Research Article
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Year 2017, Issue: 53, 107 - 120, 31.07.2017


upper riparian countries of the Nile River basin influencing the lower riparian
countries, controlling the water resources according their needs, and
dominating it for the benefit of their foreign policy and geopolitical
priorities is considered as an exception of the international water regimes. The
colonial competitiveness and the basin’s hydro-diplomatic activities that were
the main influencing triggers emerging this situation, all shaped with the 1959
agreement built over the heritage of the British totalitarian policies on the Nile,
were the reason behind water crisis between Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia and other
basin countries, a crisis unresolved to date. Although being a foster for
regional cooperation, the Grand Renaissance (an-Nahda) Dam and new actors in
the basin give the impression that the status quo of the Nile disagreement
issue will not be changed in the short term. As a result, the resolution of the
issues pending from the past to present and the distribution of the Nile within
the context of hydro-diplomacy has a great importance from international
security standpoint.


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  • BOA, HR.SYS, 1004/20, 08/07/1899.
  • BOA, HRT.h, 109, 30/Ra/1270 (31 Aralık 1853).
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  • BOA, Y.PRK.NMH, 7/110, 30/Z/1316 (11 Mayıs 1899).
  • Abdo, Muhammed (2004), The Nile Question: The Accords on the Water of the Nile and Their Implications on Cooperative Schemes in the Basin, Perceptions Summer, s. 45-57.
  • Ashebir, Elias (2009), “The Politics of Nile Basin. University of Witwaterrsrand”, Thesis of Master, International Relations, Johannesurg.
  • Bilgenoğlu, Ali (2010), “Amerikan İç Savaşı ve Mısır: Pamuk Örneğinde Mısır Modernleşmesi ve Amerikan İç Savaşı’nın Sürece Olan Katkısı”, Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 3/11 Spring, s. 147-161.
  • Ferede, Wuhibegeze ve Abebe, Shererawu (2014), “The Efficacy of Water Treaties in the Eastern Nile Basin”, Africa Spectrum, 49/1, s. 55-67.
  • Gilbert, Erik ve Reynolds, Jonathan T. (2016), Dünya Tarihinde Afrika-Tarih Öncesinden Günümüze, Çev. Mehmet Demirkaya, Küre Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Green, Dominic (2007), Three Empires on the Nile: The Victorian Jihad 1869-1899, Free Press, New York.
  • Hatami, H. and Gleick P. (1994), “Chronology of Conflict over Water in the Legends, Myths, and History of the Ancient Middle East”, Water, war, and peace in the Middle East, Environment. 36, No. 3, S. 6, Heldref Publishers, Washington.
  • Hobsbawm, E. J. (2013), Sanayi ve İmparatorluk, Dost Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Jacobs, M. Inga (2012), The Politics of Water of Africa: Norms, Environmental Regions and Transbondary Cooperation in the Orange-Senqu and Nile River, Continiuum, New York.
  • Katz, C. L. (2013), “Another Cup at the Nile’s Crowded Spigot: South Sudan and its Nile Water Rights”, Georgetown Journal of International Law, C. 44, s. 1249-1279.
  • Kitissou, Marcel (2007), “Water in the context of Africa: Geopolitics and geo-economics”, The Hydropolitics of Africa: A Contemporary Challenge, Marcel Kitissou, Muna Ndulo, Mechthild Nagel and Margaret Grieco (Eds.), Cambridge Scholars Publishers, Newcastle.
  • Lencho, Tariku Raga (2014), “Challenges of Cooperation in The Nile And Euphrates-Tigris Basins: A Comparative Analysis”, Thesis of Master, Addis Ababa University School of Graduate Studies, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Addis Ababa.
  • Mekonnen, Teferi (2004), “The Blue Nile Issue: A History of Hydropolitcs, 1884-1974”, Thesis of Master, Addis Ababa University, School of Graduate Studies, Addis Ababa.
  • Saliu, H.A., Oriola, E. O. ve Ifabiyi, I. P. (2013), “Water and politics in Africa: The need for regional cooperation”, Journal of Public Administration and Policy Research, 3(8), s. 220-227.
  • Swain, Ashok (1997), “Ethiopia, the Sudan and Egypt: The Nile River Dispute”, The Journal of Modern African Studies, 35/4, December 1997, s. 675-694.
  • Tandoğan, Muhammed (2015), “Afrika’nın Kuzeyini Güneyinden Ayıran Toplum Tevârikler ve Stratejik Konumları”, Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, İÜ Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Terje, Tvedt (2004), The River Nile In The Age of The British, I. B. Tauris, London.
  • Terje, Tvedt (2011), “Hydrology and Empire: The Nile, Water Imperialism and the Partition of Africa”, The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, C. 39, S. 2, June 2011, s. 173-194.
  • Verhoeven, Harry (2012), “Hydropolitics of the Nile”, Sudan after Separation New Approaches to a New Region, Heinrich Böll Foundation and Toni Weis (Eds.), Berlin.
  • Volkoun, Jaroslov (2009), “The British French Struggle For The Upper Nile”, Prague Papers on History of International Relations, Praha: Institute of World History, s. 233-251.
  • Warbung, Gabriel (1991), “The Nile in Egyptian-Sudanese Relations, 1956-1995”, The Nile: Histories, Cultures, Myths, Haggai Erlich-Israel Gershoni (Eds.), Lynnee Rienner, London, s. 227-234.
  • “Mursi’den Etiyopya’ya Savaş Tehdidi”, NTV, 11 Haziran 2013,
  •,qeoA_8i2rkudK2bbZ5u9HA?_ref=infinite, Erişim: 18.01.2017.
  • “The World Water”, The USGS Water Science School, 2 December 2016,, Erişim: 17.12.2016.


