Research Article
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Year 2015, , 50 - 66, 01.01.2015


Avian coccidiosis is an
important disease caused by protozoa of the genus Eimeria.  İt leads to significant economic losses in
the poultry industry.
For control of
coccidiosis in avian, using pharmacological active sub­stance such as nikarbazin, halofuginon,
robenidin, di­clazuril, monensin, salinomycin, naracin, lasalocit and
 Residues of
used drugs are significant for human healthy.
In this study, we have taken from the poultry meat and
eggs available for consumption in Is­tanbul with 150 specimens were screened
for lasalosit.  In general, the optimal
feeding conditions has been lim­ited 75-125
µg/g for lasalosit.  After the
feeding under these circumstances 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th day the tis­sues was
analyzed.   1st, 3rd, 5th days detected
tissue residues were considered important. High residue in­cluding  which 1st, 3rd and 5th day tissues treated
fried, boiled, held on +4°C  and
freezed.  Consequently it was confirmed
that lasolocid residue have decreasing and affected by heat treatment of
residues in tissues.


  • Baydan, E., Akkaya R., Traş. B., Bilgili A., Tanyıldızı S., Filazi A., Yarsan E. Özdemir. M. (1998): Etlik piliçlerde kullanılan çeşitli veteriner ilaçlarının kalıntıları üzerine pişirme, dondurma ve benzeri ışlemlerin etkilerinin araştırılması: 1-Sülfonamid grubu bazı antibakteriyellerin incelenmesi, 2-Kinolon grubu bazı antibakteriyellerin incelenmesi. TAGEM HS/98/16/02.
  • Baydan, E,. Özdemir,. M. Kanbur, M. (2001): Kanatlı dokularındaki sülfadiazin kalıntıları üzerine pişirme, dondurma ve benzeri işlemlerin etkileri, Çiftlik Dergisi, 203: 81-90.
  • Bishop, Y.M. (1996): The veterinary formulary: Handbook of Medicines Used in Veterinary Practice, 5th ed., Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain and British Veterinary Association, London, pp.176-178.
  • Bories, G., Brantom, P., Barberà, J.B., Chesson, A., Cocconcelli, P.S., Debski, B., Dierick, N., Franklin, A., Gropp, J., Halle, I., Hogstrand, C., Knecht, J., Leng, L., Haldorsen, A.K.L., Mantovani, A., Mézes, M., Nebbia, C., Rambeck, W., Rychen, G., Wright, A., Wester, P. (2007): Safety of Kokcisan 120G as a feed additive for chickens for fattening. Updated scientific opinion of the panel on additives and products or substances used in animal feed. European Food Safety Authority. The EFSA Journal, 547: 1-10.
  • Dehai, X., Grizzle, J.M., Rogers, W.A., Santerre, C.R. (1996): Effect of cooking on residues of ormetoprim and sulfadimethoxine in the muscle of channel catfish. Food Research International, 29(3-4): 339-344.
  • Dubois, M.G., Pierret, D. (2004): Efficient and sensitive detection of residues of nine coccidiostats in egg and muscle by liquid chromatography–electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography B, 813(1-2): 181-189.
  • Ebrahimezhad, Y. (2005): Effects of ıonophorous drugs, salinomycin and lasalocid, on the performance of broiler chicks and the relations ship of these drugs to suplemantary methionin. Journal of Poultry Science, 4(11): 911-916.
  • EFSA, (2004): Opinion of the scientific Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed on a request from the Commission on the re-evaluation of coccidiostat Sacox120® micro Granulate in accordance with article 9G of Council Directive 70/524/EEC. The EFSA Journal, 76: 1-49.
  • EFSA (2004): Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed on the reevaluation of coccidiostat Avatec in accordance with article 9G of Council Directive 70/524/EEC. The EFSA Journal, 53: 1-44.
  • EFSA (2004): Update of an opinion of the Scientific Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed on the re-evaluation of coccidiostat Avatec in accordance with article 9G of council directive 70/524/EEC, The EFSA Journal, 77: 1-45.
