Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 55 - 63, 01.01.2018


This study is about a questionnary developed to
collect data related awareness of people about jellyfish and injury cases. The
questionnary was distributed to 226 people in the touristic areas of the west
and the southwest regions of Turkey, with the participants consisting of
holiday-makers, people working in the tourism sector, fishermen, divers as well
as local dwellers. Overall, 78% of the participants had previous awareness of
the existence of jellyfish, whereas the remaining 22% had heard about jellyfish
for the first time only. The most known jellyfish species were Aurelia aurita, Cotylorhiza tuberculata, Chrysaora
and Rhizostoma pulmo.
In total, 42% of the participants had run into jellyfish at least on one
occasion before. The most common injuries were erythema, itching and
blistering, and two people retained scars caused by Pelagia noctiluca. Of the participants that were injured by
jellyfish, 91% did not seek hospitalisation or health care, 76% were unaware of
the measures necessary following jellyfish injury, and 96% of those who spotted
jellyfish whilst swimming or from the beach did not inform any academic
institution or research organisation. Since jellyfish form swarms that are
usually carried around randomly by currents, it is mandatory that people be
informed about jellyfish blooms and possible related injuries. This is
especially important since jellyfish injury cases are generally not being
recorded from hospitals and health care providers throughout Turkey. The
present questionnary-based study has shown that even people affected by
jellyfish injuries fail to notify relevant institutes or organisations. Further
questionnaries and related projects should be implemented so as to collect data
of jellyfish injuries and to increase people’s awareness of jellyfish-related
risks in other parts of Turkey.


  • Bernard, P. (1991). Recapitulation des résultats de la surveillance des proliférations de méduses sur les côtes méditerranéennes françaises durant l’été 1987. UNEP: Jellyfish blooms in the Mediterranean Proceedings of the II Workshop on Jellyfish in the Mediterranean Sea MAP Tech. Rep. Ser., No 47; UNEP: Athens, Greece, 1991; pp. 51-57.
  • Bordehore, C., Fuentes, V.L., Atienza, D., Barberá, C., Fernandez-Jover, D., Roig, M., Acaveda-Dodley, M.J., Canepa, A.J., Gili, J.M. (2011). Detection of an unusual presence of the cubozoan Carybdea marsupialis at shallow beaches located near Denia, Spain (south-western Mediterranean). Marine Biodiversity Records, 4.
  • Bordehore, C., Fuentes, V.L., Segarra, J.G., Acevedo, M., Canepa, A., Raventós, J. (2015). Use of an Inverse Method for Time Series to Estimate the Dynamics of and Management Strategies for the Box Jellyfish Carybdea marsupialis. PLoS ONE, 10(9), e0137272.
  • Bosch-Belmar, M., Azzurro, E., Pulis, K., Milisenda, G., Fuentes, V., Yahia, O. K. D., Micallef, A., Deidun, A., Piraino, S. (2017). Jellyfish blooms perception in Mediterranean finfish aquaculture. Marine Policy, 76, 1-7.
  • Burnett J.W. (2001) Medical aspects of jellyfish envenomation: pathogenesis, case reporting and therapy. Hydrobiologia 451, 1-9.
  • Carli, A., Cotta, S., Mariottini, G.L., Pane, L. (1991). Considerazioni sulla proliferazione di Cnidari planctonici nel Mar Ligure. Meditravel 1991, 0, 112-120.
  • Carli, A., Mariottini, G.L., Pane, L. (1995). Ecological and medical aspects of jellyfish poisoning. In Epidemiological studies related to the environmental quality criteria for bathing waters, shellfish-growing waters and edible marine organisms MAP Tech. Rep. Ser. 1995, No 93; UNEP: Athens, Greece, 1995; pp. 1-21.
  • Çınar, M.E., Yokeş, M.B., Açık, Ş., Bakır, A.K., (2014). Check-List of Cnidaria and Ctenophora from the Coasts of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology 38, 677-697.
  • Duarte, C.M., Pitt, K.A., Lucas, C.H., Purcell, J.E., Uye, S.-i., Robinson, K., Brotz, L., Decker, M.B., Sutherland, K.R., Malej, A., Madin, L., Mianzan, H., Gili, J.-M., Fuentes, V., Atienza, D., Pagés, F., Breitburg, D., Malek, J., Graham, W.M., Condon, R.H. (2013). Is global ocean sprawl a cause of jellyfish blooms?. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 11, 91-97.
