Research Article
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Year 2016, , 147 - 158, 11.07.2016


The influence of stabilized wheat bran enrichment on
the nutritional and sensorial properties of leavened and unleavened flat bread
was studied. Wheat bran was stabilized with three applications (hot air oven,
microwave and autoclave).
The stabilization methods affected the
physical characteristics of bazlama (thickness, spread factor) and yufka
(diameter, thickness, spread factor) samples. In bazlama samples, substitution
of stabilized wheat bran (SWB) lead to significant decrease in L* and increase
in a* and b* values compared to the control bazlama. While autoclave and
microwave stabilization methods are the most effective methods to decrease the
phytic acid content for bazlama samples, for yufka samples; autoclave
stabilization is the best. The mineral content (Ca, K, Mg, Mn, P, Fe and Zn) of
bazlama and yufka samples significantly (p<0.05) increased with SWB
Thus, autoclave stabilization could be used for wheat bran
stabilization to improve the nutritional quality of bazlama and yufka samples.


  • American Association of Cereal Chemists AACC (1990). Approved methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists St. Paul MN: AACC.
  • Akbaş, B.E. (2000). Mısır ekmeğinin bazı özellikleri ve yapım yöntemlerinin fitik asit miktarı üzerine etkileri (Some properties of corn bread and the effects of breadmaking methods on the amount of phytic acid), M. Thesis, Ankara University, Ankara.
  • Akhtar, S. & Ashgar, A. (2011). Flour and breads and their fortification in health and disease prevention Edited by: Victor Preedy, Ronald Watson and Vinood Patel Chapter 24 – Mineral Fortification of Whole Wheat Flour: An Overview. London, UK: Elsevier, 263-271, ISBN 978-0-12-380886-8.
  • Allen, J.C. & Hamilton, R.J. (1989). Rancidity in Foods. Elsevier Applied Science Publishers: Springer-Verlag. ISBN 1-85166-327-4.
  • Almeida, E.L., Chang, Y.K. & Steel, C.J. (2013). Dietary fibre sources in frozen part-baked bread: Influence on technological quality. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 53, 262-270.
  • Azizi, M.H., Rajabzadeh, N. & Riahi, E. (2003). Effect of mono-diglyceride and lecithin on dough rheological characteristics and quality of flat bread. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 36(2), 189-193.
  • Başman, A. & Köksel, H. (2001). Effects of barley flour and wheat bran supplementation on the properties and composition of Turkish flat bread (yufka). European Food Research and Technology, 212, 198-202.
  • Başman, A. & Köksel, H. (1999). Properties and composition of Turkish flat bread (bazlama) supplemented with barley flour and wheat bran. Cereal Chemistry, 76, 506-511.
  • Benzie, I.F. (1996). Lipid peroxidation: A review of causes, consequences, measurement and dietary influences. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 47, 233-261.
  • Brathen, E. & Knutsen S. H. (2005). Effect of temperature and time on the formation of acrylamide in starch-based and cereal model systems, flat breads and bread, Food Chemistry, 92(4), 693–700.
  • Brown, L., Rosner, B., Willett, W.W. & Sacks, F.M. (1999). Cholesterol- lowering effects of dietary fiber: a meta-analysis. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 69, 30-42.
  • Bubert, H. & Hagenah, W.D. (1987). Detection and measurement. In: Boumans P.W.J.M. (ed) Inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy, Wiley, New York, Interscience Pub., 536–567. ISBN: 978-0-471-85378-7
  • Caprez, A, Arrıgonı, E., Amado, R. & Neukom, A. (1986). Infuence of different types of thermal treatment on the chemical composition and physical properties of wheat bran. Journal of Cereal Science, 4, 233-239.
  • Curti, E., Carini, E., Bonacini, G., Tribuzio, G. & Vittadini, E. (2013). Effect of the addition of bran fractions on bread properties. Journal of Cereal Science, 57 (3), 325-332.
