Research Article
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Investigation of Dirofilaria immitis enfestation in dogs in Samsun Region

Year 2007, Issue: 2, 1 - 12, 07.06.2007


Background: Dirofilaria
is a parasite encountered especially in dogs, sometimes in cats,
fox, wolf and rarely in humans, which is transmitted with female mosquitos and
results in disorders in the circulatory and respiratory systems. It is also
named as “heartworm”.
   This nematode is
widespread in other countries and the presence of it in our country is reported
by various researchers. The aim of the present study is the investigation of
Dirofilaria immitis presence in the
Samsun city and neighbourhood regions and forming a preventative program in
case of determination of distribution. 
Methods: In the study, 100 blood specimen were collected
from dogs over 1 years old, living around still waters and mature
Dirofilaria immitis antigenes were
searched by the
  Dirofilaria immitis spesific 
ELISA test (FASTest HW. Antigen-MegaCor GmbH Diagnostik). 
Results: Although the dogs sed in the study were chosen
from the regions with high probability of parasite presence, no positive
results were achieved.
  Conclusions: Though this result may be evaluated as no Dirofilaria immitis parasite is present
in Samsun and nearby regions, considering that in nonendemic areas serologic
tests may give negative results, our certain opinion is that the Samsun city
and neighbouring regions are not
areas for heartworm, and the mentioned nematode may not be present in this
at all.   


