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Palmitoleic Acid and its Role in Certain Chronic Diseases: A Brief Review

Year 2021, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 103 - 107, 21.01.2021


In recent years, the incidence of chronic diseases such as obesity, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes is increasing. The role of dietary pattern in the emergence and progression of chronic diseases is well known. One of the most important parts of a sufficient and balanced diet is the fat taken with food. Especially in recent years, the role of different fatty acids as well as the total amount of fat taken with diet has been focused on. Palmitoleic acid, one of these fatty acids, is a sixteen-carbon, monounsaturated fatty acid. Palmitoleic acid is metabolized mainly in adipose tissue and liver. The amount found in the body varies specifically for the tissue and the region. However, basal concentrations of palmitoleic acid vary depending on metabolic processes. Therefore, palmitoleic acid is thought to be a "lipokine" released from adipose tissue and palmitoleic acid metabolism may be effective in preventing chronic diseases. More comprehensive cohort, longitudinal and randomized controlled studies are needed to explain the effects of palmitoleic acid. In this review, the possible role of palmitoleic acid supplementation in the formation of chronic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases was examined in the light of recent studies.


  • 1. World Health Organization [Internet]. Switzerland: Global status report on noncommunicable diseases [Updated: 2011; Cited 2020 January 7]. Available from:
  • 2. World Health Organization [Internet]. Switzerland: Global status report on noncommunicable diseases [Updated: 2014; Cited 2020 January 7]. Available from:
  • 3. TC Sağlık Bakanlığı. Türkiye'ye Özgü Besin ve Beslenme Rehberi. Yayın No: 1031. Ankara: Kayhan Ajans; 2016.
  • 4. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Fats and fatty acids in human nutrition Report of an expert consultation. FAO Food Nutr Pap. 2010; 91: 1-166.
  • 5. World Health Organization [Internet]. Switzerland: Global atlas on cardiovascular disease prevention and control [Updated: 2011; Cited 2020 January 7]. Available from:
  • 6. Hodson L, Karpe F. Is there something special about palmitoleate? Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2013; 16(2): 225-31.
  • 7. Gong J, Campos H, McGarvey S, Wu Z, Goldberg R, Baylin A. Adipose tissue palmitoleic acid and obesity in humans: does it behave as a lipokine? Am J Clin Nutr. 2011; 93(1):186-91.
  • 8. Djousse L, Matthan NR, Lichtenstein AH, Gaziano JM. Red blood cell membrane concentration of cis-palmitoleic and cis-vaccenic acids and risk of coronary heart disease. Am J Cardiol. 2012;110(4): 539-44.
  • 9. Walker CG, Browning LM, Stecher L, West AL, Madden J, Jebb SA, et al. Fatty acid profile of plasma NEFA does not reflect adipose tissue fatty acid profile. Br J Nutr. 2015; 114(5): 756-62.
  • 10. Walker CG, West AL, Browning LM, Madden J, Gambell JM, Jebb SA, et al. The pattern of fatty acids displaced by epa and dha following 12 months supplementation varies between blood cell and plasma fractions. Nutrients. 2015; 7(8): 6281-93.
  • 11. Cao H, Gerhold K, Mayers JR, Wiest MM, Watkins SM, Hotamisligil GS. Identification of a lipokine, a lipid hormone linking adipose tissue to systemic metabolism. Cell. 2008; 134(6): 933-44.
  • 12. Frigolet ME, Gutierrez-Aguilar R. The Role of the Novel Lipokine Palmitoleic Acid in Health and Disease. Adv Nutr. 2017; 8(1): 173-81.
  • 13. Fatima T, Snyder CL, Schroeder WR, Cram D, Datla R, Wishart D, et al. Fatty acid composition of developing sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) berry and the transcriptome of the mature seed. PLoS One. 2012; 7(4): 1-18
  • 14. Micha R, King IB, Lemaitre RN, Rimm EB, Sacks F, Song X, et al. Food sources of individual plasma phospholipid trans fatty acid isomers: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010; 91(4): 883-93.
  • 15. Goeransson. G. The metabolism of fatty acids in the rat palmitoleic acid. Acta Physiol Scand. 1965; 63: 428-33.
  • 16. Jaudszus A, Kramer R, Pfeuffer M, Roth A, Jahreis G, Kuhnt K. trans Palmitoleic acid arises endogenously from dietary vaccenic acid. Am J Clin Nutr. 2014; 99(3): 431-5.