  • Czeizel, A.E. & Merhala, Z. (1998). Bread fortification with folic acid, vitamin B12, and vitamin B6 in Hungary The Lancet 352(9135), 1225.
  • Delahaye, E.P., Jimenez, P. & Perez, E. (2005). Effect of enrichment with high content dietary fiber stabilized rice bran flour on chemical and functional properties of storage frozen pizzas, Journal of Food Engineering, 68, 1-7.
  • Demir, M.K. & Elgün, A. (2014). Comparison of autoclave, microwave, IR and UV-C stabilization of whole wheat flour branny fractions upon the nutritional properties of whole wheat bread. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51(1), 59-66.
  • Demir, M.K. & Elgün, A. (2013). Stabilization of whole wheat flour branny fractions with special emphasis on ınternal and external characteristic of whole wheat bread, Food Science and Technology Researh, 19(2), 195-200.
  • Dexter, J.E., Martin, D.G., Saranganey, G.T., Michailides, J., Mathienson, N. & Tkac, J.J. (1994). Preprocessing: effect on durum wheat milling and spaghetti-making quality. Cereal Chemistry, 71, 10-16.
  • Dexter, J.E., Symons, S.J. & Martin, D.G. (1994). Enhancement of durum wheat quality by preprocessing and evaluation of Xuorescent imaging as a rapid technique for monitoring preprocessing efficiency. Association of Operative Millers Bulletin August, 6415-6420.
  • Eriksson, C.E. (1987). Oxidation of lipids in food systems. In: Auto-xidation of Unsaturated Lipids. H.W.S. Chan, ed., 207-231. Academic Press, London. ISBN 978-0-121-67630-8
  • Frankel, E.N. (1995). Natural and biological antioxidants in foods and biological systems. Their mechanism of action, applications and implications. Lipid Technology, 7, 577-580.
  • Gardner, W.H. (1995). Biological roles and biochemistry of the lipoxyge¬nase pathway. Horticulture Science, 30, 197-205.
  • Gomez, M., Gonzalez, J. & Oliete, B. (2012). Effect of extruded wheat germ on dough rheology and bread quality. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5(6), 2409–2418.
  • Grizard, D. & Barthomeuf, C. (1999). Non-digestible oligosaccharides used as prebiotic agents: Mode of production and benefi cial effects on animal and human health. Reproduction, Nutrition, Development, 39, 563-588.
  • Hariri, G., Willams, P.C. & El-haramein, F.J. (2000). Influence of pentatomid insects on the physical dough properties and two-layered flat bread baking quality of Syrian wheat. Journal of Cereal Science, 31(2), 111-118.
  • Haugh, W. & Lantzsch, H.J. (1983). Sensitive method for the rapid determination of phytate in cereals and cereal product. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 34, 1423-1426.
  • Hayta, M. Özuğur, G. (2011). Flour and Breads and their Fortification in Health and Disease Prevention Edited by: Victor Preedy, Ronald Watson and Vinood Patel Chapter 27 – Phytochemical Fortification of Flour and Bread, London, UK: Elsevier, 293-300, ISBN 978-0-12-380886-8.
  • Hemery, Y., Lullien-pellerın, V., Rouau, X. Abecassis, J., Samson, M.F., Åman, P., Von Redıng, W., Spoerndli, C. & Barron, C. (2009). Biochemical markers: efficient tools for the assessment of wheat grain tissues proportions in milling fractions. Journal of Cereal Science, 49(1), 55-64.
  • Izydorczyk, M.S. & Mcmillan, T. (2011). Flour and Breads and their Fortification in Health and Disease Prevention Edited by: Victor Preedy, Ronald Watson and Vinood Patel Chapter 31 – Barley β-Glucans and Fiber-Rich Fractions as Functional Ingredients in Flat and Pan Breads, London, UK: Elsevier, 337-353, ISBN 978-0-12-380886-8.
