Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 1 - 16, 30.06.2023


Mimari koruma ve turizm, birbirini çok yönlü olarak etkileyen iki kavramdır. Tarihsel süreç içinde hızla gelişen koruma ve turizm ilişkisi, turizmden beklentilerin değişmesiyle ve çeşitlenmesiyle birlikte güçlenmiştir. Koruma ve turizm ilişkisinin yoğun olarak görülebildiği Anadolu yerleşimlerinde, mimari mirasın turistik işlevlerle ilişkilendirilmesine yönelik olarak pek çok örnek bulunmaktadır. Bu örneklerden biri de hem kıyı turizmiyle, hem doğal nitelikleriyle, hem de kültürel özellikleriyle dikkati çeken Foça yerleşimidir. Foça’da koruma ve turizm ilişkisini güçlendiren mimari miras, çoğunlukla sivil mimari eserlerden oluşmaktadır. Buna ek olarak yerleşimde bulunan Osmanlı dönemi ibadet yapıları da incelemeye değer niteliklere sahiptir. Foça’nın turizm potansiyeline değer katarken; aynı zamanda korunarak geleceğe ulaştırılması gereken bu yapıların ön plana çıkarılması, bölgedeki koruma ve turizm ilişkisinin gelişmesi bağlamında önemlidir. Buradan hareketle çalışma, kültürel miras değeri taşıyan yerleşim alanlarının, özgün unsurlarının korunması yanında turizmle yaşatılmasının önemine dikkat çekmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında; günümüze mekânsal nitelikleri ve geleneksel mimari özellikleriyle ulaşabilmiş olan Fatih Camii, Kayalar Camii ve Hafız Suleyman Mescidi, koruma ve turizm ilişkisi bağlamında ele alınacaktır. Çalışmanın yöntemi, incelenen yapılar ile ilgili literatür ve saha araştırmasının yanında; koruma ve turizm ilişkisinin yerleşim alanlarına kazandırdığı niteliklere yönelik çalışma verilerinin bir arada değerlendirilmesini içermektedir. Çalışma sonucunda, başta Foça ve Anadolu’da bulunan diğer tarihi yerleşim alanları olmak üzere; benzer nitelikteki mirasın korunmasına ve turizmle ilişkisinin geliştirilmesine katkı sağlanacağı düşünülmektedir.


  • Ahunbay, Z. (2014). Historic Environment Conservation and Restoration. YEM Publishing House, Istanbul.
  • Akoglan Kozak, M. & Bahce, A. S. (2009). Special Interest Tourism. Detay Publishing, Ankara.
  • Akoglan Kozak, M., Evren, S. & Cakır, O. (2013). Tourism Paradigm in the Historical Process. Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research, 24(1), 7-22.
  • Akurgal, E. (1998). Anatolian Civilizations. Net Turistik Publications Inc; Istanbul.
  • Akyıldız, N. A. & Olgun, T. N. (2020a). Evaluation of Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Context of Conservation and Sustainability of Historical Settlements in Anatolia. Milli Folklor, 16(128), 234-243.
  • Akyıldız, N. A. & Olgun, T. N. (2020b). Evaluation of Sustainable Anatolian History and Traditional Residential Areas in the Context of Vitalization of Tangible Cultural Heritage with Tourism. Journal of Applied Tourism Research, 1(1), 145-158.
  • Aliagaoglu, A. (2004). Socio-cultural Heritage Tourism and Examples from Turkey. Ankara University Geography of Turkey Research and Application Center Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2(2), 50-64.
  • Andereck, K., Valentine, K. M., Knopf, R. & Vogt, C. (2005). Residents’ Perceptions of Community Tourism Impacts. Annals of Tourism Research, 32(4), 1056-1076.
  • Ankaralı, A. (2008). Utilization of Land in the Near Environment of Foca and Evaluation of the Consciousness of Utilization of Land in the Region. Dokuz Eylul University Institute of Educational Sciences, Master's Thesis, Izmir.
  • Arıkan, Z. (2016). From Alum Trade to Salt Trade Foca and its Heritage. Izmir Mediterranean Academy History Bookshelf-2, Izmir. ISBN: 978-975-18-0194-4.
