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Yumurta tavuklarında bazı biyokimyasal kan parametrelerinin GSH, Hb ve Tf Tipleri ve Mn tayin edilmesi ve yumurta verimi üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması

Year 2001, Volume: 7 Issue: 1-2, 131 - 138, 01.06.2001


Bu çalışma, hibrit yumurta tavuklarında, bazı biyokimyasal parametrelerin GSH, Hb ve Tf, Manganez tayini ve yumurta veriminde etkili olup olmadığının araştırılması amacıyla yapıldı. Shower hibrit ırkı tavuklar materyal olarak kullanıldı. GSH, tüm kanda, Tf tipleri ve Mn kan plazmasında ve Hb tipleri kan hemolizatında tayin edildi. Çalışma. 16- 30. haftalar arası devam ettirildi. 16, 18, 20. 22, 24, 26, 28 ve 30. haftalarda GSH konsantrasyonları sırasıyla 70.703± 1.997, 63.13711.448, 71.85812.292, 72.43512.210, 70.03611.664, 57.92711.284, 65.26911.008, 57.26310.832 mg/100 mİ olarak, Mn konsantrasyonları ise 4.8410.568, 5.24110.529, 5.90410.764, 6.31710.347, 7.10810.755, 7.24410.582, 7.25010.513 ve 7.51610.531 pg/100 mİ olarak saptandı. GSH konsantrasyonları yumurtlama öncesi periyotta, yumurtlama periyoduna göre yüksek p


  • Murray RK, Gıanner DK, Mayes PA, Rodwell VW: Harpeı'in Biyokimyası. Çev. G.Menteş, B.Ersöz, Barış Kitabevi, îstanbu, (1993).
  • Singer S: Human Genetics. An Introduction to the principles of heredity. 2nd Ed., W.H. Freeman Company, New York, (1985).
  • Meister A, Anderson M.E: Glutathione. Ann Rev Biochem 52: 711-760, (1983).
  • Stryer L: Biochemisty, 3rdThird Ed., W.H.Freeman Company, New York, (1988).
  • Spurlock ME, Savage JE: Antioxidant activity of japanese quail liver cytosol in the absence and presence of reduced glutathione. Poult Sci 71: 928-931, (1992).
  • Cho ES, Jhonson N, Snider BCF: Tissue glutathione as a cyst(e)ine reservoir duıing cysteine depletion in growing rats. J Nutr 14:1853-1862, (1984).
  • States B, Foreman JW, Segal S: Cysteine and glutathione levels in developing rat kidney and liver. Pedaitr Res 22: 605-608, (1987).
  • Lee J, Harris PM, Sinclair BR, Treloar BP: Whole body metabolism of cystein an glutathione and tlıeir utilization ın the skin of romney sheep: consequences for wool growth. J Agıicul Sci 21:111-124, (1993).
  • Enkvetchakul B, Bottje W, Anthony N, Moore R: Compromised antioxidant status associated with ascites in broilers. Poult Sci 72:2272-2280, (1993).
  • Pocius PA, Clark JH, Baumrucker CR: Glutathione in bovine blood: possible source of amino acids for milk protein synthesis. J Dairy Sci 64:1551-1554, (1981).
  • Best EE: Blood glutathione of the domestic fowl. Ph D Dis Univ Sydney,Australia, (1966).
  • Atroshi F: Phenotypic and genetic association between traits production/ıeproduction polymoıphic characters in finnsheep. Thesis, Faculty of Agriculture, Univ. Helsinki, Finland, (1979). and blood biochemical
  • Jain AK, Joshi SC, Rawat JS, Pandey MD: Blood glutathione polymorphism and ıts relationship with certain economic traits in poultry. Vet Bul 049-1026, (1979).
  • Tucker EM, Kilgour L: The effect of anaemia on sheep with ınherited differences in red celi reduced glutathione (GSH) concentrations. Res Vet Sci 4: 306-311, (1973).
  • Rizzi R, Caroli A, Bolla P, Acciaioli A, Pagnacco G: Variability of reduced glutathione levels in massese ewes and its effect on daily milk production. J Dairy Res 55:345-353, (1988).