  • Fenner, P.J. (1998). Dangers in the ocean: the traveler and marine envenomation. I. Jellyfish. Journal of Travel Medicine, 5(3), 135.
  • Galil, B.S., Spanier, E., Ferguson, W.W. (1990). The Scyphomedusae of the Mediterranean Coast of Israel, Including two Lessepsian Migrants new to the Mediterranean. Zoologische Mededelingen Leiden, 64(7), 95-105.
  • Gershwin, L.A. (2013). Stung!: On jellyfish blooms and the future of the ocean. University of Chicago Press, ISBN 13: 978-0-226-02024-2
  • Gordoa, A., Acuña, J.L., Farrés, R., Bacher, K. (2013). Burst feeding of Pelagia noctiluca ephyrae on Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) eggs. PloS ONE, 8(9), e74721. Gülşahin, N., Tarkan, A. N. (2011). The first confirmed record of the alien jellyfish Rhopilema nomadica Galil, 1990 from the southern Aegean coast of Turkey. Aquatic Invasions, 6(Suppl 1), S95-S97.
  • Gülşahin, N. (2016). Nematocyst types of Chrysaora hysoscella (Linnaeus, 1766) from Turkey. 5th International Jellyfish Bloom Symposium, May 30- June 3, 2016, Barcelona, Spain, p.166.
  • Gülşahin, N. (2017). Jellyfish Blooms and Injuries in Turkey. In Gian Luigi Mariottini, Ed. Jellyfish: Ecology, Distribution Patterns and Human Interactions (p.149-162). Nova Science Publishers, ISBN 978-163-485-68-81
  • Isinibilir, M., Yılmaz, I., Demirel, N., (2015). New records of jellyfish species in the Marmara Sea. Italian Journal of Zoology, 82, 425-429.
  • Isinibilir, M., Yılmaz, N.İ. (2016). Jellyfish Species in the Sea of Marmara, in: Özsuy, E., Çağatay, M.N., Balkıs, N., Balkıs, N., Öztürk, B. (Eds.), The Sea of Marmara; Marine Biodiversity, Fisheries, Conversation and Governance. Turkish Marine Research Foundation, İstanbul. ISBN 978-975-8825-34-9
  • Isinibilir, M., Yılmaz, İ.N., (2017). Jellyfish dynamics and their socioeconomic and ecological consequences in Turkish Seas, in: G.L., M. (Ed.), Jellyfish: Ecology, Distribution Patterns and Human Interactions. Nova Publishers, New York, pp. 51-70. ISBN 978-163-485-68-81
  • Kideys, A.E., Gücü, A.C. (1995). Rhopilema nomadica: a Lessepsian scyphomedusan new to the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. Israel Journal of zoology, 41(4), 615-617.
  • Kikinger, R. (1992). Cotylorhiza tuberculata (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa)–Life history of a stationary population. PSZNI Mar. Ecol. 1992, 13, 333-362.
  • Kokelj, F., Burnett, J.W. (1988). Reazioni inusuali indotte dal contatto con la medusa Pelagia noctiluca. Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia, 123, 501-503.
  • Kokelj F., Del Negro P., Montanari G. (1992) Jellyfish dermatitis due to Carybdea marsupialis. Contact Dermatitis, 27, 195.
  • Labadie, M., Aldabe, B., Ong, N., Joncquiert-Latarjet, A., Groult, V., Poulard, A., Coudreuse, M., Cordier, L., Rolland, P., Chanseau, P., de Haro, L. (2012). Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia physalis) envenomation on the Aquitaine Coast of France: An emerging health risk. Clinical toxicology, 50(7), 567-570.
  • Larson R.J. (1976). Cubomedusae: feeding–functional morphology, behaviour and phylogenetic position. In Mackie G.O. (ed.) Coelenterate ecology and behavior. New York: Plenum Publishing Co., pp. 237-245. ISBN 978-1-4757-9724-4_25
  • Lin, D.C., Hessinger, D.A. (1979). Possible involvement of red cell membrane proteins in the haemolytic action of Portuguese Man-of-War toxin. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 91(3), 761-769.