  • EFSA (2006): Update of the opinion of the scientific panel on additives and products or substances used in animal feed on a request from the European Commission related to the safety and efficiacy of ‘’Kokcisan 120G’’ The EFSA Journal, 378: 1-12.
  • EFSA, (2007): Cross-contamination of non-target feedingstuffs by lasalocid authorised for use as a feed additive Scientific opinion of the panel on contaminants in the food chain. European Food Safety Authority, The EFSA Journal, 553: 1-46.
  • Elliot, C.T., Kennedy, D.G., McCaughey, W.J. (1998): Methods for the detection of polyether ionophore residues in poultry. Veterinary Science Division, 123: 45-56.
  • EMEA (1999): Commision Directive 1997/76/EC. Annex. Determination of lasalocid sodium. 23 July 1999.
  • EMEA (2004): Lasalocid Sodium. Summary Report of the Commitee for Veterinary Medicinal Products. Summary Report. EMEA/MRL/912/04-Final, Oct.2004.
  • Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı (GTHB), Gıda kontrol Genel Müdürlüğü (GKGM) (2007): GTHB Ulusal Kalıntı Kontrol Planı.
  • Jordan, F.T.W. (1990): Poultry disease. Bailliere Tindal, Oval road London/England. ISBN 0-7020-1339-0/24-28.
  • Kennedy, D.G., Hughes, P.J., Blanchflower, W.J. (1998): Ionophore residues in eggs in Northern Ireland: incidence and cause. Food Additives & Contaminants, 15(5): 535-541.
  • Kennedy, D.G., Hughes, P.J., Blanchflower, W.J., (1996): The incidens and cause of lasalocide residues in eggs in Northen Ireland. Food Additives & Contaminants, 13(7): 787-794.
  • Matabudul, D.K., Lumley, I.D., Points J.S. (2002): The determination of 5 anticoccidial drugs (nicarbazin, lasalocid, monensin, salinomycin and narasin) in animal livers and eggs by liquid chromatography linked with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS). Analyst. 127(6): 760-768.
  • McDouglas, L.R., Seibert, B.P. (1998): Residuel activity of veteriner drugs in chickens after withdrwal of medicated feed. Veterinary Parasitology, 74: 91-99.
  • McEvoy, J.D.G. (2002): Contamination of animal feedingstuffs as cause of residues in food: a review of regulatory aspects, incidence and control. Analytica Chemica Acta, 473: 3-26.
  • Mortier, L., Daeseleire, E., Peteghem, C.V. (2004): Liquid chromatographic tandem mass spectrometric determination of five coccidiostats in poultry eggs and feed. Journal of Chromatography B, 820: 261-270.
  • Mortier L, Huet, A.C., Charlier, C., Daeseleire, E., Delahaut, P., Van Peteghem, C. (2005): Incidence of residues of nine anticoccidials in eggs. Food Additives & Contaminants, 22(11): 1120-1125.
  • Oehme, F.W., Pickrell, J.A. (1999): An analysis of the chronic oral toxicity of polyether ionophore antibiotics in animals. Veterinary and Human Toxicology, 41(4): 251-257.
  • Parelman, B., Pirak, M., Smith, B. (1993): Effect on the accidental feeding lasalocide sodium to broiler breeder chickens. Veterinary Record, 132(11): 271-273.
  • Regulation (EC), (2003): European Parliament and the council of 22 September 2003 on additives for use in animal nutrition E.C.No: 1831/2003/E-JC.
  • Resmi Gazete (2005): GTHB, Canlı Hayvanlar ve Hayvansal Ürünlerde Belirli Maddeler Ile Bunların Kalıntılarının Izlenmesi Için Alınacak Önlemlere Dair Yönetmelik. Resmi Gazete: 19.01.2005, No: 25705.