  • Zanotti-Casatti M, Rizzi R, Pagnacco G, Luzi F, Rognoni M: Marker genes and their association with production and reproduction in "Delle Langhe" sheep. J Anim Breed Genet 07: 96-103,(1990).
  • Yaman K, Çamaş H, Erdinç H, Gökçen H, Başpmar H: Merinos erkek kuzularda bazı kan parametreleri (transferrin, hemoglobin, glutatyon, testesteron) ile besi performansı arasındaki ilişki üzerinde araştırmalar. III. Glutathione (GSH) düzeyi ile canlı ağırlık artışı arasındaki ilişki. U Ü Vet Fak Derg 5-6(l-2-3): 67- 71,(1987).
  • Williams WJ, Beutler E, Erslev AJ, Lichtman MA: Hematology, 3rd Ed, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, (1983).
  • Friedman JM: Structure, dynamics, and reactivity in hemoglobin. Science 228: 1273-1280, (1985).
  • Ghosh SK, Dattagupta R, Misıa SK, Chaudhury G, Sahoo AK: Haemoglobin polymorphism and its relationship to economic traits in japonese quails (Cotumix cotumix japonica). Exp Genet 8( 1-2): 15-19, (1992).
  • Rahman MF, Kalam MA: Association of transferrin types with weight gain in cattle. Indian Vet J 63: 1001-1003,(1986).
  • Washbum KW: Effects of age of bird and hemoglobin type on the concentration of adult hemoglobin components of the domestic fowl. Poult Sci 47:1083-1089, (1968).
  • Mazumder NK, Mazumder A: Haemoglobin polymorphisms in chicken, quails and guineafovvls. Indian J Anim Sci 59(11): 1425-1428,(1989).
  • Mazumder NK, Mazumder A, Arora U: Evaluation of relative haemoglobin concentration of different haemoglobin components in different avian species. Indian J Anim Sci 60(5); 538-540, (1990).
  • Pal SK, Singh H: Pre and post-embrynonic haemoglobin variations in guinefovvl. Indian J Anim Sci 64(2): 153-165, (1994).
  • Washbum KW: Hemoglobin types in various population of chickens. Poult Sci 55: 436-438, (1976).
  • Bushman HB, Schmid DO: Serumgruppen Bei Tieren, Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin, (1968):
  • Stratil A: Trasferrin and albumin loci in chickens, Gallus gallus L. Comp Biochem Physiol 24:113-121, (1968).
  • Guangchao C, Devang Z, Licheng W, Zhanxiong D, Li W, Ting Z, Kunfan L, Xiaohui Z: Analysis of blood-gıoup and plasma protein polymorphism in eleven chinese native fowl breeds. Chinese J Genet 18(4): 267-272, (1990).
  • Han SK, Shin YC, Park YS: Studies on biochemical polymorphisms of korean ıing-necked pheasants. Korean J Anim Sci 36(2): 138-143, (1994).
  • Singh RV, Srivastava SK, Chaudhaıy RP, Singh V Transferrin polymorhism and its association with economic traits in white leghom. Anim Bred Abs 054-02505, (1986).
  • Parmar SNS, Katpatal BG: Relationship of transferrin polymorhpism with economic characters in dwarf broiler birds. Indian Vet J 69; 614-618, (1992).
  • Constantini F, Panella F: P Globulins and productivity in chicken. Rivista Di Avicoltuıa 3: 61-63, (1989).
  • Thiagarajan R. GovindaRao R: Interrelationship of 2,3- diphosphoglycerate, glutathione and haemoglobin types in Madras red sheep. Indian Vet J 70:653-656, (1993).
  • Underwood EJ: Trace Elements in Human and Animal Nutrition. 4lh Ed, Academic Press, New York, London, (1977).
  • Özkan K. Bulgurlu Ş: Kümes Hayvanlarının Beslenmesi, Ege Üniv Yay No:264 İzmir, (1988).
  • Fıidovich I: Superoxide dismutases. Advan Enzymol 58: 61-97, (1986).
  • Klimis-Tavantzis DJ, Kris-Etherton PM, Leach R.M: The effect of dietary manganese deficiency on cholesterol and lipid metabolism in the estrogen-treated chicken and the laying hen. J Nutr 13: 320-327, (1983).
  • Saly J, Fıied K, Jantosovic J, Kusev J, Benhatchi M: The effect of manganese on egg shell quality. Folia Veterinaria 29(1-2): 91-99, (1985).