  • Mariottini, G.L., Giacco, E., Pane, L. (2008). The Mauve Stinger Pelagia noctiluca (Forsskål, 1775). Distribution, Ecology, Toxicity and Epidemiology of Stings. A Review. Marine Drugs, 6(3), 496-513.
  • Mariottini, G.L., Pane, L. (2010). Mediterranean jellyfish venoms: A review on scyphomedusae. Marine Drugs, 8(4), 1122-1152.
  • Milla L., Segura-Puertas L., Celis L. (2000). Dermatitis por contacto con Carybdea marsupialis (Cnidaria Cubozoa). Dermatologi´a Revista Mexicana 44, 167-170.
  • Nogueira Jr M., Haddad M.A. (2008). The diet of Cubomedusae (Cnidaria, Cubozoa) in southern Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 56, 157-164.
  • Özgür, E., Öztürk, B. (2008). A population of the alien jellyfish, Cassiopea andromeda (Forsskål, 1775) [Cnidaria: Scyphozoa: Rhizostomea] in the Ölüdeniz Lagoon, Turkey. Aquatic Invasions, 3(4), 423-428.
  • Öztürk, B., Ünsal, N., Şener, E., Altuğ, G., Aktan, Y., Güven, E., Topaloğlu, B., Keskin, Ç., İşinibilir, M., Çardak, M., Eryalçın, K.M., Çiftçi, P.S. (2006). Muğla İlinde Su Ürünleri Yetiştiriciliği Açısından Hassas Alanlar ile Yeni Yetiştiricilik Alanlarının Belirlenerek Kirlenme Parametrelerinin İzlenmesi Projesi, İstanbul Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi, 1. Rapor, 2006.
  • Öztürk, B., İşinibilir, M. (2010). An alien jellyfish Rhopilema nomadica and its impacts to the Eastern Mediterranean part of Turkey. Journal of Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 16(2), 149-156.
  • Purcell, J.E., Uye, S.I., Lo, W.T. (2007). Anthropogenic causes of jellyfish blooms and their direct consequences for humans: a review. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 350, 153-174.
  • Richardson, A.J., Bakun, A., Hays, G.C., Gibbons, M.J. (2009). The jellyfish joyride: causes, consequences and management responses to a more gelatinous future. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 24(6), 312-322.
  • Sakınan, S. (2011). Recent Occurrence of Indopacific Jellyfish Rhopilema nomadica in North-Eastern Levantine Sea. First International Workshop on Jellyfish and Other Gelatinous Species in Turkish Marine Waters, 20-21 May 2011, Bodrum, Muğla, Turkey, p. 58-65.
  • Sa´nchez-Rodri´guez J., Torrens E., Segura-Puertas L. (2006). Partial purification and characterization of a novel neurotoxin and three cytolysins from box jellyfish (Carybdea marsupialis) nematocyst venom. Archives of Toxicology, 80, 163-168.
  • Scarpa, C. (1984). On skin injuries provoked by Coelenterata and Echinodermata. UNEP: Workshop on Jellyfish Blooms in the Mediterranean, Athens, Greece, 31 October–4 November 1983; UNEP: Athens, Greece, 1984; pp. 95–97.
  • Turan, C., Özbalcılar B., Ergüden, D., Uygur, N. (2011). Occurrence and Abundance of Lessepsian Jellyfish Cassiopea Andromeda (Forsskal, 1775) in Iskenderun Bay, the Northeastern Mediterranean Sea. First International Workshop on Jellyfish and Other Gelatinous Species in Turkish Marine Waters, 20-21 May 2011, Bodrum, Muğla, Turkey, p. 73-77.
  • UNEP (1984). Workshop on Jellyfish Blooms in the Mediterranean, Athens, Greece, 31 October – 4 November 1983; UNEP: Athens, Greece, 1984.
  • Vaissiere, R. (1983). Sur quelques travaux relatifs aux méduses acalèphes de Méditerranée. Workshop on Jellyfish Blooms in the Mediterranean, Athens, Greece, 31 October – 4 November 1983; UNEP: Athens, Greece; pp. 149-161.
  • (accessed 10.04.17)
Year 2018, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 55 - 63, 01.01.2018



  • Bernard, P. (1991). Recapitulation des résultats de la surveillance des proliférations de méduses sur les côtes méditerranéennes françaises durant l’été 1987. UNEP: Jellyfish blooms in the Mediterranean Proceedings of the II Workshop on Jellyfish in the Mediterranean Sea MAP Tech. Rep. Ser., No 47; UNEP: Athens, Greece, 1991; pp. 51-57.