  • Resmi Gazete (2007): Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı(GTHB). Yem Katkı ve Premikslerin Üretimi, İthalatı, İhracatı, Satışı ve Kullanımı Hakkında Tebliğde Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Tebliğ. Yetki Kanunu: 1734, Yayımlandığı Resmi Gazete: 03.05.2007, sayı: 26511, Tebliğ No 2007/9.
  • Resmi Gazete (2007): Türk Gıda Kodeksi Hayvansal Kökenli Gıdalarda Veteriner İlaçları Maksimum Kalıntı Limitleri Tebliğinde değişiklik yapılması hakkında tebliğ. Tebliğ No: 2007/17, Resmi Gazete 09.03.2007, Sayı: 26457.
  • Rokka, M., Eerola, S., Perttila, U., Rossow, L., Venalainen, E., Valkonen. E., Valaja. J., Peltonen, K. (2005): The residue levels of narasin in eggs of laying hens fed with unmedicated and medicated feed. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 49(1):38-42.
  • Rokka, M., Peltonen, K. (2006): Simultaneus determination of four coccidiostats in eggs and broiler meat: validation of an LC-MS/MS method. Food Additives & Contaminants, 23: 470-478.
  • Rosen, J. (2001): Efficient and sensitive screening and confirmation of residues of selected polyether ionophore antibiotics in liver and eggs by Liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Analyst, 126(11): 1990-1995.
  • Şanlı, Y., Akar, F., Bilgili, A.,(1993): Et tipi piliçlerde altlığı ıslatma sendromuna yol açan katılımcı etmenler üzerinde araştırmalar. Uluslararası Tavukçuluk Kongresi, 13–14 Mayıs 1993, İstanbul Bilimsel Tavukçuluk Derneği Yayınları, s. 376-389.


Year 2015, , 50 - 66, 01.01.2015


Koksidiyozisi  eimeria
türlerinin neden olduğu önemli bir protozon hastalığıdır. Kanatlı
 endüstrisinde önemli ekonomik kayıplara yol açmaktadır. Koksidi­yozisin
kontrölünde nikarbazin, halofuginon, robeni­din, diklazuril, monensin,
salinomisin, narasin, lasalosit ve maduramisin gibi ilaçlar kullanılmaktadır.
Kullanı­lan ilaçların kalıntıları izlenmesi ve gerekli önlemlerin alınması
insan sağlığı açısından büyük bir önem taşı­maktadır.    
Bu çalışmada İstanbul’da tüketime
sunulan tavuk eti ve yumurtalardan aldığımız 150’şer adet nu­mune de lasalosit
kalıntı ve düzey izlemesi yapılmıştır. Genel olarak broilerlerdeki (tavuk)
yedirme koşulla­rında lasalosit 75–125 µg/g
ile sınırlandırılmıştır.  Bu şartlarda
yapılan yedirme denemeleri sonrasında 1. 3. ve 5. ve 7. günlerde alınan
dokularda analizler yapılmış, 1. 3. 5. gün dokularındaki lasalosit kalıntı
düzeyi önemli bulunmuştur. Kalıntı miktarı yüksek olan 1. 3. ve 5. gün dokuları
kızartma, haşlama, +4°C muhafaza ve dondurmaya işleme ve depolama proseslerine
tabi tutulmuştur. Sonuç olarak lasalosit giderek hızla azalan bir rezidüye
sahip olduğu ve dokudaki kalıntılarının ısıl işlemlerden etkilendikleri tespit


  • Baydan, E., Akkaya R., Traş. B., Bilgili A., Tanyıldızı S., Filazi A., Yarsan E. Özdemir. M. (1998): Etlik piliçlerde kullanılan çeşitli veteriner ilaçlarının kalıntıları üzerine pişirme, dondurma ve benzeri ışlemlerin etkilerinin araştırılması: 1-Sülfonamid grubu bazı antibakteriyellerin incelenmesi, 2-Kinolon grubu bazı antibakteriyellerin incelenmesi. TAGEM HS/98/16/02.