  • 1- Calvert, C.A., Rawlings CA.: Canine heartworm disease. In: Kirk, R.W.,ed. Current Veterinary Therapy VIII. W.B. Saunders. Philedelphia, London, Toronto. 1983: 348.
  • 2- Polizopoulou, Z.S., Koutinas, A.F., Saridomichelakis, M.N., Patsikas, M.N., Leontidis, L.S., Roubies, N.A., Desiris, A.K.: Clinical and laboratory observations in 91 dogs infected with Dirofilaria immitis in northern Greece. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2000; 1:216(5): 693-700.
  • 3- Rawlings, C.A., Calvert, C.A.: Heartworm disease. In: Ettinger S.J. Ed. Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine. W.B. Saunders Comp. Philedelphia, London, Toronto. 1983: 1163-1184.
  • 4- Rodrigues, S.R., Guerra, R.J., Almeida, F.B., Machado-Silva, J.R., Paiva, D.D.: Human pulmonary dirofilariasis at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: a case report. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop, 2004; 37(1): 56-59.
  • 5- Börkü, M.K., Kurtdede, A., Azizoğlu, D., Kilit, M.: Dirofilaria immitis ile doğal enfekte köpeklerde Thiacetarsamide sodium uygulamaları. AÜ Vet Fak Derg. 1996; 43(2): 247-256. 6- Shires, P.K., Trunwold, G.H., Quolls, C.W.: Epidural dirofilariasis causing paraparesis in a dog. JAVMA. 1982; 180: 1340-1343.
  • 7- Jackson, R.F., Lichtenberg, F., Otb, G.I.: Occurance of adult heartworms in the vena cavae of dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1992; 141: 117-121.
  • 8- Jackson, R.F., Otto, G.F., Bauman, P.M., Peacock, F., Hindrichs, W.L., Maltby, J.H.: Distribution of heartworms in the right side of the heart and adjacent vessels of the dog. JAVMA 1966; 149: 515-518.
  • 9- Stuart, B.P., Hoss, E., Root, C.E.: Ischemic myopathy associated with systemic dirofilariasis. J Am Anim Hosp Ass. 1978; 14: 36-39.
  • 10- Narine, K., Brennan, B., Gilfillan, I., Hodge, A.: Human pulmonary dirofilariasis: review of the literature. South Med J. 1999; 92(3): 276-279.
  • 11- Nihon, K., Gakkai, Z.: Eosinophilic pleural effusion by dirofilariasis. Pub Med. 2003; 41(5): 347-350.
  • 12- Güralp, N.: Helmintoloji. İkinci Baskı, A.Ü. Basımevi, Ankara. 1981
  • 13- Kotoni, J., Powers, K.G.: Developmental stages of Dirofilaria immitis in the dog. Am J Vet Res. 1982; 43: 2199-2206.
  • 14- Selby, L.A., Corvin, R.M., Hayes, H.M.: Risk factors associated with canine heartworm infection. JAVMA. 1980; 176 (1): 33-35.
  • 15- Kitagawo, H., Ishiao, K., Kawokomi, M.: Cardiopulmonary fonction values before and after heartworm removed in dogs with caval syndrome. Am J Vet Res. 1991; 52 (1): 126-132. 16- Rawlings, C.A.: Cardiopulmonary function in the dog with Dirofilaria İmmitis: During infection and after treatment. Am J Vet Res. 1980; 41: 319-325.
  • 17- Calvert, C.A., Losonsky, J.M., Brown, J., Lewis, R.F.: Comparisions of radiographic and electrocardiographic abnormalities in canine heartworm disease. Vet Radiol.1986; 27 (1): 2-7. 18- Tilley, L.P., Canine and Feline Electrocardiography. 3 ed., Lea and Febiger; Philadelphia, 1992: 67-68.
  • 19- Ağaoğlu, Z.T., Şahin, A.: Van’da Dirofilaria immitis. YYÜ Vet Fak Derg 1992; 3: 117121.
  • 20- Cantoray, R., Dik, B., Gülbahçe, S.: Konya’da dört köpekte saptanan Dirofilaria immitis (Leidy 1856) olgusu. Veterinarium. 1990; 1(2): 28-32.
  • 21- Coşkun, Ş.Z., Tınar, R., Akyol, Ç.V., Aydın, L., Demir, C.: Doğal enfekte köpeklerde Dirofilaria immitis mikrofilerlerine İvermektinin etkisi. UÜ Vet Fak Derg. 1992; 2(11): 121127.
  • 22- Oge, H., Doganay, A., Oge, S., Yildirim, A.: Prevalence and distribution of Dirofilaria immitis in domestic dogs from Ankara and vicinity in Turkey. Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr. 2003; 110(2): 69-72.
  • 23- Pamukçu, A.M., Ertürk, E.: 1933-1960 yılları arasında Ankara ve yöresinde köpeklerde görülen hastalıklara toplu bir bakış. AÜ Vet Fak Derg. 1962; 8: 323-346.
  • 24- Tınar, R., Coşkun, Ş.Z., Doğan, H., Demir, S., Akyol, Ç.V., Aydın, L.: Bursa yöresi köpeklerinde görülen helmint türleri ve bunların yayılışı. T Parazitoloji Derg. 1989; 13 (3-4): 113-120.
  • 25- Courtney, C.H., Cornell, C.A.: Evaluation of heartworm immunodiagnostic tests. JAVMA. 1990; 197 (6): 724-729.
  • 26- Grene, R.T., Rennet, R.A., Woody, D.: Evaluation of a microfiller technique and two serologic test used in the diagnosis of canine heartworm disease. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. 1986; 22: 153-156.
  • 27- Asano, K., Suzuki, K., Asano, R., Sakai, T.: Comparison of results of three commercial heartworm antigen test kits in dogs with low heartworm burdens. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2003; 1;222(9): 1221-1223.
  • 28- Brunner, C.Y., Henrix, C.M., Blagburn, B.L., Hannahan, L.A.: Comparision of serologic tests for detection of heartworm infection. JAVMA. 1998; 192 (10): 1423-1427.
  • 29- Mc Tier, T.: A guide to selecting adult heartworm antigen test kits. Vet Med. 1994; 6:528-543.
  • 30- Thilsted, J.P., Whaton, S., Hibbs, C.M., Tillson, G.P., Stell, R., Sesorne, M.: Comparision of four serotest for the detection of Dirofilaria immitis infections in dogs. Am J Vet Res. 1987; 48 (5): 837-841.31- Blagburn, B.L.: Microfilaricidial therapy; Review and update. Vet Med. 1994; 7: 630638.
  • 32- Coleman, M.W.: Legal and medical consideration in dispensing heartworm preventives. Vet Med. 1994; 6: 552-557.
  • 33- Dzimianski, M.T.: Developing a heartworm preventive program. Vet Med. 1994; 8: 545550.
  • 34- Schrey, C.F.: Epidemiologische Fallanalyse der kardiovaskularen Dirofilariose (Herzwurmerkrankung) bei Hunden in Deutschland. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, der Freien Universitat Berlin, 1996.
  • 35- Tarello, W.: “Importance In The Dog of Concentration Tests For The Diagnosis of Heartworm Disease In Non Endemic Areas.” International Journal of Veterinary Medicine-Vet-on-line. Erişim tarihi :9.11.2005.
  • 36- Davoust, B., Ducos, L.: Evolution de l'enzootie de dirofilariose dans les chenils militaires du sud est. Revue de Médecine Vétérinaire. 1989; 140:15-19.
  • 37- Rawlings, C.A., Mc Call, J.W.: Four types of occult Dirofilaria immitis infections in dogs. Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association. 1982; 180: 1323-1326.
Year 2007, Issue: 2, 1 - 12, 07.06.2007