  • 17. Zong G, Ye X, Sun L, Li H, Yu Z, Hu FB, et al. Associations of erythrocyte palmitoleic acid with adipokines, inflammatory markers, and the metabolic syndrome in middle-aged and older Chinese. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012; 96(5): 970-6.
  • 18. Zong G, Zhu J, Sun L, Ye X, Lu L, Jin Q, et al. Associations of erythrocyte fatty acids in the de novo lipogenesis pathway with risk of metabolic syndrome in a cohort study of middle-aged and older Chinese. Am J Clin Nutr. 2013; 98(2): 319-26.
  • 19. Okada T, Furuhashi N, Kuromori Y, Miyashita M, Iwata F, Harada K. Plasma palmitoleic acid content and obesity in children. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005; 82(4): 747-50.
  • 20. Mozaffarian D, Cao H, King IB, Lemaitre RN, Song X, Siscovick DS, et al. Trans-palmitoleic acid, metabolic risk factors, and new-onset diabetes in U.S. adults: a cohort study. Ann Intern Med. 2010; 153(12): 790-9.
  • 21. Bolsoni-Lopes A, Festuccia WT, Chimin P, Farias TS, Torres-Leal FL, Cruz MM, et al. Palmitoleic acid (n-7) increases white adipocytes GLUT4 content and glucose uptake in association with AMPK activation. Lipids Health Dis. 2014; 13: 199-10.
  • 22. Lima EA, Silveira LS, Masi LN, Crisma AR, Davanso MR, Souza GI, et al. Macadamia oil supplementation attenuates inflammation and adipocyte hypertrophy in obese mice. Mediators Inflamm. 2014; 870634; 1-9.
  • 23. Markey O, McClean CM, Medlow P, Davison GW, Trinick TR, Duly E, et al. Effect of cinnamon on gastric emptying, arterial stiffness, postprandial lipemia, glycemia, and appetite responses to high-fat breakfast. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2011; 10: 78-7.
  • 24. Yang ZH, Takeo J, Katayama M. Oral administration of omega-7 palmitoleic acid induces satiety and the release of appetite-related hormones in male rats. Appetite. 2013; 65: 1-7.
  • 25. Foryst-Ludwig A, Kreissl MC, Benz V, Brix S, Smeir E, Ban Z, et al. Adipose Tissue Lipolysis Promotes Exercise-induced Cardiac Hypertrophy Involving the Lipokine C16:1n7-Palmitoleate. J Biol Chem. 2015; 290(39): 23603-15.
  • 26. Arab L. Biomarkers of fat and fatty acid intake. J Nutr. 2003; 133 Suppl 3(3): 925-32.
  • 27. Bernstein AM, Roizen MF, Martinez L. Purified palmitoleic acid for the reduction of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and serum lipids: a double-blinded, randomized, placebo controlled study. J Clin Lipidol. 2014; 8(6): 612-7.
  • 28. Hiraoka-Yamamoto J, Ikeda K, Negishi H, Mori M, Hirose A, Sawada S, et al. Serum lipid effects of a monounsaturated (palmitoleic) fatty acid-rich diet based on macadamia nuts in healthy, young Japanese women. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2004; 31 Suppl 2: 37-8.
  • 29. Nestel P, Clifton P, Noakes M. Effects of increasing dietary palmitoleic acid compared with palmitic and oleic acids on plasma lipids of hypercholesterolemic men. J Lipid Res. 1994; 35(4): 656-62.
  • 30. Curb JD, Wergowske G, Dobbs JC, Abbott RD, Huang B. Serum lipid effects of a high-monounsaturated fat diet based on macadamia nuts. Arch Intern Med. 2000; 160(8): 1154-8.
  • 31. Garg ML, Blake RJ, Wills RB. Macadamia nut consumption lowers plasma total and LDL cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemic men. J Nutr. 2003; 133(4): 1060-3.
  • 32. Griel AE, Cao Y, Bagshaw DD, Cifelli AM, Holub B, Kris-Etherton PM. A macadamia nut-rich diet reduces total and LDL-cholesterol in mildly hypercholesterolemic men and women. J Nutr. 2008; 138(4): 761-7.
  • 33. Dimopoulos N, Watson M, Sakamoto K, Hundal HS. Differential effects of palmitate and palmitoleate on insulin action and glucose utilization in rat L6 skeletal muscle cells. Biochem J. 2006; 399(3): 473-81.
  • 34. Erbay E, Babaev VR, Mayers JR, Makowski L, Charles KN, Snitow ME, et al. Reducing endoplasmic reticulum stress through a macrophage lipid chaperone alleviates atherosclerosis. Nat Med. 2009; 15(12): 1383-91.
  • 35. Souza CO, Teixeira AA, Lima EA, Batatinha HA, Gomes LM, Carvalho-Silva M, et al. Palmitoleic acid (n-7) attenuates the immunometabolic disturbances caused by a high-fat diet independently of PPARalpha. Mediators Inflamm. 2014; 2014: 582197.
  • 36. Yang ZH, Miyahara H, Hatanaka A. Chronic administration of palmitoleic acid reduces insulin resistance and hepatic lipid accumulation in KK-Ay Mice with genetic type 2 diabetes. Lipids Health Dis. 2011; 10: 120-8.