  • Bordehore, C., Fuentes, V.L., Atienza, D., Barberá, C., Fernandez-Jover, D., Roig, M., Acaveda-Dodley, M.J., Canepa, A.J., Gili, J.M. (2011). Detection of an unusual presence of the cubozoan Carybdea marsupialis at shallow beaches located near Denia, Spain (south-western Mediterranean). Marine Biodiversity Records, 4.
  • Bordehore, C., Fuentes, V.L., Segarra, J.G., Acevedo, M., Canepa, A., Raventós, J. (2015). Use of an Inverse Method for Time Series to Estimate the Dynamics of and Management Strategies for the Box Jellyfish Carybdea marsupialis. PLoS ONE, 10(9), e0137272.
  • Bosch-Belmar, M., Azzurro, E., Pulis, K., Milisenda, G., Fuentes, V., Yahia, O. K. D., Micallef, A., Deidun, A., Piraino, S. (2017). Jellyfish blooms perception in Mediterranean finfish aquaculture. Marine Policy, 76, 1-7.
  • Burnett J.W. (2001) Medical aspects of jellyfish envenomation: pathogenesis, case reporting and therapy. Hydrobiologia 451, 1-9.
  • Carli, A., Cotta, S., Mariottini, G.L., Pane, L. (1991). Considerazioni sulla proliferazione di Cnidari planctonici nel Mar Ligure. Meditravel 1991, 0, 112-120.
  • Carli, A., Mariottini, G.L., Pane, L. (1995). Ecological and medical aspects of jellyfish poisoning. In Epidemiological studies related to the environmental quality criteria for bathing waters, shellfish-growing waters and edible marine organisms MAP Tech. Rep. Ser. 1995, No 93; UNEP: Athens, Greece, 1995; pp. 1-21.
  • Çınar, M.E., Yokeş, M.B., Açık, Ş., Bakır, A.K., (2014). Check-List of Cnidaria and Ctenophora from the Coasts of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology 38, 677-697.
  • Duarte, C.M., Pitt, K.A., Lucas, C.H., Purcell, J.E., Uye, S.-i., Robinson, K., Brotz, L., Decker, M.B., Sutherland, K.R., Malej, A., Madin, L., Mianzan, H., Gili, J.-M., Fuentes, V., Atienza, D., Pagés, F., Breitburg, D., Malek, J., Graham, W.M., Condon, R.H. (2013). Is global ocean sprawl a cause of jellyfish blooms?. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 11, 91-97.
  • Fenner, P.J. (1998). Dangers in the ocean: the traveler and marine envenomation. I. Jellyfish. Journal of Travel Medicine, 5(3), 135.
  • Galil, B.S., Spanier, E., Ferguson, W.W. (1990). The Scyphomedusae of the Mediterranean Coast of Israel, Including two Lessepsian Migrants new to the Mediterranean. Zoologische Mededelingen Leiden, 64(7), 95-105.
  • Gershwin, L.A. (2013). Stung!: On jellyfish blooms and the future of the ocean. University of Chicago Press, ISBN 13: 978-0-226-02024-2
  • Gordoa, A., Acuña, J.L., Farrés, R., Bacher, K. (2013). Burst feeding of Pelagia noctiluca ephyrae on Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) eggs. PloS ONE, 8(9), e74721. Gülşahin, N., Tarkan, A. N. (2011). The first confirmed record of the alien jellyfish Rhopilema nomadica Galil, 1990 from the southern Aegean coast of Turkey. Aquatic Invasions, 6(Suppl 1), S95-S97.
  • Gülşahin, N. (2016). Nematocyst types of Chrysaora hysoscella (Linnaeus, 1766) from Turkey. 5th International Jellyfish Bloom Symposium, May 30- June 3, 2016, Barcelona, Spain, p.166.
  • Gülşahin, N. (2017). Jellyfish Blooms and Injuries in Turkey. In Gian Luigi Mariottini, Ed. Jellyfish: Ecology, Distribution Patterns and Human Interactions (p.149-162). Nova Science Publishers, ISBN 978-163-485-68-81
  • Isinibilir, M., Yılmaz, I., Demirel, N., (2015). New records of jellyfish species in the Marmara Sea. Italian Journal of Zoology, 82, 425-429.
