Research Article
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Year 2017, , 132 - 140, 29.06.2017


In this work Pleurotus ostreatus, Agaricus bisporus and Lactarius delicious were used to
determine and compare their antioxidant capacities and metal contents. The
edible mushroom samples were collected from Kastamonu in the West Black Sea
region of Turkey. The antioxidant capacity studies were performed by DPPH (1,
1diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl) radical scavenging method and were expressed as
Trolox equivalents with spectroscopic measurements. TEAC  (Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity)
values were found 0.302, 0.557 and 0.251
µM/g for Pleurotus
, Lactarius delicious
and Agaricus bisporus, respectively.
All samples were analyzed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry to obtain
the concentration of Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ca, Pb, Na, Mg and K. While
maximum and minumum metal contents of mushrooms were found as mg/g for Na
(96-14.9), Mg (8.83-2.60), K (4.05-3.16), Ca (0.089-0.019) and Fe
(0.128-0.099), the maximum and minumum contents of mushrooms were found for Cr
(8-5), Mn (12-11), Ni (15-6), Cu (30-20), Zn (7-3) and Pb (3-1) as mg/kg.
Metal contents were
determined together with antioxidant capacity of all analysed mushrooms.
It was observed that although the Fe, Ni, Ca, Na, and
Mg contents of Agaricus bisporus were lower, it had got higher inhibition than the
other mushroom species.


  • Ayaz, F.A., Torun, H., Özel, A., Col, M., Duran, C., Sesli, E., & Colak, A. (2011). Nutritional value of some wild edible mushrooms from the Black Sea region (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Biochemistry, 36(3),213-221.
  • Babu, D.R. & Rao, G.N. (2013). Antioxidant properties and electrochemical behavior of cultivated commercial Indian edible mushrooms. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 50(2), 301-308.
  • Bakır, T., Beker, B.Y., Sönmezoğlu, İ., İmer, F. & Apak, R. (2013). Antioxidant and prooxidant effects of a-tocopherol in a linoleic acid-copper(II)-ascorbate system. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 115, 372-376.
  • Baysal, E., Yigitbasi, O.N., Colak, M., Toker, H., Simsek, H. & Yilmaz, F. (2007). Cultivation of Agaricus bisporus on some compost formulas and locally available casing materials. Part I: Wheat straw based compost formulas and locally available casing materials. African Journal of Biotechnology, 6(19), 2225-2230.
  • Carvalho, M.L., Pimentel, A.C. & Fernandes, B. (2005). Study of heavy metals in wild edible mushrooms under different pollution conditions by X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry. Analytical Sciences, 21, 747-750.
  • Cocchi, L., Vescovi, L., Petrini, L.E. & Petrini, O. (2006). Heavy metals in edible mushrooms in Italy. Food Chemistry, 98, 277-284.
  • Çıkçıkoğlu Yıldırım N., Turkoglu S., Yıldırım N. & Kaplan O. (2012). Antioxidant Properties of Wild Edible Mushroom Pleurotus eryngii Collected from Tunceli Province of Turkey. Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures 7, 1647-1654.
  • Demirbaş, A. (2000). Accumulation of heavy metals in some edible mushrooms from Turkey. Food Chemistry, 68, 415-419.
  • Frankel, E.N. & Meyer, A.S. (2000). The problems of using onedimensional methods to evaluate multifunctional food and biological antioxidants. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 80,1925-1941.
  • Gülçin, I. (2012). Antioxidant activity of food constituents: an overview. Archives of toxicology, 86(3), 345-391.
  • Huang, D., Ou, B. & Prior, L. (2005).The Chemistry behind Antioxidant Capacity Assays. Journal Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53(6), 1841-1856.
