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Yıl 2016, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 4, 69 - 78, 31.10.2016


People's clothing preferences are changing with the rapid development of technology. Success
of firms requires knowledge of the target audience in global market. It is necessary to determine the
factors that affect consumer attitude and behaviour. The purpose of the study was to determine the
factors that influence brand attitude and behaviour among college students for the apparel sector. In
this regard, factor analysis was employed to the data acquired from 350 students enrolled at the Ordu
University Ünye Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. Exploratory factor analysis,
reliability analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were carried out in order to determine the
construct validity of the factor analysis. Kaiser – Mayer – Olkin and Bartlett criterion was used to test
the suitability of the variables in the factor analysis as well as to test the sample size (KMO; 0.928;
P<0.01). Exploratory factor analysis showed a structure of 15 items and 3 factors. These factors
explained 66.44 % of the total variance. The Cronbach Alpha coefficients revealing that the tests were
consistent. The results of confirmatory factor analysis were 2.335 for CMINDF, 0.062 for RMSEA,
0.932 for GFI, 0.942 for NFI and 0.966 for CFI. All factors were significant and fit indices confirmed
that the model had a perfect fit. To sum up, the factors effective in the brand preference of students
were collected under three headings. These were brand loyalty, turning to alternative brand and
brand sensitivity


  • ASSAEL, H. (1992). Consumer Behavior and Marketing Action. Boston: PWS- Kent Publishing Company.
  • AKBULUT, Ö., YILDIZ, N. (1999). Basic Formulas and Tables in Statistical Analysis. Erzurum-Turkey: Aktif Publishing House.
  • BENNING, T. (2010). Brand Sensitivity: A Case for Shoes, Master’s thesis of Rob van Vliet, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 47.
  • BYRNE, B.M. (1998). Structural Equation Modeling with LISREL, PRELIS and SIMPLIS: Basic Concepts, Applications and Programming. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • BLYTHE, J. (1998). Essentials of Marketing, Published by Financial Times/ Prentice Hall, 320
  • BOZZO, C., MERUNKA, D., MOULINS, (2003). “Fidélité et Comportement d’Achat : ne pas se Fier aux Apparences”, Décisions Marketing, 32: 9-17.
  • CIFCI, S., COP, R. (2007). The Terms of Brand and Brand Management:An Investigation About University Students’Jeans Brand Choices. Finans Politik & Ekonomik Yorumlar, 44 (512): 69-88 (article in Turkish with an abstract in English).
  • DEMIR, N. (2013). Young Consumers of the Demographic Characteristics of Brand and Brand Determining Differences in to Choose Causes it generates in Loyalty, Nigde University Institute of Social Sciences, Master Thesis, Nigde (in Turkish).
  • FIELD, A., (2009). Discovering Statistics Using SPSS for Windows. Sage Publications, London e Thousand Oaks e New Delhi.
  • GRANT, I. J., STEPHEN, G. R. (2005).’Buying Behaviour of ‘Tweenage’ Girls and Key Societal Communicating Factors Influencing Their Purchasing of Fashion Clothing’, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 9 (4): 450-467.
  • GÜNERI, F. B. (1996). "Consumer Attitudes Toward the ad Determining the Role of Brand Preferences" Ege University Institute of Social Sciences. PhD Thesis, İzmir (in Turkish).
  • JACOBY, J., KYNER, B. D. (1973). “Brand Loyalty vs. Repeat Purchasing Behaviour”, Journal of Marketing, 10: 1-9.
  • KAISER, H. F. (1974). An İndex of Factorial Simplicity. Psychometrika 39: 3-36.
  • KAPFERER, J. N. (1997). The New Strategic Brand Management: Creating And Sustaining Brand Equity Long Term, (Editions of Organization, Paris), p.47.
  • KINUTHIA, L., MBURUGU, K., MUTHONI, H., MWIHAKI, M. (2012). Factors Influencing Brand Loyalty in Sportswear, Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 223-231.
  • KLINE, R. B. (1998). Principal and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling. New York: The Guilford Press.
  • KOTLER, P., KELLER K. L. (2006). Marketing Management. (12.baskı). New Jersey, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri: Pearson Education.
  • KOTLER, P. (2000). How to create, win and Dominate Market, (The Free Press, New York), pp.18-151.
  • LACHANCE, M. J., BEAUDOIN, P., ROBITAILLE, J. (2003). "Adolescents' Brand Sensitivity in Apparel: Influence of Three Socialization Agents," International Journal of Consumer Studies, 27 (1): 47-57.
  • LEE, M. Y. KIM, Y. K., PELTON, L, KNIGHT, D., FORNEY, J. (2008). Factors affecting Mexican college students' purchase intention toward a US apparel brand, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 12 (3): 294 - 307
  • MARANGOZ, M. (2006). ‘Relationship between of Brand-Function Perceptions and PostBuying Behaviour of Consumers, Dokuz Eylul University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 21(2): 107-128 (article in Turkish with an abstract in English).
  • LOUDON, D. L., DELLA BITTA, A. J. (1993). Consumer Behavior. Concepts and Applications. New York: McGrow Hill, Inc
  • MIRYALA, R. K., ALUVALA, R. (2015). Trends, Challenges & Innovations in Management - Volume II, Zenon Academic Publishing, 277.
  • ODIN,Y., ODIN, N., VALETTE, P. (2001) Conceptual And Operational Aspects Of Brand Loyalty- An Emprical İnvestigation, Journal Of Business Research 53: 75–84.
  • OLIVER, R. L. (1999). Whence Consumer Loyalty? The Journal of Marketing. Fundamental Issues and Directions for Marketing, 63: 33-44
  • PRENDERGAST, G., WONG, C. (2003). Parental influence on the purchase of luxury brands of infant apparel: an exploratory study in Hong Kong, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 20 (2): 157-169
  • RUCKER, D. D., GALINSKY, A. D. (2009). Conspicuous consumption versus utilitarian ideals: How different levels of power shape consumer behavior, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45 (3): 549-555
  • TABACHNICK, B. G., FIDELI, L.S. (2001). Using Multivariate Statistics (Fourth Edition).Boston: Ally and Bacon.
  • WALTERS, C. G., PAUL, G. W. (1970). Consumer behavior: An integrated framework. Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin.
  • YARICI, M. (2009). Inoculation Effects Of The Rival Advertisements, Attacking The Leader Brand On The Loyal Customers Of The Leader Brand, Unpublished Master's Thesis, University of Bahcesehir, İstanbul (in Turkish).
  • YILDIZ, O. (2006). Indicating The Relationship Between The Brand Loyalty And Consumer Trust, Unpublished Master's Thesis, Cukurova University Institute of Social Sciences, Adana (in Turkish).


