if available). All words of the book title and only the first word of the book parts and manuscript title should start with a capital letter. Each reference should be written with 1 cm indent except for the first line. Journal names are abbreviated according to Science & Engineering Journal Abbreviations (http://scieng.l ibrary.ubc.ca/). Authors are fully responsible for the accuracy of the references. The author-year notation system is also required in the manuscript. More than one citation are placed chronologically in order and separated by semicolon “;”.

Reference examples

Paper from a Symposium, Conference or Seminar:

Yang, S. M. 1988. Report of the ad hoc committee on sunflower rust. p. 250-255. In: Proc. 12th Int. Sunflower Conf., Vol. II. Novi Sad, Yugoslavia. 25-29 July. Int. Sunflower Assoc. Paris, France.

Arslanoğlu, F. ve İ. Atakişi. 1997. Bazı patates çeşitlerinde farklı yumru iriliklerinin ve dikim şekillerinin yumru verimi ve verim kriterleri üzerine etkisi. Türkiye II. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi. 22-25 Eylül 1997. Samsun. s. 648-651.


Demir, İ. 1975. Genel Bitki Islahı. Ege Üniv. Zir. Fak. Yay. No: 212. Bornova, Izmir.

Hallauer, A. R., and J. B. Miranda. 1981. Quantitative Genetics in Maize Breeding. Iowa State Univ. Press. Ames, IA.

Part of the book

Miller, J. F., and G. N. Fick. 1977. The genetics of sunflower. pp. 441-495. In: A. A. Schneiter (Ed.) Sunflower Technology and Production. Argon. Monogr. 35. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI, USA.

Tosun, M. 2005. Kalıtım derecesi. s. 10-32. A. Ş. Tan (Ed.). Bitki Islahında İstatistik ve Genetik Metotlar. Ege Tarımsal Araştırma Ens. Yay. No: 121. Menemen, İzmir.

Paper from a scientific journal

Tan, A. S., C. C. Jan., and T. J. Gulya. 1993. Inheritance of resistance to race 4 of sunflovver downy mildew in wild sunflower accessions. Crop Sci. 32: 949-952.

Kıtıkı, A ., T. Kesercioğlu, A. Tan, M. Nakiboğlu, H. Otan, A. O. Sarı ve B. Oğuz. 1997. Ege ve Batı Akdeniz Bölgeleri’nde yayılış gösteren bazı Origanum L. türlerinde biyosistematik araştırmalar. Anadolu 7 (2): 26-40.

Ph.D or Master thesis

Tan, A. Ş. 1993. Ayçiçeğinde (Helianthus annuus L.) melez varyete (F1) ıslahında kendilenmiş hatların çoklu dizi (Line x Tester) analiz yöntemine göre kombinasyon yeteneklerinin saptanması üzerine araştırmalar. Doktora tezi. E. Ü. Zir. Fak. Fen Bil. Ens. Tarla Bitkileri Ana Bilim Dalı Bornova - İzmir.

Whited, D. A. 1967. Biochemical and histochemical properties associated with genetic male sterility at the Ms locus in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Ph.D. thesis. North Dakota State University. Fargo ND, USA.

Reference from website

Plakhine, D., and D. M. Joel. 2010. Ecophysiological consideration of Orobanche cumana germination. Helia 33 (52): 13-18. From http://www. doiserbia.nb.rs/Article.aspx?id=1018-18061052013P.

Crop Science Society of America, Terminology Committee. 1992. Glossary of crop science terms. Available at: www.crops.org/cropgloss/. CSSA, Madison, WI, USA.

USDA-ARS National Genetic Resources Program. 2005. The Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN) database. Available at http://www.ars-grin.gov/ npgs/acc/ acc_queries. html. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, MD, USA.


Official and collective documents without an author should be cited as “Anonymous” and "Anonim"

Anonim. 1996. İmla kılavuzu. Türk Dil Kurumu yayınları. No: 525. Ankara.

Anonymous. 1970. Septoria helianthi. CMI distribution maps of plan diseases. No: 468. Commonwealth Mycol. Inst., Kew, England.

13. The graphics, pictures, maps etc. are named as “Figure” and the numerical values are presented as “Table”.

14. Tables and graphs should be created by using MS Word and MS Excel, respectively. In tables, each item should be placed into a separate cell. Tables and graphs color must be black and white, and thickness of the borders should be ¼ pt. Abbreviations or symbols must be explained either in the title or as footnote.

15. Tables and graphics and their legends should be submitted in separate pages. The graphics are prepared by using MS Excel and submitted as electronic forms as well. Pictures (if necessary) should be submitted GIF, TIFF or JPEG files in high resolution.

16. In the tables, graphics and figures; the legends, first column and line of the tables and apsis (x) and ordinate (y) of the graphics should be written in English as well and placed under the legends, headings of the column and line of the tables and x and y coordinate of the graphics written in Turkish.

17. Numbers written in decimal notation separated with comma “,”. In order to show statistical significance at the 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001 probability levels, the *, **, and *** are always used in this order, respectively, and these cannot be used for other footnotes. Significance at other level is designated by a supplemental note. Lack of significance is usually indicated by NS. For table footnotes, use the following symbols: ‡, §, #, ¥, ∫ etc.

18. Abbreviations should be spelled out and introduced in parentheses when used at first time in the text. Standard abbreviations (such as DNA, etc.) need not be defined. Abbreviations should be written according to Turkish Language Association (http://www.tdk.gov.tr).

19. The Editorial Board reserves to make alterations in manuscripts submitted for publications. Such alterations will be made if manuscripts do not conform to accepted scientific standards or if they contain matters which in the opinion of the Editorial Board are unnecessarily verbose or repetitive. Where papers need extensive alteration, they will be returned to the senior author for checking, corrections and re-typing. Such papers must be returned to the Editorial Board within three weeks.

20. The corresponding author will be informed whether the manuscripts accepted or rejected within four months.

21. The publication of a paper in the Journal does not imply responsibility for, or agreement with, any statements or views expressed therein. All scientific responsibility pertain to the authors of the manuscript

22. No financial grant for copyright is payable to the contributor. One electronic reprint of an article will be sent to the senior author.


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