Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 24 Issue: 1, 30 - 35, 03.01.2023


AMAÇ: İç kulak yolu olarak da bilinen meatus acusticus internus (MAI), iç kulağı fossa cranii posterior’a bağlayan bir kemik kanaldır. Ortalama uzunluğu yaklaşık 1 cm'dir. MAI'nin kenarına porus acusticus internus (PAI) denir ve bu açıklığın kenarı künt ve yuvarlaktır. Nervus (n) facialis, n. vestibulocohlearis, arteria ve vena labirinti gibi önemli oluşumlar MAI’nin içinden geçer. Ayrıca MAI, temporal lob üzerindeki cerrahi müdahalelerde morfometrinin doğru belirlenmesinde hayati önem taşımaktadır. Bu nedenle bu çalışmada MAI'nin morfometrisinin ve hacminin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.
GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Çalışma, 10-90 yaş arası normal popülasyondan rastgele 210 kişinin BT görüntüleri üzerinde gerçekleştirildi. MAI'nin morfometrik ölçümleri (lateral açı (LA), anteroposterior (AP) kanal uzunluğu, PAI çapı, PAI'den aquaductus vestibularis’e kadar olan mesafe (AV)) yapıldı. Ayrıca bu çalışmada MAI'nin şekli ve hacmi belirlendi. Olgular yaşlarına göre 10-14, 15-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60 ve 61 yaş olmak üzere 7 farklı alt gruba ayrıldı.
BULGULAR: Bu çalışmada 210 hastanın BT görüntüleri analiz edildi. MAI'nin ortalama uzunluğu 9.5±1.6 mm, AP çapı 6.3±1.5 mm, giriş kısmından AV'ye olan mesafe 15.1±6.64mm, volüm 290±120 mm3 ve LA 50±14º idi.
SONUÇ: Sonuç verileri cinsiyete göre karşılaştırıldığında, erkeklerde sağ AP çapının, kadınlarda sağ MAI uzunluğunun ve her iki taraf LA'nın daha yüksek olduğu istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu. Ayrıca MAI hacimleri yaş gruplarına göre karşılaştırıldığında 10-14 yaş grubunun diğer yaş gruplarına göre daha küçük olduğu belirlendi.