  • Deckert Von W, Georgi K, Grünert G, Beıger A: Results fıom haematological and biochemical studies in to laying hen-a contribution to the determinaiton of physiological thresholds. Mh Vet Med 39: 5 16-520, (1984).
  • Nowakowski Z. Contents of minerals in bone morrow in relation to age and species of animals. Medycyna Weterynaryjna 45(5): 92-295, (1989).
  • Beutler E, Duıon O, Kelly BM: Impıoved method for the deteımination of blood glutathione. J Lab Clin Med 61(5): 882- 888,(1963).
  • Anonim: Atlarda kan grubu tayini. T.S.E. VDK, 616, 15-078, TS 8833, Ankara, (1991).
  • Poulik MD: Starch gel electıophoresis in a discontinuous system of buffers. Natuıe 80: 1477-1479, (1957).
  • Çamaş H, Bildik A, Giılser F: Toprak, bitki ve boyunların kanında bazı iz elementlerle (Cu, Mo, Zn, Co. Mn) sülfat (SO4) miktarlarının araştırılması, TÜBİTAK Proje No. VHAG-966, (1994).
  • Anonim: Atomic Absrobstion Spectrometry. John Edward Cantle-Elsewier Scientific Publising Company. Amsteıdam, Oxford, New York, (1982).
  • Enkvetchakul B, Anthony NB. Bottje WG: Liver and blood glutathione in male bıoiler chickens, tuıkeys and quail. Poult Sci 74: 885-889.(1995).
  • Bell DJ, Freeman BM: Physiology and Biochemistry of the domestric fowl. Vol:3, Academic Press London, NevvYok, (1971).
  • Mezes M, Lencses G: Changes in vitamin E. and lipid peroxide status in the lying hen during egg shell formation. Açta Vet Hung 33(1-2): 33-39, (1985). "
  • Novak Z, Varga SI, Pataki L, Matkovics B: Simple method for the measurement of antioxidants. Clin Chim Açta 194:115-120, (1990).
  • Charkey ÇW, Hougham DF, Kano AK: Relationship of blood and liver levels of glutathione to early growth of chicks. Poult Sci 44:186-192, (1965).
  • Liu ACH, Heinrich BS, Leach RM Jr: Influence of manganese deficiency on the characteristics of proteoglycans of avian epiphyseal growth plate cartilage. Poult Sci 73: 663-669, (1994).
  • Szymkiewicz MM, Niemiec J, Stepinska M: Deteımination of the relationship between the contents of Mg, Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn in blood and feathers of rhode ısland red hens and the results of hatchability. Ann Waısaw Agricul üniv SGGW AR Anim Sci 25; 8-14,(1990).
  • Sefton AE, Squires EJ: Mineral levels of turkey poults and eggs from different periods of lay. Poult Sci 74(Sup 1): 396, (1995).
  • Wilson JX. Lui EMK, Del Maestro MF: Developmental profıles of antioxidant enzymes and trace metals in chick emryo. Mech Age Develop 65:51 -64, (1992).

Determination some biochemical parameters GSH, Hb And Tf Types And Mn in laying hens and study its efects on egg production

Year 2001, Volume: 7 Issue: 1-2, 131 - 138, 01.06.2001


This study has been done in order to determination some important biochemical parameters GSH, Hb and Tf, Manganese in hybrid laying hens and whether these are effective on egg production. It has been determinated GSH in whole blood, Tf types and Mn in blood plasma and Hb types in blood hemolysate. The study were maintained between 16-30. weeks old. At 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28 and 30. week, GSH concentrations were found 70.70311.997, 63.1371 1.448, 71.85812.292, 72.43512.210, 70.03611.664, 57.92711.284, 65.26911.008, 57.26310.832 mg/100 mİ and, Mn concentrations are 4.8410.568, 5.24110.529, 5.90410.764, 6.31710.347, 7.10810.755, 7.24410.582, 7.25010.513 ve 7.51610.531 /rg/100 mİ respectively. GSH concentrations were found higher p


  • Murray RK, Gıanner DK, Mayes PA, Rodwell VW: Harpeı'in Biyokimyası. Çev. G.Menteş, B.Ersöz, Barış Kitabevi, îstanbu, (1993).
