Research Article
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Year 2020, , 20 - 26, 01.01.2020



  • Abd El-Rahman, S.A., Madkor, F., Ibrahim, F.S., Kilara, A. (1997). Physical characteristics of frozen desserts made with cream, anhydrous milk fat, or milk fat fractions. Journal of Dairy Science, 80, 1926-1935.
  • Abrahamsen, R.K., Holman, T.B. (1980). Yoghurt from hyperfiltrated, unfiltrated and evaporated milk and from milk with added milk powder. Milchwissenshaft, 35(7), 398-402.
  • Ahmad, S., Anjum, F.M., Huma N., Sameenand, A., Zahoor T. (2013). Composition and physico-chemical characteristics of buffalo milk with particular emphasis on lipids, proteins, minerals, enzymes and vitamins. The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 23(1 Suppl.), 62-74.
  • Akalın, A.S., Gonc, S. (1995). Dondurma teknolojisinde kullanılan katkı maddelerinin özellikleri, işlevleri ve yasal durumları (II), asitler, tuzlar, tatlılaştırıcı maddeler, emulsifiye ve stabilize ediciler. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(32), 201-207.
  • Anonymous (1979). Farbmetrische bestimmung von farbabstanden bci korperfarben nach der CIELAB formol, p. 30, Beuth-Vertrieb GMbH, Berlin.
  • Anonymous (1997). Determination of shape retention and meltdown, UMA 0801, Netherland.
  • Arbuckle, W.S. (1986). Ice Cream, pp. 68- 69, Chapman and Hall, New York.
  • Cashman, K.D. (2002a). Trace elements in milk and dairy products, Nutritional Significance. In: Roginski, H., Fox PF, Fuquay JW. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences. London, UK: Academic Pres: 2058-2065.
  • Cashman, K.D. (2002b). Macrominerals in milk and dairy products, Nutritional Significance. In: Roginski, H., Fox PF, Fuquay, J. W. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences. London, UK: Academic Pres: 2051-2058.
  • Flores, A.A., Goff, H.D. (1999). Recrystallization in ice cream after constant and cycling temperature storage conditions as affected by stabilizers. Journal of Dairy Science, 82, 1408-1415.
  • Guimarães, D.H.P., Silva, F.R.d.S.R. (2014). Dairy products production with buffalo milk. International Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 4(3), 14-19.
  • Guven, M., Karaca, O.B., Kacar, A. (2002). Keciboynuzu sakız ve diger stabilizerlerle kombine kullanmanın Kahramanmaras tipi dondurmaların fizikokimyasal ve duyusal nitelikleri uzerine etkileri. TUBITAK Proje No: TARP-2532, Adana.
  • Hamilton, M.P. (1990). Ice Cream Manufacture. Symposium paper. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 43(1), 17-20.
  • Jimenez F.R., Klipfel, N.J., Tobias, J. (1993). Ice cream and frozen desserts. Y.H Hui (Ed.), Dairy Science and Technology Handbook, Volume 2: Product Manufacturing, VCH Publishers Inc, New York, pp. 57-157.
  • Konar, A., Akın, M.S. (1992). İnek ve koyun sütlerinden üretilen dondurmaların kimyasal, fiziksel ve duyusal bazı özelliklerinin saptanması üzerine karşılaştırmalı bir araştırma. Doğa, 16, 711-720.
  • Kurt, A., Cakmakcı, S., Caglar, A. (2007). Süt ve mamulleri muayene ve analiz metotlari rehberi. Ataturk Universitesi Yayınları, No: 252/D, 254 s, Erzurum.
  • Martinez-Ferez, A., Rudloff, S., Guadix, A., Henkelm, C. A., Pohlentz, G., Boza J.J. (2006). Goat's milk as a natural source of lactose derived oligosaccharides: Isolation by Membrane Technology. International Dairy Journal, 16(2), 173-181.
  • Minhas, K.S., Sidhu J.S., Mudahar, G.S., Singh, A.K. (2002). Flow behavior characteristics of ice cream mix made with buffalo milk and various stabilizers. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 57(1), 25-40.
  • Ozdemir, C., Arslaner, A., Ozdemir, S., Allahyari, M. (2015). The production of ice cream using stevia as a sweetener. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52(11), 7545-7548.
  • Ozdemir, C., Dagdemir, E., Celik, S., Ozdemir, S. (2003). An alternative ice cream production for diabetic patients. Milchwissenschaft, 58(3/4), 164-166.
  • Prindiville, E.A., Marshall, R.T., Heyman, H. (1999). Effect of milk fat on the sensory properties of chocolate ice cream. Journal of Dairy Science, 82, 1425-1432.
  • Roland, A.M., Philips, L.G., Boor, K.J. (1999). Effects of fat content on the sensory properties, melting, color, and hardness of ice cream. Journal of Dairy Science, 82, 32-38.
  • Sharma, R., Rajputt, Y. S., Dogra, G., Tomar, S. K. (2007). Estimation of vitamin B12 by ELISA and its status in milk. Milchwissenschaft, 62, 127-131.
  • Simsek, O., Tuncay, I., Bilgin, B. (2006). 3:(1), Endüstriyel dondurma üretiminde farklı stabilizator kullanımının dondurma kalitesine etkisi. Tekirdag Ziraat Fakultesi Dergisi, 3(1), 55-60.
  • Wilbey, R.A., Cooke, T., Dimos, G. (1997). The effects of solute concentration, overrun and storage on the hardness of ice cream. W. Buchheim (Ed.), Ice Cream, International Dairy Federation, Germany, 186-187.
  • Yıldız, N., Bircan, H. (1991). Uygulamalı İstatistik (Genisletilmis 2.Baskı). Atatürk Üniviversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayın No:35, Erzurum.
  • Zicarelli, L. (2004). Buffalo Milk: Its properties, dairy yield and mozzarella production. Veterinary Research Communications, 28, 127-135.