  • Baydan, E,. Özdemir,. M. Kanbur, M. (2001): Kanatlı dokularındaki sülfadiazin kalıntıları üzerine pişirme, dondurma ve benzeri işlemlerin etkileri, Çiftlik Dergisi, 203: 81-90.
  • Bishop, Y.M. (1996): The veterinary formulary: Handbook of Medicines Used in Veterinary Practice, 5th ed., Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain and British Veterinary Association, London, pp.176-178.
  • Bories, G., Brantom, P., Barberà, J.B., Chesson, A., Cocconcelli, P.S., Debski, B., Dierick, N., Franklin, A., Gropp, J., Halle, I., Hogstrand, C., Knecht, J., Leng, L., Haldorsen, A.K.L., Mantovani, A., Mézes, M., Nebbia, C., Rambeck, W., Rychen, G., Wright, A., Wester, P. (2007): Safety of Kokcisan 120G as a feed additive for chickens for fattening. Updated scientific opinion of the panel on additives and products or substances used in animal feed. European Food Safety Authority. The EFSA Journal, 547: 1-10.
  • Dehai, X., Grizzle, J.M., Rogers, W.A., Santerre, C.R. (1996): Effect of cooking on residues of ormetoprim and sulfadimethoxine in the muscle of channel catfish. Food Research International, 29(3-4): 339-344.
  • Dubois, M.G., Pierret, D. (2004): Efficient and sensitive detection of residues of nine coccidiostats in egg and muscle by liquid chromatography–electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography B, 813(1-2): 181-189.
  • Ebrahimezhad, Y. (2005): Effects of ıonophorous drugs, salinomycin and lasalocid, on the performance of broiler chicks and the relations ship of these drugs to suplemantary methionin. Journal of Poultry Science, 4(11): 911-916.
  • EFSA, (2004): Opinion of the scientific Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed on a request from the Commission on the re-evaluation of coccidiostat Sacox120® micro Granulate in accordance with article 9G of Council Directive 70/524/EEC. The EFSA Journal, 76: 1-49.
  • EFSA (2004): Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed on the reevaluation of coccidiostat Avatec in accordance with article 9G of Council Directive 70/524/EEC. The EFSA Journal, 53: 1-44.
  • EFSA (2004): Update of an opinion of the Scientific Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed on the re-evaluation of coccidiostat Avatec in accordance with article 9G of council directive 70/524/EEC, The EFSA Journal, 77: 1-45.
  • EFSA (2006): Update of the opinion of the scientific panel on additives and products or substances used in animal feed on a request from the European Commission related to the safety and efficiacy of ‘’Kokcisan 120G’’ The EFSA Journal, 378: 1-12.
  • EFSA, (2007): Cross-contamination of non-target feedingstuffs by lasalocid authorised for use as a feed additive Scientific opinion of the panel on contaminants in the food chain. European Food Safety Authority, The EFSA Journal, 553: 1-46.
  • Elliot, C.T., Kennedy, D.G., McCaughey, W.J. (1998): Methods for the detection of polyether ionophore residues in poultry. Veterinary Science Division, 123: 45-56.
  • EMEA (1999): Commision Directive 1997/76/EC. Annex. Determination of lasalocid sodium. 23 July 1999.
  • EMEA (2004): Lasalocid Sodium. Summary Report of the Commitee for Veterinary Medicinal Products. Summary Report. EMEA/MRL/912/04-Final, Oct.2004.
  • Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı (GTHB), Gıda kontrol Genel Müdürlüğü (GKGM) (2007): GTHB Ulusal Kalıntı Kontrol Planı.
  • Jordan, F.T.W. (1990): Poultry disease. Bailliere Tindal, Oval road London/England. ISBN 0-7020-1339-0/24-28.
  • Kennedy, D.G., Hughes, P.J., Blanchflower, W.J. (1998): Ionophore residues in eggs in Northern Ireland: incidence and cause. Food Additives & Contaminants, 15(5): 535-541.
  • Kennedy, D.G., Hughes, P.J., Blanchflower, W.J., (1996): The incidens and cause of lasalocide residues in eggs in Northen Ireland. Food Additives & Contaminants, 13(7): 787-794.