  • Singer S: Human Genetics. An Introduction to the principles of heredity. 2nd Ed., W.H. Freeman Company, New York, (1985).
  • Meister A, Anderson M.E: Glutathione. Ann Rev Biochem 52: 711-760, (1983).
  • Stryer L: Biochemisty, 3rdThird Ed., W.H.Freeman Company, New York, (1988).
  • Spurlock ME, Savage JE: Antioxidant activity of japanese quail liver cytosol in the absence and presence of reduced glutathione. Poult Sci 71: 928-931, (1992).
  • Cho ES, Jhonson N, Snider BCF: Tissue glutathione as a cyst(e)ine reservoir duıing cysteine depletion in growing rats. J Nutr 14:1853-1862, (1984).
  • States B, Foreman JW, Segal S: Cysteine and glutathione levels in developing rat kidney and liver. Pedaitr Res 22: 605-608, (1987).
  • Lee J, Harris PM, Sinclair BR, Treloar BP: Whole body metabolism of cystein an glutathione and tlıeir utilization ın the skin of romney sheep: consequences for wool growth. J Agıicul Sci 21:111-124, (1993).
  • Enkvetchakul B, Bottje W, Anthony N, Moore R: Compromised antioxidant status associated with ascites in broilers. Poult Sci 72:2272-2280, (1993).
  • Pocius PA, Clark JH, Baumrucker CR: Glutathione in bovine blood: possible source of amino acids for milk protein synthesis. J Dairy Sci 64:1551-1554, (1981).
  • Best EE: Blood glutathione of the domestic fowl. Ph D Dis Univ Sydney,Australia, (1966).
  • Atroshi F: Phenotypic and genetic association between traits production/ıeproduction polymoıphic characters in finnsheep. Thesis, Faculty of Agriculture, Univ. Helsinki, Finland, (1979). and blood biochemical
  • Jain AK, Joshi SC, Rawat JS, Pandey MD: Blood glutathione polymorphism and ıts relationship with certain economic traits in poultry. Vet Bul 049-1026, (1979).
  • Tucker EM, Kilgour L: The effect of anaemia on sheep with ınherited differences in red celi reduced glutathione (GSH) concentrations. Res Vet Sci 4: 306-311, (1973).
  • Rizzi R, Caroli A, Bolla P, Acciaioli A, Pagnacco G: Variability of reduced glutathione levels in massese ewes and its effect on daily milk production. J Dairy Res 55:345-353, (1988).
  • Zanotti-Casatti M, Rizzi R, Pagnacco G, Luzi F, Rognoni M: Marker genes and their association with production and reproduction in "Delle Langhe" sheep. J Anim Breed Genet 07: 96-103,(1990).
  • Yaman K, Çamaş H, Erdinç H, Gökçen H, Başpmar H: Merinos erkek kuzularda bazı kan parametreleri (transferrin, hemoglobin, glutatyon, testesteron) ile besi performansı arasındaki ilişki üzerinde araştırmalar. III. Glutathione (GSH) düzeyi ile canlı ağırlık artışı arasındaki ilişki. U Ü Vet Fak Derg 5-6(l-2-3): 67- 71,(1987).
  • Williams WJ, Beutler E, Erslev AJ, Lichtman MA: Hematology, 3rd Ed, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, (1983).
  • Friedman JM: Structure, dynamics, and reactivity in hemoglobin. Science 228: 1273-1280, (1985).
  • Ghosh SK, Dattagupta R, Misıa SK, Chaudhury G, Sahoo AK: Haemoglobin polymorphism and its relationship to economic traits in japonese quails (Cotumix cotumix japonica). Exp Genet 8( 1-2): 15-19, (1992).
  • Rahman MF, Kalam MA: Association of transferrin types with weight gain in cattle. Indian Vet J 63: 1001-1003,(1986).
  • Washbum KW: Effects of age of bird and hemoglobin type on the concentration of adult hemoglobin components of the domestic fowl. Poult Sci 47:1083-1089, (1968).
  • Mazumder NK, Mazumder A: Haemoglobin polymorphisms in chicken, quails and guineafovvls. Indian J Anim Sci 59(11): 1425-1428,(1989).
