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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 17 - 45, 26.12.2018


İtkisellik daha çok sosyoloji ve psikoloji alanında araştırılan bir konu iken son yıllarda pazarlama alanındaki çalışmaların da yapıldığı görülmektedir. İtkisellik ile ilgili çalışmalarla eşgüdümlü olarak itkiselliğin ve itkisel satın alma davranışının da toplum genelinde hızla arttığı görülmektedir. Çalışmalara bakıldığında itkisel satın alma davranışının toplam satın alma kararlarının %95’ine kadar ulaştığı görülmektedir. Bu nedenle çalışmada tüketicileri itkisel satın alma davranışına iten faktörler ve itkisel satın alma davranışının sonuçları incelenmiştir.

Araştırma kapsamında araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden Uşak’ta 247, İzmir’de 76, İstanbul’da 105, Akhisar’da 50, Merzifon’da 21, Ankara’da 41 ve Balıkesir’de 18 kişi olmak üzere 558 kişiden veri toplanmıştır. Araştırma verilerine nicel araştırma deseninde anket ile kolayda örnekleme yöntemi kullanılarak ulaşılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına bakıldığında para ve zaman müsaitliği tüketicileri itkisel olarak tatil paketi satın alma eğilimine sevk etmektedir. Buna karşın tüketicilerin duygudurum düzeyi, sebatsızlık, tatil ihtiyacının şiddeti, bilişsellik ihtiyacı, para ve miktar indiriminin itkisel satın alma eğilimine etkisi bulunmamaktadır. Son olarak saf ve planlı olarak satın alınan tatil paketinden sonra tüketiciler aldıkları hizmetten tatmin olurken öneri ve hatırlama yoluyla itkisel satın alma davranışında bulunan tüketiciler ise aldıkları mal veya hizmetlerden memnun olmamaktadırlar. İleride yapılacak araştırmalarda itkisel satın alınan mal veya hizmetlere karşı tüketicilerin farklı tutumları incelenmelidir.


  • Abrahams, B. (1997). "It's All in the Mind". Marketing, March 27, 31-33.
  • Anić, Ivan-Damir; Radas, Sonja (2006). “The Impact of Situational Factors on Purchasing Outcomes in the Croatian Hypermarket Retailer”. Ekonomski Pregled, 57(11), 730-752.
  • Badgaiyan, Anant Jyoti; Anshul, Verma (2015). “Does Urge to Buy Impulsively Differ from Impulsive Buying Behaviour? Assessing the Impact of Situational Factors”. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 22, 145-157.
  • Bagozzi, P. Richard; Youjae, Yi. (1988). “On the Evaluation of Structural Equation Models”. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 16(1), 74–94.
  • Baumeister, F. Roy (2002). “Yielding to Temptation: Self-Control Failure, Impulsive Purchasing, and Consumer Behavior”. Journal of Consumer Research, 28(4), 670-676.
  • Beatty, E. Sharon; Ferrell, M. Elizabeth (1998). “Impulse Buying: Modeling Its Precursors”. Journal of Retailing, 74(2), 169-191.
  • Bell, R. David; Corsten, Daniel; Knox, George (2011). “From Point-of-Purchase to Path-to-Purchase: How Preshopping Factors Drive Unplanned Buying”. Journal of Marketing, 75(1), 31-45.
  • Boz, Hakan (2015). “Turistik Ürün Satın Alma Karar Sürecinde İtkiselliğin Rolü: Psikonörobiyokimyasal Analiz”, (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Balıkesir Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Balıkesir.
  • Boz, Hakan; Arslan, Aytuğ; Koç, Erdoğan (2017). “Neuromarketing Aspect of Tourism Pricing Psychology”. Tourism Management Perspectives, 23, 119-128.
  • Boz, Hakan; Köse, Utku (2018). "Emotion Extraction from Facial Expressions by Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques”. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 9.1, 5-16.
