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Sürdürülebilir su ürünleri yetiştiriciliğinde yemlerin çevreye etkisinin azaltılması

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 36 Sayı: 1, 87 - 97, 15.03.2019


Sürdürülebilir yetiştiricilik çevresel, sosyal,
ekonomik ve estetik faktörlerin bütünleşmesi ile meydana gelmektedir.
Yetiştiriciliğin çevreye olan etkisinde beslemenin etkileri yadsınamaz. Çevresel
etkilerin başında sisteme verilen yem ve yemin oluşturduğu besin maddelerinin yükü
gelmektedir. Bu besinlerin yükünü yem içeriğinde bulunan azot ve fosfor
oluşturmaktadır. Azot ve fosforun yetiştiricilik yapılan ortamda normal
değerlerin üzerinde birikmesi ötrofikasyon ve algal patlamalar gibi olaylara
neden olabilmekte ve bu durum yetiştiricilik ortamındaki yaşamı olumsuz
etkileyebilmektedir. Balık yemlerinden kaynaklı çevresel etkilerin azaltılması sürdürülebilir
yetiştiriciliğe önemli katkı sağlamaktadır. Yemden en verimli şekilde
yararlanıp   çevre dostu yem formülasyonların
geliştirilmesi çevreye salınan azot ve fosfor miktarını azalarak yetiştiriciliğin
yem kaynaklı çevresel etkilerini azaltmaya yardımcı olabilir. Yemin daha
verimli kullanılarak sindirilebilirliğinin arttırılması ile ilgili çeşitli
çalışmalar bulunmaktadır. Bu amaca hizmet etmek üzere son yıllarda yemlere
enzim eklenmesinin başarılı olduğu birçok çalışmada görülmüştür. Özellikle fitaz
enzimi ilavesi ile fosfor sindirilebilirliği artmakta suya salınan fosfor
miktarları da düşmektedir. Bu konuda entegre multi trofik akuakültür sistemler,
akuaponik sistemler gibi alternatif üretim formülleri ve izleme sistemlerinin
geliştirilmesi ile bu yükün faydalı bir şekilde kullanılması ve izlenilmesi
sağlanabilir. Bu derlemede sürdürülebilir yetiştiricilikte yemlerin çevresel
etkileri ve bu çevresel etkilerin azaltılması için neler yapılabileceği konusu
ele alınmaktadır.