  • Arınc, P. C. (2002). Cultural Tourism in Selcuk. Izmir: Ege University Institute of Social Sciences, Master's Thesis, Izmir.
  • Atalay, İ., Semenderoglu, A., Cukur, H. & Gumus, N. (1995). The Effects of Natural Environment Conditions on Tourism Potential in Urla-Cesme Peninsula. Project No: 0901.93.02.02, DEU Research Fund Treasury, Izmir.
  • Baldan, A. & Baldan, D. (2021). Izmir, Foca (City Center), Conservation Master Plan Studies. Foca 1st Stage Conservation Master Plan Amendment Plan Explanation and Research Report, BATIPLAN.
  • Baysan, S. (2002). Attitudes of the Local People on the Environmental Impacts of Tourism in the Case of Didim Coastal Area. IV. National Conference on Turkey's Coastal and Marine Areas, Book of Proceedings, Ankara, 599-608.
  • Besculides, A., Lee, M. E. & McCormick, P. J. (2002). Residents’Perceptions of the Cultural Benefits of Tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 29(2), 303–319. Bektas, C. (2009). Conservation and Repair. Literatur Publishing, Istanbul.
  • Binoy, T. A. (2011). Archaeological and Heritage Tourism Interpretation a Study. South Asian Journal of Tourism and Heritage. 4(1), 100-105.
  • Cetin, T. (2010). Cultural Heritage and Tourism Perception in Cumalıkızık Village, Milli Folklor, 22(87), 181-190.
  • Dal, N. & Baysan, S. (2007). Local People's Attitudes on Coastal Use and Spatial Effects of Tourism in Kusadası. Journal of Aegean Geography, 16, 69-85.
  • Degirmenci, İ. & Saribiyik, M. (2015). Cittaslow Movement in the Context of Sustainability in Historical Places: Taraklı Case. II. International Sustainable Buildings Symposium - ISBS, May 28-30, Ankara, 612-620.
  • Eralp, Z. (1983). General Tourism. Ankara University Press and Publication High School Publications, Ankara.
  • Ergurhan, E. (2008). The Use of Coastal Area in Foca and Evaluation of Coastal Use Consciousness. Dokuz Eylul University Institute of Educational Sciences, Master's Thesis, Izmir.
  • Guclusoy, H. & Kence, A. (2001). Evaluation of the Efficiency of Mediterranean Monk Seal Conservation Activities in Foca Special Environmental Protection Area (SEPA). III. National Conference on Coastal and Marine Areas of Turkey, Book of Proceedings, Istanbul, 345-355.
  • Gulersoy Zeren, N. (2002). Urban Conservation in Turkey: Lessons Learned from Similar Projects. Saving the Old Town of Prizren: Toward the People - With the People, Workshop of Experts, Kolping Kosova, 20-21 September, Prizren, Kosova, 22-27.
  • Gumus, N. & Semenderoglu, A. (2001). Evaluation of Akbuk Bay in terms of Sustainable Tourism Planning. III. National Conference on Coastal and Marine Areas of Turkey, Book of Proceedings, Istanbul, 251-260.
  • Gumus, N. & Ozupekce, S. (2009). Local People's Opinions on the Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Effects of Tourism in Foca. International Journal of Human Sciences, 6 (2), 398-417.
  • Heal, F. (1990). Hospitality in Early Modern England. Clarendon Publishing, New York.
  • Huh, J. (2002). Tourist Satisfaction With Cultural/Heritage Sites: The Virginia Historic Triangle, The Faculty Of The Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University, Master Thesis, Virginia.
  • Karaaslan, C. (2010). The Problem of Identity Loss in Historic Cities and Urban Revitalization Projects as a Solution. Master's Thesis, Ankara University Institute of Science and Technology, Ankara.
  • Kısa Ovalı, P. (2007). Comparison of Mass Tourism and Ecological Tourism in terms of Concept, Architecture and Environmental Effects. MEGARON, 2(2), 64-79.