  • Bratko, Denis; Butkovic, Ana; Bosnjak, Michael (2013). “Twin Study of Impulsive Buying and its Overlap with Personality”. Journal of Individual Differences, 34(1), 8-14.
  • Cacioppo, John T.; Petty, E. Richard (1982). “The Need for Cognition”. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 42(1), 116-131.
  • Cacioppo, T. John; Petty, E. Richard (1984). “The Need for Cognition: Relationship to Attitudinal Processes”. Social Perception in Clinical and Counseling Psychology, 2, 113-140.
  • Clover, T. Vernon (1950). “Relative Importance of Impulse-Buying in Retail Stores”. The Journal of Marketing, 15(1), 66-70.
  • Crawford, G.; Melewar, T. C. (2003). “The Importance of Impulse Purchasing Behaviour in the International Airport Environment”. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 3(1), 85-98.
  • Damasio, Antonio (1994). Descartes' Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain. New York: Grosset/Putnam.
  • Dantoni, S. Joseph; Shenson, Howard L. (1973). “Impulse Buying Revisited: A Behavioral Typology”. Journal of Retailing, 49(1), 63-76.
  • Demirci, Esra; Özmen, Sevgi; Öztop, Behice Didem (2016). “Relationship between Impulsivity and Serum Oxytocin in Male Children and Adolescents with Attention-Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder: A Preliminary Study”. Nöro Psikiyatri Arşivi, 53(4), 291.
  • DeNardin, Tom; Cole, Henry S.; Clow, E. Kenneth (2015). “Are Consumers Willing to Pay a Price Premium to Shop Locally?”. International Journal of Business, Marketing & Decision Science, 8(1), 86-99.
  • Dittmar, Helga; Drury, John (2000). “Self-Image–Is It in the Bag? A Qualitative Comparison between “Ordinary” and “Excessive” Consumers”. Journal of Economic Psychology, 21(2), 109-142.
  • Donovan, J. Robert; Rossiter, R. John; Marcoolyn, Gilian; Nesdale, Aandrew (1994). “Store Atmosphere and Purchasing Behavior”. Journal of Retailing, 70(3), 283–294.
  • Evenden, L. John (1999). “Varieties of Impulsivity”. Psychopharmacology, 146(4), 348-361.
  • Fornell, Claes; Larcker, David F. (1981). “Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error”. Journal of Marketing Research, 18 February, 39–50.
  • Gladwell, Malcolm (2005). The Power of Thinking without Thinking. New York: Little, Brown and Cie.
  • Han, Doug Hyun; Yoo, Hee Jeong; Kim, Boung Nyun; McMahon, William; Renshaw, F. Perry (2014). “Brain Activity of Adolescents with High Functioning Autism in Response to Emotional Words and Facial Emoticons”. PloS One, 9(3), e91214.
  • Harrison, A. Amanda; Barry, J. Everitt; Robbins, Trevor W. (1997). “Central 5-HT Depletion Enhances Impulsive Responding without Affecting the Accuracy of Attentional Performance: Interactions with Dopaminergic Mechanisms”. Psychopharmacology, 133(4), 329-342.
  • Hausman, Angela (2000), “A Multi-Method Investigation of Consumer Motivations in Impulse Buying Behavior”. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 17(15), 403-419.
  • Hendriks, Aa Jolijn; Willem, K. B. Hofstee; Boele, De Raad (1999). “The Five-Factor Personality Inventory (FFPI)”. Personality and Individual Differences, 27, 307-325.
  • Duncan, J. Herrington; Capella, Louis M. (1995). “Shoppers Reactions to Perceived Time Pressure”. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 23(12), 13-20.
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  • Imam, Fatıma (2013). “Gender Differences in Impulsive Buying Behavior and Post-Purchasing Dissonance under incentive Conditions”. Journal of Business Strategies, 7(1), 23-29.
  • Iyer, S. Easwar (1989). “Unplanned Purchasing: Knowledge of Shopping Environment and Time Pressure”. Journal of Retailing, 65(1), 40-57.
