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Success for all: fostering early childhood STEM identity

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 201 - 208, 30.06.2020



  • Bassok, D., Latham, S. & Rorem, A. (2016). Is kindergarten the new first grade?. AERA Open, available at: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2332858415616358 (accessed 28 December 2019).
  • Beier, M. E. & Rittmayer, A. D. (2008). Literature overview: motivational factors in STEM: interest and self-concept. SWE-AWE-CASEE ARP resources, available at: https://www.engr.psu.edu/AWE/misc/ARPs/ARP_SelfConcept_Overview_122208.pdf (accessed 30 December 2019).
  • Cheryan, S., Master, A. & Meltzoff, A. N. (2015). Cultural stereotypes as gatekeepers: increasing girls’ interest in computer science and engineering by diversifying stereotypes. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1-8.
  • Crespo, M. N., Kraatz, E. & Pallansch, L. (2014). From fearing STEM to playing with it: the natural integration of STEM into the preschool classroom. SRATE Journal, 23(2), 8-16.
  • Davies, B. & Harré, R. (2008). Positioning: the discursive production of selves. Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior, 20, 43-63.
  • DeJarnette, N. K. (2018). Implementing STEAM in the early childhood classroom. European Journal of STEM Education, 3(3), 18. available at: (accessed 14 October 2019). https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1190735.pdf
  • Dunham, N. (2016). Student academic identity and early childhood field-based initial teacher education. AARE Conference 2016, available at: (accessed 14 October 2019). https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED591856.pdf
  • Early Childhood STEM Working Group (2017). Early stem matters, providing high-quality stem experiences for all young learners: a policy report by the early childhood stem working group. Erikson Institute. available at: (accessed 14 October 2019). http://d3lwefg3pyezlb.cloudfront.net/docs/Early_STEM_Matters_FINAL.pdf
  • Erikson, E. H. (1994). Identity: Youth and Crisis. New York: W. W. Norton.
  • Gerde, H. K., Peirce, S. J., Lee, K. & Van Egren, L. A. (2017). Early Childhood educators’ self-efficacy in science, math, and literacy instruction and science practice in the classroom. Early Education and Development, 29(1), 70-90.
  • Hachey, A. C. (2013). The early childhood education mathematics revolution. Early Education and Development, 24(4), 419-430.
  • Hawkins, M. R. (2005). Becoming a student: identity work and academic literacies in early schooling. Tesol Quarterly, 39(1), 59-80.
  • Kaplan, A. & Garner, J. K. (2017). A complex dynamic systems perspective on identity and its development: the dynamic systems model of role identity. Developmental Psychology, 53(11), 2036-2051.
  • Kaplan, A., Sinai, M. & Flum, H. (2014). Design-based Interventions for Promoting Students’ identity exploration with the school curriculum. In S. A. Karabenick & T. C. Urdan (Eds.), Advances in motivation & achievement (Vol. 18, pp. 243–291). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group.
  • Kim, A. Y., Sinatra, G. M. & Seyranian, V. (2018). Developing a STEM identity among young women: a social identity perspective. Review of Educational Research, 20(10), 1-37.
  • Langer-Osuna, J. M. & Nasir, N. S. (2016). Rehumanizing the “other” race, culture, and identity in education research. Review of Research in Education, 40(1), 723-743.
  • Martin, C. L. & Ruble, D. (2004). Children’s search for gender cues: cognitive Perspectives on gender Development. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 13(2), 67-70.
  • Martin-Hansen, L. (2018). Examining ways to meaningfully support students in STEM. International Journal of STEM Education, 5, 53.
  • National Academies Press (2011). Successful K-12 STEM Education: Identifying Effective Approaches in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Washington DC: National Academic Press.
  • Pantoya, M. E., Aguirre-Munoz, Z. & Hunt, E. M. (2015). Developing an engineering identity in early childhood. Journal of Engineering Education, 6(2), 61-68.
  • Phinney, J. S. (1990). Ethnic identity in adolescents and adults: review of research. Psychological Bulletin, 108, 499-514.
  • Porfeli, E. J., Hartung, P. J. & Vondracek, F. W. (2008). Children’s vocational development: a research rationale. The Career Development Quarterly, 57, 25-37.
  • Reveles, J. M., Cordova, R. & Kelly, G. J. (2004). Science literacy and academic identity formation. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 41(10), 1111-1144.
  • Saucerman, J. & Vasquez, K. (2014). Psychological barriers to STEM participation for women over the course of development. Adultspan Journal, 13(1), 46-64.
  • STEM Smart: Lessons Learned from Successful Schools (2013). Nurturing stem skills in young learners, prek–3. stem smart brief-early childhood learning. Washington DC, available at: http://docplayer.net/7429009-Stem-smart-brief-stem-smart-lessons-learned-from-successful-schools.html (accessed 26 February 2019).
  • Talafian, H., Moy, M. K., Woodard, M. A. & Foster, A. N. (2019). STEM identity exploration through an immersive learning environment. Journal for STEM Education Research, 2, 105-127.
  • Tao, Y. (2019). Kindergarten teachers’ attitudes toward and confidence for integrated STEM education. Journal for STEM Education Research, 2, 154-171.
  • Van der Gaag, M. A. E., Albers, C. J. & Kunnen, E.S. (2017). Micro-level mechanisms of identity development: the role of emotional experiences in commitment development. Developmental Psychology, 53(11), 2205-2217.