Year 2017, Issue: 53, 107 - 120, 31.07.2017


Nehri havzası, yukarı kıyıdaş ülkelerin aşağı kıyıdaş ülkeleri etkisi altına
alıp su yönetimini kendi ihtiyaçlarına, dış politika ve jeopolitik
önceliklerine göre domine ettiği uluslararası su rejimlerine bir istisnadır. Bu
durumun ortaya çıkmasını tetikleyen etkenlerin başında gelen havzadaki
sömürgeci rekabet ve hidro-diplomasi faaliyetleri, İngilizlerin bütüncül Nil
politikalarının mirası üzerine inşa edilen 1959 Antlaşması ile son şeklini
alarak günümüze kadar uzanan Mısır, Sudan, Etiyopya ve diğer havza ülkelerinin
arasında hidro krizlerin çıkmasına sebebiyet vermiştir. Büyük Rönesans (en-Nahda)
Barajı ve havzadaki yeni aktörler, bölgesel işbirliği umutlarını yeşertse de,
Nil uyuşmazlığı meselesindeki statükonun kısa vadede
değişmeyeceğinin işaretlerini vermektedir. Dolayısıyla geçmişten günümüze uzanan
sorunların çözümü ve uluslararası güvenlik açısından hidro-diplomasi bağlamında
Nil’in paylaşılması meselesi büyük önem arz etmektedir. 


  • BOA, A.MTZ.(05), 2C/20-4, 27/L/1324 (14 Aralık 1906), Lef. 13.
  • BOA, HR.SYS, 1004/20, 08/07/1899.
  • BOA, HRT.h, 109, 30/Ra/1270 (31 Aralık 1853).
  • BOA, Y.PRK.MK, 20/126, 25/M/1323 (1 Nisan 1905).
  • BOA, Y.PRK.MK, 5/91, 25/R/1310 (16 Kasım 1892).
  • BOA, Y.PRK.NMH, 7/110, 30/Z/1316 (11 Mayıs 1899).
  • Abdo, Muhammed (2004), The Nile Question: The Accords on the Water of the Nile and Their Implications on Cooperative Schemes in the Basin, Perceptions Summer, s. 45-57.
  • Ashebir, Elias (2009), “The Politics of Nile Basin. University of Witwaterrsrand”, Thesis of Master, International Relations, Johannesurg.
  • Bilgenoğlu, Ali (2010), “Amerikan İç Savaşı ve Mısır: Pamuk Örneğinde Mısır Modernleşmesi ve Amerikan İç Savaşı’nın Sürece Olan Katkısı”, Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 3/11 Spring, s. 147-161.
  • Ferede, Wuhibegeze ve Abebe, Shererawu (2014), “The Efficacy of Water Treaties in the Eastern Nile Basin”, Africa Spectrum, 49/1, s. 55-67.
  • Gilbert, Erik ve Reynolds, Jonathan T. (2016), Dünya Tarihinde Afrika-Tarih Öncesinden Günümüze, Çev. Mehmet Demirkaya, Küre Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Green, Dominic (2007), Three Empires on the Nile: The Victorian Jihad 1869-1899, Free Press, New York.
  • Hatami, H. and Gleick P. (1994), “Chronology of Conflict over Water in the Legends, Myths, and History of the Ancient Middle East”, Water, war, and peace in the Middle East, Environment. 36, No. 3, S. 6, Heldref Publishers, Washington.
  • Hobsbawm, E. J. (2013), Sanayi ve İmparatorluk, Dost Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Jacobs, M. Inga (2012), The Politics of Water of Africa: Norms, Environmental Regions and Transbondary Cooperation in the Orange-Senqu and Nile River, Continiuum, New York.
  • Katz, C. L. (2013), “Another Cup at the Nile’s Crowded Spigot: South Sudan and its Nile Water Rights”, Georgetown Journal of International Law, C. 44, s. 1249-1279.
  • Kitissou, Marcel (2007), “Water in the context of Africa: Geopolitics and geo-economics”, The Hydropolitics of Africa: A Contemporary Challenge, Marcel Kitissou, Muna Ndulo, Mechthild Nagel and Margaret Grieco (Eds.), Cambridge Scholars Publishers, Newcastle.
  • Lencho, Tariku Raga (2014), “Challenges of Cooperation in The Nile And Euphrates-Tigris Basins: A Comparative Analysis”, Thesis of Master, Addis Ababa University School of Graduate Studies, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Addis Ababa.
  • Mekonnen, Teferi (2004), “The Blue Nile Issue: A History of Hydropolitcs, 1884-1974”, Thesis of Master, Addis Ababa University, School of Graduate Studies, Addis Ababa.
  • Saliu, H.A., Oriola, E. O. ve Ifabiyi, I. P. (2013), “Water and politics in Africa: The need for regional cooperation”, Journal of Public Administration and Policy Research, 3(8), s. 220-227.
  • Swain, Ashok (1997), “Ethiopia, the Sudan and Egypt: The Nile River Dispute”, The Journal of Modern African Studies, 35/4, December 1997, s. 675-694.
  • Tandoğan, Muhammed (2015), “Afrika’nın Kuzeyini Güneyinden Ayıran Toplum Tevârikler ve Stratejik Konumları”, Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, İÜ Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Terje, Tvedt (2004), The River Nile In The Age of The British, I. B. Tauris, London.
  • Terje, Tvedt (2011), “Hydrology and Empire: The Nile, Water Imperialism and the Partition of Africa”, The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, C. 39, S. 2, June 2011, s. 173-194.
  • Verhoeven, Harry (2012), “Hydropolitics of the Nile”, Sudan after Separation New Approaches to a New Region, Heinrich Böll Foundation and Toni Weis (Eds.), Berlin.
  • Volkoun, Jaroslov (2009), “The British French Struggle For The Upper Nile”, Prague Papers on History of International Relations, Praha: Institute of World History, s. 233-251.
  • Warbung, Gabriel (1991), “The Nile in Egyptian-Sudanese Relations, 1956-1995”, The Nile: Histories, Cultures, Myths, Haggai Erlich-Israel Gershoni (Eds.), Lynnee Rienner, London, s. 227-234.
  • “Mursi’den Etiyopya’ya Savaş Tehdidi”, NTV, 11 Haziran 2013,
  •,qeoA_8i2rkudK2bbZ5u9HA?_ref=infinite, Erişim: 18.01.2017.
  • “The World Water”, The USGS Water Science School, 2 December 2016,, Erişim: 17.12.2016.
There are 30 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Muhammed Tandoğan