  • Jain, Sheetal; Mohammed, Naved Khan; Sita, Mishra (2015). “Factors Affecting Luxury Purchase Intention: A Conceptual Framework Based on an Extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior”. South Asian Journal of Management, 22(4), 136-163.
  • Jeon, J. O. (1990). “An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship between Affective States. In-Store Browsing, and Impulse Buying”, (Unpublished Doctoral Thesis), The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa.
  • Johnson, Burke; Christensen, Larry (2004). Educational Research: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Approaches. Boston: Pearson.
  • Jones, A. Michael; Reynolds, E. Kristy; Weun, Seungong; Beatty, E. Sharon (2003). “The Product-Specific Nature of Impulse Buying Tendency”. Journal of Business Research, 56(7), 505-511.
  • Kacen, J. Jacqueline; Julie, Anne Lee (2002). “The Influence of Culture on Consumer Impulsive Buying Behavior”. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 12(2), 163–176.
  • Kahnemann, Daniel; Tversky, Amos (1979). “Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk”. Econometrica, 47(2), 263-291.
  • Karbasivar, Alireza; Hasti, Yarahmadi (2011). “Evaluating Effective Factors on Consumer Impulse Buying Behavior”. Asian Journal of Business Management Studies, 2(4), 174-81.
  • Koç, Erdoğan; İlgün, Ayşe (2010). “An investigation into the Discourse of Political Marketing Communications in Turkey: The Use of Rhetorical Figures in Political Party Slogans”. Journal of Political Marketing, 9(3), 207-224.
  • Koç, Erdoğan; Boz, Hakan (2014). “Psychoneurobiochemistry of Tourism Marketing”. Tourism Management, 44, 140-148.
  • Koç, Erdoğan (2016a). Tüketici Davranışı ve Pazarlama Stratejileri: Global ve Yerel Yaklaşım: Pazarlama ve Tüketici Davranışı Kavramlarının İngilizceleriyle. İstanbul: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Koç, Erdoğan (2016b). Hizmet Pazarlaması ve Yönetimi. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Koç, Erdoğan; Boz, Hakan (2017). “Development of Scales to Measure Customers’ Willingness to Have Control and the Control Offered by Service Businesses”. Ecoforum Journal, 6(3).
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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 17 - 45, 26.12.2018


While impulsivity is a subject that has been explored more in sociology and psychology, it seems that in recent years there has been a considerable increase in the field of marketing. At the same time, it seems that the impulsivity/impulsive buying behavior are rapidly increasing in society as a whole. According to the literature, impulsive buying behavior can accounts up to 95% of all purchases. For this reason, the main purpose of the study were investigated the factors affecting the tendency to impulsive buying behavior and the results of impulsive buying behavior.

Data were collected from 558 participants who agreed to participate in the research, including 247 in Uşak, 76 in İzmir, 105 in Istanbul, 50 in Akhisar, 21 in Merzifon, 41 in Ankara and 18 in Balıkesir. The research data were collected by means of questionnaire. According to the study results, the availability of money and time leads consumers to tend to impulsive buy holiday packages. On the other hand, consumers' mood level, impatience, severity of holiday need, need for cognition, amount of money and quantity discount have no statistically effect on the tendency to impulsive buying. Consumers who have a tendency to impulsive buying are buying impulsive. Finally, after a holiday package purchased in a pure and planned impulsive buying, consumers are satisfied with the service they receive, while consumers who are in the behavior of purchasing by recommendation and reminder impulsive buying behavior are not satisfied with the service they receive. Future research should examine the attitudes of consumers towards goods or services that are purchased impulsive.


  • Abrahams, B. (1997). "It's All in the Mind". Marketing, March 27, 31-33.
  • Anić, Ivan-Damir; Radas, Sonja (2006). “The Impact of Situational Factors on Purchasing Outcomes in the Croatian Hypermarket Retailer”. Ekonomski Pregled, 57(11), 730-752.