Yıl 2016, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 4, 69 - 78, 31.10.2016


People's clothing preferences are changing with the rapid development of technology. Success
of firms requires knowledge of the target audience in global market. It is necessary to determine the
factors that affect consumer attitude and behaviour. The purpose of the study was to determine the
factors that influence brand attitude and behaviour among college students for the apparel sector. In
this regard, factor analysis was employed to the data acquired from 350 students enrolled at the Ordu
University Ünye Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. Exploratory factor analysis,
reliability analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were carried out in order to determine the
construct validity of the factor analysis. Kaiser – Mayer – Olkin and Bartlett criterion was used to test
the suitability of the variables in the factor analysis as well as to test the sample size (KMO; 0.928;
P<0.01). Exploratory factor analysis showed a structure of 15 items and 3 factors. These factors
explained 66.44 % of the total variance. The Cronbach Alpha coefficients revealing that the tests were
consistent. The results of confirmatory factor analysis were 2.335 for CMINDF, 0.062 for RMSEA,
0.932 for GFI, 0.942 for NFI and 0.966 for CFI. All factors were significant and fit indices confirmed
that the model had a perfect fit. To sum up, the factors effective in the brand preference of students
were collected under three headings. These were brand loyalty, turning to alternative brand and
brand sensitivity


  • ASSAEL, H. (1992). Consumer Behavior and Marketing Action. Boston: PWS- Kent Publishing Company.
  • AKBULUT, Ö., YILDIZ, N. (1999). Basic Formulas and Tables in Statistical Analysis. Erzurum-Turkey: Aktif Publishing House.
  • BENNING, T. (2010). Brand Sensitivity: A Case for Shoes, Master’s thesis of Rob van Vliet, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 47.
  • BYRNE, B.M. (1998). Structural Equation Modeling with LISREL, PRELIS and SIMPLIS: Basic Concepts, Applications and Programming. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • BLYTHE, J. (1998). Essentials of Marketing, Published by Financial Times/ Prentice Hall, 320
  • BOZZO, C., MERUNKA, D., MOULINS, (2003). “Fidélité et Comportement d’Achat : ne pas se Fier aux Apparences”, Décisions Marketing, 32: 9-17.
  • CIFCI, S., COP, R. (2007). The Terms of Brand and Brand Management:An Investigation About University Students’Jeans Brand Choices. Finans Politik & Ekonomik Yorumlar, 44 (512): 69-88 (article in Turkish with an abstract in English).
  • DEMIR, N. (2013). Young Consumers of the Demographic Characteristics of Brand and Brand Determining Differences in to Choose Causes it generates in Loyalty, Nigde University Institute of Social Sciences, Master Thesis, Nigde (in Turkish).
  • FIELD, A., (2009). Discovering Statistics Using SPSS for Windows. Sage Publications, London e Thousand Oaks e New Delhi.
  • GRANT, I. J., STEPHEN, G. R. (2005).’Buying Behaviour of ‘Tweenage’ Girls and Key Societal Communicating Factors Influencing Their Purchasing of Fashion Clothing’, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 9 (4): 450-467.
  • GÜNERI, F. B. (1996). "Consumer Attitudes Toward the ad Determining the Role of Brand Preferences" Ege University Institute of Social Sciences. PhD Thesis, İzmir (in Turkish).
