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Diyetisyene başvuran Türk kadınlarında tıkınırcasına yeme davranışının klinik önemi: Hedonik açlık, beslenme durumu ve diyet alışkanlıkları üzerine bir araştırma

Year 2023, , 313 - 322, 08.10.2023


Diyetisyene başvuran kadınlarda tıkanırcasına yeme bozukluğunun saptanması ve bu durumun hedonik açlık ve obezite ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi amacıyla bu çalışma planlanmıştır. 19-50 yaş aralığındaki 400 yetişkin kadın değerlendirilmiştir. Tıkınırcasına yeme davranışı bozukluğunu incelemek için Edinburgh Bulimiya Araştırma Testi, hedonik açlık durumunu belirlemek için ise Besin Gücü Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Katılımcıların %25.2’sinde tıkınırcasına yeme davranışı bozukluğu, %74.7’sinde ise hedonik açlık mevcuttur. Tıkınırcasına yeme davranışı bozukluğu olan kadınların büyük bir çoğunluğunda (%87.0) hedonik açlık durumu görülürken, tıkınırcasına yeme davranışı bozukluğu olmayan kadınların beden kütle indeksi değeri olan kadınlara göre anlamlı derecede daha düşüktür (25.3 ±5.12 kg/m2’ye karşı 27.0 ±5.46 kg/m2, p=0.005). Tıkınırcasına yeme davranışı bozukluğu olan kadınların olmayanlara göre daha sık diyete başladıkları (%87.1’e karşı %41,8), daha iştahlı oldukları (%78,2’e karşı %29.8) ve daha düzensiz öğün alışkanlıklarına sahip oldukları (%68.3’e karşı %41.3) bulunmuştur (p=0.001). Tıkınırcasına yeme davranışı bozukluğu olmayan kadınların %64.3’ünün 15 günde 1 kereden daha seyrek şekilde hazır/işlenmiş/paketli ürünleri tükettiği, tıkınırcasına yeme davranışı bozukluğu olan kadınların ise %57.5’inin haftada 1-4 kereden daha sık tükettikleri bulunmuştur (p=0.007). Tıkınırcasına yeme bozukluğu ile hedonik açlık ve beden kütle indeksi pozitif yönde anlamlı derecede ilişkilidir (sırasıyla r= 0.522, p=0,001; r= 0.234, p=0.001). Tıkınırcasına yeme bozukluğu, diyetisyene başvuran kadınların beslenme durumu ve besin tercihinde önemli bir faktördür.