The quality of ice cream samples made from buffalo milk

Year 2020, , 20 - 26, 01.01.2020


The aim of this study was to evaluate physical,
chemical and organoleptic
properties the ice
creams made from buffalo milk, cow milk, and their mix during storage for 21
days. Before the cow milk ice-cream samples were made, cow milk was
standardized to fat ratio of 7.10 % with fresh cow milk cream. The highest
acidity values were determined in ice cream samples made from buffalo milk
the alkali titration method. The pH of
ice cream samples was found at between 6.44 and 6.60. The average pH of ice
cream samples was found as 6.53. The overrun values of ice cream samples ranged
from 34.10 % to 43.23 % and the highest overrun values were determined in
samples made with buffalo and cow milk mix. The first melting time of ice cream
samples was between 1109s and 1510s. Generally, the first melting time of ice
cream samples made from buffalo milk was longer than that of only cow milk ice
cream samples. The highest L color value was determined at ice cream samples
made from only buffalo milk. Generally, buffalo milk ice cream samples were
preferred by the panelist with the highest scores when compared with ice cream
samples made from cow and mix of cow and buffalo milk.
As a result,
it can be surely said that the use of buffalo milk in dairy products such as
ice cream enriches the sensory, chemical and
properties of the product.


  • Abd El-Rahman, S.A., Madkor, F., Ibrahim, F.S., Kilara, A. (1997). Physical characteristics of frozen desserts made with cream, anhydrous milk fat, or milk fat fractions. Journal of Dairy Science, 80, 1926-1935.
  • Abrahamsen, R.K., Holman, T.B. (1980). Yoghurt from hyperfiltrated, unfiltrated and evaporated milk and from milk with added milk powder. Milchwissenshaft, 35(7), 398-402.
  • Ahmad, S., Anjum, F.M., Huma N., Sameenand, A., Zahoor T. (2013). Composition and physico-chemical characteristics of buffalo milk with particular emphasis on lipids, proteins, minerals, enzymes and vitamins. The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 23(1 Suppl.), 62-74.
  • Akalın, A.S., Gonc, S. (1995). Dondurma teknolojisinde kullanılan katkı maddelerinin özellikleri, işlevleri ve yasal durumları (II), asitler, tuzlar, tatlılaştırıcı maddeler, emulsifiye ve stabilize ediciler. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(32), 201-207.
  • Anonymous (1979). Farbmetrische bestimmung von farbabstanden bci korperfarben nach der CIELAB formol, p. 30, Beuth-Vertrieb GMbH, Berlin.
  • Anonymous (1997). Determination of shape retention and meltdown, UMA 0801, Netherland.
  • Arbuckle, W.S. (1986). Ice Cream, pp. 68- 69, Chapman and Hall, New York.
  • Cashman, K.D. (2002a). Trace elements in milk and dairy products, Nutritional Significance. In: Roginski, H., Fox PF, Fuquay JW. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences. London, UK: Academic Pres: 2058-2065.
  • Cashman, K.D. (2002b). Macrominerals in milk and dairy products, Nutritional Significance. In: Roginski, H., Fox PF, Fuquay, J. W. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences. London, UK: Academic Pres: 2051-2058.
  • Flores, A.A., Goff, H.D. (1999). Recrystallization in ice cream after constant and cycling temperature storage conditions as affected by stabilizers. Journal of Dairy Science, 82, 1408-1415.
  • Guimarães, D.H.P., Silva, F.R.d.S.R. (2014). Dairy products production with buffalo milk. International Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 4(3), 14-19.