  • 1- Calvert, C.A., Rawlings CA.: Canine heartworm disease. In: Kirk, R.W.,ed. Current Veterinary Therapy VIII. W.B. Saunders. Philedelphia, London, Toronto. 1983: 348.
  • 2- Polizopoulou, Z.S., Koutinas, A.F., Saridomichelakis, M.N., Patsikas, M.N., Leontidis, L.S., Roubies, N.A., Desiris, A.K.: Clinical and laboratory observations in 91 dogs infected with Dirofilaria immitis in northern Greece. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2000; 1:216(5): 693-700.
  • 3- Rawlings, C.A., Calvert, C.A.: Heartworm disease. In: Ettinger S.J. Ed. Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine. W.B. Saunders Comp. Philedelphia, London, Toronto. 1983: 1163-1184.
  • 4- Rodrigues, S.R., Guerra, R.J., Almeida, F.B., Machado-Silva, J.R., Paiva, D.D.: Human pulmonary dirofilariasis at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: a case report. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop, 2004; 37(1): 56-59.
  • 5- Börkü, M.K., Kurtdede, A., Azizoğlu, D., Kilit, M.: Dirofilaria immitis ile doğal enfekte köpeklerde Thiacetarsamide sodium uygulamaları. AÜ Vet Fak Derg. 1996; 43(2): 247-256. 6- Shires, P.K., Trunwold, G.H., Quolls, C.W.: Epidural dirofilariasis causing paraparesis in a dog. JAVMA. 1982; 180: 1340-1343.
  • 7- Jackson, R.F., Lichtenberg, F., Otb, G.I.: Occurance of adult heartworms in the vena cavae of dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1992; 141: 117-121.
  • 8- Jackson, R.F., Otto, G.F., Bauman, P.M., Peacock, F., Hindrichs, W.L., Maltby, J.H.: Distribution of heartworms in the right side of the heart and adjacent vessels of the dog. JAVMA 1966; 149: 515-518.
  • 9- Stuart, B.P., Hoss, E., Root, C.E.: Ischemic myopathy associated with systemic dirofilariasis. J Am Anim Hosp Ass. 1978; 14: 36-39.
  • 10- Narine, K., Brennan, B., Gilfillan, I., Hodge, A.: Human pulmonary dirofilariasis: review of the literature. South Med J. 1999; 92(3): 276-279.
  • 11- Nihon, K., Gakkai, Z.: Eosinophilic pleural effusion by dirofilariasis. Pub Med. 2003; 41(5): 347-350.
  • 12- Güralp, N.: Helmintoloji. İkinci Baskı, A.Ü. Basımevi, Ankara. 1981
  • 13- Kotoni, J., Powers, K.G.: Developmental stages of Dirofilaria immitis in the dog. Am J Vet Res. 1982; 43: 2199-2206.
  • 14- Selby, L.A., Corvin, R.M., Hayes, H.M.: Risk factors associated with canine heartworm infection. JAVMA. 1980; 176 (1): 33-35.
  • 15- Kitagawo, H., Ishiao, K., Kawokomi, M.: Cardiopulmonary fonction values before and after heartworm removed in dogs with caval syndrome. Am J Vet Res. 1991; 52 (1): 126-132. 16- Rawlings, C.A.: Cardiopulmonary function in the dog with Dirofilaria İmmitis: During infection and after treatment. Am J Vet Res. 1980; 41: 319-325.
  • 17- Calvert, C.A., Losonsky, J.M., Brown, J., Lewis, R.F.: Comparisions of radiographic and electrocardiographic abnormalities in canine heartworm disease. Vet Radiol.1986; 27 (1): 2-7. 18- Tilley, L.P., Canine and Feline Electrocardiography. 3 ed., Lea and Febiger; Philadelphia, 1992: 67-68.
  • 19- Ağaoğlu, Z.T., Şahin, A.: Van’da Dirofilaria immitis. YYÜ Vet Fak Derg 1992; 3: 117121.
  • 20- Cantoray, R., Dik, B., Gülbahçe, S.: Konya’da dört köpekte saptanan Dirofilaria immitis (Leidy 1856) olgusu. Veterinarium. 1990; 1(2): 28-32.