  • Aliasghari, F., Nazm, S.A., Yasari, S., Mahdavi, R., Bonyadi, M. (2021). Associations of the ANKK1 and DRD2 gene polymorphisms with overweight, obesity and hedonic hunger among women from the Northwest of Iran. Eating Weight Disorders, 26, 305-312.
  • American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.).
  • Ayyıldız, F., Ülker, İ., Yıldıran, H. (2021). Hedonik açlık ve yeme davranışı ilişkisinin farklı beden kütlelerine yansıması. Beslenme ve Diyet Dergisi, 49(2), 9-17.
  • Baenas, I., Miranda-Olivos, R., Solé-Morata, N., Jiménez-Murcia, S., Fernández-Aranda, F. (2023). Neuroendocrinological factors in binge eating disorder: A narrative review. Psychoneuroendocrinology,150, 106030.
  • Boswell, R.G., Potenza, M.N., Grilo, C.M. (2021). The neurobiology of binge-eating disorder compared with obesity: implications for differential therapeutics. Clinical Therapeutics, 43(1), 50-69.
  • Burger, K.S., Sanders, A.J., Gilbert, J.R. (2016). Hedonic hunger is related to increased neural and perceptual responses to cues of palatable food and motivation to consume: evidence from 3 independent investigations. Journal of Nutrition,146(9), 1807-1812.
  • Cappelleri, J.C., Bushmakin, A.G., Gerber, R.A., Leidy, N.K., Sexton, C.C., Karlsson, J., et al. (2009). Evaluating the Power of Food Scale in obese subjects and a general sample of individuals: development and measurement properties. International Journal of Obesity (Lond), 33(8), 913-922.
  • Cena, H., Calder, P.C. (2020). Defining a healthy diet: evidence for the role of contemporary dietary patterns in health and disease. Nutrients, 12(2), 334.
  • Compare, A., Tasca, G.A. (2016). The rate and shape of change in binge eating episodes and weight: an effectiveness trial of emotionally focused group therapy for binge-eating disorder. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 23(1), 24-34.
  • Geliebter, A., Ochner, C.N., Aviram-Friedman, R. (2008). Appetite-related gut peptides in obesity and binge eating disorder. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 2(4), 305-314.
  • Gissoni, N.B., dos Santos Quaresma, M.V.L. (2020). Short sleep duration and foodintake: an overview and analysis of the influence of the homeostatic and hedonic system. Nutrire, 45(1), 1-8.
  • Henderson, M., Freeman, C.P. (1987). A self-rating scale for bulimia. The 'BITE'. British Journal of Psychiatry, 150, 18-24.
  • Horwath, C.C., Hagmann, D., Hartmann, C. (2020). The power of food: Self-control moderates the association of hedonic hunger with overeating, snacking frequency and palatable food intake. Eating Behaviors, 38, 101393.
  • Kaur, K., Jensen, C.D. (2022). Does hedonic hunger predict eating behavior and body mass in adolescents with overweight or obesity? Children's Health Care, 51(2), 184-198.
  • Lutter, M., Nestler, E.J. (2009). Homeostatic and hedonic signals interact in the regulation of food intake. Journal of Nutrition, 139(3), 629-632.
  • Manasse, S.M., Espel, H.M., Forman, E.M., Ruocco, A.C., Juarascio, A.S., Butryn, M.L., et al. (2015). The independent and interacting effects of hedonic hunger and executive function on binge eating. Appetite, 89, 16-21.
  • Mancuso, C., Izquierdo, A., Slattery, M., Becker, K.R., Plessow, F., Thomas, J.J., Eddy, K.T. et al. (2020). Changes in appetite-regulating hormones following food intake are associated with changes in reported appetite and a measure of hedonic eating in girls and young women with anorexia nervosa. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 113, 104556.
  • Marshall, A.L., Smith, B.J., Bauman, A.E., Kaur, S. (2005). Reliability and validity of a brief physical activity assessment for use by family doctors. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 39(5), 294-297.
  • Mason, T.B., Dunton, G.F., Gearhardt, A.N., Leventhal, A.M. (2020). Emotional disorder symptoms, anhedonia, and negative urgency as predictors of hedonic hunger in adolescents. Eating Behaviors, 36, 101343.
  • Mead, B.R., Boyland, E.J., Christiansen, P., Halford, J.C.G., Jebb, S.A., Ahern, A.L. (2021). Associations between hedonic hunger and BMI during a two-year behavioural weight loss trial. PLoS ONE, 16(6), e0252110.
  • Parker, M.N., Wilkinson, M.L., Hunt, R.A., Ortiz, A., Manasse, S.M., Juarascio, A.S. (2022). Eating expectancies and hedonic hunger among individuals with bulimia-spectrum eating disorders who plan binge-eating episodes. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 55(1), 120-124.
  • Ribeiro, G., Camacho, M., Santos, O., Pontes, C., Torres, S., Oliveira-Maia, A.J. (2018). Association between hedonic hunger and body-mass index versus obesity status. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 5857.
  • Santoso, I., Wijana, S., Ismawati, A., Sunarharum, W.B. (2019). Relationship between hedonic hunger and health ınterest on habit and sodium intake patterns in food consumption. International Journal of Food Science, 2019, 9517140.
  • Singh, M. (2014). Mood, food, and obesity. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 925.
  • Smethers, A.D., Rolls, B.J. (2018). Dietary management of obesity: cornerstones of healthy eating patterns. The Medical Clinics of North America, 102(1), 107-124.
  • Şarahman, C., Akçil Ok, M. (2019). Erişkin bireylerin hedonik açlık durumları ile aşırı besin isteği, dürtüsellik ve benlik saygısı durumları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Geleneksel ve Tamamlayıcı Tıp Dergisi, 2(2), 71-82.
  • Taş, F., Gezer, C. (2022). The relationship of hedonic hunger with food addiction and obesity in university students. Eating and Weight Disorders, 27(7), 2835-2843.
  • Witt, A.A., Lowe, M.R. (2014). Hedonic hunger and binge eating among women with eating disorders. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 47(3), 273-280.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) Global Database for Body Mass Index. The international classification of adult underweight, overweight and obesity according to BMI. Web: (accessed: 28.02.2023)
  • Yang, Y., Conti, J., McMaster, C.M., Hay, P. (2021). Beyond refeeding: the effect of including a dietitian in eating disorder treatment. A systematic review. Nutrients, 13(12), 4490.
  • Yousefi, R., Panahi Moghaddam, S.A., Salahi, H., Woods, R., Abolhasani, M., Eini-Zinab, H., et al. (2022). Food addiction and binge eating disorder in relation to dietary patterns and anthropometric measurements: a descriptive-analytic cross-sectional study in Iranian adults with obesity (published online ahead of print, 2022 Aug 17). Behavioral Medicine, 1-10.