Herkes İçin Başarı: Erken Çocukluk Dönemi STEM Kimliğini Teşvik Etmek

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 201 - 208, 30.06.2020


Bu makale erken çocukluk eğitimi verilen anasınıfların genel olarak kimlik oluşturma çalışmaları özellikle de erken STEM kimlik gelişimini destekleme yeri olup olamayacağını tartışmaktadır. Eğitimciler ve araştırmacılar, küçük çocukların günlük yaşamlarında erken çocukluk STEM eğitiminin açımlayıcı rolünü desteklemektedir. Bu çalışmada, erken çocukluk, STEM eğitimi ve gelişim psikolojisinin yanı sıra kamu yönetimi ile ilgili geniş bir araştırmayla alanyazından yararlanılarak nitel ve yorumlayıcı bir metodoloji kullanılmıştır. Günümüzde “Sızan STEM boru hattı”nı (metafor) düzeltmeyi amaçlayan araştırma ve müdahaleler ile STEM kimlik gelişimi üzerine teorik araştırmalar ortaokul ve üstü seviyedeki çocuklara odaklanmaktadır. Yine de çocukların STEM eğitimine ve kendilerinin STEM öğreneni olmaya karşı tutumları erken oluşur ve kimlik gelişimi de erken çocuklukta gelişen bir olgudur. Bu çalışma, erken STEM kimlik gelişimini beslemenin bir yolu olarak küçük çocukların STEM eğitimine katılımına odaklanılması gereksinimini öne sürmektedir. Bu makale, erken çocukluk eğitiminde STEM eğitimini genişletilmesi ihtiyacını vurgulamak amacıyla önceki araştırmaları sentezler. Erken STEM akademik kimlik gelişiminin (Sızan STEM boru hattını düzeltmek için ortaokulun çok geç olduğu öngörüsüne dayanarak) kavramsallaştırılmasını önermektedir.