  • KaynaklarAbdou, K., Aubin, J., Romdhane, M.S., Loch, F., Lasram, F.B.R. (2017). Enviromental assessment of seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and seabream (Sparus aurata) farming from a life cycle perspective: A case study of a Tunisian aquaculture farm. Aquaculture, 471, 204-212. DOİ:
  • Alston, D.E., Cabarcas, A., Capella, J., Benetti., D.D., Keene- Meltzoff, S., Bonilla, J., Cortes, R. (2005) Environmental and social impacts of sustainable offshore cage culture production in Puerto Rican waters. Final report to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Contract NA16RG1611.
  • Amos, K. H. A,. Appleby, J., Thomas, and Seiler, D. (2001). Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) in the Pacific Northwest: assessing the risk of impact on wild Pacific salmon. Pages 193–201 in C. J. Rodgers, editor. Proceedings of an international conference on risk analysis in aquatic animal health. World Organization for Animal Health, Paris.
  • Ayhan, V. ve Diler, İ. (2008). Enzyme supplementation to soybean based Diet in Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus aurata): Effects on Growth Parameters and Nitrogen and Phosphorus, Excretion. The Journal of The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Kafkas. 14(2), 161-168.
  • Barnes, M.E, Brown, M.L., Rosentrater, K.A. (2012). Juvenile rainbow trout responses to diets containing distillers dried grain withsolubles, phytase, and amino acid supplements. Open Journal of Animal Sciences. 2(2), 69-77. DOI: 10.4236/ojas.2012.22011
  • Belle, S.M., Nash, C.E. (2008). Better management practices fornet-pen aquaculture. In: Tucker CS, Hargreaves JA (eds) Environmental best management practices for aquaculture. Blackwell Publishing, Ames, IA, p 261−330.
  • Beveridge, M. (2004). Cage aquaculture. Blackwell Publishing,Oxford
  • Biswas, A.K., Kaku, H., Ji, S.C., Seoka, M. ve Takii, K. (2007). Use of Soybean Meal and Phytase for Partial Replacement of Fish Meal in theDiet of Red Sea Bream, Pagrus major. Aquaculture. 267, 284-291. Doi: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2007.01.014
  • Bouwman, L., Beusen, A., Glibert, P.M., Overbeek, C. (2013). Mariculture: significant and expanding cause of coastal nutrient enrichment. Environ Res Lett. 8: 044026
  • Boyd, C.E. (2003). Guidelines for aquaculture effluent management at the farm-level. Aquaculture. 226, 101–112. Doi: 10.1016/S0044-8486(03)00471-X
  • Breaten, B.R. (2007). Cage aquaculture and enviromental impacts. Aquacultural engineering and enviroment. 49-91
  • Bureau, D.P., Gunther, S.J., and Cho, C.Y. (2003). Chemical composition and preliminary theoretical estimates of waste outputs of rainbow trout reared in commercial cage culture operations in Ontario. North American Journal of Aquaculture. 65, 33–38. Doi: 10.1577/1548-8454(2003)065<0033:CCAPTE>2.0.CO;2
  • Cao, L., Wang, W., Yang, Y., Yang, C., Yuan, C., Xiong, Z., Diana, J. (2007). Enviromental Impact of aquaculture and countermeasures to aquaculture pollution in China. Env Sci Pollut, Res. 14(7), 452-462. DOI:
  • Cho, C.Y,, Bureau, D.P. (2001). A review of diet formulation strategies and feeding systems to reduce excretory and feed wastes in aquaculture. Aquaculture Research 32 (1), 349–360. Doi: 10.1046/j.1355-557x.2001.00027.x
  • Cole, R. (2002). Impacts of marine farming on wild fish populations. Final Research Report for Ministry of Fisheries Research Project ENV2000/08, Objective One. National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research. Auckland.
  • Cranford, P., Reid, G., Robinson, S. (2013). Open water integrated multi-trophic aquaculture: constraints on the effectiveness of mussels as an organic extractive component. Aquacult Env Interac. 4, 163-173. Doi: 10.3354/aei00081
  • Çantaş, İ.B., Yıldırım, Ö. (2015). Farklı Oranlarda Aspir Küspesi ve Mikrobiyal Fitaz Eklenen Yemlerin Gökkuşağı Alabalığı Balıklarının Büyüme Performansı Üzerine Etkileri. 18. Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu
  • De Silva, S.S., Ingram, B.A., Nguyen, P.T., Bui, M.T., Gooley, G.J., Turchini. G.M. (2010). Estimation of nitrogen and phosphorus in effluent from the striped catfish farming sector in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. AMBIO. 39, 504-514
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  • Diler, İ., Sevgılı. H., Arabacı, M., Emre, Y. (2012) Soya İçerikli Gökkuşağı Alabalığı (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Yemlerine İlave Edilen Enzimlerin Büyüme Performansı, Sindirilebilirlik ve Azot-Fosfora İlişkin Çevresel Etkilerinin Belirlenmesi. Ekoloji. 85, 89-97.
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  • Gooley, G.J., De Silva, S.S., Ingram, B.A., McKinnon, L.J., Gavine, F.M. and Dalton. W. (2001). Cage culture of finfish in Australian lakes and reservoirs—A pilot scale case study of biological, environmental and economic viability. In Reservoir and culture-based fisheries; biology and management. Proceedings of the international workshop held in Bangkok, Thailand from 15–18 February 2000.
  • Guo, L. and Li, Z. (2003). Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus from fish cage-culture on the communities of a shallow lake in middle Yangtze River basin of China. Aquaculture. 226, 201–212. Doi:10.1016/S0044-8486(03)00478-2
  • Guo, L., Li, Z., Xie, P. and Ni. L. (2009). Assessment effects of cage culture on nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics in relation to fallowing in a shallow lake in China. Aquaculture International. 17, 229–241. DOI:
  • Hargrave, B.T. (2003). Far-field environmental effects of marine finfish aquaculture. Can Tech Rep Fish Aquat Sci. 2450, Vol 1. DFO, Ottawa.
  • Harrison, W.G., Perry, T., Li, W.K.W. (2005). Ecosystem indicators of water quality, Part I. Plankton biomass, primary production and nutrient demand. In: Hargrave BT (ed) Environmental effects of marine finfish aquaculture. Handbook of environmental chemistry. Vol 5M. Springer- Verlag, Berlin, p 59−82
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Reducing the impact of feeds on the environment in sustainable aquaculture

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 36 Sayı: 1, 87 - 97, 15.03.2019


Sustainable aquaculture consists of environmental, social, economic and aesthetic factors. The most important environmental impacts are the feed given to the system, and the nutrient load arising from the feed and undeniable impact of aquculture. This nutrient load consists of nitrogen and phosphorus, which are basically found in feeds. Nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation in the system can cause events such as eutrophication and algal blooms in the environment and this may be negatively affecting the life in the environment. Sustainable aquaculture can be achieved by reducing the environmental impacts arising from the feeding. The environmental impacts of the aquaculture arising from the feeding can be reduced by using the feed in the most efficient way and by reducing the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus release to the environment together with the development of environmentally friendly feed formulations. Many studies have shown that the addition of enzymes to feeds has been successful for more efficient use of the feeds and increasing digestibility. Especially thanks to the addition of phytase enzyme, the phosphorus digestibility increases and the amount of phosphorus released into the water decreases. In addition, this load arising from the feed can be advantageously used and monitored with alternative production formulas for example, with integrated multi-trophic aquaculture systems and aquaponic systems. In this compilation, environmental effects of the feeds in sustainable aquaculture and what can be done to reduce these environmental effects are discussed.