Palmitoleik Asidin Bazı Kronik Hastalıklardaki Rolü: Kısa Derleme

Year 2021, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 103 - 107, 21.01.2021


Günümüzde obezite, dislipidemi, kardiyovasküler hastalıklar, tip 2 diyabet gibi kronik hastalıkların görülme sıklığı artmaktadır. Diyet örüntüsünün kronik hastalıkların oluşumu ve ilerlemesindeki rolü iyi bilinmektedir. Yeterli ve dengeli bir diyette bulunması gereken en önemli parçalardan birisi, besinlerle alınan yağlardır. Özellikle son yıllarda diyetle alınan toplam yağ miktarının yanı sıra farklı yağ asitlerinin rolü üzerinde durulmaktadır. Bu yağ asitlerinden biri olan palmitoleik asit on altı karbonlu, tekli doymamış bir yağ asididir. Palmitoleik asit, başlıca adipoz doku ve karaciğerde metabolize olmaktadır. Vücutta bulunan miktarları doku ve bölgeye spesifik olarak değişmektedir. Bununla birlikte, palmitoleik asidin bazal konsantrasyonları metabolik süreçlere bağlı olarak değişim göstermektedir. Bu nedenle palmitoleik asidin adipoz dokudan salınan bir “lipokin” olabileceği ve palmitoleik asit metabolizmasının kronik hastalıkların önlenmesinde etkili olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Palmitoleik asidin etkilerini açıklamak için daha kapsamlı kohort, longitudinal ve randomize kontrollü çalışmalara ihtiyaç bulunmaktadır. Bu derlemede obezite, tip 2 diyabet, kardiyovasküler hastalıklar gibi kronik hastalıkların oluşumunda palmitoleik asit takviyesinin olası rolü güncel çalışmalar eşliğinde incelenmiştir.