  • Isinibilir, M., Yılmaz, N.İ. (2016). Jellyfish Species in the Sea of Marmara, in: Özsuy, E., Çağatay, M.N., Balkıs, N., Balkıs, N., Öztürk, B. (Eds.), The Sea of Marmara; Marine Biodiversity, Fisheries, Conversation and Governance. Turkish Marine Research Foundation, İstanbul. ISBN 978-975-8825-34-9
  • Isinibilir, M., Yılmaz, İ.N., (2017). Jellyfish dynamics and their socioeconomic and ecological consequences in Turkish Seas, in: G.L., M. (Ed.), Jellyfish: Ecology, Distribution Patterns and Human Interactions. Nova Publishers, New York, pp. 51-70. ISBN 978-163-485-68-81
  • Kideys, A.E., Gücü, A.C. (1995). Rhopilema nomadica: a Lessepsian scyphomedusan new to the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. Israel Journal of zoology, 41(4), 615-617.
  • Kikinger, R. (1992). Cotylorhiza tuberculata (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa)–Life history of a stationary population. PSZNI Mar. Ecol. 1992, 13, 333-362.
  • Kokelj, F., Burnett, J.W. (1988). Reazioni inusuali indotte dal contatto con la medusa Pelagia noctiluca. Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia, 123, 501-503.
  • Kokelj F., Del Negro P., Montanari G. (1992) Jellyfish dermatitis due to Carybdea marsupialis. Contact Dermatitis, 27, 195.
  • Labadie, M., Aldabe, B., Ong, N., Joncquiert-Latarjet, A., Groult, V., Poulard, A., Coudreuse, M., Cordier, L., Rolland, P., Chanseau, P., de Haro, L. (2012). Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia physalis) envenomation on the Aquitaine Coast of France: An emerging health risk. Clinical toxicology, 50(7), 567-570.
  • Larson R.J. (1976). Cubomedusae: feeding–functional morphology, behaviour and phylogenetic position. In Mackie G.O. (ed.) Coelenterate ecology and behavior. New York: Plenum Publishing Co., pp. 237-245. ISBN 978-1-4757-9724-4_25
  • Lin, D.C., Hessinger, D.A. (1979). Possible involvement of red cell membrane proteins in the haemolytic action of Portuguese Man-of-War toxin. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 91(3), 761-769.
  • Mariottini, G.L., Giacco, E., Pane, L. (2008). The Mauve Stinger Pelagia noctiluca (Forsskål, 1775). Distribution, Ecology, Toxicity and Epidemiology of Stings. A Review. Marine Drugs, 6(3), 496-513.
  • Mariottini, G.L., Pane, L. (2010). Mediterranean jellyfish venoms: A review on scyphomedusae. Marine Drugs, 8(4), 1122-1152.
  • Milla L., Segura-Puertas L., Celis L. (2000). Dermatitis por contacto con Carybdea marsupialis (Cnidaria Cubozoa). Dermatologi´a Revista Mexicana 44, 167-170.
  • Nogueira Jr M., Haddad M.A. (2008). The diet of Cubomedusae (Cnidaria, Cubozoa) in southern Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 56, 157-164.
  • Özgür, E., Öztürk, B. (2008). A population of the alien jellyfish, Cassiopea andromeda (Forsskål, 1775) [Cnidaria: Scyphozoa: Rhizostomea] in the Ölüdeniz Lagoon, Turkey. Aquatic Invasions, 3(4), 423-428.
  • Öztürk, B., Ünsal, N., Şener, E., Altuğ, G., Aktan, Y., Güven, E., Topaloğlu, B., Keskin, Ç., İşinibilir, M., Çardak, M., Eryalçın, K.M., Çiftçi, P.S. (2006). Muğla İlinde Su Ürünleri Yetiştiriciliği Açısından Hassas Alanlar ile Yeni Yetiştiricilik Alanlarının Belirlenerek Kirlenme Parametrelerinin İzlenmesi Projesi, İstanbul Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi, 1. Rapor, 2006.
  • Öztürk, B., İşinibilir, M. (2010). An alien jellyfish Rhopilema nomadica and its impacts to the Eastern Mediterranean part of Turkey. Journal of Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 16(2), 149-156.