Osman Kağan Yücel

Publication Date July 31, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Issue: 53


APA Tandoğan, M., & Yücel, O. K. (2017). NİL’İN PAYLAŞILMASI MESELESİ: HİDRO-DİPLOMASİ BAĞLAMINDA MISIR, SUDAN VE ETİYOPYA REKABETİ. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(53), 107-120.
AMA Tandoğan M, Yücel OK. NİL’İN PAYLAŞILMASI MESELESİ: HİDRO-DİPLOMASİ BAĞLAMINDA MISIR, SUDAN VE ETİYOPYA REKABETİ. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. July 2017;(53):107-120.
Chicago Tandoğan, Muhammed, and Osman Kağan Yücel. “NİL’İN PAYLAŞILMASI MESELESİ: HİDRO-DİPLOMASİ BAĞLAMINDA MISIR, SUDAN VE ETİYOPYA REKABETİ”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, no. 53 (July 2017): 107-20.
EndNote Tandoğan M, Yücel OK (July 1, 2017) NİL’İN PAYLAŞILMASI MESELESİ: HİDRO-DİPLOMASİ BAĞLAMINDA MISIR, SUDAN VE ETİYOPYA REKABETİ. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 53 107–120.
IEEE M. Tandoğan and O. K. Yücel, “NİL’İN PAYLAŞILMASI MESELESİ: HİDRO-DİPLOMASİ BAĞLAMINDA MISIR, SUDAN VE ETİYOPYA REKABETİ”, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, no. 53, pp. 107–120, July 2017.
ISNAD Tandoğan, Muhammed - Yücel, Osman Kağan. “NİL’İN PAYLAŞILMASI MESELESİ: HİDRO-DİPLOMASİ BAĞLAMINDA MISIR, SUDAN VE ETİYOPYA REKABETİ”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 53 (July 2017), 107-120.
JAMA Tandoğan M, Yücel OK. NİL’İN PAYLAŞILMASI MESELESİ: HİDRO-DİPLOMASİ BAĞLAMINDA MISIR, SUDAN VE ETİYOPYA REKABETİ. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2017;:107–120.
MLA Tandoğan, Muhammed and Osman Kağan Yücel. “NİL’İN PAYLAŞILMASI MESELESİ: HİDRO-DİPLOMASİ BAĞLAMINDA MISIR, SUDAN VE ETİYOPYA REKABETİ”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, no. 53, 2017, pp. 107-20.
Vancouver Tandoğan M, Yücel OK. NİL’İN PAYLAŞILMASI MESELESİ: HİDRO-DİPLOMASİ BAĞLAMINDA MISIR, SUDAN VE ETİYOPYA REKABETİ. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2017(53):107-20.

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