  • Kısa Ovalı, P. & Tachir, G. (2015). Santorini as an Eco-Destination and Ecological Tourism Potentials. Tasarım+Kuram, 11(20), 35-51.
  • Madran, E. & Ozgonul, N. (2005). Protection of Cultural and Natural Values. (1st Edition). TMMOB Chamber of Architects Publications, Ankara.
  • Meydan Uygur, S. & Baykan, E. (2007). Cultural Tourism and the Effects of Tourism on Cultural Assets. Journal of Commerce and Tourism Education Faculty, 2, 30-49.
  • Okuyucu, A. & Somuncu, M. (2012). Determination of Local People's Perceptions and Attitudes in the Protection and Utilization of Cultural Heritage for Tourism Purposes: The Case of Osmaneli District Center. Ankara University Journal of Environmental Sciences, 4(1), 37-51.
  • Onur, M. (2009). Hafız Suleyman Aga Masjid in Foca. Izmir, History and Society, 5, 22-23.
  • Ozcan, C. (2014). Revitalization Studies with Cultural Tourism in Historic City Centers: Edirne Historic Kaleici Neighborhood Planning Proposals. Master's Thesis, Yıldız Technical University Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul.
  • Ozyigit, S. (1998). Fhokaia, Arkadas Matbaacılık, Izmir.
  • Poria, Y., Butler, R. & Airey, D. (2003). The Core of Heritage Tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 30(1), 238–254.
  • Richards, G. (2001). The Development of Cultural Tourism in Europe. Cultural Attractions and European Tourism. England: CAB International Publishing, Wallingford Oxon.
  • Turkyılmaz, B. Z., Guney, A. & Kaplan, A. (2003). The Studies on the Conservation of Natural Areas in the Case of Izmir/ Foca. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture, 40 (3), 139-148.
  • URL 1. Web: (Access Date: 22.03.2022).
  • URL 2. Web: Hakk%C4%B1nda.aspx (Access Date: 22.03.2022).
  • URL 3. Web: Osmanl%C4%B1_D%C3%B6neminde_Fo%C3%A7a.aspx, (Access Date: 22.03.2022).
  • Urry, J. (1999). Consuming Spaces. (Translation: R. G. Ogdul). Mart Publishing, Istanbul.
  • Yesilyurt, A. (2002). Reflection of Foca City History on Architectural Texture. Master's Thesis, Mimar Sinan University Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul.


Year 2023, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 1 - 16, 30.06.2023


Architectural conservation and tourism are two concepts that affect each other in many ways. The relationship between conservation and tourism, which has developed rapidly in the historical process, has been strengthened with the change and diversification of expectations from tourism. There are many examples of associating architectural heritage with touristic functions in Anatolian settlements where the relationship between conservation and tourism can be seen intensely. One of these examples is the settlement of Foca, which draws attention with its coastal tourism, natural qualities and cultural features. The architectural heritage that strengthens the relationship between conservation and tourism in Foca consists mostly of civil architectural works. In addition, the Ottoman period worship structures in the settlement also have qualities worth examining. While adding value to Foca's tourism potential; at the same time, bringing these structures to the forefront, which should be conserved and delivered to the future, is important in the context of the development of the relationship between conservation and tourism in the region. From this point of view, the study aims to draw attention to the importance of conserving the original elements of settlements with cultural heritage value, as well as keeping them alive through tourism. Scope of work; Fatih Mosque, Kayalar Mosque and Hafız Suleyman Masjid, which have survived to the present day with their spatial qualities and traditional architectural features, will be discussed in the context of the relationship between conservation and tourism. The method of the study, besides the literature and field research related to the structures examined; the study on the qualities that the conservation and tourism relationship brings to the settlements includes the evaluation of the data together. As a result of the study, especially Foca and other historical settlements in Anatolia; it is thought that it will contribute to the conservation of similar heritage and to the development of its relationship with tourism.


  • Ahunbay, Z. (2014). Historic Environment Conservation and Restoration. YEM Publishing House, Istanbul.
  • Akoglan Kozak, M. & Bahce, A. S. (2009). Special Interest Tourism. Detay Publishing, Ankara.