  • Guven, M., Karaca, O.B., Kacar, A. (2002). Keciboynuzu sakız ve diger stabilizerlerle kombine kullanmanın Kahramanmaras tipi dondurmaların fizikokimyasal ve duyusal nitelikleri uzerine etkileri. TUBITAK Proje No: TARP-2532, Adana.
  • Hamilton, M.P. (1990). Ice Cream Manufacture. Symposium paper. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 43(1), 17-20.
  • Jimenez F.R., Klipfel, N.J., Tobias, J. (1993). Ice cream and frozen desserts. Y.H Hui (Ed.), Dairy Science and Technology Handbook, Volume 2: Product Manufacturing, VCH Publishers Inc, New York, pp. 57-157.
  • Konar, A., Akın, M.S. (1992). İnek ve koyun sütlerinden üretilen dondurmaların kimyasal, fiziksel ve duyusal bazı özelliklerinin saptanması üzerine karşılaştırmalı bir araştırma. Doğa, 16, 711-720.
  • Kurt, A., Cakmakcı, S., Caglar, A. (2007). Süt ve mamulleri muayene ve analiz metotlari rehberi. Ataturk Universitesi Yayınları, No: 252/D, 254 s, Erzurum.
  • Martinez-Ferez, A., Rudloff, S., Guadix, A., Henkelm, C. A., Pohlentz, G., Boza J.J. (2006). Goat's milk as a natural source of lactose derived oligosaccharides: Isolation by Membrane Technology. International Dairy Journal, 16(2), 173-181.
  • Minhas, K.S., Sidhu J.S., Mudahar, G.S., Singh, A.K. (2002). Flow behavior characteristics of ice cream mix made with buffalo milk and various stabilizers. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 57(1), 25-40.
  • Ozdemir, C., Arslaner, A., Ozdemir, S., Allahyari, M. (2015). The production of ice cream using stevia as a sweetener. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52(11), 7545-7548.
  • Ozdemir, C., Dagdemir, E., Celik, S., Ozdemir, S. (2003). An alternative ice cream production for diabetic patients. Milchwissenschaft, 58(3/4), 164-166.
  • Prindiville, E.A., Marshall, R.T., Heyman, H. (1999). Effect of milk fat on the sensory properties of chocolate ice cream. Journal of Dairy Science, 82, 1425-1432.
  • Roland, A.M., Philips, L.G., Boor, K.J. (1999). Effects of fat content on the sensory properties, melting, color, and hardness of ice cream. Journal of Dairy Science, 82, 32-38.
  • Sharma, R., Rajputt, Y. S., Dogra, G., Tomar, S. K. (2007). Estimation of vitamin B12 by ELISA and its status in milk. Milchwissenschaft, 62, 127-131.
  • Simsek, O., Tuncay, I., Bilgin, B. (2006). 3:(1), Endüstriyel dondurma üretiminde farklı stabilizator kullanımının dondurma kalitesine etkisi. Tekirdag Ziraat Fakultesi Dergisi, 3(1), 55-60.
  • Wilbey, R.A., Cooke, T., Dimos, G. (1997). The effects of solute concentration, overrun and storage on the hardness of ice cream. W. Buchheim (Ed.), Ice Cream, International Dairy Federation, Germany, 186-187.
  • Yıldız, N., Bircan, H. (1991). Uygulamalı İstatistik (Genisletilmis 2.Baskı). Atatürk Üniviversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayın No:35, Erzurum.
  • Zicarelli, L. (2004). Buffalo Milk: Its properties, dairy yield and mozzarella production. Veterinary Research Communications, 28, 127-135.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Hatice Bekiroğlu 0000-0003-3328-1550

Salih Özdemir 0000-0002-9583-4379

Publication Date January 1, 2020
Submission Date May 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Bekiroğlu, H., & Özdemir, S. (2020). The quality of ice cream samples made from buffalo milk. Food and Health, 6(1), 20-26.


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