  • Izydorczyk, M.S., Chornick, T.L., Paulley, F.G., Edwards, N.M. & Dexter, J.E. (2008). Physicochemical properties of hull-less barley fibre-rich fractions varying in particle size and their potential as functional ingredients in two-layer flat bread. Food Chemistry, 108(2), 561-570.
  • Kullen, M.J. & Klaenhammer, T.R. (1999). “Identification of the pH-inducible, proton-translocating F1F0-ATPase atpBEFHAGDC) operon of Lactobacillus acidophilusby differential display: genestructure, cloning and characterization,” Molecular Microbiology, 33, 1152–1161.
  • Kurman, J.A. & Rasic, J.L. (1991). The health potential of products containing Bifidobacteria. In: Therapeutic properties of fermented milks, Robinson, R.K. (Ed.). Elsevier Applied Science, London, UK., 117-157. ISBN 10: 1851665528.
  • Mccurdy, S.M. (1992). Infrared processing of dry peas, canola, and canola screenings. Journal of Food Science, 57(4), 941-944.
  • Moran, J.R.E.T., Summers, J.D. & Bass, E.J. (1968). Heat processing of wheat germ meal and its effect on utilization and protein quality for the growing chick; roasting and autoclaving. Cereal Chemistry, 45, 304-308.
  • Mustafa, A., Andersson, R., Kamal-eldin, A. & Aman, P. (2011). Flour and Breads and their Fortification in Health and Disease Prevention Edited by: Victor Preedy, Ronald Watson and Vinood Patel, Chapter 30 – Fortification with Free Amino Acids Affects Acrylamide Content in Yeast Leavened Bread, London, UK: Elsevier, 325-335, ISBN 978-0-12-380886-8.
  • Nandeesh, K., Jyotsna, R. & Rao, G.V. (2011). Effect of differently treated wheat bran on rheology, microstructure and quality characteristics of soft dough biscuits, Journal of Food Process and Preservation, 35(2), 179-200.
  • Nandini, C.D. & Salimath P.V. (2001). Carbohydrate composition of wheat, wheat bran, sorghum and bajra with good chapati/roti (Indian flat bread) making quality Food Chemistry, 73(2), 197-203.
  • Noort, M.W.J., Van Haaster, D., Hemery, Y., Schols, H.A. & Hamer, R.J. (2010). The effect of particle size of wheat bran fractions on bread quality e Evidence for fibree protein interactions. Cereal Science, 52(1), 59-64.
  • Penga, X., Maa, J., Chenga, K., Jiang, Y., Chena, F. & Wanga, M. (2010). The effects of grape seed extract fortification on the antioxidant activity and quality attributes of bread, Food Chemistry 119, 49–53.
  • Pınarlı, I., İbanoğlu, Ş. & Öner, M.D. (2004). Effect of storage on the selected properties of macaroni enriched with wheat germ. Journal of Food Engineering, 51, 209-213.
  • Porres, J.M., López-Jurado, M., Aranda, P. & Urbano, G. (2003). Effect of heat treatment and mineral and vitamin supplementation on the nutritive use of protein and calcium from lentils (Lens culinaris M.) in growing rats. Nutrition, 19(5), 451-456.
  • Qarooni, J. (1996). Flat Bread Technology, International Thomson Publishing, NY: Chapman and Hall, ISBN-0-412- 08111-3.
  • Rao, G.C.P.R., Rao, P.H., Kumar, G.V. & Shurpalekar, S.R. (1980). Utilization of wheat germ in the preparation of bread and biscuits. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 17(4), 171-175.
  • Reinhold, J.G. (1971). High phytate content of rural Iranian bread: a possible cause of human zinc deficiency. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 24(10), 1204-1206.
  • Rodrıguez-Amaya, D.B., Nutti, M.R. & Carvalho, J.L.V. (2011). Flour and Breads and their Fortification in Health and Disease Prevention Edited by: Victor Preedy, Ronald Watson and Vinood Patel, Chapter 28 – Carotenoids of Sweet Potato, Cassava, and Maize and Their Use in Bread and Flour Fortification, London, UK: Elsevier, 301-311. ISBN 978-0-12-380886-8.