  • Akoglan Kozak, M., Evren, S. & Cakır, O. (2013). Tourism Paradigm in the Historical Process. Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research, 24(1), 7-22.
  • Akurgal, E. (1998). Anatolian Civilizations. Net Turistik Publications Inc; Istanbul.
  • Akyıldız, N. A. & Olgun, T. N. (2020a). Evaluation of Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Context of Conservation and Sustainability of Historical Settlements in Anatolia. Milli Folklor, 16(128), 234-243.
  • Akyıldız, N. A. & Olgun, T. N. (2020b). Evaluation of Sustainable Anatolian History and Traditional Residential Areas in the Context of Vitalization of Tangible Cultural Heritage with Tourism. Journal of Applied Tourism Research, 1(1), 145-158.
  • Aliagaoglu, A. (2004). Socio-cultural Heritage Tourism and Examples from Turkey. Ankara University Geography of Turkey Research and Application Center Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2(2), 50-64.
  • Andereck, K., Valentine, K. M., Knopf, R. & Vogt, C. (2005). Residents’ Perceptions of Community Tourism Impacts. Annals of Tourism Research, 32(4), 1056-1076.
  • Ankaralı, A. (2008). Utilization of Land in the Near Environment of Foca and Evaluation of the Consciousness of Utilization of Land in the Region. Dokuz Eylul University Institute of Educational Sciences, Master's Thesis, Izmir.
  • Arıkan, Z. (2016). From Alum Trade to Salt Trade Foca and its Heritage. Izmir Mediterranean Academy History Bookshelf-2, Izmir. ISBN: 978-975-18-0194-4.
  • Arınc, P. C. (2002). Cultural Tourism in Selcuk. Izmir: Ege University Institute of Social Sciences, Master's Thesis, Izmir.
  • Atalay, İ., Semenderoglu, A., Cukur, H. & Gumus, N. (1995). The Effects of Natural Environment Conditions on Tourism Potential in Urla-Cesme Peninsula. Project No: 0901.93.02.02, DEU Research Fund Treasury, Izmir.
  • Baldan, A. & Baldan, D. (2021). Izmir, Foca (City Center), Conservation Master Plan Studies. Foca 1st Stage Conservation Master Plan Amendment Plan Explanation and Research Report, BATIPLAN.
  • Baysan, S. (2002). Attitudes of the Local People on the Environmental Impacts of Tourism in the Case of Didim Coastal Area. IV. National Conference on Turkey's Coastal and Marine Areas, Book of Proceedings, Ankara, 599-608.
  • Besculides, A., Lee, M. E. & McCormick, P. J. (2002). Residents’Perceptions of the Cultural Benefits of Tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 29(2), 303–319. Bektas, C. (2009). Conservation and Repair. Literatur Publishing, Istanbul.
  • Binoy, T. A. (2011). Archaeological and Heritage Tourism Interpretation a Study. South Asian Journal of Tourism and Heritage. 4(1), 100-105.
  • Cetin, T. (2010). Cultural Heritage and Tourism Perception in Cumalıkızık Village, Milli Folklor, 22(87), 181-190.
  • Dal, N. & Baysan, S. (2007). Local People's Attitudes on Coastal Use and Spatial Effects of Tourism in Kusadası. Journal of Aegean Geography, 16, 69-85.
  • Degirmenci, İ. & Saribiyik, M. (2015). Cittaslow Movement in the Context of Sustainability in Historical Places: Taraklı Case. II. International Sustainable Buildings Symposium - ISBS, May 28-30, Ankara, 612-620.
  • Eralp, Z. (1983). General Tourism. Ankara University Press and Publication High School Publications, Ankara.
  • Ergurhan, E. (2008). The Use of Coastal Area in Foca and Evaluation of Coastal Use Consciousness. Dokuz Eylul University Institute of Educational Sciences, Master's Thesis, Izmir.
  • Guclusoy, H. & Kence, A. (2001). Evaluation of the Efficiency of Mediterranean Monk Seal Conservation Activities in Foca Special Environmental Protection Area (SEPA). III. National Conference on Coastal and Marine Areas of Turkey, Book of Proceedings, Istanbul, 345-355.