  • Mazumder NK, Mazumder A, Arora U: Evaluation of relative haemoglobin concentration of different haemoglobin components in different avian species. Indian J Anim Sci 60(5); 538-540, (1990).
  • Pal SK, Singh H: Pre and post-embrynonic haemoglobin variations in guinefovvl. Indian J Anim Sci 64(2): 153-165, (1994).
  • Washbum KW: Hemoglobin types in various population of chickens. Poult Sci 55: 436-438, (1976).
  • Bushman HB, Schmid DO: Serumgruppen Bei Tieren, Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin, (1968):
  • Stratil A: Trasferrin and albumin loci in chickens, Gallus gallus L. Comp Biochem Physiol 24:113-121, (1968).
  • Guangchao C, Devang Z, Licheng W, Zhanxiong D, Li W, Ting Z, Kunfan L, Xiaohui Z: Analysis of blood-gıoup and plasma protein polymorphism in eleven chinese native fowl breeds. Chinese J Genet 18(4): 267-272, (1990).
  • Han SK, Shin YC, Park YS: Studies on biochemical polymorphisms of korean ıing-necked pheasants. Korean J Anim Sci 36(2): 138-143, (1994).
  • Singh RV, Srivastava SK, Chaudhaıy RP, Singh V Transferrin polymorhism and its association with economic traits in white leghom. Anim Bred Abs 054-02505, (1986).
  • Parmar SNS, Katpatal BG: Relationship of transferrin polymorhpism with economic characters in dwarf broiler birds. Indian Vet J 69; 614-618, (1992).
  • Constantini F, Panella F: P Globulins and productivity in chicken. Rivista Di Avicoltuıa 3: 61-63, (1989).
  • Thiagarajan R. GovindaRao R: Interrelationship of 2,3- diphosphoglycerate, glutathione and haemoglobin types in Madras red sheep. Indian Vet J 70:653-656, (1993).
  • Underwood EJ: Trace Elements in Human and Animal Nutrition. 4lh Ed, Academic Press, New York, London, (1977).
  • Özkan K. Bulgurlu Ş: Kümes Hayvanlarının Beslenmesi, Ege Üniv Yay No:264 İzmir, (1988).
  • Fıidovich I: Superoxide dismutases. Advan Enzymol 58: 61-97, (1986).
  • Klimis-Tavantzis DJ, Kris-Etherton PM, Leach R.M: The effect of dietary manganese deficiency on cholesterol and lipid metabolism in the estrogen-treated chicken and the laying hen. J Nutr 13: 320-327, (1983).
  • Saly J, Fıied K, Jantosovic J, Kusev J, Benhatchi M: The effect of manganese on egg shell quality. Folia Veterinaria 29(1-2): 91-99, (1985).
  • Deckert Von W, Georgi K, Grünert G, Beıger A: Results fıom haematological and biochemical studies in to laying hen-a contribution to the determinaiton of physiological thresholds. Mh Vet Med 39: 5 16-520, (1984).
  • Nowakowski Z. Contents of minerals in bone morrow in relation to age and species of animals. Medycyna Weterynaryjna 45(5): 92-295, (1989).
  • Beutler E, Duıon O, Kelly BM: Impıoved method for the deteımination of blood glutathione. J Lab Clin Med 61(5): 882- 888,(1963).
  • Anonim: Atlarda kan grubu tayini. T.S.E. VDK, 616, 15-078, TS 8833, Ankara, (1991).
  • Poulik MD: Starch gel electıophoresis in a discontinuous system of buffers. Natuıe 80: 1477-1479, (1957).
  • Çamaş H, Bildik A, Giılser F: Toprak, bitki ve boyunların kanında bazı iz elementlerle (Cu, Mo, Zn, Co. Mn) sülfat (SO4) miktarlarının araştırılması, TÜBİTAK Proje No. VHAG-966, (1994).
  • Anonim: Atomic Absrobstion Spectrometry. John Edward Cantle-Elsewier Scientific Publising Company. Amsteıdam, Oxford, New York, (1982).
  • Enkvetchakul B, Anthony NB. Bottje WG: Liver and blood glutathione in male bıoiler chickens, tuıkeys and quail. Poult Sci 74: 885-889.(1995).