  • 1. Standring S, Ellis H, Healy J, Johnson D, Williams A. GRAY’S Anatomy-The Anatomical Basis of Clinical medicine. London: Churchill Livingstone, 2008.
  • 2. Unur E, Ulger H, Ekinci N, Ertekin T, Hacialiogulları M. Porus acusticus internus’un temporal kemiğin petroz parçasının arka yüzünde kapladığı alan. Erciyes Tıp Derg. 2007;29(2):106–9.
  • 3. Panara K, Hoffer M. Anatomy, Head and Neck, Ear Internal Auditory Canal (Internal Auditory Meatus, Internal Acoustic Canal). StatPearls. 2021.
  • 4. Benson JC, Carlson ML, Lane JI. MRI of the internal auditory canal, labyrinth, and middle ear: How we do it. Radiology. 2020;297(2):252–65.
  • 5. Arıncı K, Elhan A. Anatomi. 7th ed. Ankara: Güneş Kitabevi, 2020.
  • 6. Ozocak O, Ulger H, Ekinci N, Aycan K, Acer N. Morphometry and Variations of the Internal Acoustic Meatus. EÜ Journal Heal Sci. 2004;13(3):1–7.
  • 7. Zador Z, de Carpentier J. Comparative Analysis of Transpetrosal Approaches to the Internal Acoustic Meatus Using Three- Dimensional Radio-Anatomical Models. 2015;76(4):310–5.
  • 8. Marques SR, Ajzen S, Ippolito GD, Alonso L, Iso S, Lederman H. Morphometric Analysis of the Internal Auditory Canal by Computed Tomography Imaging. 2012;9(2):71–8.
  • 9. Kolagi S, Herur A, Ugale M, Manjula R, Mutalik A. Suboccipital retrosigmoid surgical approach for internal auditory canal–a morphometric anatomical study on dry human temporal bones. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014;62(4):372–5.
  • 10. Sadik AO El, Shaaban MH. The relationship between the dimensions of the internal auditory canal and the anomalies of the vestibulocochlear nerve. 2017;76(2):178–85.
  • 11. Burd C, Pai I, Pinto M, Dudau C, Connor S. Morphological comparison of internal auditory canal diverticula in the presence and absence of otospongiosis on computed tomography and their impact on patterns of hearing loss. Neuroradiology. 2021;63(3):431–7.
  • 12. Farahani R., Nooranipour M, Nikakhtar K. Anthropometry of Internal Acoustic Meatus. 2007;25(4):861–5.
  • 13. Gokce C. Multidedektör compüterize tomografi (MDCT) ile basis cranii üzerindeki önemli kemik oluşumlarının morfometrik analizi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Anatomi Anabilim Dalı, 2010.
  • 14. Kozerska M, Skrzat J. Anatomy of the fundus of the internal acoustic meatus - micro-computed tomography study. 2015;74(3):352–8.
  • 15. Essbaiheen ÃF, Hegazi ÃT, Rosenbloom L. The Normal Adult Human Internal Auditory Canal: A Volumetric Multidetector Computed Tomography Study. 2017;38(6):904–6.
  • 16. Benson S. Morphometric Assessment of the Internal Auditory Canal for Sex Determination in Subadults Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). 2014.
  • 17. Takahashi K, Morita Y, Ohshima S, Izumi S, Kubota Y, Horii A. Bone Density Development of the Temporal Bone Assessed by Computed Tomography. Otol Neurotol. 2017;38(10):1445–9.
  • 18. Erkoc M, Imamoglu H, Okur A, Gümüs C, Dogan M. Normative size evaluation of internal auditory canal with magnetic resonance imaging: Review of 3786 patients. Folia Morphol. 2012;71(4):217–20.
  • 19. Eby TL, Nadol JB. Postnatal growth of the human temporal bone. 1986;356–64.
  • 20. Gul A, Akdag M, Kinis V, Yilmaz B, Sengul E, Teke M, et al. Radiologic and Surgical Findings in Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media. Craniofacial Surg. 2014;25(6):2027–9.
  • 21. Bisdas S, Lenarz M, Lenarz T, Becker H. The abnormally dilated internal auditory canal: a non-specific finding or a distinctive pathologic entity. J Neuroradiol. 2006;33(4):275–7.
  • 22. Thomsen J, Reiter S, Borum P, Tos M, Jensen J. A critical evaluation of the radiological appearance in normals and in patients with acoustic neuromas. J Laryngol Otol. 1981;95(12):1191–204.
  • 23. Kobayashi H, Zusho H. Measurements of internal auditory meatus by polytomography. 1. Normal subjects. Br J Radiol. 1987;60(711):209–14.
  • 24. Amjad A, Scheer A, Rosenthal J. Human internal auditory canal. Arch Otolaryngol. 1969;89(5):709–14.
  • 25. Akansel G, Inan N, Kurtas O, Sarisoy HT, Arslan A, Demirci A. Gender and the lateral angle of the internal acoustic canal meatus as measured on computerized tomography of the temporal bone. Forensic Sci Int. 2008;178(2–3):93–5.
  • 26. Norén A, Lynnerup N, Czarnetzki A, Graw M. Lateral angle: A method for sexing using the petrous bone. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2005;128(2):318–23.
  • 27. Papangelou L. Volumetric study of the human internal auditory canal. J Laryngol Otol. 1974;88(4):349–53.


Year 2023, Volume: 24 Issue: 1, 30 - 35, 03.01.2023


OBJECTIVE: The internal auditory canal (IAC) also known as internal acoustic meatus is a bone channel that connects the internal ear to the posterior cranial fossa. The mean length is approximately 1 cm. The edge of the IAC is called internal acoustic pore (IAP), and the edge of this aperture is blunt and rounded. Important formations such as facial nerve, vestibulocochlear nerve, labyrinth artery and labyrinth vein pass through the IAC. In addition, on the precise determination of the morphometry in surgical interventions on the temporal lobe, MAI is vital. Therefore, in this study, it was aimed to determine the morphometry and volume of MAI.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was carried out on the CT images of 210 individuals randomly from the normal population between the ages of 10-90. Morphometric measurements of IAC (lateral angle (LA), canal length, anteroposterior (AP), diameter of IAP, distance from IAP to vestibular aqueduct (VA)) were performed. In addition, the shape and volume of IAC was determined in this study. Cases were divided into 7 different subgroups, 10-14, 15-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60 and 61 years old, depending on their age.
RESULTS: In this study, CT images of 210 patients were analyzed. The mean length of the MAI was 9.5±1.6mm, the AP diameter was 6.3±1.5mm, the distance from the entrance part to the VA was 15.1±6.64mm, the volume was 290±120mm3, and the LA was 50±14º.
CONCLUSIONS: When the outcome data were compared by gender, it was found statistically significant that the right AP diameter was higher in men, the length of the right MAI and both sides LA were higher in women. In addition, when the volumes of MAI were compared by age groups, it was determined that the 10-14 age group was smaller than the other age groups.