Clinical significance of binge eating behavior in Turkish women who applied to a dietician: A research on hedonic hunger, nutritional status and dietary habits

Year 2023, , 313 - 322, 08.10.2023


It is conducted to detect binge eating disorder in women who apply to a dietitian and to examine its relationship with hedonic hunger and obesity. This study was conducted with 400 adult women aged 19-50 years. Bulimic Investigatory Test Edinburgh was used to examine binge eating disorder, and The Power of Food Scale was used to determine hedonic hunger status. 25.2% of the participants had binge eating disorder and 74.7% had hedonic hunger. While most women with binge eating disorder (87.0%) have hedonic hunger, women without binge eating disorder have a significantly lower body mass index (25.3 ±5.12 kg/m2 vs 27.0±5.46 kg/m2, p=0.005). It was found that women with binge eating disorder diet more frequently (87.1% vs. 41.8%), have more appetite (78.2% vs. 29.8%), and have more irregular meals than those without binge eating disorder (68.3% vs. 41.3% (p=0.001). While 64.3% of women without binge eating disorder consume processed/packaged products less than once in 15 days, 57.5% consume more than 1-4 times a week (p=0.007). Binge eating disorder positively and significantly correlated with hedonic hunger and body mass index (r= 0.522, p=0.001; r= 0.234, p=0.001, respectively). Binge eating disorder is an important factor in the nutritional status and food preference of women who apply to a dietitian.