  • Serna-Saldivar, S. & Abril, R. (2011). Flour and Breads and their Fortification in Health and Disease Prevention Edited by: Victor Preedy, Ronald Watson and Vinood Patel, Chapter 29 – Production and Nutraceutical Properties of Breads Fortified with DHA- and Omega-3-Containing Oils, London, UK: Elsevier, 313-323, ISBN 978-0-12-380886-8.
  • Sidhu, J.S., Al-Hooti, S.N., Al-Saqer, J.M. & Al-Othman, A. (2001). Studies on the development of pan bread using raw wheat germ. Journal of Food Quality, 24(3), 235-247.
  • Srivastava, A.K. Sudha, M.L. Baskaran, V. Leelavathi, K. (2007). Studies on heat stabilized wheat germ and its influence on rheological characteristics of dough, European Food Research Technology, 224, 365-372.
  • Thomas, A. (2005). "Fats and Fatty Oils" in Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim., ISBN 3527306730, Doi:10.1002/14356007.a10_173
  • Tudorica, C.M., Kuri, V. & Brennan, C.S. (2002). Nutritional and physicochemical characteristics of dietary Wber enriched pasta. J.ournal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 50, 347–356.
  • Waldemar, T. (1990). Naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Lebensmittelzubereitung. Hamburg: Behr's Verlag., 37-50, ISBN 9783925673849.
  • Yadav, D.N., Patki, P.E., Srihari, S.P., Sharma, G.K. & Bawa, A.S. (2010). Studies on polyphenol oxidase activity of heat stabilized whole wheat flour and its chapatti making quality. International Journal of Food Properties, 13(1), 142-154.
  • Yıldız, G. & Bilgiçli, N. (2012). Effects of whole buckwheat flour on physical, chemical and sensory properties of flat bread, lavaş. Czech Journal of Food Science, 30(6), 534-540.
  • Yue, M., Li, Y. & Wang, X. (1998). Effects of enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation on plant nutrients and decomposition of spring wheat under field conditions. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 40(3), 187-196.
  • Zhao, S., Xiong, S., Qıu, C. & Xu, Y. (2007). Effect of microwaves on rice quality. Journal of Stored Products Research, 43, 496-502.
Year 2016, , 147 - 158, 11.07.2016



  • American Association of Cereal Chemists AACC (1990). Approved methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists St. Paul MN: AACC.
  • Akbaş, B.E. (2000). Mısır ekmeğinin bazı özellikleri ve yapım yöntemlerinin fitik asit miktarı üzerine etkileri (Some properties of corn bread and the effects of breadmaking methods on the amount of phytic acid), M. Thesis, Ankara University, Ankara.
  • Akhtar, S. & Ashgar, A. (2011). Flour and breads and their fortification in health and disease prevention Edited by: Victor Preedy, Ronald Watson and Vinood Patel Chapter 24 – Mineral Fortification of Whole Wheat Flour: An Overview. London, UK: Elsevier, 263-271, ISBN 978-0-12-380886-8.
  • Allen, J.C. & Hamilton, R.J. (1989). Rancidity in Foods. Elsevier Applied Science Publishers: Springer-Verlag. ISBN 1-85166-327-4.
  • Almeida, E.L., Chang, Y.K. & Steel, C.J. (2013). Dietary fibre sources in frozen part-baked bread: Influence on technological quality. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 53, 262-270.
  • Azizi, M.H., Rajabzadeh, N. & Riahi, E. (2003). Effect of mono-diglyceride and lecithin on dough rheological characteristics and quality of flat bread. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 36(2), 189-193.
  • Başman, A. & Köksel, H. (2001). Effects of barley flour and wheat bran supplementation on the properties and composition of Turkish flat bread (yufka). European Food Research and Technology, 212, 198-202.