  • Gulersoy Zeren, N. (2002). Urban Conservation in Turkey: Lessons Learned from Similar Projects. Saving the Old Town of Prizren: Toward the People - With the People, Workshop of Experts, Kolping Kosova, 20-21 September, Prizren, Kosova, 22-27.
  • Gumus, N. & Semenderoglu, A. (2001). Evaluation of Akbuk Bay in terms of Sustainable Tourism Planning. III. National Conference on Coastal and Marine Areas of Turkey, Book of Proceedings, Istanbul, 251-260.
  • Gumus, N. & Ozupekce, S. (2009). Local People's Opinions on the Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Effects of Tourism in Foca. International Journal of Human Sciences, 6 (2), 398-417.
  • Heal, F. (1990). Hospitality in Early Modern England. Clarendon Publishing, New York.
  • Huh, J. (2002). Tourist Satisfaction With Cultural/Heritage Sites: The Virginia Historic Triangle, The Faculty Of The Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University, Master Thesis, Virginia.
  • Karaaslan, C. (2010). The Problem of Identity Loss in Historic Cities and Urban Revitalization Projects as a Solution. Master's Thesis, Ankara University Institute of Science and Technology, Ankara.
  • Kısa Ovalı, P. (2007). Comparison of Mass Tourism and Ecological Tourism in terms of Concept, Architecture and Environmental Effects. MEGARON, 2(2), 64-79.
  • Kısa Ovalı, P. & Tachir, G. (2015). Santorini as an Eco-Destination and Ecological Tourism Potentials. Tasarım+Kuram, 11(20), 35-51.
  • Madran, E. & Ozgonul, N. (2005). Protection of Cultural and Natural Values. (1st Edition). TMMOB Chamber of Architects Publications, Ankara.
  • Meydan Uygur, S. & Baykan, E. (2007). Cultural Tourism and the Effects of Tourism on Cultural Assets. Journal of Commerce and Tourism Education Faculty, 2, 30-49.
  • Okuyucu, A. & Somuncu, M. (2012). Determination of Local People's Perceptions and Attitudes in the Protection and Utilization of Cultural Heritage for Tourism Purposes: The Case of Osmaneli District Center. Ankara University Journal of Environmental Sciences, 4(1), 37-51.
  • Onur, M. (2009). Hafız Suleyman Aga Masjid in Foca. Izmir, History and Society, 5, 22-23.
  • Ozcan, C. (2014). Revitalization Studies with Cultural Tourism in Historic City Centers: Edirne Historic Kaleici Neighborhood Planning Proposals. Master's Thesis, Yıldız Technical University Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul.
  • Ozyigit, S. (1998). Fhokaia, Arkadas Matbaacılık, Izmir.
  • Poria, Y., Butler, R. & Airey, D. (2003). The Core of Heritage Tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 30(1), 238–254.
  • Richards, G. (2001). The Development of Cultural Tourism in Europe. Cultural Attractions and European Tourism. England: CAB International Publishing, Wallingford Oxon.
  • Turkyılmaz, B. Z., Guney, A. & Kaplan, A. (2003). The Studies on the Conservation of Natural Areas in the Case of Izmir/ Foca. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture, 40 (3), 139-148.
  • URL 1. Web: (Access Date: 22.03.2022).
  • URL 2. Web: Hakk%C4%B1nda.aspx (Access Date: 22.03.2022).
  • URL 3. Web: Osmanl%C4%B1_D%C3%B6neminde_Fo%C3%A7a.aspx, (Access Date: 22.03.2022).
  • Urry, J. (1999). Consuming Spaces. (Translation: R. G. Ogdul). Mart Publishing, Istanbul.
  • Yesilyurt, A. (2002). Reflection of Foca City History on Architectural Texture. Master's Thesis, Mimar Sinan University Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Architecture
Journal Section Articles

Nihal Arda Akyıldız 0000-0003-1948-188X

Publication Date June 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 5 Issue: 1