  • Badgaiyan, Anant Jyoti; Anshul, Verma (2015). “Does Urge to Buy Impulsively Differ from Impulsive Buying Behaviour? Assessing the Impact of Situational Factors”. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 22, 145-157.
  • Bagozzi, P. Richard; Youjae, Yi. (1988). “On the Evaluation of Structural Equation Models”. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 16(1), 74–94.
  • Baumeister, F. Roy (2002). “Yielding to Temptation: Self-Control Failure, Impulsive Purchasing, and Consumer Behavior”. Journal of Consumer Research, 28(4), 670-676.
  • Beatty, E. Sharon; Ferrell, M. Elizabeth (1998). “Impulse Buying: Modeling Its Precursors”. Journal of Retailing, 74(2), 169-191.
  • Bell, R. David; Corsten, Daniel; Knox, George (2011). “From Point-of-Purchase to Path-to-Purchase: How Preshopping Factors Drive Unplanned Buying”. Journal of Marketing, 75(1), 31-45.
  • Boz, Hakan (2015). “Turistik Ürün Satın Alma Karar Sürecinde İtkiselliğin Rolü: Psikonörobiyokimyasal Analiz”, (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Balıkesir Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Balıkesir.
  • Boz, Hakan; Arslan, Aytuğ; Koç, Erdoğan (2017). “Neuromarketing Aspect of Tourism Pricing Psychology”. Tourism Management Perspectives, 23, 119-128.
  • Boz, Hakan; Köse, Utku (2018). "Emotion Extraction from Facial Expressions by Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques”. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 9.1, 5-16.
  • Bratko, Denis; Butkovic, Ana; Bosnjak, Michael (2013). “Twin Study of Impulsive Buying and its Overlap with Personality”. Journal of Individual Differences, 34(1), 8-14.
  • Cacioppo, John T.; Petty, E. Richard (1982). “The Need for Cognition”. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 42(1), 116-131.
  • Cacioppo, T. John; Petty, E. Richard (1984). “The Need for Cognition: Relationship to Attitudinal Processes”. Social Perception in Clinical and Counseling Psychology, 2, 113-140.
  • Clover, T. Vernon (1950). “Relative Importance of Impulse-Buying in Retail Stores”. The Journal of Marketing, 15(1), 66-70.
  • Crawford, G.; Melewar, T. C. (2003). “The Importance of Impulse Purchasing Behaviour in the International Airport Environment”. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 3(1), 85-98.
  • Damasio, Antonio (1994). Descartes' Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain. New York: Grosset/Putnam.
  • Dantoni, S. Joseph; Shenson, Howard L. (1973). “Impulse Buying Revisited: A Behavioral Typology”. Journal of Retailing, 49(1), 63-76.
  • Demirci, Esra; Özmen, Sevgi; Öztop, Behice Didem (2016). “Relationship between Impulsivity and Serum Oxytocin in Male Children and Adolescents with Attention-Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder: A Preliminary Study”. Nöro Psikiyatri Arşivi, 53(4), 291.
  • DeNardin, Tom; Cole, Henry S.; Clow, E. Kenneth (2015). “Are Consumers Willing to Pay a Price Premium to Shop Locally?”. International Journal of Business, Marketing & Decision Science, 8(1), 86-99.
  • Dittmar, Helga; Drury, John (2000). “Self-Image–Is It in the Bag? A Qualitative Comparison between “Ordinary” and “Excessive” Consumers”. Journal of Economic Psychology, 21(2), 109-142.
  • Donovan, J. Robert; Rossiter, R. John; Marcoolyn, Gilian; Nesdale, Aandrew (1994). “Store Atmosphere and Purchasing Behavior”. Journal of Retailing, 70(3), 283–294.
  • Evenden, L. John (1999). “Varieties of Impulsivity”. Psychopharmacology, 146(4), 348-361.
  • Fornell, Claes; Larcker, David F. (1981). “Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error”. Journal of Marketing Research, 18 February, 39–50.