  • 1. World Health Organization [Internet]. Switzerland: Global status report on noncommunicable diseases [Updated: 2011; Cited 2020 January 7]. Available from:
  • 2. World Health Organization [Internet]. Switzerland: Global status report on noncommunicable diseases [Updated: 2014; Cited 2020 January 7]. Available from:
  • 3. TC Sağlık Bakanlığı. Türkiye'ye Özgü Besin ve Beslenme Rehberi. Yayın No: 1031. Ankara: Kayhan Ajans; 2016.
  • 4. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Fats and fatty acids in human nutrition Report of an expert consultation. FAO Food Nutr Pap. 2010; 91: 1-166.
  • 5. World Health Organization [Internet]. Switzerland: Global atlas on cardiovascular disease prevention and control [Updated: 2011; Cited 2020 January 7]. Available from:
  • 6. Hodson L, Karpe F. Is there something special about palmitoleate? Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2013; 16(2): 225-31.
  • 7. Gong J, Campos H, McGarvey S, Wu Z, Goldberg R, Baylin A. Adipose tissue palmitoleic acid and obesity in humans: does it behave as a lipokine? Am J Clin Nutr. 2011; 93(1):186-91.
  • 8. Djousse L, Matthan NR, Lichtenstein AH, Gaziano JM. Red blood cell membrane concentration of cis-palmitoleic and cis-vaccenic acids and risk of coronary heart disease. Am J Cardiol. 2012;110(4): 539-44.
  • 9. Walker CG, Browning LM, Stecher L, West AL, Madden J, Jebb SA, et al. Fatty acid profile of plasma NEFA does not reflect adipose tissue fatty acid profile. Br J Nutr. 2015; 114(5): 756-62.
  • 10. Walker CG, West AL, Browning LM, Madden J, Gambell JM, Jebb SA, et al. The pattern of fatty acids displaced by epa and dha following 12 months supplementation varies between blood cell and plasma fractions. Nutrients. 2015; 7(8): 6281-93.
  • 11. Cao H, Gerhold K, Mayers JR, Wiest MM, Watkins SM, Hotamisligil GS. Identification of a lipokine, a lipid hormone linking adipose tissue to systemic metabolism. Cell. 2008; 134(6): 933-44.
  • 12. Frigolet ME, Gutierrez-Aguilar R. The Role of the Novel Lipokine Palmitoleic Acid in Health and Disease. Adv Nutr. 2017; 8(1): 173-81.
  • 13. Fatima T, Snyder CL, Schroeder WR, Cram D, Datla R, Wishart D, et al. Fatty acid composition of developing sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) berry and the transcriptome of the mature seed. PLoS One. 2012; 7(4): 1-18
  • 14. Micha R, King IB, Lemaitre RN, Rimm EB, Sacks F, Song X, et al. Food sources of individual plasma phospholipid trans fatty acid isomers: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010; 91(4): 883-93.
  • 15. Goeransson. G. The metabolism of fatty acids in the rat palmitoleic acid. Acta Physiol Scand. 1965; 63: 428-33.
  • 16. Jaudszus A, Kramer R, Pfeuffer M, Roth A, Jahreis G, Kuhnt K. trans Palmitoleic acid arises endogenously from dietary vaccenic acid. Am J Clin Nutr. 2014; 99(3): 431-5.
  • 17. Zong G, Ye X, Sun L, Li H, Yu Z, Hu FB, et al. Associations of erythrocyte palmitoleic acid with adipokines, inflammatory markers, and the metabolic syndrome in middle-aged and older Chinese. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012; 96(5): 970-6.
  • 18. Zong G, Zhu J, Sun L, Ye X, Lu L, Jin Q, et al. Associations of erythrocyte fatty acids in the de novo lipogenesis pathway with risk of metabolic syndrome in a cohort study of middle-aged and older Chinese. Am J Clin Nutr. 2013; 98(2): 319-26.
  • 19. Okada T, Furuhashi N, Kuromori Y, Miyashita M, Iwata F, Harada K. Plasma palmitoleic acid content and obesity in children. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005; 82(4): 747-50.
  • 20. Mozaffarian D, Cao H, King IB, Lemaitre RN, Song X, Siscovick DS, et al. Trans-palmitoleic acid, metabolic risk factors, and new-onset diabetes in U.S. adults: a cohort study. Ann Intern Med. 2010; 153(12): 790-9.
  • 21. Bolsoni-Lopes A, Festuccia WT, Chimin P, Farias TS, Torres-Leal FL, Cruz MM, et al. Palmitoleic acid (n-7) increases white adipocytes GLUT4 content and glucose uptake in association with AMPK activation. Lipids Health Dis. 2014; 13: 199-10.
  • 22. Lima EA, Silveira LS, Masi LN, Crisma AR, Davanso MR, Souza GI, et al. Macadamia oil supplementation attenuates inflammation and adipocyte hypertrophy in obese mice. Mediators Inflamm. 2014; 870634; 1-9.
  • 23. Markey O, McClean CM, Medlow P, Davison GW, Trinick TR, Duly E, et al. Effect of cinnamon on gastric emptying, arterial stiffness, postprandial lipemia, glycemia, and appetite responses to high-fat breakfast. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2011; 10: 78-7.
  • 24. Yang ZH, Takeo J, Katayama M. Oral administration of omega-7 palmitoleic acid induces satiety and the release of appetite-related hormones in male rats. Appetite. 2013; 65: 1-7.
  • 25. Foryst-Ludwig A, Kreissl MC, Benz V, Brix S, Smeir E, Ban Z, et al. Adipose Tissue Lipolysis Promotes Exercise-induced Cardiac Hypertrophy Involving the Lipokine C16:1n7-Palmitoleate. J Biol Chem. 2015; 290(39): 23603-15.
  • 26. Arab L. Biomarkers of fat and fatty acid intake. J Nutr. 2003; 133 Suppl 3(3): 925-32.
  • 27. Bernstein AM, Roizen MF, Martinez L. Purified palmitoleic acid for the reduction of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and serum lipids: a double-blinded, randomized, placebo controlled study. J Clin Lipidol. 2014; 8(6): 612-7.
  • 28. Hiraoka-Yamamoto J, Ikeda K, Negishi H, Mori M, Hirose A, Sawada S, et al. Serum lipid effects of a monounsaturated (palmitoleic) fatty acid-rich diet based on macadamia nuts in healthy, young Japanese women. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2004; 31 Suppl 2: 37-8.
  • 29. Nestel P, Clifton P, Noakes M. Effects of increasing dietary palmitoleic acid compared with palmitic and oleic acids on plasma lipids of hypercholesterolemic men. J Lipid Res. 1994; 35(4): 656-62.
  • 30. Curb JD, Wergowske G, Dobbs JC, Abbott RD, Huang B. Serum lipid effects of a high-monounsaturated fat diet based on macadamia nuts. Arch Intern Med. 2000; 160(8): 1154-8.
  • 31. Garg ML, Blake RJ, Wills RB. Macadamia nut consumption lowers plasma total and LDL cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemic men. J Nutr. 2003; 133(4): 1060-3.
  • 32. Griel AE, Cao Y, Bagshaw DD, Cifelli AM, Holub B, Kris-Etherton PM. A macadamia nut-rich diet reduces total and LDL-cholesterol in mildly hypercholesterolemic men and women. J Nutr. 2008; 138(4): 761-7.
  • 33. Dimopoulos N, Watson M, Sakamoto K, Hundal HS. Differential effects of palmitate and palmitoleate on insulin action and glucose utilization in rat L6 skeletal muscle cells. Biochem J. 2006; 399(3): 473-81.
  • 34. Erbay E, Babaev VR, Mayers JR, Makowski L, Charles KN, Snitow ME, et al. Reducing endoplasmic reticulum stress through a macrophage lipid chaperone alleviates atherosclerosis. Nat Med. 2009; 15(12): 1383-91.
  • 35. Souza CO, Teixeira AA, Lima EA, Batatinha HA, Gomes LM, Carvalho-Silva M, et al. Palmitoleic acid (n-7) attenuates the immunometabolic disturbances caused by a high-fat diet independently of PPARalpha. Mediators Inflamm. 2014; 2014: 582197.
  • 36. Yang ZH, Miyahara H, Hatanaka A. Chronic administration of palmitoleic acid reduces insulin resistance and hepatic lipid accumulation in KK-Ay Mice with genetic type 2 diabetes. Lipids Health Dis. 2011; 10: 120-8.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Reviews