  • 1. Standring S, Ellis H, Healy J, Johnson D, Williams A. GRAY’S Anatomy-The Anatomical Basis of Clinical medicine. London: Churchill Livingstone, 2008.
  • 2. Unur E, Ulger H, Ekinci N, Ertekin T, Hacialiogulları M. Porus acusticus internus’un temporal kemiğin petroz parçasının arka yüzünde kapladığı alan. Erciyes Tıp Derg. 2007;29(2):106–9.
  • 3. Panara K, Hoffer M. Anatomy, Head and Neck, Ear Internal Auditory Canal (Internal Auditory Meatus, Internal Acoustic Canal). StatPearls. 2021.
  • 4. Benson JC, Carlson ML, Lane JI. MRI of the internal auditory canal, labyrinth, and middle ear: How we do it. Radiology. 2020;297(2):252–65.
  • 5. Arıncı K, Elhan A. Anatomi. 7th ed. Ankara: Güneş Kitabevi, 2020.
  • 6. Ozocak O, Ulger H, Ekinci N, Aycan K, Acer N. Morphometry and Variations of the Internal Acoustic Meatus. EÜ Journal Heal Sci. 2004;13(3):1–7.
  • 7. Zador Z, de Carpentier J. Comparative Analysis of Transpetrosal Approaches to the Internal Acoustic Meatus Using Three- Dimensional Radio-Anatomical Models. 2015;76(4):310–5.
  • 8. Marques SR, Ajzen S, Ippolito GD, Alonso L, Iso S, Lederman H. Morphometric Analysis of the Internal Auditory Canal by Computed Tomography Imaging. 2012;9(2):71–8.
  • 9. Kolagi S, Herur A, Ugale M, Manjula R, Mutalik A. Suboccipital retrosigmoid surgical approach for internal auditory canal–a morphometric anatomical study on dry human temporal bones. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014;62(4):372–5.
  • 10. Sadik AO El, Shaaban MH. The relationship between the dimensions of the internal auditory canal and the anomalies of the vestibulocochlear nerve. 2017;76(2):178–85.
  • 11. Burd C, Pai I, Pinto M, Dudau C, Connor S. Morphological comparison of internal auditory canal diverticula in the presence and absence of otospongiosis on computed tomography and their impact on patterns of hearing loss. Neuroradiology. 2021;63(3):431–7.
  • 12. Farahani R., Nooranipour M, Nikakhtar K. Anthropometry of Internal Acoustic Meatus. 2007;25(4):861–5.
  • 13. Gokce C. Multidedektör compüterize tomografi (MDCT) ile basis cranii üzerindeki önemli kemik oluşumlarının morfometrik analizi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Anatomi Anabilim Dalı, 2010.
  • 14. Kozerska M, Skrzat J. Anatomy of the fundus of the internal acoustic meatus - micro-computed tomography study. 2015;74(3):352–8.
  • 15. Essbaiheen ÃF, Hegazi ÃT, Rosenbloom L. The Normal Adult Human Internal Auditory Canal: A Volumetric Multidetector Computed Tomography Study. 2017;38(6):904–6.
  • 16. Benson S. Morphometric Assessment of the Internal Auditory Canal for Sex Determination in Subadults Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). 2014.
  • 17. Takahashi K, Morita Y, Ohshima S, Izumi S, Kubota Y, Horii A. Bone Density Development of the Temporal Bone Assessed by Computed Tomography. Otol Neurotol. 2017;38(10):1445–9.
  • 18. Erkoc M, Imamoglu H, Okur A, Gümüs C, Dogan M. Normative size evaluation of internal auditory canal with magnetic resonance imaging: Review of 3786 patients. Folia Morphol. 2012;71(4):217–20.
  • 19. Eby TL, Nadol JB. Postnatal growth of the human temporal bone. 1986;356–64.
  • 20. Gul A, Akdag M, Kinis V, Yilmaz B, Sengul E, Teke M, et al. Radiologic and Surgical Findings in Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media. Craniofacial Surg. 2014;25(6):2027–9.
  • 21. Bisdas S, Lenarz M, Lenarz T, Becker H. The abnormally dilated internal auditory canal: a non-specific finding or a distinctive pathologic entity. J Neuroradiol. 2006;33(4):275–7.
  • 22. Thomsen J, Reiter S, Borum P, Tos M, Jensen J. A critical evaluation of the radiological appearance in normals and in patients with acoustic neuromas. J Laryngol Otol. 1981;95(12):1191–204.
  • 23. Kobayashi H, Zusho H. Measurements of internal auditory meatus by polytomography. 1. Normal subjects. Br J Radiol. 1987;60(711):209–14.
  • 24. Amjad A, Scheer A, Rosenthal J. Human internal auditory canal. Arch Otolaryngol. 1969;89(5):709–14.
  • 25. Akansel G, Inan N, Kurtas O, Sarisoy HT, Arslan A, Demirci A. Gender and the lateral angle of the internal acoustic canal meatus as measured on computerized tomography of the temporal bone. Forensic Sci Int. 2008;178(2–3):93–5.
  • 26. Norén A, Lynnerup N, Czarnetzki A, Graw M. Lateral angle: A method for sexing using the petrous bone. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2005;128(2):318–23.
  • 27. Papangelou L. Volumetric study of the human internal auditory canal. J Laryngol Otol. 1974;88(4):349–53.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Articles