  • Başman, A. & Köksel, H. (1999). Properties and composition of Turkish flat bread (bazlama) supplemented with barley flour and wheat bran. Cereal Chemistry, 76, 506-511.
  • Benzie, I.F. (1996). Lipid peroxidation: A review of causes, consequences, measurement and dietary influences. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 47, 233-261.
  • Brathen, E. & Knutsen S. H. (2005). Effect of temperature and time on the formation of acrylamide in starch-based and cereal model systems, flat breads and bread, Food Chemistry, 92(4), 693–700.
  • Brown, L., Rosner, B., Willett, W.W. & Sacks, F.M. (1999). Cholesterol- lowering effects of dietary fiber: a meta-analysis. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 69, 30-42.
  • Bubert, H. & Hagenah, W.D. (1987). Detection and measurement. In: Boumans P.W.J.M. (ed) Inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy, Wiley, New York, Interscience Pub., 536–567. ISBN: 978-0-471-85378-7
  • Caprez, A, Arrıgonı, E., Amado, R. & Neukom, A. (1986). Infuence of different types of thermal treatment on the chemical composition and physical properties of wheat bran. Journal of Cereal Science, 4, 233-239.
  • Curti, E., Carini, E., Bonacini, G., Tribuzio, G. & Vittadini, E. (2013). Effect of the addition of bran fractions on bread properties. Journal of Cereal Science, 57 (3), 325-332.
  • Czeizel, A.E. & Merhala, Z. (1998). Bread fortification with folic acid, vitamin B12, and vitamin B6 in Hungary The Lancet 352(9135), 1225.
  • Delahaye, E.P., Jimenez, P. & Perez, E. (2005). Effect of enrichment with high content dietary fiber stabilized rice bran flour on chemical and functional properties of storage frozen pizzas, Journal of Food Engineering, 68, 1-7.
  • Demir, M.K. & Elgün, A. (2014). Comparison of autoclave, microwave, IR and UV-C stabilization of whole wheat flour branny fractions upon the nutritional properties of whole wheat bread. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51(1), 59-66.
  • Demir, M.K. & Elgün, A. (2013). Stabilization of whole wheat flour branny fractions with special emphasis on ınternal and external characteristic of whole wheat bread, Food Science and Technology Researh, 19(2), 195-200.
  • Dexter, J.E., Martin, D.G., Saranganey, G.T., Michailides, J., Mathienson, N. & Tkac, J.J. (1994). Preprocessing: effect on durum wheat milling and spaghetti-making quality. Cereal Chemistry, 71, 10-16.
  • Dexter, J.E., Symons, S.J. & Martin, D.G. (1994). Enhancement of durum wheat quality by preprocessing and evaluation of Xuorescent imaging as a rapid technique for monitoring preprocessing efficiency. Association of Operative Millers Bulletin August, 6415-6420.
  • Eriksson, C.E. (1987). Oxidation of lipids in food systems. In: Auto-xidation of Unsaturated Lipids. H.W.S. Chan, ed., 207-231. Academic Press, London. ISBN 978-0-121-67630-8
  • Frankel, E.N. (1995). Natural and biological antioxidants in foods and biological systems. Their mechanism of action, applications and implications. Lipid Technology, 7, 577-580.
  • Gardner, W.H. (1995). Biological roles and biochemistry of the lipoxyge¬nase pathway. Horticulture Science, 30, 197-205.
  • Gomez, M., Gonzalez, J. & Oliete, B. (2012). Effect of extruded wheat germ on dough rheology and bread quality. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5(6), 2409–2418.
  • Grizard, D. & Barthomeuf, C. (1999). Non-digestible oligosaccharides used as prebiotic agents: Mode of production and benefi cial effects on animal and human health. Reproduction, Nutrition, Development, 39, 563-588.
  • Hariri, G., Willams, P.C. & El-haramein, F.J. (2000). Influence of pentatomid insects on the physical dough properties and two-layered flat bread baking quality of Syrian wheat. Journal of Cereal Science, 31(2), 111-118.