  • Isildak, O., Turkekul, I., Elmasta,s M. & Tuzen, M. (2004). Analysis of heavy metals in some wild-grown edible mushrooms from the middle black sea region, Turkey. Food Chemistry, 86, 547-552.
  • Işıloğlu M., Yılmaz F., & Merdivan, M. (2001). Concentrations of trace elements in wild edible mushrooms. Food Chemistry, 73, 169-175.
  • Khokhar, S., Richard, K. & Apenten, O. (2003). Iron binding characteristics of phenolic compounds: some tentative structure–activity relations. Food Chemistry, 81, 133-140.
  • Kumamoto, M., Sonda, T., Nagayama, K. & Tabata, M. (2001). Effects of pH and Metal Ions on Antioxidative Activities of Catechins. Bioscience, Biotechnolology and Biochemistry, 65,126-132.
  • Lee D. H., Kima J. H., Park J. S., Choi Y. J. & Lee J. S. (2004). Isolation and characterization of a novel angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitory peptide derived from the edible mushroom Tricholoma giganteum, Peptides 25, 621-627.
  • Mendil D., Uluozlu Ö.D. , Hasdemir E. & Çağlar A. (2004). Determination of trace elements on some wild edible mushroom samples from Kastamonu, Turkey. Food Chemistry, 88, 281-285.
  • Mukherjee, S., Pawar, N., Kulkarni, O., Nagarkar, B., Thopte, S., Bhujbal, A. & Pawar, P. (2011). Evaluation of free-radical quenching properties of standard Ayurvedic formulation Vayasthapana Rasayana. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 11,38-43.
  • Nathan, R., Julia, P. & Brumaghim, J.L. (2009). A Review of the Antioxidant Mechanisms of Polyphenol Compounds Related to Iron Binding. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, 53,75-100.
  • Onbaşılı D., Yuvalı Çelik G., Katırcıoğlu H. & Narin İ. (2015). Antimicrobial, Antioxidant Activities and Chemical Composition of Lactarius deliciosus (L.) Collected from Kastamonu Province of Turkey. Kastamonu Üni., Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 15 (1), 98-103.
  • Ouzouni P.K., Petridis D., Koller W.D. and Riganakos K.A. (2009). Nutritional value and metal content of wild edible mushrooms collected from West Macedonia and Epirus, Greece. Food Chemistry, 115(4), 1575-1580.
  • Özyürek M., Bener M., Güçlü K. & Apak R. (2014). Antioxidant/antiradical properties of microwave-assisted extracts of three wild edible mushrooms. Food Chemistry 157, 323-331.
  • Pedraza-Chaverrí, J., Gil-Ortiz, M., Albarrán, G., Barbachano-Esparza, L., Menjívar, M., & Medina-Campos, O. N. (2004). Garlic's ability to prevent in vitro Cu 2+-induced lipoprotein oxidation in human serum is preserved in heated garlic: effect unrelated to Cu 2+-chelation. Nutrition Journal, 3(1), 10.
  • Radulescu, C., Stihi, C., Busuioc, G. & Gheboianu, A.I. (2010). Studies Concerning Heavy Metals Bioaccumulation of Wild Edible Mushrooms from Industrial Area by Using Spectrometric Techniques. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 84,641-646. Rajalingam, P., Mayakrishnan, V., Abdullah, N., Sabaratnam, V. & Kuppusamy, U.R. (2013). In-vitro antioxidant properties of different varieties of mushrooms grown on rice grains. Agro Food Industry Hi Tech, 24(5), 56-58.
  • Rice-Evans, C.A., Miller, N.J. & Paganga, G. (1996). Structure-antioxidant activity relationships of flavonoids and phenolic acids. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 20, 933-956.
  • Turkekul, I., Elmastas, M., & Tüzen, M. (2004). Determination of iron, copper, manganese, zinc, lead, and cadmium in mushroom samples from Tokat, Turkey. Food Chemistry, 84(3), 389-392.
  • Yılmaz, A., Yıldız, S., Tabbouche, S., Kılıç, A.O. & Can, Z. (2016). Total Phenolic Content, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties of Pleurotus ostreatus Grown on Lime (Tilia tomentosa) Leaves. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 44(2), 119-124.
Year 2017, , 132 - 140, 29.06.2017