  • Purcell, J.E., Uye, S.I., Lo, W.T. (2007). Anthropogenic causes of jellyfish blooms and their direct consequences for humans: a review. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 350, 153-174.
  • Richardson, A.J., Bakun, A., Hays, G.C., Gibbons, M.J. (2009). The jellyfish joyride: causes, consequences and management responses to a more gelatinous future. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 24(6), 312-322.
  • Sakınan, S. (2011). Recent Occurrence of Indopacific Jellyfish Rhopilema nomadica in North-Eastern Levantine Sea. First International Workshop on Jellyfish and Other Gelatinous Species in Turkish Marine Waters, 20-21 May 2011, Bodrum, Muğla, Turkey, p. 58-65.
  • Sa´nchez-Rodri´guez J., Torrens E., Segura-Puertas L. (2006). Partial purification and characterization of a novel neurotoxin and three cytolysins from box jellyfish (Carybdea marsupialis) nematocyst venom. Archives of Toxicology, 80, 163-168.
  • Scarpa, C. (1984). On skin injuries provoked by Coelenterata and Echinodermata. UNEP: Workshop on Jellyfish Blooms in the Mediterranean, Athens, Greece, 31 October–4 November 1983; UNEP: Athens, Greece, 1984; pp. 95–97.
  • Turan, C., Özbalcılar B., Ergüden, D., Uygur, N. (2011). Occurrence and Abundance of Lessepsian Jellyfish Cassiopea Andromeda (Forsskal, 1775) in Iskenderun Bay, the Northeastern Mediterranean Sea. First International Workshop on Jellyfish and Other Gelatinous Species in Turkish Marine Waters, 20-21 May 2011, Bodrum, Muğla, Turkey, p. 73-77.
  • UNEP (1984). Workshop on Jellyfish Blooms in the Mediterranean, Athens, Greece, 31 October – 4 November 1983; UNEP: Athens, Greece, 1984.
  • Vaissiere, R. (1983). Sur quelques travaux relatifs aux méduses acalèphes de Méditerranée. Workshop on Jellyfish Blooms in the Mediterranean, Athens, Greece, 31 October – 4 November 1983; UNEP: Athens, Greece; pp. 149-161.
  • (accessed 10.04.17)
There are 41 citations in total.


Subjects Hydrobiology
Journal Section Articles

Nurçin Killi 0000-0002-6095-2674

Ozan Sağdıç This is me 0000-0002-2735-4955

Sibel Cengiz This is me 0000-0002-0439-1622

Publication Date January 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Killi, N., Sağdıç, O., & Cengiz, S. (2018). A STUDY ON AWARENESS OF PEOPLE ABOUT JELLYFISH ALONG THE SOUTHWEST COASTS OF TURKEY. Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research, 4(1), 55-63.
Chicago Killi, Nurçin, Ozan Sağdıç, and Sibel Cengiz. “A STUDY ON AWARENESS OF PEOPLE ABOUT JELLYFISH ALONG THE SOUTHWEST COASTS OF TURKEY”. Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research 4, no. 1 (January 2018): 55-63.
EndNote Killi N, Sağdıç O, Cengiz S (January 1, 2018) A STUDY ON AWARENESS OF PEOPLE ABOUT JELLYFISH ALONG THE SOUTHWEST COASTS OF TURKEY. Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research 4 1 55–63.
IEEE N. Killi, O. Sağdıç, and S. Cengiz, “A STUDY ON AWARENESS OF PEOPLE ABOUT JELLYFISH ALONG THE SOUTHWEST COASTS OF TURKEY”, J Aquacult Eng Fish Res, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 55–63, 2018.
ISNAD Killi, Nurçin et al. “A STUDY ON AWARENESS OF PEOPLE ABOUT JELLYFISH ALONG THE SOUTHWEST COASTS OF TURKEY”. Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research 4/1 (January 2018), 55-63.
MLA Killi, Nurçin et al. “A STUDY ON AWARENESS OF PEOPLE ABOUT JELLYFISH ALONG THE SOUTHWEST COASTS OF TURKEY”. Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research, vol. 4, no. 1, 2018, pp. 55-63.
Vancouver Killi N, Sağdıç O, Cengiz S. A STUDY ON AWARENESS OF PEOPLE ABOUT JELLYFISH ALONG THE SOUTHWEST COASTS OF TURKEY. J Aquacult Eng Fish Res. 2018;4(1):55-63.