  • Aliasghari, F., Nazm, S.A., Yasari, S., Mahdavi, R., Bonyadi, M. (2021). Associations of the ANKK1 and DRD2 gene polymorphisms with overweight, obesity and hedonic hunger among women from the Northwest of Iran. Eating Weight Disorders, 26, 305-312.
  • American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.).
  • Ayyıldız, F., Ülker, İ., Yıldıran, H. (2021). Hedonik açlık ve yeme davranışı ilişkisinin farklı beden kütlelerine yansıması. Beslenme ve Diyet Dergisi, 49(2), 9-17.
  • Baenas, I., Miranda-Olivos, R., Solé-Morata, N., Jiménez-Murcia, S., Fernández-Aranda, F. (2023). Neuroendocrinological factors in binge eating disorder: A narrative review. Psychoneuroendocrinology,150, 106030.
  • Boswell, R.G., Potenza, M.N., Grilo, C.M. (2021). The neurobiology of binge-eating disorder compared with obesity: implications for differential therapeutics. Clinical Therapeutics, 43(1), 50-69.
  • Burger, K.S., Sanders, A.J., Gilbert, J.R. (2016). Hedonic hunger is related to increased neural and perceptual responses to cues of palatable food and motivation to consume: evidence from 3 independent investigations. Journal of Nutrition,146(9), 1807-1812.
  • Cappelleri, J.C., Bushmakin, A.G., Gerber, R.A., Leidy, N.K., Sexton, C.C., Karlsson, J., et al. (2009). Evaluating the Power of Food Scale in obese subjects and a general sample of individuals: development and measurement properties. International Journal of Obesity (Lond), 33(8), 913-922.
  • Cena, H., Calder, P.C. (2020). Defining a healthy diet: evidence for the role of contemporary dietary patterns in health and disease. Nutrients, 12(2), 334.
  • Compare, A., Tasca, G.A. (2016). The rate and shape of change in binge eating episodes and weight: an effectiveness trial of emotionally focused group therapy for binge-eating disorder. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 23(1), 24-34.
  • Geliebter, A., Ochner, C.N., Aviram-Friedman, R. (2008). Appetite-related gut peptides in obesity and binge eating disorder. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 2(4), 305-314.
  • Gissoni, N.B., dos Santos Quaresma, M.V.L. (2020). Short sleep duration and foodintake: an overview and analysis of the influence of the homeostatic and hedonic system. Nutrire, 45(1), 1-8.
  • Henderson, M., Freeman, C.P. (1987). A self-rating scale for bulimia. The 'BITE'. British Journal of Psychiatry, 150, 18-24.
  • Horwath, C.C., Hagmann, D., Hartmann, C. (2020). The power of food: Self-control moderates the association of hedonic hunger with overeating, snacking frequency and palatable food intake. Eating Behaviors, 38, 101393.
  • Kaur, K., Jensen, C.D. (2022). Does hedonic hunger predict eating behavior and body mass in adolescents with overweight or obesity? Children's Health Care, 51(2), 184-198.
  • Lutter, M., Nestler, E.J. (2009). Homeostatic and hedonic signals interact in the regulation of food intake. Journal of Nutrition, 139(3), 629-632.
  • Manasse, S.M., Espel, H.M., Forman, E.M., Ruocco, A.C., Juarascio, A.S., Butryn, M.L., et al. (2015). The independent and interacting effects of hedonic hunger and executive function on binge eating. Appetite, 89, 16-21.
  • Mancuso, C., Izquierdo, A., Slattery, M., Becker, K.R., Plessow, F., Thomas, J.J., Eddy, K.T. et al. (2020). Changes in appetite-regulating hormones following food intake are associated with changes in reported appetite and a measure of hedonic eating in girls and young women with anorexia nervosa. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 113, 104556.
  • Marshall, A.L., Smith, B.J., Bauman, A.E., Kaur, S. (2005). Reliability and validity of a brief physical activity assessment for use by family doctors. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 39(5), 294-297.
  • Mason, T.B., Dunton, G.F., Gearhardt, A.N., Leventhal, A.M. (2020). Emotional disorder symptoms, anhedonia, and negative urgency as predictors of hedonic hunger in adolescents. Eating Behaviors, 36, 101343.
  • Mead, B.R., Boyland, E.J., Christiansen, P., Halford, J.C.G., Jebb, S.A., Ahern, A.L. (2021). Associations between hedonic hunger and BMI during a two-year behavioural weight loss trial. PLoS ONE, 16(6), e0252110.
  • Parker, M.N., Wilkinson, M.L., Hunt, R.A., Ortiz, A., Manasse, S.M., Juarascio, A.S. (2022). Eating expectancies and hedonic hunger among individuals with bulimia-spectrum eating disorders who plan binge-eating episodes. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 55(1), 120-124.
  • Ribeiro, G., Camacho, M., Santos, O., Pontes, C., Torres, S., Oliveira-Maia, A.J. (2018). Association between hedonic hunger and body-mass index versus obesity status. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 5857.
  • Santoso, I., Wijana, S., Ismawati, A., Sunarharum, W.B. (2019). Relationship between hedonic hunger and health ınterest on habit and sodium intake patterns in food consumption. International Journal of Food Science, 2019, 9517140.
  • Singh, M. (2014). Mood, food, and obesity. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 925.
  • Smethers, A.D., Rolls, B.J. (2018). Dietary management of obesity: cornerstones of healthy eating patterns. The Medical Clinics of North America, 102(1), 107-124.
  • Şarahman, C., Akçil Ok, M. (2019). Erişkin bireylerin hedonik açlık durumları ile aşırı besin isteği, dürtüsellik ve benlik saygısı durumları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Geleneksel ve Tamamlayıcı Tıp Dergisi, 2(2), 71-82.
  • Taş, F., Gezer, C. (2022). The relationship of hedonic hunger with food addiction and obesity in university students. Eating and Weight Disorders, 27(7), 2835-2843.
  • Witt, A.A., Lowe, M.R. (2014). Hedonic hunger and binge eating among women with eating disorders. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 47(3), 273-280.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) Global Database for Body Mass Index. The international classification of adult underweight, overweight and obesity according to BMI. Web: (accessed: 28.02.2023)
  • Yang, Y., Conti, J., McMaster, C.M., Hay, P. (2021). Beyond refeeding: the effect of including a dietitian in eating disorder treatment. A systematic review. Nutrients, 13(12), 4490.
  • Yousefi, R., Panahi Moghaddam, S.A., Salahi, H., Woods, R., Abolhasani, M., Eini-Zinab, H., et al. (2022). Food addiction and binge eating disorder in relation to dietary patterns and anthropometric measurements: a descriptive-analytic cross-sectional study in Iranian adults with obesity (published online ahead of print, 2022 Aug 17). Behavioral Medicine, 1-10.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Nutritional Science, Public Health Nutrition, Clinical Nutrition
Journal Section Research Articles

Hande Bakırhan 0000-0001-9377-888X

Early Pub Date September 14, 2023
Publication Date October 8, 2023
Submission Date April 8, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Bakırhan, H. (2023). Diyetisyene başvuran Türk kadınlarında tıkınırcasına yeme davranışının klinik önemi: Hedonik açlık, beslenme durumu ve diyet alışkanlıkları üzerine bir araştırma. Food and Health, 9(4), 313-322.


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