  • 21- Coşkun, Ş.Z., Tınar, R., Akyol, Ç.V., Aydın, L., Demir, C.: Doğal enfekte köpeklerde Dirofilaria immitis mikrofilerlerine İvermektinin etkisi. UÜ Vet Fak Derg. 1992; 2(11): 121127.
  • 22- Oge, H., Doganay, A., Oge, S., Yildirim, A.: Prevalence and distribution of Dirofilaria immitis in domestic dogs from Ankara and vicinity in Turkey. Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr. 2003; 110(2): 69-72.
  • 23- Pamukçu, A.M., Ertürk, E.: 1933-1960 yılları arasında Ankara ve yöresinde köpeklerde görülen hastalıklara toplu bir bakış. AÜ Vet Fak Derg. 1962; 8: 323-346.
  • 24- Tınar, R., Coşkun, Ş.Z., Doğan, H., Demir, S., Akyol, Ç.V., Aydın, L.: Bursa yöresi köpeklerinde görülen helmint türleri ve bunların yayılışı. T Parazitoloji Derg. 1989; 13 (3-4): 113-120.
  • 25- Courtney, C.H., Cornell, C.A.: Evaluation of heartworm immunodiagnostic tests. JAVMA. 1990; 197 (6): 724-729.
  • 26- Grene, R.T., Rennet, R.A., Woody, D.: Evaluation of a microfiller technique and two serologic test used in the diagnosis of canine heartworm disease. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. 1986; 22: 153-156.
  • 27- Asano, K., Suzuki, K., Asano, R., Sakai, T.: Comparison of results of three commercial heartworm antigen test kits in dogs with low heartworm burdens. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2003; 1;222(9): 1221-1223.
  • 28- Brunner, C.Y., Henrix, C.M., Blagburn, B.L., Hannahan, L.A.: Comparision of serologic tests for detection of heartworm infection. JAVMA. 1998; 192 (10): 1423-1427.
  • 29- Mc Tier, T.: A guide to selecting adult heartworm antigen test kits. Vet Med. 1994; 6:528-543.
  • 30- Thilsted, J.P., Whaton, S., Hibbs, C.M., Tillson, G.P., Stell, R., Sesorne, M.: Comparision of four serotest for the detection of Dirofilaria immitis infections in dogs. Am J Vet Res. 1987; 48 (5): 837-841.31- Blagburn, B.L.: Microfilaricidial therapy; Review and update. Vet Med. 1994; 7: 630638.
  • 32- Coleman, M.W.: Legal and medical consideration in dispensing heartworm preventives. Vet Med. 1994; 6: 552-557.
  • 33- Dzimianski, M.T.: Developing a heartworm preventive program. Vet Med. 1994; 8: 545550.
  • 34- Schrey, C.F.: Epidemiologische Fallanalyse der kardiovaskularen Dirofilariose (Herzwurmerkrankung) bei Hunden in Deutschland. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, der Freien Universitat Berlin, 1996.
  • 35- Tarello, W.: “Importance In The Dog of Concentration Tests For The Diagnosis of Heartworm Disease In Non Endemic Areas.” International Journal of Veterinary Medicine-Vet-on-line. Erişim tarihi :9.11.2005.
  • 36- Davoust, B., Ducos, L.: Evolution de l'enzootie de dirofilariose dans les chenils militaires du sud est. Revue de Médecine Vétérinaire. 1989; 140:15-19.
  • 37- Rawlings, C.A., Mc Call, J.W.: Four types of occult Dirofilaria immitis infections in dogs. Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association. 1982; 180: 1323-1326.
There are 33 citations in total.


Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Research Articles

Duygu Çakıroğlu This is me

Yücel Meral

Publication Date June 7, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Issue: 2


APA Çakıroğlu, D., & Meral, Y. (2007). Investigation of Dirofilaria immitis enfestation in dogs in Samsun Region. Journal of Istanbul Veterinary Sciences(2), 1-12.

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