  • JACOBY, J., KYNER, B. D. (1973). “Brand Loyalty vs. Repeat Purchasing Behaviour”, Journal of Marketing, 10: 1-9.
  • KAISER, H. F. (1974). An İndex of Factorial Simplicity. Psychometrika 39: 3-36.
  • KAPFERER, J. N. (1997). The New Strategic Brand Management: Creating And Sustaining Brand Equity Long Term, (Editions of Organization, Paris), p.47.
  • KINUTHIA, L., MBURUGU, K., MUTHONI, H., MWIHAKI, M. (2012). Factors Influencing Brand Loyalty in Sportswear, Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 223-231.
  • KLINE, R. B. (1998). Principal and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling. New York: The Guilford Press.
  • KOTLER, P., KELLER K. L. (2006). Marketing Management. (12.baskı). New Jersey, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri: Pearson Education.
  • KOTLER, P. (2000). How to create, win and Dominate Market, (The Free Press, New York), pp.18-151.
  • LACHANCE, M. J., BEAUDOIN, P., ROBITAILLE, J. (2003). "Adolescents' Brand Sensitivity in Apparel: Influence of Three Socialization Agents," International Journal of Consumer Studies, 27 (1): 47-57.
  • LEE, M. Y. KIM, Y. K., PELTON, L, KNIGHT, D., FORNEY, J. (2008). Factors affecting Mexican college students' purchase intention toward a US apparel brand, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 12 (3): 294 - 307
  • MARANGOZ, M. (2006). ‘Relationship between of Brand-Function Perceptions and PostBuying Behaviour of Consumers, Dokuz Eylul University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 21(2): 107-128 (article in Turkish with an abstract in English).
  • LOUDON, D. L., DELLA BITTA, A. J. (1993). Consumer Behavior. Concepts and Applications. New York: McGrow Hill, Inc
  • MIRYALA, R. K., ALUVALA, R. (2015). Trends, Challenges & Innovations in Management - Volume II, Zenon Academic Publishing, 277.
  • ODIN,Y., ODIN, N., VALETTE, P. (2001) Conceptual And Operational Aspects Of Brand Loyalty- An Emprical İnvestigation, Journal Of Business Research 53: 75–84.
  • OLIVER, R. L. (1999). Whence Consumer Loyalty? The Journal of Marketing. Fundamental Issues and Directions for Marketing, 63: 33-44
  • PRENDERGAST, G., WONG, C. (2003). Parental influence on the purchase of luxury brands of infant apparel: an exploratory study in Hong Kong, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 20 (2): 157-169
  • RUCKER, D. D., GALINSKY, A. D. (2009). Conspicuous consumption versus utilitarian ideals: How different levels of power shape consumer behavior, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45 (3): 549-555
  • TABACHNICK, B. G., FIDELI, L.S. (2001). Using Multivariate Statistics (Fourth Edition).Boston: Ally and Bacon.
  • WALTERS, C. G., PAUL, G. W. (1970). Consumer behavior: An integrated framework. Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin.
  • YARICI, M. (2009). Inoculation Effects Of The Rival Advertisements, Attacking The Leader Brand On The Loyal Customers Of The Leader Brand, Unpublished Master's Thesis, University of Bahcesehir, İstanbul (in Turkish).
  • YILDIZ, O. (2006). Indicating The Relationship Between The Brand Loyalty And Consumer Trust, Unpublished Master's Thesis, Cukurova University Institute of Social Sciences, Adana (in Turkish).
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Derya Öztürk

Güngör Karakaş Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ekim 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 4

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