  • Ayaz, F.A., Torun, H., Özel, A., Col, M., Duran, C., Sesli, E., & Colak, A. (2011). Nutritional value of some wild edible mushrooms from the Black Sea region (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Biochemistry, 36(3),213-221.
  • Babu, D.R. & Rao, G.N. (2013). Antioxidant properties and electrochemical behavior of cultivated commercial Indian edible mushrooms. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 50(2), 301-308.
  • Bakır, T., Beker, B.Y., Sönmezoğlu, İ., İmer, F. & Apak, R. (2013). Antioxidant and prooxidant effects of a-tocopherol in a linoleic acid-copper(II)-ascorbate system. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 115, 372-376.
  • Baysal, E., Yigitbasi, O.N., Colak, M., Toker, H., Simsek, H. & Yilmaz, F. (2007). Cultivation of Agaricus bisporus on some compost formulas and locally available casing materials. Part I: Wheat straw based compost formulas and locally available casing materials. African Journal of Biotechnology, 6(19), 2225-2230.
  • Carvalho, M.L., Pimentel, A.C. & Fernandes, B. (2005). Study of heavy metals in wild edible mushrooms under different pollution conditions by X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry. Analytical Sciences, 21, 747-750.
  • Cocchi, L., Vescovi, L., Petrini, L.E. & Petrini, O. (2006). Heavy metals in edible mushrooms in Italy. Food Chemistry, 98, 277-284.
  • Çıkçıkoğlu Yıldırım N., Turkoglu S., Yıldırım N. & Kaplan O. (2012). Antioxidant Properties of Wild Edible Mushroom Pleurotus eryngii Collected from Tunceli Province of Turkey. Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures 7, 1647-1654.
  • Demirbaş, A. (2000). Accumulation of heavy metals in some edible mushrooms from Turkey. Food Chemistry, 68, 415-419.
  • Frankel, E.N. & Meyer, A.S. (2000). The problems of using onedimensional methods to evaluate multifunctional food and biological antioxidants. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 80,1925-1941.
  • Gülçin, I. (2012). Antioxidant activity of food constituents: an overview. Archives of toxicology, 86(3), 345-391.
  • Huang, D., Ou, B. & Prior, L. (2005).The Chemistry behind Antioxidant Capacity Assays. Journal Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53(6), 1841-1856.
  • Isildak, O., Turkekul, I., Elmasta,s M. & Tuzen, M. (2004). Analysis of heavy metals in some wild-grown edible mushrooms from the middle black sea region, Turkey. Food Chemistry, 86, 547-552.
  • Işıloğlu M., Yılmaz F., & Merdivan, M. (2001). Concentrations of trace elements in wild edible mushrooms. Food Chemistry, 73, 169-175.
  • Khokhar, S., Richard, K. & Apenten, O. (2003). Iron binding characteristics of phenolic compounds: some tentative structure–activity relations. Food Chemistry, 81, 133-140.
  • Kumamoto, M., Sonda, T., Nagayama, K. & Tabata, M. (2001). Effects of pH and Metal Ions on Antioxidative Activities of Catechins. Bioscience, Biotechnolology and Biochemistry, 65,126-132.
  • Lee D. H., Kima J. H., Park J. S., Choi Y. J. & Lee J. S. (2004). Isolation and characterization of a novel angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitory peptide derived from the edible mushroom Tricholoma giganteum, Peptides 25, 621-627.
  • Mendil D., Uluozlu Ö.D. , Hasdemir E. & Çağlar A. (2004). Determination of trace elements on some wild edible mushroom samples from Kastamonu, Turkey. Food Chemistry, 88, 281-285.
  • Mukherjee, S., Pawar, N., Kulkarni, O., Nagarkar, B., Thopte, S., Bhujbal, A. & Pawar, P. (2011). Evaluation of free-radical quenching properties of standard Ayurvedic formulation Vayasthapana Rasayana. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 11,38-43.
  • Nathan, R., Julia, P. & Brumaghim, J.L. (2009). A Review of the Antioxidant Mechanisms of Polyphenol Compounds Related to Iron Binding. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, 53,75-100.
  • Onbaşılı D., Yuvalı Çelik G., Katırcıoğlu H. & Narin İ. (2015). Antimicrobial, Antioxidant Activities and Chemical Composition of Lactarius deliciosus (L.) Collected from Kastamonu Province of Turkey. Kastamonu Üni., Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 15 (1), 98-103.
  • Ouzouni P.K., Petridis D., Koller W.D. and Riganakos K.A. (2009). Nutritional value and metal content of wild edible mushrooms collected from West Macedonia and Epirus, Greece. Food Chemistry, 115(4), 1575-1580.
  • Özyürek M., Bener M., Güçlü K. & Apak R. (2014). Antioxidant/antiradical properties of microwave-assisted extracts of three wild edible mushrooms. Food Chemistry 157, 323-331.
  • Pedraza-Chaverrí, J., Gil-Ortiz, M., Albarrán, G., Barbachano-Esparza, L., Menjívar, M., & Medina-Campos, O. N. (2004). Garlic's ability to prevent in vitro Cu 2+-induced lipoprotein oxidation in human serum is preserved in heated garlic: effect unrelated to Cu 2+-chelation. Nutrition Journal, 3(1), 10.
  • Radulescu, C., Stihi, C., Busuioc, G. & Gheboianu, A.I. (2010). Studies Concerning Heavy Metals Bioaccumulation of Wild Edible Mushrooms from Industrial Area by Using Spectrometric Techniques. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 84,641-646. Rajalingam, P., Mayakrishnan, V., Abdullah, N., Sabaratnam, V. & Kuppusamy, U.R. (2013). In-vitro antioxidant properties of different varieties of mushrooms grown on rice grains. Agro Food Industry Hi Tech, 24(5), 56-58.
  • Rice-Evans, C.A., Miller, N.J. & Paganga, G. (1996). Structure-antioxidant activity relationships of flavonoids and phenolic acids. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 20, 933-956.
  • Turkekul, I., Elmastas, M., & Tüzen, M. (2004). Determination of iron, copper, manganese, zinc, lead, and cadmium in mushroom samples from Tokat, Turkey. Food Chemistry, 84(3), 389-392.
  • Yılmaz, A., Yıldız, S., Tabbouche, S., Kılıç, A.O. & Can, Z. (2016). Total Phenolic Content, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties of Pleurotus ostreatus Grown on Lime (Tilia tomentosa) Leaves. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 44(2), 119-124.
There are 27 citations in total.


Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Temelkan Bakır 0000-0002-7447-1468

Sabri Ünal 0000-0002-3026-0597

Mertcan Karadeniz 0000-0002-3627-9424

Ali Salih Bakır 0000-0002-0647-8879

Publication Date June 29, 2017
Submission Date February 3, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017




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