  • Matabudul, D.K., Lumley, I.D., Points J.S. (2002): The determination of 5 anticoccidial drugs (nicarbazin, lasalocid, monensin, salinomycin and narasin) in animal livers and eggs by liquid chromatography linked with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS). Analyst. 127(6): 760-768.
  • McDouglas, L.R., Seibert, B.P. (1998): Residuel activity of veteriner drugs in chickens after withdrwal of medicated feed. Veterinary Parasitology, 74: 91-99.
  • McEvoy, J.D.G. (2002): Contamination of animal feedingstuffs as cause of residues in food: a review of regulatory aspects, incidence and control. Analytica Chemica Acta, 473: 3-26.
  • Mortier, L., Daeseleire, E., Peteghem, C.V. (2004): Liquid chromatographic tandem mass spectrometric determination of five coccidiostats in poultry eggs and feed. Journal of Chromatography B, 820: 261-270.
  • Mortier L, Huet, A.C., Charlier, C., Daeseleire, E., Delahaut, P., Van Peteghem, C. (2005): Incidence of residues of nine anticoccidials in eggs. Food Additives & Contaminants, 22(11): 1120-1125.
  • Oehme, F.W., Pickrell, J.A. (1999): An analysis of the chronic oral toxicity of polyether ionophore antibiotics in animals. Veterinary and Human Toxicology, 41(4): 251-257.
  • Parelman, B., Pirak, M., Smith, B. (1993): Effect on the accidental feeding lasalocide sodium to broiler breeder chickens. Veterinary Record, 132(11): 271-273.
  • Regulation (EC), (2003): European Parliament and the council of 22 September 2003 on additives for use in animal nutrition E.C.No: 1831/2003/E-JC.
  • Resmi Gazete (2005): GTHB, Canlı Hayvanlar ve Hayvansal Ürünlerde Belirli Maddeler Ile Bunların Kalıntılarının Izlenmesi Için Alınacak Önlemlere Dair Yönetmelik. Resmi Gazete: 19.01.2005, No: 25705.
  • Resmi Gazete (2007): Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı(GTHB). Yem Katkı ve Premikslerin Üretimi, İthalatı, İhracatı, Satışı ve Kullanımı Hakkında Tebliğde Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Tebliğ. Yetki Kanunu: 1734, Yayımlandığı Resmi Gazete: 03.05.2007, sayı: 26511, Tebliğ No 2007/9.
  • Resmi Gazete (2007): Türk Gıda Kodeksi Hayvansal Kökenli Gıdalarda Veteriner İlaçları Maksimum Kalıntı Limitleri Tebliğinde değişiklik yapılması hakkında tebliğ. Tebliğ No: 2007/17, Resmi Gazete 09.03.2007, Sayı: 26457.
  • Rokka, M., Eerola, S., Perttila, U., Rossow, L., Venalainen, E., Valkonen. E., Valaja. J., Peltonen, K. (2005): The residue levels of narasin in eggs of laying hens fed with unmedicated and medicated feed. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 49(1):38-42.
  • Rokka, M., Peltonen, K. (2006): Simultaneus determination of four coccidiostats in eggs and broiler meat: validation of an LC-MS/MS method. Food Additives & Contaminants, 23: 470-478.
  • Rosen, J. (2001): Efficient and sensitive screening and confirmation of residues of selected polyether ionophore antibiotics in liver and eggs by Liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Analyst, 126(11): 1990-1995.
  • Şanlı, Y., Akar, F., Bilgili, A.,(1993): Et tipi piliçlerde altlığı ıslatma sendromuna yol açan katılımcı etmenler üzerinde araştırmalar. Uluslararası Tavukçuluk Kongresi, 13–14 Mayıs 1993, İstanbul Bilimsel Tavukçuluk Derneği Yayınları, s. 376-389.
There are 34 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Namık Bilici

Publication Date January 1, 2015
Submission Date November 30, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2015




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