Abdülkadir Bilir 0000-0003-0633-9542

Zeliha Fazlıoğulları 0000-0002-5103-090X

Mehmet Tatar 0000-0002-8661-8308

Alaaddin Nayman 0000-0003-3213-8576

Publication Date January 3, 2023
Acceptance Date March 1, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 24 Issue: 1


APA Bilir, A., Fazlıoğulları, Z., Tatar, M., Nayman, A. (2023). DETERMINATION OF MORPHOMETRY AND VOLUME OF THE INTERNAL AUDITORY CANAL. Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi, 24(1), 30-35.
AMA Bilir A, Fazlıoğulları Z, Tatar M, Nayman A. DETERMINATION OF MORPHOMETRY AND VOLUME OF THE INTERNAL AUDITORY CANAL. KTD. January 2023;24(1):30-35. doi:10.18229/kocatepetip.1026824
Chicago Bilir, Abdülkadir, Zeliha Fazlıoğulları, Mehmet Tatar, and Alaaddin Nayman. “DETERMINATION OF MORPHOMETRY AND VOLUME OF THE INTERNAL AUDITORY CANAL”. Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi 24, no. 1 (January 2023): 30-35.
EndNote Bilir A, Fazlıoğulları Z, Tatar M, Nayman A (January 1, 2023) DETERMINATION OF MORPHOMETRY AND VOLUME OF THE INTERNAL AUDITORY CANAL. Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi 24 1 30–35.
IEEE A. Bilir, Z. Fazlıoğulları, M. Tatar, and A. Nayman, “DETERMINATION OF MORPHOMETRY AND VOLUME OF THE INTERNAL AUDITORY CANAL”, KTD, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 30–35, 2023, doi: 10.18229/kocatepetip.1026824.
ISNAD Bilir, Abdülkadir et al. “DETERMINATION OF MORPHOMETRY AND VOLUME OF THE INTERNAL AUDITORY CANAL”. Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi 24/1 (January 2023), 30-35.
MLA Bilir, Abdülkadir et al. “DETERMINATION OF MORPHOMETRY AND VOLUME OF THE INTERNAL AUDITORY CANAL”. Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi, vol. 24, no. 1, 2023, pp. 30-35, doi:10.18229/kocatepetip.1026824.
Vancouver Bilir A, Fazlıoğulları Z, Tatar M, Nayman A. DETERMINATION OF MORPHOMETRY AND VOLUME OF THE INTERNAL AUDITORY CANAL. KTD. 2023;24(1):30-5.

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