  • Haugh, W. & Lantzsch, H.J. (1983). Sensitive method for the rapid determination of phytate in cereals and cereal product. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 34, 1423-1426.
  • Hayta, M. Özuğur, G. (2011). Flour and Breads and their Fortification in Health and Disease Prevention Edited by: Victor Preedy, Ronald Watson and Vinood Patel Chapter 27 – Phytochemical Fortification of Flour and Bread, London, UK: Elsevier, 293-300, ISBN 978-0-12-380886-8.
  • Hemery, Y., Lullien-pellerın, V., Rouau, X. Abecassis, J., Samson, M.F., Åman, P., Von Redıng, W., Spoerndli, C. & Barron, C. (2009). Biochemical markers: efficient tools for the assessment of wheat grain tissues proportions in milling fractions. Journal of Cereal Science, 49(1), 55-64.
  • Izydorczyk, M.S. & Mcmillan, T. (2011). Flour and Breads and their Fortification in Health and Disease Prevention Edited by: Victor Preedy, Ronald Watson and Vinood Patel Chapter 31 – Barley β-Glucans and Fiber-Rich Fractions as Functional Ingredients in Flat and Pan Breads, London, UK: Elsevier, 337-353, ISBN 978-0-12-380886-8.
  • Izydorczyk, M.S., Chornick, T.L., Paulley, F.G., Edwards, N.M. & Dexter, J.E. (2008). Physicochemical properties of hull-less barley fibre-rich fractions varying in particle size and their potential as functional ingredients in two-layer flat bread. Food Chemistry, 108(2), 561-570.
  • Kullen, M.J. & Klaenhammer, T.R. (1999). “Identification of the pH-inducible, proton-translocating F1F0-ATPase atpBEFHAGDC) operon of Lactobacillus acidophilusby differential display: genestructure, cloning and characterization,” Molecular Microbiology, 33, 1152–1161.
  • Kurman, J.A. & Rasic, J.L. (1991). The health potential of products containing Bifidobacteria. In: Therapeutic properties of fermented milks, Robinson, R.K. (Ed.). Elsevier Applied Science, London, UK., 117-157. ISBN 10: 1851665528.
  • Mccurdy, S.M. (1992). Infrared processing of dry peas, canola, and canola screenings. Journal of Food Science, 57(4), 941-944.
  • Moran, J.R.E.T., Summers, J.D. & Bass, E.J. (1968). Heat processing of wheat germ meal and its effect on utilization and protein quality for the growing chick; roasting and autoclaving. Cereal Chemistry, 45, 304-308.
  • Mustafa, A., Andersson, R., Kamal-eldin, A. & Aman, P. (2011). Flour and Breads and their Fortification in Health and Disease Prevention Edited by: Victor Preedy, Ronald Watson and Vinood Patel, Chapter 30 – Fortification with Free Amino Acids Affects Acrylamide Content in Yeast Leavened Bread, London, UK: Elsevier, 325-335, ISBN 978-0-12-380886-8.
  • Nandeesh, K., Jyotsna, R. & Rao, G.V. (2011). Effect of differently treated wheat bran on rheology, microstructure and quality characteristics of soft dough biscuits, Journal of Food Process and Preservation, 35(2), 179-200.
  • Nandini, C.D. & Salimath P.V. (2001). Carbohydrate composition of wheat, wheat bran, sorghum and bajra with good chapati/roti (Indian flat bread) making quality Food Chemistry, 73(2), 197-203.
  • Noort, M.W.J., Van Haaster, D., Hemery, Y., Schols, H.A. & Hamer, R.J. (2010). The effect of particle size of wheat bran fractions on bread quality e Evidence for fibree protein interactions. Cereal Science, 52(1), 59-64.