Mahmut Bodur 0000-0002-2105-8485

Aslı Uçar 0000-0001-9724-9571

Publication Date January 21, 2021
Submission Date February 18, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 11 Issue: 1


APA Bodur, M., & Uçar, A. (2021). Palmitoleik Asidin Bazı Kronik Hastalıklardaki Rolü: Kısa Derleme. Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 11(1), 103-107.
AMA Bodur M, Uçar A. Palmitoleik Asidin Bazı Kronik Hastalıklardaki Rolü: Kısa Derleme. J DU Health Sci Inst. January 2021;11(1):103-107. doi:10.33631/duzcesbed.685363
Chicago Bodur, Mahmut, and Aslı Uçar. “Palmitoleik Asidin Bazı Kronik Hastalıklardaki Rolü: Kısa Derleme”. Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 11, no. 1 (January 2021): 103-7.
EndNote Bodur M, Uçar A (January 1, 2021) Palmitoleik Asidin Bazı Kronik Hastalıklardaki Rolü: Kısa Derleme. Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 11 1 103–107.
IEEE M. Bodur and A. Uçar, “Palmitoleik Asidin Bazı Kronik Hastalıklardaki Rolü: Kısa Derleme”, J DU Health Sci Inst, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 103–107, 2021, doi: 10.33631/duzcesbed.685363.
ISNAD Bodur, Mahmut - Uçar, Aslı. “Palmitoleik Asidin Bazı Kronik Hastalıklardaki Rolü: Kısa Derleme”. Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 11/1 (January 2021), 103-107.
JAMA Bodur M, Uçar A. Palmitoleik Asidin Bazı Kronik Hastalıklardaki Rolü: Kısa Derleme. J DU Health Sci Inst. 2021;11:103–107.
MLA Bodur, Mahmut and Aslı Uçar. “Palmitoleik Asidin Bazı Kronik Hastalıklardaki Rolü: Kısa Derleme”. Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 11, no. 1, 2021, pp. 103-7, doi:10.33631/duzcesbed.685363.
Vancouver Bodur M, Uçar A. Palmitoleik Asidin Bazı Kronik Hastalıklardaki Rolü: Kısa Derleme. J DU Health Sci Inst. 2021;11(1):103-7.