  • Gladwell, Malcolm (2005). The Power of Thinking without Thinking. New York: Little, Brown and Cie.
  • Han, Doug Hyun; Yoo, Hee Jeong; Kim, Boung Nyun; McMahon, William; Renshaw, F. Perry (2014). “Brain Activity of Adolescents with High Functioning Autism in Response to Emotional Words and Facial Emoticons”. PloS One, 9(3), e91214.
  • Harrison, A. Amanda; Barry, J. Everitt; Robbins, Trevor W. (1997). “Central 5-HT Depletion Enhances Impulsive Responding without Affecting the Accuracy of Attentional Performance: Interactions with Dopaminergic Mechanisms”. Psychopharmacology, 133(4), 329-342.
  • Hausman, Angela (2000), “A Multi-Method Investigation of Consumer Motivations in Impulse Buying Behavior”. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 17(15), 403-419.
  • Hendriks, Aa Jolijn; Willem, K. B. Hofstee; Boele, De Raad (1999). “The Five-Factor Personality Inventory (FFPI)”. Personality and Individual Differences, 27, 307-325.
  • Duncan, J. Herrington; Capella, Louis M. (1995). “Shoppers Reactions to Perceived Time Pressure”. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 23(12), 13-20.
  • Hoch, J. Stephen; Loewenstein, George F. (1991). “Time-Inconsistent Preferences and Consumer Self-Control”. Journal of Consumer Research, 17(4), 492-508. Hubert, Marco; Hubert, Mirja; Riedl, Rene; Kenning, Peter (2014). “How Consumer Impulsiveness Moderates Online Trustworthiness Evaluations: Neurophysiological Insights,” Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Information Systems, M. D. Myers, D. W. Straub (Eds.), Auckland, New Zealand. December 14-17.
  • Imam, Fatıma (2013). “Gender Differences in Impulsive Buying Behavior and Post-Purchasing Dissonance under incentive Conditions”. Journal of Business Strategies, 7(1), 23-29.
  • Iyer, S. Easwar (1989). “Unplanned Purchasing: Knowledge of Shopping Environment and Time Pressure”. Journal of Retailing, 65(1), 40-57.
  • Jain, Sheetal; Mohammed, Naved Khan; Sita, Mishra (2015). “Factors Affecting Luxury Purchase Intention: A Conceptual Framework Based on an Extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior”. South Asian Journal of Management, 22(4), 136-163.
  • Jeon, J. O. (1990). “An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship between Affective States. In-Store Browsing, and Impulse Buying”, (Unpublished Doctoral Thesis), The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa.
  • Johnson, Burke; Christensen, Larry (2004). Educational Research: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Approaches. Boston: Pearson.
  • Jones, A. Michael; Reynolds, E. Kristy; Weun, Seungong; Beatty, E. Sharon (2003). “The Product-Specific Nature of Impulse Buying Tendency”. Journal of Business Research, 56(7), 505-511.
  • Kacen, J. Jacqueline; Julie, Anne Lee (2002). “The Influence of Culture on Consumer Impulsive Buying Behavior”. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 12(2), 163–176.
  • Kahnemann, Daniel; Tversky, Amos (1979). “Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk”. Econometrica, 47(2), 263-291.
  • Karbasivar, Alireza; Hasti, Yarahmadi (2011). “Evaluating Effective Factors on Consumer Impulse Buying Behavior”. Asian Journal of Business Management Studies, 2(4), 174-81.
  • Koç, Erdoğan; İlgün, Ayşe (2010). “An investigation into the Discourse of Political Marketing Communications in Turkey: The Use of Rhetorical Figures in Political Party Slogans”. Journal of Political Marketing, 9(3), 207-224.
  • Koç, Erdoğan; Boz, Hakan (2014). “Psychoneurobiochemistry of Tourism Marketing”. Tourism Management, 44, 140-148.
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Toplam 85 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Hakan Boz

Erdoğan Koç Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Aralık 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 17 Haziran 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2

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