  • Penga, X., Maa, J., Chenga, K., Jiang, Y., Chena, F. & Wanga, M. (2010). The effects of grape seed extract fortification on the antioxidant activity and quality attributes of bread, Food Chemistry 119, 49–53.
  • Pınarlı, I., İbanoğlu, Ş. & Öner, M.D. (2004). Effect of storage on the selected properties of macaroni enriched with wheat germ. Journal of Food Engineering, 51, 209-213.
  • Porres, J.M., López-Jurado, M., Aranda, P. & Urbano, G. (2003). Effect of heat treatment and mineral and vitamin supplementation on the nutritive use of protein and calcium from lentils (Lens culinaris M.) in growing rats. Nutrition, 19(5), 451-456.
  • Qarooni, J. (1996). Flat Bread Technology, International Thomson Publishing, NY: Chapman and Hall, ISBN-0-412- 08111-3.
  • Rao, G.C.P.R., Rao, P.H., Kumar, G.V. & Shurpalekar, S.R. (1980). Utilization of wheat germ in the preparation of bread and biscuits. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 17(4), 171-175.
  • Reinhold, J.G. (1971). High phytate content of rural Iranian bread: a possible cause of human zinc deficiency. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 24(10), 1204-1206.
  • Rodrıguez-Amaya, D.B., Nutti, M.R. & Carvalho, J.L.V. (2011). Flour and Breads and their Fortification in Health and Disease Prevention Edited by: Victor Preedy, Ronald Watson and Vinood Patel, Chapter 28 – Carotenoids of Sweet Potato, Cassava, and Maize and Their Use in Bread and Flour Fortification, London, UK: Elsevier, 301-311. ISBN 978-0-12-380886-8.
  • Serna-Saldivar, S. & Abril, R. (2011). Flour and Breads and their Fortification in Health and Disease Prevention Edited by: Victor Preedy, Ronald Watson and Vinood Patel, Chapter 29 – Production and Nutraceutical Properties of Breads Fortified with DHA- and Omega-3-Containing Oils, London, UK: Elsevier, 313-323, ISBN 978-0-12-380886-8.
  • Sidhu, J.S., Al-Hooti, S.N., Al-Saqer, J.M. & Al-Othman, A. (2001). Studies on the development of pan bread using raw wheat germ. Journal of Food Quality, 24(3), 235-247.
  • Srivastava, A.K. Sudha, M.L. Baskaran, V. Leelavathi, K. (2007). Studies on heat stabilized wheat germ and its influence on rheological characteristics of dough, European Food Research Technology, 224, 365-372.
  • Thomas, A. (2005). "Fats and Fatty Oils" in Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim., ISBN 3527306730, Doi:10.1002/14356007.a10_173
  • Tudorica, C.M., Kuri, V. & Brennan, C.S. (2002). Nutritional and physicochemical characteristics of dietary Wber enriched pasta. J.ournal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 50, 347–356.
  • Waldemar, T. (1990). Naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Lebensmittelzubereitung. Hamburg: Behr's Verlag., 37-50, ISBN 9783925673849.
  • Yadav, D.N., Patki, P.E., Srihari, S.P., Sharma, G.K. & Bawa, A.S. (2010). Studies on polyphenol oxidase activity of heat stabilized whole wheat flour and its chapatti making quality. International Journal of Food Properties, 13(1), 142-154.
  • Yıldız, G. & Bilgiçli, N. (2012). Effects of whole buckwheat flour on physical, chemical and sensory properties of flat bread, lavaş. Czech Journal of Food Science, 30(6), 534-540.
  • Yue, M., Li, Y. & Wang, X. (1998). Effects of enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation on plant nutrients and decomposition of spring wheat under field conditions. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 40(3), 187-196.
  • Zhao, S., Xiong, S., Qıu, C. & Xu, Y. (2007). Effect of microwaves on rice quality. Journal of Stored Products Research, 43, 496-502.
There are 56 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Nilgün Ertaş

Publication Date July 11, 2016
Submission Date April 6, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016




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