  • Bassok, D., Latham, S. & Rorem, A. (2016). Is kindergarten the new first grade?. AERA Open, available at: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2332858415616358 (accessed 28 December 2019).
  • Beier, M. E. & Rittmayer, A. D. (2008). Literature overview: motivational factors in STEM: interest and self-concept. SWE-AWE-CASEE ARP resources, available at: https://www.engr.psu.edu/AWE/misc/ARPs/ARP_SelfConcept_Overview_122208.pdf (accessed 30 December 2019).
  • Cheryan, S., Master, A. & Meltzoff, A. N. (2015). Cultural stereotypes as gatekeepers: increasing girls’ interest in computer science and engineering by diversifying stereotypes. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1-8.
  • Crespo, M. N., Kraatz, E. & Pallansch, L. (2014). From fearing STEM to playing with it: the natural integration of STEM into the preschool classroom. SRATE Journal, 23(2), 8-16.
  • Davies, B. & Harré, R. (2008). Positioning: the discursive production of selves. Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior, 20, 43-63.
  • DeJarnette, N. K. (2018). Implementing STEAM in the early childhood classroom. European Journal of STEM Education, 3(3), 18. available at: (accessed 14 October 2019). https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1190735.pdf
  • Dunham, N. (2016). Student academic identity and early childhood field-based initial teacher education. AARE Conference 2016, available at: (accessed 14 October 2019). https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED591856.pdf
  • Early Childhood STEM Working Group (2017). Early stem matters, providing high-quality stem experiences for all young learners: a policy report by the early childhood stem working group. Erikson Institute. available at: (accessed 14 October 2019). http://d3lwefg3pyezlb.cloudfront.net/docs/Early_STEM_Matters_FINAL.pdf
  • Erikson, E. H. (1994). Identity: Youth and Crisis. New York: W. W. Norton.
  • Gerde, H. K., Peirce, S. J., Lee, K. & Van Egren, L. A. (2017). Early Childhood educators’ self-efficacy in science, math, and literacy instruction and science practice in the classroom. Early Education and Development, 29(1), 70-90.
  • Hachey, A. C. (2013). The early childhood education mathematics revolution. Early Education and Development, 24(4), 419-430.
  • Hawkins, M. R. (2005). Becoming a student: identity work and academic literacies in early schooling. Tesol Quarterly, 39(1), 59-80.
  • Kaplan, A. & Garner, J. K. (2017). A complex dynamic systems perspective on identity and its development: the dynamic systems model of role identity. Developmental Psychology, 53(11), 2036-2051.
  • Kaplan, A., Sinai, M. & Flum, H. (2014). Design-based Interventions for Promoting Students’ identity exploration with the school curriculum. In S. A. Karabenick & T. C. Urdan (Eds.), Advances in motivation & achievement (Vol. 18, pp. 243–291). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group.
  • Kim, A. Y., Sinatra, G. M. & Seyranian, V. (2018). Developing a STEM identity among young women: a social identity perspective. Review of Educational Research, 20(10), 1-37.
  • Langer-Osuna, J. M. & Nasir, N. S. (2016). Rehumanizing the “other” race, culture, and identity in education research. Review of Research in Education, 40(1), 723-743.
  • Martin, C. L. & Ruble, D. (2004). Children’s search for gender cues: cognitive Perspectives on gender Development. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 13(2), 67-70.
  • Martin-Hansen, L. (2018). Examining ways to meaningfully support students in STEM. International Journal of STEM Education, 5, 53.
  • National Academies Press (2011). Successful K-12 STEM Education: Identifying Effective Approaches in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Washington DC: National Academic Press.
  • Pantoya, M. E., Aguirre-Munoz, Z. & Hunt, E. M. (2015). Developing an engineering identity in early childhood. Journal of Engineering Education, 6(2), 61-68.
  • Phinney, J. S. (1990). Ethnic identity in adolescents and adults: review of research. Psychological Bulletin, 108, 499-514.
  • Porfeli, E. J., Hartung, P. J. & Vondracek, F. W. (2008). Children’s vocational development: a research rationale. The Career Development Quarterly, 57, 25-37.
  • Reveles, J. M., Cordova, R. & Kelly, G. J. (2004). Science literacy and academic identity formation. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 41(10), 1111-1144.
  • Saucerman, J. & Vasquez, K. (2014). Psychological barriers to STEM participation for women over the course of development. Adultspan Journal, 13(1), 46-64.
  • STEM Smart: Lessons Learned from Successful Schools (2013). Nurturing stem skills in young learners, prek–3. stem smart brief-early childhood learning. Washington DC, available at: http://docplayer.net/7429009-Stem-smart-brief-stem-smart-lessons-learned-from-successful-schools.html (accessed 26 February 2019).
  • Talafian, H., Moy, M. K., Woodard, M. A. & Foster, A. N. (2019). STEM identity exploration through an immersive learning environment. Journal for STEM Education Research, 2, 105-127.
  • Tao, Y. (2019). Kindergarten teachers’ attitudes toward and confidence for integrated STEM education. Journal for STEM Education Research, 2, 154-171.
  • Van der Gaag, M. A. E., Albers, C. J. & Kunnen, E.S. (2017). Micro-level mechanisms of identity development: the role of emotional experiences in commitment development. Developmental Psychology, 53(11), 2205-2217.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Çeviri Makale

Alyse C. Hachey Bu kişi benim


Musa Bardak

Şerife Kaplan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Hachey, A. C. (2020). Herkes İçin Başarı: Erken Çocukluk Dönemi STEM Kimliğini Teşvik Etmek (M. Bardak & Ş. Kaplan, çev.). International Journal of Field Education, 6(1), 201-208. https://doi.org/10.32570/ijofe.743776


                         International Journal of Field Educatİon (IJOFE)

                                                      ISSN: 2149-3030