  • KaynaklarAbdou, K., Aubin, J., Romdhane, M.S., Loch, F., Lasram, F.B.R. (2017). Enviromental assessment of seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and seabream (Sparus aurata) farming from a life cycle perspective: A case study of a Tunisian aquaculture farm. Aquaculture, 471, 204-212. DOİ:
  • Alston, D.E., Cabarcas, A., Capella, J., Benetti., D.D., Keene- Meltzoff, S., Bonilla, J., Cortes, R. (2005) Environmental and social impacts of sustainable offshore cage culture production in Puerto Rican waters. Final report to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Contract NA16RG1611.
  • Amos, K. H. A,. Appleby, J., Thomas, and Seiler, D. (2001). Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) in the Pacific Northwest: assessing the risk of impact on wild Pacific salmon. Pages 193–201 in C. J. Rodgers, editor. Proceedings of an international conference on risk analysis in aquatic animal health. World Organization for Animal Health, Paris.
  • Ayhan, V. ve Diler, İ. (2008). Enzyme supplementation to soybean based Diet in Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus aurata): Effects on Growth Parameters and Nitrogen and Phosphorus, Excretion. The Journal of The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Kafkas. 14(2), 161-168.
  • Barnes, M.E, Brown, M.L., Rosentrater, K.A. (2012). Juvenile rainbow trout responses to diets containing distillers dried grain withsolubles, phytase, and amino acid supplements. Open Journal of Animal Sciences. 2(2), 69-77. DOI: 10.4236/ojas.2012.22011
  • Belle, S.M., Nash, C.E. (2008). Better management practices fornet-pen aquaculture. In: Tucker CS, Hargreaves JA (eds) Environmental best management practices for aquaculture. Blackwell Publishing, Ames, IA, p 261−330.
  • Beveridge, M. (2004). Cage aquaculture. Blackwell Publishing,Oxford
  • Biswas, A.K., Kaku, H., Ji, S.C., Seoka, M. ve Takii, K. (2007). Use of Soybean Meal and Phytase for Partial Replacement of Fish Meal in theDiet of Red Sea Bream, Pagrus major. Aquaculture. 267, 284-291. Doi: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2007.01.014
  • Bouwman, L., Beusen, A., Glibert, P.M., Overbeek, C. (2013). Mariculture: significant and expanding cause of coastal nutrient enrichment. Environ Res Lett. 8: 044026
  • Boyd, C.E. (2003). Guidelines for aquaculture effluent management at the farm-level. Aquaculture. 226, 101–112. Doi: 10.1016/S0044-8486(03)00471-X
  • Breaten, B.R. (2007). Cage aquaculture and enviromental impacts. Aquacultural engineering and enviroment. 49-91
  • Bureau, D.P., Gunther, S.J., and Cho, C.Y. (2003). Chemical composition and preliminary theoretical estimates of waste outputs of rainbow trout reared in commercial cage culture operations in Ontario. North American Journal of Aquaculture. 65, 33–38. Doi: 10.1577/1548-8454(2003)065<0033:CCAPTE>2.0.CO;2
  • Cao, L., Wang, W., Yang, Y., Yang, C., Yuan, C., Xiong, Z., Diana, J. (2007). Enviromental Impact of aquaculture and countermeasures to aquaculture pollution in China. Env Sci Pollut, Res. 14(7), 452-462. DOI:
  • Cho, C.Y,, Bureau, D.P. (2001). A review of diet formulation strategies and feeding systems to reduce excretory and feed wastes in aquaculture. Aquaculture Research 32 (1), 349–360. Doi: 10.1046/j.1355-557x.2001.00027.x
  • Cole, R. (2002). Impacts of marine farming on wild fish populations. Final Research Report for Ministry of Fisheries Research Project ENV2000/08, Objective One. National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research. Auckland.
  • Cranford, P., Reid, G., Robinson, S. (2013). Open water integrated multi-trophic aquaculture: constraints on the effectiveness of mussels as an organic extractive component. Aquacult Env Interac. 4, 163-173. Doi: 10.3354/aei00081
  • Çantaş, İ.B., Yıldırım, Ö. (2015). Farklı Oranlarda Aspir Küspesi ve Mikrobiyal Fitaz Eklenen Yemlerin Gökkuşağı Alabalığı Balıklarının Büyüme Performansı Üzerine Etkileri. 18. Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu
  • De Silva, S.S., Ingram, B.A., Nguyen, P.T., Bui, M.T., Gooley, G.J., Turchini. G.M. (2010). Estimation of nitrogen and phosphorus in effluent from the striped catfish farming sector in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. AMBIO. 39, 504-514
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Toplam 81 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Derleme

İsmail Berat Çantaş 0000-0002-2074-4985

Önder Yıldırım 0000-0003-2591-0310

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Mart 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Temmuz 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019Cilt: 36 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Çantaş, İ. B., & Yıldırım, Ö. (2019). Sürdürülebilir su ürünleri yetiştiriciliğinde yemlerin çevreye etkisinin azaltılması. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 36(1), 87-97.