  • Bell DJ, Freeman BM: Physiology and Biochemistry of the domestric fowl. Vol:3, Academic Press London, NevvYok, (1971).
  • Mezes M, Lencses G: Changes in vitamin E. and lipid peroxide status in the lying hen during egg shell formation. Açta Vet Hung 33(1-2): 33-39, (1985). "
  • Novak Z, Varga SI, Pataki L, Matkovics B: Simple method for the measurement of antioxidants. Clin Chim Açta 194:115-120, (1990).
  • Charkey ÇW, Hougham DF, Kano AK: Relationship of blood and liver levels of glutathione to early growth of chicks. Poult Sci 44:186-192, (1965).
  • Liu ACH, Heinrich BS, Leach RM Jr: Influence of manganese deficiency on the characteristics of proteoglycans of avian epiphyseal growth plate cartilage. Poult Sci 73: 663-669, (1994).
  • Szymkiewicz MM, Niemiec J, Stepinska M: Deteımination of the relationship between the contents of Mg, Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn in blood and feathers of rhode ısland red hens and the results of hatchability. Ann Waısaw Agricul üniv SGGW AR Anim Sci 25; 8-14,(1990).
  • Sefton AE, Squires EJ: Mineral levels of turkey poults and eggs from different periods of lay. Poult Sci 74(Sup 1): 396, (1995).
  • Wilson JX. Lui EMK, Del Maestro MF: Developmental profıles of antioxidant enzymes and trace metals in chick emryo. Mech Age Develop 65:51 -64, (1992).
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Semiha Dede

Hayati Çamaş This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2001
Published in Issue Year 2001 Volume: 7 Issue: 1-2


APA Dede, S., & Çamaş, H. (2001). Yumurta tavuklarında bazı biyokimyasal kan parametrelerinin GSH, Hb ve Tf Tipleri ve Mn tayin edilmesi ve yumurta verimi üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(1-2), 131-138.
AMA Dede S, Çamaş H. Yumurta tavuklarında bazı biyokimyasal kan parametrelerinin GSH, Hb ve Tf Tipleri ve Mn tayin edilmesi ve yumurta verimi üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. June 2001;7(1-2):131-138.
Chicago Dede, Semiha, and Hayati Çamaş. “Yumurta tavuklarında Bazı Biyokimyasal Kan Parametrelerinin GSH, Hb Ve Tf Tipleri Ve Mn Tayin Edilmesi Ve Yumurta Verimi üzerine Etkilerinin araştırılması”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 7, no. 1-2 (June 2001): 131-38.
EndNote Dede S, Çamaş H (June 1, 2001) Yumurta tavuklarında bazı biyokimyasal kan parametrelerinin GSH, Hb ve Tf Tipleri ve Mn tayin edilmesi ve yumurta verimi üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 7 1-2 131–138.
IEEE S. Dede and H. Çamaş, “Yumurta tavuklarında bazı biyokimyasal kan parametrelerinin GSH, Hb ve Tf Tipleri ve Mn tayin edilmesi ve yumurta verimi üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması”, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 1-2, pp. 131–138, 2001.
ISNAD Dede, Semiha - Çamaş, Hayati. “Yumurta tavuklarında Bazı Biyokimyasal Kan Parametrelerinin GSH, Hb Ve Tf Tipleri Ve Mn Tayin Edilmesi Ve Yumurta Verimi üzerine Etkilerinin araştırılması”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 7/1-2 (June 2001), 131-138.
JAMA Dede S, Çamaş H. Yumurta tavuklarında bazı biyokimyasal kan parametrelerinin GSH, Hb ve Tf Tipleri ve Mn tayin edilmesi ve yumurta verimi üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2001;7:131–138.
MLA Dede, Semiha and Hayati Çamaş. “Yumurta tavuklarında Bazı Biyokimyasal Kan Parametrelerinin GSH, Hb Ve Tf Tipleri Ve Mn Tayin Edilmesi Ve Yumurta Verimi üzerine Etkilerinin araştırılması”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 1-2, 2001, pp. 131-8.
Vancouver Dede S, Çamaş H. Yumurta tavuklarında bazı biyokimyasal kan parametrelerinin GSH, Hb ve Tf Tipleri ve Mn tayin edilmesi ve yumurta verimi üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2001;7(1-2):131-8.